Gamer4 in. As we approach the final leg of this story, I have only one thing to say: dang. I've been watching the original Harry Potter movies lately, and it's insane how much writing these stories are changing my perceptions of the source material. Of course, I still love it. Anyways, on that note of me actually having something to say in the opening notes, let us begin the end.

Disclaimer: The only thing I regret about doing Prisoner of Subspace is that I'll have to type these for another story. Noooooooooooooooooooo-

Chapter XVIII

Yoshi! So Happy!

For a moment, all was silent. When the door finally opened, it was to reveal Mrs. Faron on the other side. "Peach!" she cried, pulling the still-somewhat-depressed girl into a crushing hug. Not wanting to intrude, Mario, Link, and Jon stepped around them into the main office, dragging Tingle along.

Mario looked around, taking note of the small crowd inside. In addition to the five who had just entered, Mrs. Faron, and Wright, Mr. Faron was standing in one corner, looking like he was about to vomit, and sitting in a chair off to the side was Samus, who looked somewhat green herself. However, Mario had eyes only for the being behind the desk: a giant floating hand inside a white glove. He would have said something, but at that moment, Mrs. Faron abandoned Peach and pulled both him and Link into a bear hug.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" she cried. "You saved her! How did you do it?"

"I wouldn't mind knowing that myself," Mr. Faron put in, wiping his brow.

For a moment, Mario stood still, looking around the room. Finally, he produced the red sword that had saved him, along with the ruined planner. He placed them gently on the Master Hand's desk, and began to tell them the whole story. Start to finish. Birthdays with the Smiths to In the Name of the Heir. How he'd heard the voice, found the Poe, discovered the revealing paper clenched in Zelda's fist, and the deductions he and Link had gotten from it. Throughout, Link assisted with various details, filling in wherever Mario left something out by accident. He helped up to the point where they were separated by the rockfall, where he allowed Jon to step in and help Mario describe the events in the Dungeon itself. Finally, their story concluded with the death of the Giga Koopa.

"An interesting story," Samus said, leaning forward, "not least because we apparently have Proton Jon's ghost among us. I would push that point, but something else is on my mind right now: did you find out who was doing it? Did you find the Heir?"

And here came the key problem. Throughout the tale, Mario and Jon had, by silent agreement, referred to the perpetrator of the crimes only as 'The Heir.' After all, how could they explain that Peach hadn't been acting on her own free will?

Everyone spun around as the Master Hand cleared his throat. Quite a feat, considering his lack of a throat. "The question, my dear Samus, is not who, but how. As in, 'How did Tabuu control Peach from his hiding place in the Black Forest?'"

A sudden warmth spread through Mario, like he'd just taken a drink from some of Crazy's soda. With the Master Hand on his side, he knew- simply knew- that everything was going to be alright.

"What?" spoke all the Farons in the room, sans Peach. They were all staring in horror at the Master Hand. "You-Know-Who? When did he- what- how- what does he have to do with Peach?"

"The planner," Mario said, eager to allow the truth out now that he had the Master Hand with him. "Tabuu stole it from the Poe when they were both in school..."

The Master Hand leaned in very close to the planner, and though it was hard to tell, all things considered, Mario was fairly certain he was examining it closer. "Ah, I see," he said. "Indeed, I see. A very obscure bit of smashing. Didn't expect to see something like this for at least four years!"

"Feel like explaining?" Samus interjected.

The Master Hand smiled. "Long ago, when Tabuu was still a student at this school, he was known by his true name: George Locke. I think, even then, he was planning the evil for which he would later be famed. But at the time, everyone else saw him as just a timid little boy who always got straight As. When he headed out into the world, he undertook a long, dangerous journey that left him so altered, physically and mentally, that he was unrecognizable as young George Locke when he finally returned."

"But what does this have to do with Peach?" Mrs. Faron repeated.

"The planner!" Peach wailed. "I wrote in it, and he wrote back! We were talking all year!"

"Peach!" Mr. Faron cried. "Haven't I said enough that a stranger is not a friend you haven't met yet? You never trust something like that unless you can make absolutely sure! You should have told your mother or me, at least!"

"At ease, Rusl," the Master Hand said calmly. "She never meant any harm, and many a smasher greater than she has been taken in by George Locke. What you do is, of course, at your discretion, but schoolwise, there will be no punishment." Turning to Peach, he added, "Relax, child. The ordeal is over. The boku baba seeds have been harvested. Everyone will be waking up soon. All I ask of you is that you go down to Nurse Tessie and ask for her considerable medical expertise. And maybe get some hot chocolate."

"We'll go with her," said Mr. and Mrs. Faron, standing immediately. And with that, the three of them headed out.

"Now, Samus?" the Master Hand said, turning to her. "I think all of this calls for a feast. What about you?"

"No objections here," Samus shrugged. "Now, what about Jon?"

Everyone turned to the spirit, who waved sarcastically at them.

"Well, we could hold a trial," the Master Hand mused.

"No need, I plead guilty," Jon said immediately.

"Well, that makes things simple- community service," the Master Hand finally decided. "Taking care of the Mansion, stuff like that. You can start by helping prepare the feast. No rotten eclairs, if you please. And, Samus, if you don't mind, take him aside, give him a stern talking-to, and wag your finger at him in an annoyed manner. That ought to show him."

Both Samus and Jon stared at the Master of the Smash Mansion for a moment, saying nothing. Finally, they simply shook their heads and left, leaving Mario and Link behind with the Master Hand.

"Now," he said, "I assume you both realize how many school rules you've broken over the course of this year."

"Yes," they both nodded heavily.

"Given all the evidence," the Master Hand continued, "many would say I should expel you immediately."

Mario and Link looked in horror at each other. After all they'd come through, were they really going to have to leave?

"Therefore," the Master Hand added, "both of you- and Zelda Hyrule, as well- will receive trophies in the Smash Bros. Hall of Fame, and 300 points each for Nintendo. I think that should- ah... 'cut it,' don't you?"

The horror in both boys' faces turned to awe. "Um... I think we have to agree on principle," Mario said, a small smile crossing his face.

"If you must, hm?" the Master Hand said, sounding amused. "I do have one question, however."

"And what's that, sir?" Link asked.

"Is there something wrong with Tingle? He hasn't said a word!"

"Oh, there was... an accident," Link said, keeping his eyes on the ground and scratching the back of his head. And so it came to be that the Master Hand was filled in on Tingle's antics throughout the year.

"I see," the Master Hand said. "Well, he's hardly a threat now. Mr. Faron, I have two requests: first, take Tingle down to Nurse Tessie, and ask her to get him ready for the real hospital. Second, take this letter-" he produced the letter as he spoke- "to the aviary, and send it to Olimar Tate. You would know him as the President of Smashing."

"Yeah, I know," Link nodded, accepting the letter.

"Of course," the Master Hand said. "Now that all is said and done, I really would like to see my brother again."

"Right away," Link nodded, hurrying out.

"Now," the Master Hand said, turning to Mario, "Mario."

"Yes?" Mario responded, somewhat nervously.

"First of all, I want to thank you," the old hand said. "Wright had no particular connection to Jon, you see. Wright would only have come to your aid at a show of great devotion to me. And for that, I thank you."

"Um... don't mention it," Mario muttered.

"So... I hope you and Mr. Locke had an edifying conversation?"

"You could say that," Mario said, still muttering.

"Mario, don't even try to tell me there's nothing you want to say this time," the Master Hand said gently.

Suddenly, Mario felt like an invisible lock had broken, like he was free to spill his worries to the Master Hand. "I... I couldn't help but notice...parallels- similarities- between George and me."

"Oh, really?" the Master Hand asked.

"Yeah, and I've been thinking- the FLUDD was originally going to put me in Sierra. We're both Mi-go-"

"-An important parallel to draw, indeed," the Master Hand interrupted. "I believe, Mario, that your ability to speak to koopas stems from Tabuu's own gift. I believe that on the night he tried to kill you, he left more behind than he knew- a small piece of himself, including his ability to speak to koopas."

"Tabuu- left part of himself- in me?" Mario asked, incredulous.

"Unintentionally, I think we can be certain," the Master Hand nodded. "The full significance may not be felt for... oh, five years, this time."

Mario would have asked exactly what this meant, but he had something more pressing on his mind. "So- I should be in Sierra? I mean, the FLUDD was considering it for so long, and-"

"-it put you in Nintendo," the Master Hand interjected once more. "Now, why would it do that?"

"Because I asked it to..." Mario said, sinking helplessly into his chair.

"Exactly!" the Master Hand cried cheerfully, startling Mario. "You chose Nintendo, which makes you very different from Tabuu! Don't you see? Your ability to speak to koopas isn't nearly as important as what you decide to do with it! Tabuu used it to send his school into not one, but two years of terror, while you used it to end that terror and save everyone!"

"I guess..."

The Master Hand picked up the red sword. "It wasn't Proton Jon who used this sword, Mario. Many years ago, this sword- the Monado- was discovered in a temple in the mountains. Care to guess who wielded it then?"

Here, he handed the blade over to Mario, who, for the first time, saw words written on a pane of glass in the great hole in the hilt: Hey, everybody, it's Chuggaaconroy!

"Wh-" he exclaimed, looking up.

"Jon was able to pass it on," the Master Hand said, "but only a true member of Nintendo could have used it."

For a moment, they were both silent, then Mario spoke. "There was one other thing..."


"In the flashback George showed me, he mentioned a boy named Matthew. Whatever happened to him?"

"Oh," the Master Hand said, and for the first time, he sounded somewhat embarrassed. "Well, Mario, that was my name in school."

"Your name?"

"Of course. You didn't think I was always called 'Master Hand,' did you?"

As Mario racked his brains for a reply, the door slammed open. Mario spun around to see a very disheveled- looking Ghirahim charging in, with a small, cringing shape behind him. Yoshi?

"So!" Ghirahim raged, glaring at the Master Hand.

"Something you want to talk about, Ghirahim?" the Master Hand calmly asked.

"Thought you'd just come back, did you?" Ghirahim snarled. "A unanimous vote of the school board gets you fired, but, of course, the Master Hand is above such rules!"

"I would never make any such claim," said the Master Hand, perfectly calm. "I was just enjoying a nice cup of Dr. Pepper shen the sky was suddenly turned black by a hoard of albatrosses. They turned out to be carrying messages from the school board, describing exactly what had happened, and imploring me to return at once. They also had some strange stories to tell, of a mysterious blackmailer with white hair who'd forced them to vote me out to begin with. Apparently, their priorities had shifted- funny how that can happen, in just 4 chapters, isn't it?"

Mario was ignoring them, focusing on Yoshi. The young green dino/dragon/whatever was pointedly flicking his eyes between Mario, Ghirahim, and the planner. Mario, certain that Yoshi would visit a more terrible punishment on himself the longer it took to interpret this, was doing his best to put it together quickly.

"So, did you solve it?" Ghirahim asked icily. "Did you find Proton Jon's Heir?"

"Well, luckily, the mystery was solved already when I returned," the Master Hand said happily. "Turns out, it was the same person as last time- Tabuu. Though, this time, he decided to use another, through his old planner."

Ghirahim was turning whiter than normal, but Mario noted it seemed to be more from fury than surprise...

"Very lucky, wouldn't you say, that Mario put it all together," the Master Hand continued. "Found this planner. Otherwise, Peach Faron might have ended up taking all the blame. And that, of course, would be such a blow to the Farons!"

Suddenly, understanding washed over Mario. He quickly nodded at Yoshi, who casually began beating his head against the wall.

"Well," Ghirahim snarled, turning to Mario, "let's hope that Mario Mario will always be around to save the day."

"Don't worry. I will be," Mario said simply. *

For a moment, Ghirahim glared from him to the Master Hand, then he abruptly spun around and seemed to dance out, Yoshi trailing miserably in his wake.

"He really is quite the peacock," the Master Hand noted.

Mario stared after him, plotting. Suddenly, he turned to the Master Hand. "Do you think Ghirahim ever actually read through a planner?"

"Somehow, I doubt it," the Master Hand said, a smile in his voice.

"Mind if I borrow Locke's, really quickly?"

"By all means," the Master Hand replied happily. Mario seized George's planner and rushed down the stairs, praying that this would work. When he arrived in the hallway below, he was glad to see Ghirahim still there, punting Yoshi along in front of him.

"Mr. Dragmire!" he cried. "You forgot something!"

Ghirahim spun around, fire in his eyes. However, when he spoke, his voice was quite steady, even a little cheerful-sounding. "Ah, if it isn't the lad in red," he said. "What is it?"

Mario produced the planner. Ghirahim took it and stared at it. "Explain," he snarled, the kindness in his voice vanishing.

"It was you," Mario said, with no uncertainty in his voice. "You put this in Peach's book bag, way back in Hoarder's book store."

"Did I?" Ghirahim asked, glaring down at Mario. "Well, how about we see some evidence?"

Mario's face fell in, defeated. Ghirahim allowed himself a smile, pleased to have won at least one battle that day. "You don't have the power you think you do, Mario. Remember that. You're just a little kid." With this, he tossed the planner over to Yoshi. "Get rid of that," he ordered. With that, he spun around and began marching away.

He had gone quite a ways down the hall before realizing Yoshi was no longer at his side. "Yoshi?" he called, turning to see Yoshi still standing by Mario's side at the other end of the hall.

"Yoshi- has gotten written work!" Yoshi said, looking at the battered, old, ruined notebook like it was a Hylian stone. "It was given to him by the master!"

"Wha- I didn't give-" Ghirahim spluttered. "The Dark Lord never wrote-"

"No, he didn't," Mario agreed, "but there are plenty of motivational quotes in there. 'Sailing through life, adjust your course for storms,' 'Shoot for the moon, so even if you miss, you land in the stars,' stuff like that."

"Yoshi got written work!" Yoshi chirped, a smile spreading rapidly across his face. "Yoshi- Yoshi is free! So happy!"

Briefly, Ghirahim stared at them. Mario, unable to resist, added, "Not that I know what I'm talking about, I'm just a kid."

This was the last straw. Ghirahim shouted, "You've lost me my yoshi, boy!" He drew a long rapier made out of some sort of stone, and began advancing on him.

Yoshi, however, wouldn't have it. He jumped between them, glaring at Ghirahim. "You will not touch Mario Mario!" he said firmly.

Ghirahim, heedless, plunged forward, brandishing his weapon. Yoshi, in response, opened his mouth. There was a spray of pink, and suddenly, the young dinosaur's tongue was wrapped around the smasher. Ghirahim stared down in shock for a couple seconds before being drawn into Yoshi's mouth and swallowed. A moment- and look of concentration- later, Yoshi bend over and from his behind popped a large white egg with green spots. He then proceeded to pick this egg up and throw it with all his might down the hallway, where it shattered and revealed a Ghirahim Dragmire, unhurt but covered with slime and wearing a definite look of what-the-heck-just-happened.

"Ghirahim will not touch Mario Mario!" Yoshi repeated.

Ghirahim straightened up. For a moment, he seemed like he was about to strike again, but his eyes on Yoshi, he seemed to think better of it. He turned and hurried down the hall and out of sight.

His tormentor gone at last, Yoshi turned to grin at Mario. "Mario Mario saved Yoshi! How can Yoshi ever repay this debt?"

"Just one thing," Mario said. "Never try to save my life again."

Yoshi gave a small laugh, then began to dance around in joy, looking almost like he was chasing his tail.


It was hard telling what, exactly, was the highlight of the final feast of the year. For Mario, it was probably a tie between Nintendo flooring Sierra for the Smash Bros. Trophy for the second year in a row, or the exams being canceled as a school treat, or all the petrified people returning at last (highlights of this included Mido tearing up as he picked up a mewling Louise, Pichu acting like he was on a sugar-high as he thanked Mario for saving him, Lucas and Duster embracing like brothers, Pit soaring around Nintendo as everyone cheered him on, and- his personal favorite- Zelda rushing over to him and Link, crying "You solved it! You solved it!"), and one other thing, which he later decided was the best of all. First, some context.

Mario, Link, Zelda, Peach, Kirby, and Meta were all having the feast together, and the twins were trying to cheer her up with their own brand of humor. It was only after he saw Rob passing by that Mario thought to ask, "Oh, hey, Peach, I have something to ask you."

"Yes?!" she cried, jumping as he addressed her.

"According to Rob, you saw him doing something that really embarrassed him. Care to share?"

Perking up, Kirby and Meta perked up. "Yes, sharing is caring!" they said, looking at her eagerly.

"Oh," she said. "Well, I guess it doesn't really matter anymore anyways, but- Rob has a girlfriend!"

"Say what now?" Kirby and Meta asked in deadpan unison.

"Yeah!" Peach said happily. "It's awesome, it's another robot! That robot girl from Retro, Juana! That's why he was so upset when she was attacked, you know."

Though Kirby and Meta didn't say anything, their grins very clearly said, "Oh, we're gonna get a lot of mileage out of this one!"

But this wasn't it. What was was what happened right afterwards: the doors swung dramatically open, and a gigantic twitchy left hand in a glove came in, soaring down the tables. Everyone turned to stare at him.

"Sorry me be bein latesies!" he called. "Da albatross be given Olimar da letter be like da Lost Woods, he come in true Switzerland! Dey finally gets me outs, I come right here!"

As everyone watched, he gently floated over to Mario, Link, and Zelda. "Uh... mes just gotta say... it be up to you tree dat I getsta be here now. I still be- dere, ifyou no help. So... tanks."

Unable to stop himself, Mario suddenly jumped up and gave the big hand a hug. "It's not the Smash Bros. without you, Crazy," he said. And then, slowly, he began to back up, putting his own hands together in a clap. Slowly, one by one, everyone else in the hall began to join in, clapping and applauding the return of the Crazy Hand, who simply looked around, happy but seemingly slightly confused at all the attention. And as Mario clapped, so hard that his hands were starting to go raw, he reflected on the feast at the end of last year. At the time, he'd thought it was the best time of his life, but here, applauding a gigantic hand inside a glove, he felt that he'd finally found something to top it.


*Sorry, but this line was too epic to edit or omit.

oooooooooooo- oh, hey there! And that brings us to the end of another story. It's been too long, it really has. Let's hope that, when Prisoner of Subspace starts up, I actually keep a semi-decent update schedule. I don't know when said story will get started, because I have a lot of stuff going on over here. It might be next week, it might be next month. Either way, keep a look-out for it.

And, before we close off here, let's go over questions from last chapter! Our only questions today come from Angelsong2001, who asks, "Where does the coat of arms of the Smash Bros. come from?" (Slightly paraphrased.) Well, this is a question that's been waiting to be asked. Well, I'm pretty sure everyone knows where the central symbol comes from, being the symbol of the Smash Bros. in-game. The lion, in a not-so-creative burst, is exactly what it was in Harry Potter- the symbol of Nintendo/Gryffindor. The R with a lightning-bolt theme is what I believe the symbol of Retro is in real life (that is, the game company.) The dog on the eggs is the logo for Hal Labs, who made several great games, including Kirby and, wouldn't you have it, Super Smash Bros. Finally, the mountain with the triangles comes, not from Zelda (though that was a nice guess) but is the logo of a real-life software company named Sierra, who made a total of three games that I ever played, two of which were terrible, the last of which was so bad it was good. I guess that just translated to Slytherin for me.

Angelsong also asked that there be credits, both for characters and for references. As for the references, I'm sorry, I really am, but there are so many in this story, and it would be such a nightmare to track them all down, that I am going to have to say no to that one. If you have a specific reference you'd like to know, feel free to ask and I'll let you in on it, but there are just too many to have actual credits for them. However, the other request was interesting. The one for credits for the actual characters. This is much more reasonable, and I was able to track down all the characters, and so, from now on, any story that comes out in this series, (Prisoner of Subspace for sure, may go further, but no definite plans yet) will end with credits listing all the characters, their games, and who they're replacing. And so, in order of appearance please:

Mario Mario (Super Mario Brothers) as Harry Potter

John Smith (OC) as Vernon Dursley

Bill Smith (OC) as Dudley Durseley

Kate Smith (OC) as Petunia Dursley

Yoshi (Super Mario World) as Dobby the House-elf

Parrakarry (Paper Mario) as Hedwig

Link Faron (Legend of Zelda) as Ron Weasley

TARDIS (Doctor Who) as the flying Ford Anglia

Sky Runner (Earthbound) also as the flying Ford Anglia

Meta Knight (Kirby) as George Weasley

Kirby (Kirby) as Fred Weasley

Bootler (Paper Mario) as Errol

Flurrie (Paper Mario: the Thousand-Year Door) as Hermes

Uli (Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess) as Molly Weasley

Linebeck (Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass) as Charlie Weasley

Midna (Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess) as Bill Weasley

Venus (Earthbound) as Celestina Warbeck

Peach (Super Mario Bros.) as Ginny Weasley

Foppies and Fobbies (Earthbound) as Gnomes

Rusl (Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess) as Arthur Weasley

Runaway Seven (Reference to Runaway Five: Earthbound) as the Chudley Cannons

Oreo (named for my cat) as Scabbers

ROB (the R.O.B. add-on for the NES, Mario Kart DS) as Percy Weasley

The Happy Mask Salesman (Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask) as Mr. Borgin.

Ghirahim (Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword) as Lucius Malfoy

Bowser (Super Mario Brothers) as Draco Malfoy

Slender Man (Slender Man mythos) as random evil hag

Crazy Hand (Super Smash Bros.) as Rubeus Hagrid

Zelda Hyrule (Legend of Zelda) as Hermione Granger

goombas (Super Mario Brothers) as goblins

Teddy (Mother) as Lee Jordan

Telma (Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess) as Tom the Barman

Professor Andonuts (Earthbound) as Professor Binns

Tingle (Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask and Wind Waker) as Gilderoy Lockhart

Photo Man (Earthbound) as Daily Prophet photographer

Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN) as random guy at Seatac airport

Flaaghra (Metroid Prime) as the Whomping Willow

Wolf O'Donnell (Star Fox) as Severus Snape

Gamer4 (Gamer4) as Gamer4 (and once more for posterity: Gamer4)

Samus Aran (Metroid) as Minerva McGonagal

Master Hand (Super Smash Bros.) as Albus Dumbledore

Rosalina (Super Mario Galaxy) as the Fat Lady

Diddy Kong (Donkey Kong Country) as Seamus Finigan

Ness (Earthbound) as Dean Thomas

Luigi (Super Mario Bros.) as Neville Longbottom

Mailman (Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess) as howlers

Daisy (Mario Sports games) as Pomona Sprout

Boku babas (Legend of Zelda) as mandrakes

Duster (Mother 3) as Justin Finch-Fletchley

Pichu (Pokemon Gold/Silver) as Colin Creevey

Mr. Batties (Earthbound Trilogy) as Freshly Caught Cornish Pixies

Chuck Norris (Chuck Norris) as Merlin

Captain Falcon (F-Zero) as Oliver Wood

Ana (Mother) as Alicia Spinnet

Paula Polestar (Earthbound) as Katie Bell

Kumatora (Mother 3) as Angelina Johnson

Vaati (Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap) as Marcus Flint

wollywogs (Pikmin) as mudbloods

Elder Things (Lovecrafts) as pumpkins

Giga Koopa (Super Smash Bros. Melee) as a Basilisk

Nurse Tessie (Mother 3) as Madam Pomfrey

Pit (Kid Icarus) as Sir Nicholas De-Mimsey Porpington (Nearly Headless Nick)

Louise (Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess) as Mrs. Norris

Mido (Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time) as Argus Filch

Adam/Proton Jon (Runaway Guys) as Salazar Slytherin

The Boo (Super Mario Bros. 3) as Peeves the Poltergeist

The Poe (Legend of Zelda) as Moaning Myrtle

Benjamin Nelson (BEN Drowned) still as Moaning Myrtle

Gary Oak (Pokemon) as Sir Patrick-Delaney Podmore

Jigglypuff (Pokemon) as herself

scrubs (Legend of Zelda) as squibs

Chuggaaconroy (Runaway Guys) as Godric Gryffindor

NintendoCapriSun (Runaway Guys) as Helga Hufflepuff

Josh Jepson (Runaway Guys) as Rowena Ravenclaw

Ruto (Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time) as Madam Pince

Maria Sheikah (OC) as Millicent Bulstrode

Lucas (Mother 3) as Ernie Macmillan

Maya (Phoenix Wright, Ace Attorney) as Hannah Abbot

Brief appearance by Phoenix Wright (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney) as Aberforth Dumbledore

FLUDD (Super Mario Sunshine) as the Sorting Hat

Ho-ohs (Pokemon Gold/Silver) as phoenixes

Wright (name from Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney) as Fawkes

Ganondorf (Legend of Zelda) as Vincent Crabbe

Wario (WarioWare, Wario Land) as Gregory Goyle

Juana (Mother) as Penelope Clearwater

Sheik (Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time) as the cat

George Locke Jr. (Mother) as Tom Riddle

Tabuu (Super Smash Bros. Brawl) as Voldemort

Gohma (Legend of Zelda) as Aragog

Zoey (named after a friend's dog) as Fang

Olimar (Pikmin) as Cornelius Fudge

Lakitu (Super Mario Bros.) as Madam Hooch

Thank you for reviewing, everyone who's stuck this far. Thanks for reading, even if you haven't reviewed (though reviews are always appreciated, hint hint.) So, for now, I declare this story to be at an end. Please R&R, constructive criticism always welcome, flames will be used in my blast furnace, Gamer4 out.