Disclaimer - I don't own CSI. I am just a huge fan.

A/N: Thank you guys so very much for following this story through its highs and lows. Just to let you know, I don't have a sequel planned for Deception, yet, I'll come up with one maybe after I've finished the sequel to this story, a one shot that's in the works and another story that is being processed in my head. This is sadly gonna be the very last chapter of Far Away. But hopefully it'll be a good one! Enjoy!

One month later:

"Good evening gorgeous," Nick smiled as he walked, with a skip in his step, into the break room.

I smirked and tried to hide my blushing cheeks. No way would I ever get used to Nicky calling me that, or Nicky being mine.

"You okay?" he asked, concern in his voice was clear. I melted inside.

"Yeah. Do you know what day it is?" I asked.

"Thursday," Nick smirked.

"And what's special about today?" I teased.

"Don't know, hasn't even crossed my mind," he shrugged his shoulders.

Without saying a word I disappeared round the corner, in the direction of the locker room. I emerged seconds later with a large brown envelope in my hands, that I was trying desperately not to bend or crumple. As I slipped back in the room, hardly making a sound, Nick was pouring out 2 cups of Greg's famous coffee, I hadn't even noticed the others were in the room. I placed the envelope on the table where Nick always sat and picket up my cup.

"Happy one month anniversary," I smiled and leaned on the counter as Nick sat down.

"But I haven't got you anything," he sighed as he tried not to sound sorry for himself.

"Me being with you is present enough," I pursed my lips then smiled. "I wasn't gonna bother but then I remembered about this one thing that I had to get you."

"Thank you," Nick nodded.

"Go on then, see what she got you," Greg insisted, speaking up for the first time.

"You're just nosy," Nick pointed out and started to pull back the envelope seal.

"So what if he his? Open it," Catherine demanded as she too was desperate to see what was inside.

Nick finally opened the envelope and pulled out the contents, just enough for him to see. He stared at it for a few seconds before reading it. He sighed, then glanced up at me. I merely shrugged my shoulders. His present was the least I could have done.

"You gonna share it with us then, or what?" Warrick asked.

"I'm officially listed as Olivia's father," Nick told them, still in disbelief. "And Liv's end name has been changed to Stokes."

"No way?" Catherine gasped.

I nodded.

"She suits it, Olivia Stokes," Greg smiled.

"She does," Warrick nodded. "Congratulations, Nicky."

"Thanks, man," he nodded.

"Bet that's made your day?" Catherine smiled.

"Yeah, it has," he smiled.

"Glad you like it," I smiled.

"Like it? I love it, and you," he stood up and hugged me tightly.

"Thank you," he whispered into my ear then kissed the top of my head.

"You're welcome," I whispered back whilst enjoyed being uncontrollably squished against his chest.

We pulled away seconds later, knowing that Grissom would be along in a matter of minutes and with our luck would probably be accompanied by Ecklie. Grissom knew about our relationship, and was one of those few people who didn't see it coming. He hadn't told Ecklie yet but we were sure that he probably knew already. Everybody seemed to.

"Hello boys and girls," Grissom said but didn't look up from the assignment slips in his hand that he was clearly reading for the first time. "Oh…"

"Oh, what?" Catherine asked.

Grissom sighed. "A dead infant has been reported as 'suspicious' in Henderson."

The room fell silent.

"I'll take it," I spoke up.

All eyes turned to me.

"Just because I've had a baby doesn't mean that child involved cases stop," I pointed out.

"They should," Nick scuffed under his breath and squeezed my knee gently.

"I know," I smiled at him. "I have take this case."

"Are you sure?" Grissom asked, bringing my attention back to him. "I can take it, or someone else can."

"No. I have to do this. Catherine manages to just about get through a case like this one, and I'm gonna have to learn to do the same," I insisted.

Grissom nodded his head, knowing nothing or nobody would ever change my mind. Once I had set my heart on something I had to do it, end of conversation.

"So who's the lucky person that gets to go with me then?" I asked.

Nick sat up in his seat, eyes wide and begging our supervisor to let him go with me.

"Take Greg," Grissom sighed.

Nick slouched back down in his seat, sulking and feeling sorry for himself. I knew Grissom wouldn't let Nicky go with me. That would have been a disaster waiting to happen. And we didn't need that. The team didn't need that.

"See you all later," Grissom said after handing out the rest of the pile of cases. Why was there always a pile?

"Yep, my place straight after work," Catherine nodded.

No one said anything else after that. We all simply slipped away in our allocated pairs and headed to our different crime scenes. Greg and I pulled in behind a police petrol car before collecting our kits and heading for the entrance of the rather lovely looking house. Brass was stood in the living room, not knowing what to do or where to look. He let his eyes fall on us as we stepped inside. Brass shook his head. He clearly wasn't expecting to see me there. I smiled. He pointed us in the direction of the nursery where the Joseph Hamilton lay, fast asleep indefinitely. He was such a beautiful little boy. He was cold and whiter than the sheets he lay in. I didn't cry, didn't even feel as though I had to fight back the tears. I was angry though. How could someone do such a thing?

A few hours later:

"I got the results back on the fibres found in the baby's windpipe," Hodges announced.

"Oh, yeah? What is it?" Greg asked as we shuffled further into the trace lab.

"Green cotton fibres," Hodges told us.

"Nothing specific?" I asked.

"No, sorry, that's the best I could come up with," he sighed.

"Would you be able to match it if we found something?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure."

"Why, what are you thinking?" Greg asked.

"The mother was wearing a green cotton cardigan when I spoke to her," I explained. "Think she'd still be wearing the murder weapon?"

"There's only one way to find out," Greg pointed out and we turned to walk away.

"Oh, one last thing Sara. I'd just like to apologise for what I said, again," Hodges said.

"Hodges, seriously, there's no hard feelings," I smiled at his persistence. "And what Nicky said, it was just scare tactics, he didn't really mean it. He just wanted to know how it felt to say something like that, something like what he'd heard his dad saying about his sisters."

Hodges nodded. "Good luck on your case."

"Cheers," Greg smiled as we walked away.

Outside the Hamilton residence:

"LVPD, open up!" Brass shouted as he repeatedly pounded on the front door. "We have a warrant. We're coming in!"

The door was bashed in and Brass led a team of officers inside. I was right behind them. What we found was horrible. James Hamilton, the father, was crouching over his wife, pressing a pillow harder onto her face. Tears were rolling down his cheeks as he was pulled off her and she was pronounced dead. James was dragged back to the station where he was arrested.

"Julie killed our son," James told me the second I walked into the interrogation room.

"Was that why you killed her?" I asked softly as I sat down opposite him.

"She told me it was my fault, that she didn't even want another baby, that she was fine with just the one. She said she held Joseph to try and stop him crying, but instead, he stopped moving," he sniffled. "She didn't mean to kill him, I know she didn't but I was just so angry at her, adrenaline must have took over."

"I'm sorry for your loss," I said simply, followed by a sigh.

"Not as sorry as I am."

I left him there to think about what he hand done, what he'd lost. He'd lost everything.

A hour later:

"Why can't Grissom and Warrick be here again?" I asked, bringing out another box of my belongings out the back seat of my car and handing it to Greg.

"They're trying to make a break on their case," Catherine repeated. "They'll be here when they can."

"Yeah, right. Just an excuse to get out of helping you move into mine," Nick rolled his eyes then smiled at me.

"God, this is taking forever," Greg groaned.

"Yeah, who knew the mother of my child had so much stuff?" he asked sarcastically.

"Boys, maybe if you moved your lips less and your hands more we'd actually get somewhere," Catherine smirked.

"Oooohh," Nick and Greg mocked in unison.

"Shut up," she insisted and carried the last box into the living room. "That the last one?"

"Yep," I smiled.

"Thank God," Greg smiled.

"Right then, we best be off Greg. The happy couple have a lot of unpacking to do," Catherine smiled.

"Oh, I forgot we'd have to unpack," Nick sulked.

"Quit complaining," I demanded.

"See you in work," Catherine waved goodbye and drove herself and Greg away.

"Do we really have to do this now?" Nick asked as he stared at the piles of bags and boxes that were taking over his house.

"Fine," I rolled my eyes. "Go check on Liv."

Nick walked into his spare room that was going to be Olivia's nursery, once it had been set up and painted a gorgeous girly colour. Liv sat up against the side of her travel cot, she was at that stage now. Nick stared at his beautiful daughter for a moment. She smiled once she noticed he was watching her. He knew Olivia was fine. He walked away again and would be back for a cuddle very soon.

"She's fine," he announced as he walked back over and sat next to me on his comfy sofa. "Find anything good to watch?"

"Nah, TV's crap this time a day. Now I know why I stuck with grave shift, you get to sleep through this," I smiled, a slightly false smile.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing," I lied.

"Really?" he raised his eyebrows. "What you thinking about?"

"Okay," I started and turned to face him completely. "That's all this is, just a thought. This case I worked today made me think about things and made me realise something."

"Uh-huh," Nick nodded, encouraging me to continue.

"This is just a thought, an idea. We don't have to do anything about it now, or at all, I suppose…"

"C'mon then, spit it out," Nick interrupted.

"I don't want Olivia to be an only child," I smiled. "I want to have another baby."

Thank you for reading. Cue the dramatic music. I know it's a cliff hanger but I wanted to give myself a reason to do a sequel. Can you guess what the sequel will be about? Bet you can't. Thanks so much for reviewing this story so much already, but how about just once more? Review please.