
Chapter Three


Izayoi and Vitani walked out of another store laughing, their arms filled with bags. They'd spent the entire morning shopping for clothes and cool gifts for the younger girl to bring back to her friends in Kirigakure. The two women had gone to breakfast and enjoyed the wonderful food with some witty banter. Turns out, their mothers' rivalry was not hereditary. "Well what do you want to do next?" Izayoi asked, shifting her bags to one arm. "We could get some lunch or a treat. Or go to the hot springs, maybe the spa?"

"I am kind of hungry." Vitani said.

"Alright. Well let's drop all this stuff off and then we can go grab some lunch." The dark haired woman smiled. They headed off then, talking excitedly about what they were craving and making a couple fat jokes at one another, all in good humor. After they stopped by both Vitani's hotel and Izayoi's house in the Uchiha Prefecture, they went back to the center of the village, trying to locate a restaurant. "Hm." Izayoi tapped her chin.

Both women looked deep in thought, searching around as someone suddenly yelled between them, making them yell in turn and jump, whirling around to see Noriaki with a ridiculously devious grin on his face.

"Hey ladies." He straightened up, not losing his confident smile. "What are you guys up to?"

"We were just looking for a place to have lunch at." Vitani said with a smile, placing her hand over her racing heart. That had scared the crap out of her.

"Sounds like you guys could use an escort." He smirked, wagging his brow as he locked gazes with Vitani.

Izayoi rolled her eyes and hit Noriaki over the head. "No thanks."

A man landed beside them, wearing a jounin vest and saluted the two Uchihas. "Noriaki-sama." He bowed to the elder. "Izayoi-sama." He nodded to her then. "Your mother wishes for you to join her in the hospital Izayoi-sama."

The woman sighed and looked off, not appearing happy. "Fine." She turned to her new friend then and gave her an apologetic stare. "Sorry. Would you mind a rain check?"

"Sure, no problem." Vitani said. "I can always just go and order room service at the hotel or something."

"Nonsense." Noriaki waved off the matter. "I will take you out to lunch."

Izayoi arched a delicate brow and gave him a hard stare. He blinked, leaning back as his sister leaned forward. "I swear." He held up his hands in surrender. "No ulterior motive."

Vitani laughed. "It's fine Izayoi, I can take care of myself. And he isn't as charming as he thinks he is anyways." she smirked, looking up at him.

"When did I ever say I was charming?" he arched a curious brow, unable to stop himself from grinning.

"Just don't do anything bad." Izayoi scolded, moving away from him and then waving to Vitani. "See you later." She said before disappearing in a wisp of sand.

She blinked, staring at the spot where her friend had just been. "That is so cool." She said, looking back at Noriaki.

He shrugged. "It's alright."

"You only say that because you can do it." she pointed out. "So, where are we going to lunch?"

"Wherever you want I guess." He said, looking around and shoving his hands in his pockets. "What kind of food do you like?"

"Spicy food." She smiled.

He returned the expression. "I know a great place for spicy food." He said, beginning to walk off towards a nice, casual looking restaurant. They went inside, and once the host saw who it was at the stand he seated them immediately.

"Enjoy." He lowered his head, offering them the menus before disappearing.

Vitani looked at hers, feeling her mouth begin to water at the sight of everything they offered. "I don't know what to get." She said, glancing over her menu at him.

Noriaki shrugged once more. "I don't know what you like. So I don't know why you're asking me." He laughed, looking over it a bit more before putting it down since he knew what he wanted.

"I didn't hear a question in my statement." She pointed out, the corner of her lip lifted up a bit as she set her menu down. "But don't worry, I found something." She said, her tone making it clear that she was just messing with him.

"It was implied." He replied simply, looking up at the waiter as he came and took their order, assuring them he would have their drinks right out. "So, how do you like Konoha so far?"

"Pretty well." She said. "It's a lot different here than in Kiri. Less…wet."

The Uchiha's smirk grew, "I could help change that for you if you want." He said in a suggestive manner, looking playful.

She smirked. "I'm sure you can't do anything to me that I couldn't do myself." She joked.

His eyes widened, and his smile only grew. "A dirty little devious one we have here. I think you and I will get along swimmingly."

She giggled. "Good. It would be nice to have some friends from a different village."

Noriaki actually looked genuine for a moment. "I think that would be great. And," he shrugged, leaning back in his chair. "Only unless you really want to, we can fool around. Other than that, I think we should hang some, you know? I don't train all the time like my lower little brother. And I don't have all too much going on right now, so perfect timing."

"Cool." She nodded as their drinks were delivered. "That would be nice. A lot better than being forced to spend time with my grandparents." She rolled her eyes.

"How come you don't like your grandparents?"

"They're so…annoying. My grandma always pinches my cheeks, and then my grandpa talks about how I need to be married off soon, cause' I'm not getting any younger." She sighed, propping her chin up with her hand. "Not to mention the fact that they absolutely despise my dad, and give my mom whatever she wants, which only makes her more annoying."

"Wow…" he blinked, "That does suck. I'm glad my grandparents aren't like that." He laughed, moving his hands as the waiter came and set his spicy seafood in front of him.

Vitani moved as well as her own meal was placed before her. "Yeah. But I don't see them that often, so it isn't that bad." She took a bite of her food, smiling at the zesty flavor.

"My grandparents are fantastic." He smiled, looking truly happy. "From both sides. Though…" he sighed. "My grandfather likes Sanosuke and Kanamé the most."

"Why?" she asked, genuinely confused. "Sanosuke barely ever talks, and looks bored all the time."

Noriaki pulled off the shell to one of the crawfish and tossed it to his spare plate. "Cause he's exactly the same, save for he's a bit nicer and secretly loves my mom a lot. And Kanamé's the 'eldest'." He scoffed making air quotes. "Like that fucking matters. He's only two minutes older than me, but somehow he just came out perfect and he's not bad at anything, it sucks. And my grandfather and dad just eat it up."

"It probably has to do with them thinking lightning is better than fire." She said, taking another bite. "But if you ask me, fire is just as good. Although, my kekkei genkai involves lava, so I'm biased." She smiled at him.

"Doesn't make him any less perfect. My grandfather likes his 'stature' so he says. 'It's very Uchiha-like,'" he rolled his eyes.

"Well I bet you're just as good as he is." She said. "Besides, as far as I can tell, he doesn't have your wonderful sense of humor."

"No. He does. You just don't know him that well so he's kind of quiet." Noriaki said simply, tossing the meat into his mouth. "But I guess so is the fate of the second born."

"I wouldn't know." She shrugged, taking another bite. "Though I think you should count yourself lucky. At least you have siblings that love you. Being an only child sucks."

Noriaki laughed. "Oh I'm sure it does. My dad told me how boring it was when he was a kid. All he had was this really annoying pink haired girl who just wouldn't leave him alone." He smirked.

"Then I guess there's hope for me!" she declared with a smile, throwing her hands up in the air. "Since they turned out so well." She set her hands back on the table. He looked a bit confused, scratching his head.

"I don't think you're annoying."

"I meant not being alone for the rest of my life." She clarified. "I know I'm not annoying."

A look of realization flashed across his façade and he chuckled. "I wouldn't worry about that. You're pretty hot and I can't really see anything wrong with your personality. You'll get a good guy."

"You say that," she held up a finger, smiling to show that this was all in good humor. "Because you don't know me that well. I can be a bitch sometimes. I'm one of those people who says it like it is." She shrugged. "No matter what people will think."

"My sister is the cross between an Uchiha and a Sabaku. Two lines who don't give a shit what anyone thinks. Trust me. I think you'll be fine." He waved off the warning and finished up, pulling out his wallet and tossing some bills on the table, since she was finished as well.

"You didn't have to pay for all of it." she said as they both stood and left the restaurant. "I could have covered my food."

He held up his hand and shook his head. "No, no. As vulgar as I may be, I'm an Uchiha and a gentleman in these matters."

"Eh, your vulgarity doesn't bother me. My dad's pretty bad." She smiled as they walked down the street.

"Differs me from the rest of my family, so I try to lace it on pretty hard." He smirked and then it vanished when he glanced forward, stopping as a familiar Uchiha stopped in front of them.

"Noriaki, not up to trouble are you?" Kanamé asked, giving his brother a small smile. Then his jade depths lowered to the girl beside him. "Hello Vitani." he said, his smile seeming to grow.

"Hey Kanamé." She returned his smile. "What are you up to?"

"Nothing really, just roaming around after a morning with my father." He shrugged, making Noriaki roll his eyes.

"Are you training to be the next Hokage?" she asked with a raised brow.

He nodded. "Yeah. It's pretty boring, and I already know all the things my father is telling me. Nori and I used to go with him to work sometimes and help him out."

The younger of the males continued to roll his eyes with every word spoken. "See you losers later." He waved, walking off, not giving either a chance to object. Kanamé stared after him, a bit confused.

"Is something wrong?" he asked, looking back at her from his brother's back.

"He's still a bit upset about last night." She sighed.

"Ah." He nodded, glancing back in attempts to glimpse his brother once more.

"Yeah. But he seems like he's in a bit of a better mood than he was." She shrugged. "I mean he was pretty chill at lunch."

Kanamé smiled, "Well that's good."

Vitani looked up at him. "So what are you doing for the rest of the day?" she asked with a small smile. Maybe if he wasn't busy she could hang out with him. Not that she really wanted to. It wasn't like his good looks, charm, and killer smile were the reasons why she didn't want their exchange to end so soon. Nope. She was just being friendly, that's all.

"Well, nothing really." He shrugged, sticking his hands in his pockets. "I was going to go to the hot springs. Want to come with?"

Her eyes widened, and she fought to keep the blush from her face, happy that she was successful. The hot springs? With him? As in, they would be practically naked in the water together? She'd never done that before…perhaps it wasn't a good idea. What if he was just going to try and take advantage of her, like her mother always said Uchihas did? She shook those thoughts away. Kanamé wasn't like that, she could just tell. Besides, he was super hot, and she would be a fool to give up the chance to see him without a shirt on. "I'd love too!" she said, hoping that she didn't sound as excited as she actually was. "I have been curious to visit the Konoha hot springs since arriving in the village."

"They are pretty great. But then again, we are famous for them." Kanamé said, with a small smirk. He led her then, talking idly about the weather and what she'd bought with Izayoi earlier. And finally they arrived at the beautiful springs. The Uchiha grabbed the door and held it open for her before following her in and stopping beside her when they reached the front. "Can we get a private spring please?" the dark hared man asked the woman at the counter, who was practically eye raping him.

She looked only a bit older than Vitani, her luscious blonde hair falling around her face and her sparkling hazel eyes. She leaned forward, giving them both a little too much to view. "How private do you want that to be?" she pursed.

Kanamé arched a brow, not looking too pleased with the prospect. "Uh…pretty private thanks."

"I don't think she knows the definition of private." Vitani smirked, crossing her arms. "Since obviously she leaves herself open to public viewing." Seriously, what was the deal with these women? Her father had always told her that if a guy was interested in you, he would let you know. So why go to the trouble of trying to snag their attention with your physical traits, when you should really want him to like you for who you are? Not to mention she just looked stupid and desperate.

"Like you can talk you little twat. What are you, twelve?" the blonde sneered.

Her aqua gaze narrowed as she stiffened at the jab. Oh, it was so on. She was going to knock this girl down a few pegs, before knocking her out with her fist. And it would be a pleasure. "Will you please just shut up already." Kanamé snapped, glaring at her and actually making the haughty look vanish from her face. He leaned over the desk and glanced down, picking his normal number and the key. He took hold of Vitani's hand and pulled her off with him towards the hall.

This time she did allow a blush to come to her face, though it was only because she was trailing behind Kanamé, so he couldn't see. He was holding her hand. Skin on skin contact. And he was very warm. She shivered slightly, but quickly schooled her expression as they neared the room, since she didn't want him to see the look of pure bliss that had crossed her façade.

Once they were in the room, he shut the door and continued into the steamy area where there were folded towels and benches. "Now, I promise not to look." He said, glancing back at her with a devious smirk. "So long as you be good as well." He waved a finger in her face, releasing her hand and walking to the other side of the bench, pulling his black shirt over his head and revealing his muscular back.

"Like I would be tempted." She teased, though her blush said otherwise as she took in the contours of his back. She turned away then and quickly undressed, not wanting him to finish before her. She picked up her towel and then wrapped it around herself, tucking it so that it wouldn't fall. "I'm done." She announced.

"As am I." he said, turning around. His hand was low, holding his towel up, though it was low enough to reveal the incline of his pelvis. "Ready?"

Her gaze slid down his chest, lingering on his pelvis. "Yeah." She said, sounding as if she was in a daze. She visibly shook her head then and trained her eyes on the door and marched over to it. "Come on." She ordered, as she walked past him before sliding it open, trying to act normal.

He followed after her, stopping almost right against her since she'd frozen at the sight of the tranquil bath. Kanamé simply laughed. "So you like it?"

"It's beautiful." She breathed out. Then her face grew hot as she realized that he was right behind her. She moved forward, slowly getting into the warm water, smiling at the feel. "This is nice." She lowered as she moved farther into the water so that all that was above the water was her shoulders and head.

Kanamé followed her in and sunk down, taking a seat on one of the carved rocks. "Ahh…" he breathed out.

Vitani just stared at him, mostly looking at his chest. Her situation was just now beginning to sink in. She was naked, in a hot springs, with an equally naked Kanamé, a mere five feet away from her. Naughty images began to enter her mind, causing her cheeks to darken in embarrassment. "Did you know that going to a spa in order to feel better is called balneotherapy?" she asked somewhat nervously.

The dark haired man opened his eyes and blinked, staring at her, an extremely confused expression coming to his features. "Huh?"

"Balneotherapy. It's the term used for describing spa treatment, including the drinking of waters and the use of hot baths and natural vapor baths, as well as of the various kinds of mud and sand used for hot applications." She told him. "It refers to the medical use of spas like this one, as opposed to recreational use. Did you know that there are tons of minerals in spa water too?" she asked, lifting her hands to count them off on her fingers. "There's sodium, magnesium, calcium, iron, lithium, potassium, bromine, iodine…" she froze when she glanced up at him and noticed the look on his face. Crap. She'd started rambling informational things in her nervousness of the entire situation, and now had just made a complete fool of herself. She dropped her arms back into the water then, before sinking so that her shoulders and mouth were submerged as well as she looked at him with wide eyes. This way she wouldn't talk anymore, and make him think she was a nerd.

"How do you know all that?" he asked, seeming extremely intrigued.

She raised herself from the water enough to speak. Should she tell him the truth? She might as well, because lying about it wasn't going to work this time, and he wasn't an idiot. "I read a lot." She said softly.

"That's amazing." He laughed. "How on earth can you retain all of that? It's phenomenal."

Her blush darkened at his compliment, though her brow furrowed. "You don't think it's dorky?" she asked.

Kanamé frowned, "Why would being smart be dorky?"

"That's what everyone told me growing up." She shrugged. "And most guys feel intimidated when a woman is smarter than them, so I wasn't ever asked out on dates." She told him. "That's why I try to cover it up…when I let something slip…I don't want people to call me a nerd."

"Well," he smiled once more. "I promise I don't think you're a nerd. In fact, it's pretty hot, those insane facts you know, if I do say do myself."

A timid smile came to her face, and she didn't even care about hiding her blush. She'd never met a boy before that actually liked the fact that she was so smart. And she definitely never pictured finding one that was as attractive as the eldest Uchiha sibling. It was enough to almost make her pass out. Almost. "Thanks." She said. "It's not really that hard though, when you have a photographic memory."

He nodded. "That's pretty impressive. Us men are mostly brutes who are only smart enough to stay out of the doghouse." He laughed, sinking lower into the water as he ran the hot liquid over his arms.

Her eyes followed the action. "Yeah…you look pretty strong." She said softly. Then she smirked, looking back up at his eyes. "Though, it takes more than strength to impress a real lady you know. So if that's really all you have," She lifted her shoulder, before running some water over her arms and shoulders, "you might be out of luck."

"Probably." He chuckled. "I think unfortunately I take after my grandfather in the aspect of being too blunt and saying the wrong thing to women. Or at least it's not what they want to hear." Kanamé sighed, quickly diving beneath the water to wet his hair. Once he resurfaced he let out a refreshed breath and stretched.

"At least you don't lie to them." She said, laying her head back to wet her hair and scalp in the water, running her fingers through it. "Personally, I think it's a good quality to have, though that's probably because I don't candy-coat things myself." She straightened.

Kanamé snickered. "Please. How can you candy-coat anything with your analytical answers."

"I could if I tried hard enough." She smirked, beginning to run her fingers through her hair. "If I liked the person…maybe."

The elder chuckled, standing in the water and walking over to her before kneeling down in front of her. "Doubt it." He whispered, their faces closer than they had ever been.

Vitani could feel her heart rate pick up at their close proximity, and the smirk fell right off of her face. "I totally could." She said softly, glancing down at his mouth before looking back at his beautiful jade eyes. Was he going to kiss her? In the romance novels that she read, this was usually when the man kissed the woman. It was the perfect moment for her to get her first kiss.

He lifted his hand from the water, and for a moment she thought he was going to cup her cheek. "You look a bit red." He said, placing the back of his hand against her forehead. "So either you're overheated from the springs, or just flustered because you have spatial issues." The Uchiha smirked, looking just as cocky as the rest of them.

She glared at him lightly, a frown marring her brow. So much for having the perfect moment. She should have expected this from him, he was an Uchiha after all. And all they did was manipulate people so that they could humiliate them. Her mother had said so. "I do not have issues of any kind." She huffed, moving so that she was no longer beneath his hand. Then she slid past him, making her way towards the steps so that she could go and get dressed in her clothes.

Kanamé looked back at her, following her with his now crimson eyes. He sighed and leaned against the back wall, watching her with a bored expression as she got up from the water. She walked over to the door to the changing room, disappearing behind it without a glance back at him.

She dropped her towel, picking up the dry one in order to wipe the water from her body. She got dressed as quickly as possible, running her fingers through her wet locks once more as she left the hot springs, ignoring the look that the receptionist gave her. As she walked down the street, she couldn't help but glance back at the building before rounding the corner. She felt so embarrassed.

How could she sit there and hope for him to kiss her? She had been naked for crying out loud, covered in nothing but a towel. What if he had kissed her? What would she have done? She'd never been that close to a man before, she was completely inexperienced when it came to those things. And he probably knew it too, what with that arrogant, cocky way he had spoken to her as he moved closer to her, taking advantage of her uncertainty. He was just like what her mom had said he would be, and that was what upset her the most.

She prided herself in being able to judge people's character excellently, and yet she'd been so wrong about Kanamé. She'd thought he was different, and had begun to like him for it. Heck, he'd even said he liked that she knew all of the strange things that she did. Nobody had ever said that to her besides her parents, but they didn't count because they were obligated to say things like that to her. She let out a sigh, finally seeing the hotel in her sights. She would just go up to her room, read a book, and call it an early night. That would be the best way to forget her fumble.

Kanamé walked down the streets of the Uchiha Prefecture, passing his own large abode and continuing to his parent's. He didn't understand what he'd done to make her leave so abruptly. It's not like he touched her inappropriately, or did anything that deserved her reaction. At least, he didn't think he had. With a long sigh, he slid open the door and walked in, his hair still damp from the springs.

He went into the living room, seeing his mother playing mahjong with Hayate on the floor. "Where's dad?" he asked.

"In the training room." Natsumi said to her oldest, rubbing her chin in contemplation as she planned her next move.

Hayate looked up at him. "What's up big brother?" he asked. "Is something wrong?"

The elder shook his head and attempted to give his youngest brother a reassuring smile. "Nothing Hayate. Just some stuff." He said before turning on his heels and heading towards the back of the house to the training room. The closer he got, the louder the noises were, and it was then he could tell his father was training with someone.

When he slid the door open, it revealed Akito and Sanosuke in a heated spar with swords. "Good, now don't forget your footwork." The eldest instructed, slashing at the boy.

Sanosuke absorbed all of this, dodging and retaliating with the same swiftness of his father. They continued to spar for a few seconds longer, until their swords locked together in a draw. They pulled away from one another then, bowing slightly to signal that the duel was over. Both looked over at Kanamé, the same questioning look in their eyes. "Hey son." Akito greeted, walking over and picking up his scabbard before tossing Sanosuke his own. "We'll train some more tomorrow." He told the boy, sensing that his firstborn wanted to talk.

"Yes Father." Sanosuke nodded, sheathing his sword before leaving the room, clapping his brother on the should in greeting before walking down the hall, intent on getting himself a glass of water.

Kanamé's red gaze followed his brother out and once he was sure he was gone, he shifted his eyes to his father, shutting the door behind him wordlessly.

"What's troubling you?" Akito asked, sheathing his sword before hanging it up on its place on the wall.

"It's a woman…" he sighed, walking towards the center of the room, moving his fingers as sharp, but small, electric sparks began to erupt from the tips. "Well…more like a girl."

"How old is she?" Akito asked, crossing his arms as he watched his son.

The younger Uchiha thought for a moment before answering. "Twelve."

"Uh huh." He said, clearly skeptical. "And so you are allowing a mere child to bother you?" he raised a brow. "Do elaborate."

"Unfortunately. Somewhat like you allowed a pink parade to bother you, eh?" Kanamé smirked, looking over to his father finally before allowing his entire arm to conduct the dangerous element.

The elder Uchiha returned his smirk. "Now I am curious." He lowered his arms and walked forward. "What happened with this twelve year old to cause it to worry you?"

"We fornicated. In the hot springs. She was so flat." He sighed, looking up and staring at the ceiling.

"Pedophile." Akito snickered, teasing him.

Kanamé chuckled with him and slowly, his enlightened demeanor fell and he frowned once more. "I'm not quite sure what I did. But she suddenly grew tense when everything seemed fine and fun, and left, all upset." His gaze suddenly turned to a glare and he twisted around, unleashing the buildup of energy, lightning slamming through the wall and blowing a hole in the side of the house from the training room to the outside. "I didn't do anything. It makes no sense." He yelled out, rage overtaking him for only a moment before he reverted back to his normal façade. "It wasn't like I even touched her."

Akito just looked at the damage done to his home, not even phased. It wasn't the first time that wall would have to be fixed anyways, and it wouldn't be the last. He glanced at Kanamé then. "Perhaps that is why she is upset." He said simply.

"That makes no sense father." His eldest son growled out. "Her body posture and disposition were much more close to condescending. As if I had proved her right in some way that displeased her."

"Then find out why she was acting that way." He said. "Usually that's the best way to figure it out, and once you know what your error was, you can fix it and be sure it doesn't happen again. Or, if it really is her fault, you can inform her of how stupid she was being, and have the satisfaction of being right, while also making her feel terrible about the way she treated you." He smirked slightly.

Kanamé flexed his fingers once more, both hands sparking with need of release. He disappeared and attacked his father, only missing by a hair as the elder avoided, his own gaze now a bloody crimson. "And have you ever done the latter father? I find it hard to believe you would ever do such a thing to mom."

"I only did it once." Akito admitted, shooting some lightning at his son, who dodged it skillfully. "And while it wasn't really the best moment of my life with your mother, it did clear the air pretty well. Besides, is this girl like your mom in how she would react to that approach, or different?"

"I'm not entirely sure." Kanamé frowned, slamming his hands on the floor and sending out waves of lightning to ensnare his father. "I've only just met her. Her behavior is extremely confusing to me. Which is something I've yet to encounter."

Akito leapt into the air, attaching his feet to the ceiling before shooting lightning from his fingertips and aiming it directly at the younger male. "Well, either way, you do need to address this issue with her if you want to have any luck in understanding her better. Or at least try and spend more time with her. Or, you could do what I did and stalk her for a week. That gave me some pretty good insight to your mother, at least in the things that she liked and some of her behaviors. Not so much on the thought processes, but it was better than nothing."

The younger Uchiha scoffed, "I'm not going to stalk her, old man." Kanamé jumped up and aimed a kick for his face, barely missing once more. He followed up after him, aiming jabs for his father's vitals. "That's creepy. And this…needs to be approached a lot more delicately than you fucking mom's brains out."

"To each his own." He sighed, beginning to retaliate against the younger man's attacks with his own. "All you have to do is find her weakness, as if she were your opponent. Sometimes it's just trying to learn about them as if on a battle field, where you need to plan out your next move."

"But I don't want to think of it as a battle or her as an opponent. In fact…" he smiled somewhat. "I'm pretty sure she's smarter than me. So I'd probably lose."

This new knowledge made Akito pause and drop to the floor as Kanamé followed. "What exactly are your feelings towards this girl?" he asked. "You like her, correct?"

Kanamé shrugged, running his hand through his dark locks. "I'm not sure what I feel for her."

"I would suggest figuring out where you want this relationship to go before making any moves." The elder Uchiha recommended. "If you just want things to remain platonic, then don't pursue trying to get to know her better. But if you want to see if it could be more, figure out how you are going to make it happen. You should also find out how she feels about you as well, for that will make things a lot easier."

"Even if I did want it to remain as it is, I still think I would want to find out more about her. It's the nature of people, is it not?" Kanamé landed gracefully and then stood straight, taking hold of his arm and stretching it a bit.

Akito lifted his shoulder in a shrug. "Most people, I suppose. I personally wouldn't care, but that's just me." He smirked slightly. "So, are you going to tell me who this girl is, or do I have to figure it out for myself?"

Kanamé looked up, stretching his arm over his chest, having an inner debate on whether he should tell his father or not."'s pretty least I think it is..." he sighed, appearing slightly distressed, if only for a moment.

The elder Uchiha's brow furrowed. "Inappropriate how? She's not really twelve, is she?" he asked, concerned.

"No. But she is four years younger than I am." Kanamé said, glancing up at his father and waiting for his reaction.

He just blinked. "...Okay...I don't see how that's much of problem. I mean...she's adult."

The younger male shrugged, still appearing dismayed. "But I feel like such a pedophile. And she's not from here, so I've no idea what her customs are, nor if her family would appreciate some older guy feeling up their daughter." Kanamé groaned out, thoughts of Vitani plaguing his mind from the hot spring and how he'd imagined her towel slipping, even just a little.

Akito's eyes narrowed. She was from a different village...and was currently visiting? Kanamé had said that she was also four years younger, meaning that she was nineteen. Something pricked in the back of Akito's mind, and then his eyes widened slightly as his gaze shot to his son's. "You aren't talking about the Mizukage's daughter...are you?" he asked, a bit hesitant.

Kanamé remained silent, a small, light pink tinting his cheeks. "Well…" he breathed out, scratching his cheek nervously. "Yeah…"

"No." Akito shook his head. "No. No, no, no, no, no." he stomped his foot like a child. "I hate her parents! They're so annoying!" he whined.

Kanamé blinked, shocked by his father's behavior. "Then what's the no for?"

"Because if you start to like her, you might start a relationship with her, and then you'll both fall in love, and get married, and I will be stuck with those two forever!" the elder Uchiha explained, not seeming happy about it. "I refuse." He crossed his arms.

"You refuse?"

He nodded. "You are not allowed to have a relationship with this girl. I forbid it." he declared, the look on his face clearly stating that he would not budge on the matter.

Kanamé appeared astonished, at a loss for words. Until his confused gaze hardened and slanted into a glare. "Excuse me?" he asked, walking forward and confronting his father head on, his eyes a threatening crimson red. "You think you can tell me what to do?"

Akito met his glare, activating his own sharingan. "I know I can tell you what to do. I am your father, and that is my right." he pointed to the ground to emphasize his point. "Besides, you don't even know how you feel about her, so it's best we just nip that in the bud right now."

"Or how about I don't give a damn what you think father." The younger male seethed, speaking the endearment as if it was sour on his tongue. "In fact, I think I'll go and pursue her. This isn't just the Uchiha line anymore. I have two bloodlines running through my veins." Kanamé said, his sand swimming around him in the air.

"Neither of which need to be mixed with her bloodline. She'll just taint it." Akito said. "She's not good enough for you, and I will not have you wasting your time pursuing some trollop. You have more important things to do with your time."

"Really father?" Kanamé snapped, butting his head to Akito's. "Like what? Being Hokage? Because you don't like her for no fucking good reason. She's not a trollop, she's innocent, I can tell. And I think I like her, so back the hell off." He warned, pulling away and heading for the door to the room. "Oh and by the way, get off your damn high horse. Don't tell me someone is not good enough for me, if I recall grandfather said the same thing about mom." And with that final word he left.

Noriaki came in then, looking over his shoulder at his brother and then to his father. "What's going on? I could hear you guys from the kitchen."

"Your brother is ruining everything that we've been working for!" Akito said, glaring at his second oldest with his sharingan, though it was only because he was still angry with Kanamé. "He thinks that just because he might like that girl he can do whatever the fuck he wants. There is no way I will ever let him be with her, especially if I have to be related to Vincent. No way in hell."

"Kanamé likes Vitani?" Noriaki blinked, scratching his spiky hair, chewing on a toothpick. The younger triplet snapped. "It musta been when he happened upon here and I after lunch."

Akito crossed his arms. "Apparently they went to the hot springs." He sighed. "The only good thing about the whole situation is that she got mad at your brother for some reason and left. Hopefully she won't come to return his feelings. That will just make things worse."

A spark of interest flashed in the younger man's eyes. He took the toothpick from his mouth and pointed at his father. "Wait…you're displeased…with Kanamé? Your precious heir?" Noriaki asked, unable to stop the smirk from creeping up his face.

"Of course I'm displeased with him. He is deliberately disobeying me." The elder man frowned, his eyes finally turning back to their dark green. "I mean, you've done some stupid shit before, but you've never disrespected me the way your brother just did. And all over some girl, no less."

"Of course not Father." Noriaki said respectfully, though he still looked amused. "I would never think to do something against your will. You know that."

Akito sighed, shaking his head. "Yeah, well, if only Kanamé could be more like you in that respect." He said, clapping his son on the shoulder. "I'm going to go grab something to eat." He announced, leaving his second oldest alone in the semi-destroyed training room.

Noriaki nodded, somewhat smiling at the compliment he'd received from his father. One of few, very few, where he was held above his elder brother. But then the smirk came back to his face as he thought about his brother and his new lady friend. This would pose as interesting. So Kanamé was interested in Vitani? That opened so many doors, he didn't know which to pick. Kanamé could lose his spot as Hokage if he stayed in their dad's displeasure. Or disowned. Even better. Then he would be the eldest.

Or…and he paused in thought. He could use this advantage of knowledge to finally show his brother just what it's like to have things ripped away from you. With those deliberations in mind, Noriaki left the training room to join Hayate and his parents for a nice dinner.