The disclaimer telling all of you that I don't own any X-Men or GI Joe characters has gone off somewhere. Maybe Aruba? This is a series of stories connected to my Misfit Series. Takes place shortly after the events of Chapter 99 in The Final Chapter.

Pick Up The Pieces

Chapter One: The More Things Change

"Well Bayville's definitely looked better…" Emma Frost sighed as she looked out at the scenery from the tent. Her normally pure white uniform had smudges of dirt all over it.

"I don't think it's ever looked worse," Scott said. He was in uniform. They looked at the barren landscape. To the east there were rows and rows of tents. In the west dozens of mutants were clearing away rubble and burning anything that wasn't salvageable. "Bayville used to be a pretty nice place to live."

"And it will be again," Ororo said. Several mutants were in the tent surrounding a table with maps. Along with Scott, Emma and Ororo there were Hank, Logan, Xavier, Rocker Danko the leader of the MLF and Althea 'Wavedancer' Delgado, leader of the Misfits.

"I'm just amazed so many mutants decided to stay," Althea said, absently putting a hand through her now light blue hair. It used to be black with dyed blue streaks in it, but since the battle to save the world and her transformation into Aqua Seraphim it had permanently changed to an aqua blue. She wasn't complaining. In fact she preferred it.

"Where are they going to go Wavedancer?" Rocker the horse faced leader of the MLF asked. He was wearing a black trench coat over his bare chest and black pants that showed off the hooves on his feet. "Besides a lot of mutants want to make a brand new start. And since this place has been officially named a mutant reservation, a lot of people aren't anxious to leave. Anxious period but not to leave. "

"People are antsy all right," Logan grunted. "Did you really have to put that telepathic whammy on them this morning Frost? Once people find out what you did…"

"Logan a lot of them didn't exactly take the news of the X-Men and Misfits being in charge of their safety very well," Rocker said. "Some of them still blame you lot for the war."

"And we all know they're not completely wrong," Scott sighed.

"There are already wild stories going around how everyone is going to be fingerprinted and tattooed like they did to the Jews in Nazi Germany," Emma gave him a look. "It's thanks to my mental nudges that have kept full scale riots from breaking out."

"There was no other choice," Xavier said. "It's merely to keep people calm inside the camp."

"Yeah well all those army tanks outside the borders and those SHIELD helicarriers flying around ain't exactly reassuring to everyone," Rocker scoffed. "No wonder they're spooked."

"SHIELD has never been a good thing for mutants. They won't even let me talk to Jean," Scott frowned. "Saying that they want to make sure that she's not possessed anymore. But she's not! I know it!"

"It's standard procedure with all possessions, Scott," Althea said. "SHIELD just wants to make sure the Phoenix can't get out and cause trouble again. And to be honest, I can't say I blame them."

"I know. It's just…" Scott sighed. "I just found Jean again and then we get separated."

"Shima's there too to keep an eye on her. Not to mention they're checking Warren out. And it's only for the rest of the week," Althea said. "It's already Wednesday. She'll be back by Sunday."

"And by then maybe we'll finally start cleaning up this town," Rocker grunted. "What's left of it. If we can afford it."

"Of all the challenges we have of rebuilding the mansion and Bayville, funding isn't one of them," Emma smirked. "Between myself, Charles and Warren I think we have more than enough money to handle that aspect. It's all the other ten thousand little aspects we have to deal with."

"If Bayville is going to be rebuilt it needs leaders and planners," Rocker said. "Specifically a separate leader in charge of building Bayville. The leader will act as a temporary mayor until things get settled down and elections can be held. And it might be a good idea if the leader isn't an X-Man or a Misfit."

"Let me guess, you want to nominate yourself for the position?" Logan scoffed.

"How many communities have you built from practically nothing?" Rocker gave him a look. "Do you know how to create and properly run a budget for a group of people? Know what supplies you need and what government aid is available? Not to mention the proper channels to go through to get that aid as well as the less obvious ones? What funds need to take priority over others? Water and sewage systems, how much do you know about that?"

"I guess being a Morlock you'd know all about sewage, wouldn't you?" Logan snorted.

"And then some," Rocker glared at him. "I have successfully run many businesses, underground communities of mutants as well as a mutant liberation squad. You don't have to wear a big X on your chest to know how to get things done."

"He has a point," Althea said.

"Oh come on! You're not seriously…" Logan snarled.

"Logan, we have to face reality," Xavier interrupted. "Mister Danko is right. We can't run Bayville and set up our new mutant policing protocols at the same time. It would become a military state and that's the last thing we need to present to the public."

"So what? You're just gonna turn it over to this guy and his own private army?" Logan asked.

"Last I checked you're the army around here," Rocker snapped. "Remember? You're the police! A lot of mutants may be alive because of you but not all of them are grateful for it. Mutants are on edge. We only barely survived extinction less than two weeks ago. No one knows how long this legislation will protect them or if it will protect them. Most people want to rebuild the wall around this town in order to keep out another Sentinel attack! And quite frankly, someone like you shoving your claws in their faces telling them what to do isn't going to help."

"Wolverine don't even think of it!" Emma warned before Logan shot out his claws. "Rocker is right. He is the best candidate for the job."

"How can you even say that?" Logan snapped.

"Because it's the truth," Scott snapped. "A lot of mutants respect the MLF as well as humans. Whatever else we think of Rocker we have to admit he is good at organizing and keeping things nonviolent. At least in appearances."

"I'm not looking to become the next mutant messiah or some dictator," Rocker said. "I want to build a place where mutants can live peacefully without fear. Where mutants can do more than just fight for their existence. We need to build mutant owned and run businesses as well as find humans that are willing to come here and live with us in peace."

Rocker looked at Xavier. "Believe it or not Xavier I too believe in your dream of humans and mutants living together in peace. I just want to go about it in a more practical matter. You know more spending and less spandex? I've already made some calls and contacted several human family members of the mutants that are staying here. The more accepting and tolerant ones. And some of them are willing to relocate here in order to be with their children. And if we help them build their businesses the entire community will thrive."

"What kind of businesses?" Althea asked.

"There's one family with two mutant kids that are a family of bakers," Rocker said. "A human father and his mutant son want to open a dry cleaning store. There's a human mother with some mutant kids who's a dental assistant. If we could find a dentist that would make things perfect. Things like that. I've got about twenty three humans moving here so far. It's not much but it's a start."

"We are going to need jobs and businesses if Bayville is going to survive and thrive," Emma agreed.

"Looks like you've got it all figured out then," Logan grunted.

"Not all of it. But I know which path to go on," Rocker said. "And with all your help we can get our people on the right track."

"All right, so what first?" Scott let out a breath.

"I'm making plans for the layout of the new town," Rocker said. "Including Avalanche we have at least five earth movers and rock manipulators. Lorna and Zaladane are our only metal manipulators but there are several mutants that are strong enough to bend metal with their hands or powers. There are quite a few people with carpentry and plumbing experience. With a little luck we can start repaving the roads and rebuilding houses as soon as tomorrow."

"Willow and I have rounded up a few mutants that are plant manipulators and we can make the town green again," Ororo spoke. "And once everything is fixed I can refill the reservoir."

"A few Joes have volunteered their services in the rebuilding," Althea said. "What about the Xavier Institute?"

"I've already called in the contractors and gotten permission to rebuild," Xavier said. "The new Institute will be twice as big with separate dorm buildings for the newer students."

"A hospital that can service both human and mutant patients is sorely needed," Hank said. "There's only one mutant left that has healing abilities."

"Mender?" Scott asked.

"No, she was killed in the battle, remember?" Emma said. "There was another mutant on Avalon that can heal."

"Doctor Reyes and I have made a few contacts," Hank told them. "There are a couple of doctors and nurses willing to relocate to Bayville and help build up the hospital."

"I've called Reed Richards and Tony Stark and they agreed to donate time and materials to help rebuild essential buildings," Xavier said.

"Calling in some of your Illuminati contacts huh?" Rocker grunted. "Guess your little boy's club is good for something."

"For once I agree with you," Logan admitted.

"Can we revisit that topic another time and focus on what needs to be done now?" Emma sighed.

"Right," Scott said. "Okay we need to establish some patrols. I'll send Shadowcat, Rogue, Nightcrawler and Colossus on the morning patrol. Mostly to make sure no fights are breaking out in the camp. They'll be relieved tonight by Wolverine, Boom Boom, Gambit, and Cannonball."

"A couple things wrong with that roster, Cyclops," Hank sighed. "Tabitha's code name is Meltdown now and she's off the active roster. She's pregnant."

"What? When?" Scott was stunned. "And I mean the pregnancy, not the name change!"

"Sam confessed she's been pregnant for almost two months," Hank sighed. "They've been keeping it a secret. Kitty knew too. And so did Xi."

"Really?" Althea raised an eyebrow. "That's news to me."

"Why am I not surprised that she's the first one of our girls to get knocked up?" Logan grumbled.

"Oh God of all the times to…" Scott staggered.

"Come on Scott we need new mutants and like it or not Tabitha's baby is a blessing," Emma said. "If it's a mutant."

"It's a mutant all right," Hank gave her a look. "Apparently that's what gave Tabitha an upgrade in her powers. Plus Xi confirmed it was."

"You know I wondered how she got so powerful so quickly in such a short range of time," Logan thought. "Wait are you saying…?"

"I don't know. Her new powers are somehow tied to her baby but we don't know for sure if the stress triggered them or if the baby itself had something to do with it," Hank said. "There's a slight chance Tabitha's powers could regress after the baby is born or they could grow even further."

"I can't believe she went into battle in her condition!" Ororo was stunned.

"I guess to Tabitha if we were all going to be killed it didn't matter much if she was pregnant or not," Althea said. "If we didn't stop the Sentinels and Apocalypse and…"

"We get it," Scott held up his hand. "How's…?"

"The baby itself is fine. But Tabitha is exhausted, both mentally and physically," Hank said. "I've confined her to bed rest back at the mansion in San Francisco. Danielle's looking after her. The battle took a lot out of the poor girl."

"Not to mention the fact that Amara's death hit her pretty hard," Logan sighed. "And we all know who's responsible for that."

"You're not responsible for Daken," Althea said.

"You have to admit my family's caused more than its share of pain in this damn war," Logan growled. "And they're still out there causing who knows what kind of trouble."

"I think even Sabertooth and the cubs are smart enough to stay under the radar for a while," Hank said. "They've pretty much burned their bridges with Magneto and anyone else."

"That only makes them more dangerous," Logan sighed.

"That's a topic for another meeting," Scott said. "We have to plan Bayville for now and set up the new mansion."

"I'm keeping some of my people in LA and San Francisco with the mutant communities there," Rocker told them. "I don't think it's a good idea to bring all the mutants in the world together in one place."

"Agreed," Scott sighed. "Last thing we need in the world is to be a giant target. Well more of a target than we already are."

"I don't think even the FOH and our worst enemies are going to attack us now," Bobby said. "There's too much damage all over the world for them to…"

"Don't be so sure," Rocker interrupted him. "Peace or not they'll find a way to stir things up."

"All the more reason to work together and keep our wits about," Emma nodded.

"It's not just the humans we have to worry about," Althea said. "Magneto took quite a few die hards off to Genosha to rebuild the island. And from what I've heard a lot of mutants from Europe and Asia are joining him."

"Let's not forget those Hounds that will stir up the MRD any chance they get," Logan pointed out.

"You won't have to worry about the MRD," Nick Fury walked into the tent. "As of an hour ago the president signed the papers officially disbanding them."

"Good riddance," Logan growled.

"Hey you X-Men and Misfits are the new official mutant police now so keeping the MRD is redundant," Fury shrugged. "Especially after all the corruption and the scandal linked to that organization."

"Can't believe a lot of those madmen are still walking around free after all the misery they caused," Ororo shook her head.

"Actually one of your first investigations is going to be into the activities of the MRD," Fury smirked. "Before he resigned Haskett gave a lot of information on the investigations in his own organization. Everything from murder to drug dealing and quite a few instances of corruption. And not all of it was mutant related."

"Haskett turned on his old organization just to keep from going to jail huh?" Logan growled.

"Not just him, half of the MRD wasn't exactly crazy about how the other half of the MRD was breaking the law so openly during the uprising," Fury said. "A lot of humans had their rights violated and want to see those guys in jail too. The problem is that it can't just all be humans prosecuted for what happened during that time. "The public needs to see at least one mutant brought to justice too."

"You aren't saying Jean…?" Ororo gasped.

"Since Jean was proven to be possessed by a powerful cosmic entity she's not going to be held responsible for what the Phoenix did," Fury said. "And so far she's passing all our doc's psyche tests with flying colors. It's not her we're interested in. Or Worthington because he was brainwashed too. It's the survivors of X-Force."

"You mean Willow and Multiple?" Althea asked.

"More specifically Multiple," Fury said.

"Why him and not Willow?" Emma asked.

"Because Willow wasn't photographed murdering dozens of people on camera," Fury said. "I have no doubt she did more than her fair share of killing. But she was smart enough to destroy almost all the evidence of it. Multiple on the other hand…" He pulled out some pictures. "We got these images from a black box in a secret government run facility out in Texas. These pictures clearly show Multiple and his dupes killing several scientists, including one Harper Pryce. A very well-known geneticist."

"And anti-mutant hater," Logan frowned.

"That building was owned and run by Richard Strand," Fury pointed to one picture. "And as you see in these other pictures from another security camera, Multiple and his dupes were filmed entering his house and killing him two days later."

"I know about Strand. He was one of Eddingtons' friends," Althea frowned. "Had a high tech company that specialized in weapons building. Then he started to make weapons specially designed to contain or kill mutants."

"He was also friends with a few other well-known people, including a few senators and generals," Fury said. "And those friends aren't too happy about what Multiple did."

"Wait Strand and this other guy killed a lot of mutants and tortured them in his labs," Althea said.

"True but Multiple also killed a lot of guards and researchers, as well as his butler and personal body guard," Fury said. "And at least one other mutant. Granted it was a mercy killing but still…"

"Goddess…" Ororo was stunned as she saw the pictures.

"My superiors are willing to make a plea bargain with Willow if she agrees to enter the custody of the Misfits and be rehabilitated," Fury said. "But they are not going to budge on Multiple. And the fact that he used to be an X-Man hasn't exactly escaped their attention. Or will the attention of the press."

"There's the real reason you're going after Multiple," Emma frowned.

"Look in order for this truce to work it can't just all be humans punished for their actions during the war," Fury pointed out. "At least one mutant is gonna have to take the blame and let's face it, Mr. Maddox is the best candidate."

"You're going after Jamie because he used to be one of us," Scott gritted his teeth.

"Used to, as in past tense," Fury said. "Willow was an Eloi before this whole thing. Who cares about a lesser known mutant from some group that no one has ever heard about? Multiple was one of you, an X-Man. And you are supposed to be the new police force for mutant kind. If you can't bring one of your own in…"

"So you want us to throw Jamie to the wolves for political reasons?" Hank snarled. "He's a teenage boy!"

"A teenage boy who's done plenty of killing," Fury said.

"It was war! He had no choice!" Hank shouted.

"And we have no choice Hank! You know what damage X-Force did," Emma said. "It's a small sacrifice that has to be made."

"Jamie is no damn sacrificial lamb!" Logan snapped.

"I agree," Ororo said. "This is reprehensible."

"For crying out loud Storm there's photographs and video of him ripping people apart with his bare hands!" Emma snapped. "You really think this is just going to go away?"

"It's not. If we're going to have any credibility we need to do our jobs," Scott sighed. "We have to bring Multiple in and turn him over to the authorities."

"Cyclops is right. None of us likes ratting out a fellow mutant but this is just too much," Rocker agreed. "See this is why I don't like to put my team on the evening news unless I have to."

"And the fact that Multiple's arrest will take away any attention the media would have on the MLF's activities wouldn't hurt," Fury grunted.

"If you have any evidence of MLF fowl play then by all means show me," Rocker challenge. "I will personally escort any one of my team to prison myself if you do!"

"You know there's no real evidence, not for lack of us looking," Fury grumbled.

"Because there is no evidence to find," Rocker said. "The MLF stresses peaceful coexistence with humanity."

"Funny how some of your most vocal critics of your peaceful organization end up dead or in prison," Fury quipped.

"The ones in prison were corrupt senators and businessmen lining their own pockets with taxpayer money," Rocker said calmly. "And living a very corrupt lifestyle. I would think anyone would be against that, mutant hater or not."

"What about all those guys in Purity or anti-mutant senators?" Fury asked. "You know, the ones who had heart attacks? All one hundred and fifty seven of them?"

"Well heart attacks are one of the leading causes of death in this country as well as other diseases linked with obesity," Rocker said. "Most of those people had terrible diets. The coroner report on every single one of them clearly does not state foul play."

"A very skilled telekinetic can induce a heart attack. There'd be no evidence and you know it!" Fury snapped. "What about that senator that was electrocuted in his own hot tub?"

"He put a radio too close to the water," Rocker said.

"Him and fifty other guys," Fury snapped. "Electrocutions of prominent men in hot tubs skyrocketed to a hundred and fifty percent during the Mutant Uprising! Particularly those areas where the MLF was known to inhabit!"

"This is not about the MLF," Rocker pointed out. "This is about your vendetta against a single mutant to make SHIELD look good. And you're hardly one to talk, Fury. Wolverine has told us all about certain operations in the past. You were more than willing to assassinate several people for the greater good. So don't act like you are better than the rest of us. Unlike SHIELD there are some depths that the MLF won't sink too."

"You're right on one thing, this isn't about the MLF," Fury said. "It's about Multiple."

"There is no choice," Xavier sighed. "Multiple must be held accountable for his actions."

"Is there a way to get him transferred to the Misfits?" Althea asked.

"Sorry Wavedancer, but my superiors and the public are out for blood on this," Fury sighed. "Some of these pictures have already leaked onto the Internet. It's just a matter of time. They want at least one mutant in jail."

"What about Shaw Jr. and some of those other losers from Madripoor?" Althea asked. "Why can't you make an example of them?"

"We are. However none of them were ever X-Men. Multiple has to spend some time behind bars but I think I might be able to pull some strings to cut his time short," Fury said. "I've seen some of those labs that X-Force raided. I know what went on there."

"And yet while the war was going on, you didn't lift a finger to do anything about them!" Logan barked.

"Like you didn't lift a finger to take down X-Force?" Fury snapped. "I know you and that Testukaeru whatever he is were there in Las Vegas that day. You remember? The day that mutant nearly destroyed the city."

Scott and the others were grateful that Fury and SHIELD had no clue that Todd was Tetsukaeru and Althea was Aqua Seraphim. "We were trying to stop X-Force from using Testukaeru to wage war," Scott said. This was basically the truth.

"Didn't work that well. You know none of you ever explained to me about that whole Tetsukaeru and Aqua Seraphim," Fury glared. "Who are they and where did they come from?"

"We told you, they are entities similar to the Phoenix bound to protect this world," Althea said. "With the Phoenix under control I don't think you'll see them for a while."

"Don't be too offended if I don't take your word for it," Fury said. "You are all aware that the president is planning to sign the Mutant Protection Act next week in accordance with your compliance for working for the government. It would be a shame if something would stop it and the X-Men and Misfits' competence would be called into question wouldn't it? It would mean SHIELD would have to pick up the slack."

"Yeah we get the message," Logan snarled. "Loud and clear."

"Good. I'm giving you two days to give me Multiple, which is more than generous!" Fury told him. "I expect the X-Men to hand over Multiple to my men by then." He left the tent.

"That son of a bitch," Logan snarled as Fury left in a helicopter.

"Like it or not we have to…" Scott began to discuss the situation.

"Wait check for bugs first," Rocker held up his hand. "Let's not talk too freely just now."

"Good idea," Logan took out a small scanner.

"Don't you think that's rather paranoid?" Hank asked.

"Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you," Althea looked under the table. She pulled out a small transmitter. "Specially made."

"So it wouldn't come up on any scanners," Logan took it. "Nice try Fury!" He crushed it in his hand.

"I didn't even see him put it there," Scott said.

"Neither did I. Which tells you how good Fury is," Logan growled. He quickly inspected the outside of the tent. He came back with a destroyed metal bird in his claws. "Trusting little bastard isn't he?"

"I can't believe Fury would do that!" Hank gasped.

"I can," Rocker said. "Truce or not we can never fully trust SHIELD."

"Looks like we're clear," Althea said as she checked her scanner and the rest of the tent. "We can talk now."

"The subject of Multiple is certainly going to be a sore one," Hank sighed.

"I feel like we're betraying the kid when we didn't do that much different than what he did," Logan grunted.

"Logan we must pick our battles and fighting over Multiple is one fight we can't win," Emma said. "There are a lot of other mutants we need to watch over now."

"One must be sacrificed for the good of many," Hank mocked.

"We've heard that before," Logan said. "So how are we going to do this?"

"I'll talk to Jamie myself tomorrow and explain the situation," Scott said. "I wish I could think of another way. Thanks Wavedancer for at least trying to help Jamie."

"I'll see if I can do more," Althea said. "But right now I don't know what. I'm just grateful nobody noticed where Tetsukaeru and Aqua Seraphim came from."

"By the time they showed up most of the satellite cameras were either destroyed or focused on other parts of the world," Emma said. "And none of Fury or his lackeys were close enough to see…Well you get the idea. Everything was rather chaotic."

"Too busy to notice you and Toad suddenly disappearing from the fight," Rocker nodded. "The humans can't know about you two. If they did…"

"We're too tempting a target. I know," Althea said. "And so does Todd."

"Can't believe that nobody's figured out that your hair and Aqua Seraphim's hair is the same shade of blue," Scott blinked.

"Women dye their hair all the time," Althea smirked. "Blue is the latest fashion. Right Beast?"

"You have to admit it's not exactly an uncommon color among mutants," Hank smirked.

"Hey guys! You have to see this!" Todd burst in with Lance, Fred and Bobby behind him.

"What are you doing here?" Logan groaned.

"Did you tell them yet?" Lance asked.

"Not yet," Althea smirked.

"Ooh! Good! I wanna tell 'em!" Todd said.

"I'll tell them," Lance gave him a look.

"Tell us what?" Scott asked.

"They want to tell you some big announcement. I saw Fury leave. What was all that about?" Bobby asked.

"We'll tell you later," Scott said. "So what's the big news?"

"We're rebuilding Misfit Manor right here in Bayville," Lance smirked. "In ironically one of the few buildings that's still standing."

"Why is that so ironic?" Bobby asked.

"Wait a minute, you're not telling us…?" Scott blinked.

"You're kidding?" Emma's jaw dropped.

"What? Am I missing something here?" Bobby asked. "Don't answer that."

"For once Iceman you ain't the only one," Logan growled. "Where are you guys setting up?"

"Over there," Todd pointed. "Just over that hill."

"What's over that hill?" Bobby asked as they walked out of the tent and up to a small hill nearby.

"Doesn't this area look familiar to you?" Todd asked.

"Not really. Everything is torn up or wrecked beyond recognition," Logan said. "Even I'm having trouble figuring out where in Bayville we are."

"Well here's a huge clue…" Scott said as they came upon what the Misfits were talking about. "I don't believe it!"

"You have got to be kidding me!" Bobby yelled.

"It figures…" Emma groaned.

"That's right folks," Todd pointed to what was once the Brotherhood of Bayville Boardinghouse. Actually it still was the Brotherhood of Bayville Boardinghouse because it was still standing tall. "Welcome to the once and future home of everybody's favorite Toad!"

"I can't believe that dump is still standing!" Scott shouted.

"Neither can we," Lance smirked. "Which is pretty funny if you think about it. I mean, how many times has the Xavier Institute got blown up or wrecked?"

"I stopped counting at four," Bobby sighed.

"And yet our old stomping grounds still stand," Lance smirked. "Your fancy pants mansion gets wrecked all the time, but our old dump is still standing."

"Barely standing but still standing," Logan groaned.

"The Misfits in Bayville…Oh God…" Emma groaned.

"So instead of teleporting over from halfway across the country to annoy us, you guys just have a short drive to annoy us?" Scott threw up his hands. "The perfect end to a perfect day!"

"My tenure as mayor just got a whole lot more interesting didn't it?" Rocker asked.

"And then some," Hank sighed.

"See we're gonna expand the back and dig out the basement below so we can have a few more rooms," Todd explained. "Then we're gonna put a pool over there. A garage and hangar over there. An outside training area over there…"

"And I am going to go throw up over here!" Scott pointed.

And the Madness begins again...