...sooo... how's life, everyone? :D?

Yes, I'M still alive...and it's been almost a YEAR since I updated this fic. You don't EVEN know how guilty I felt all these past few months. I wish I could have updated through the year,.but I needed to get my footing in school. Top priority.

So, to make up...Happy/Merry/Hope You had a nice: Labor Day, Yom Kippur, Columbus Day, Halloween Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah/Chanukah, 15th birthday to me, Christmas, Kwanzaa, My one year anniversary on , New Years, Chinese New Years, Mardi Gras, Valentine's, Purim, St. Patrick's, Passover, Good Friday, Easter, Cinco de Mayo, 17th birthday (again) to Shinichi, Mother's Day, Memorial Day, Father's Day, 17th birthday (again) to Kaito, Fourth of July!

To all the readers and friends who don't live in the US, I tried to hit religious Holidays as well, so Independence Day for your country, Any extra Saints you observe, and your own birthdays!


I would have updated earlier this summer, but sadly a close family member of mine was dealing with an illness, and passed away recently. So thank you all for your support :)

As a "I'm sorry I went MIA for a years" present, this went WAAAAAY over my initial kinda close if I can 12k goal...try 14.6k Xp. Have fun with that. You all know I take time into explaining things, so this is the chap that you REALLY want read it through, or you'll be confused. Otherwise...don't blame m It's AU time!

(Also helps if you have played an RPG, or better yet MMORPG. [Or even know what that acronym means] If so, this will be AWESOME for you.)

So, without further ado...

Drabblet # 7-Of Monsters, Magic, and Mayhem

Kaito really, really should have just stayed a Bard. But no, he had to just multi class into being a Rouge, a more fanciful way of thieving, granted. It would be all too difficult to recount just when his simple peasant life in a medieval world of monsters, magic, and of course mayhem. Regardless, one must begin somewhere.

He blamed the juggling balls.

For the majority of his life he fended for himself. His father was a high level Bard in his day, best in all of the realms, until a certain incantation went horribly wrong and took his life during one of his greatest concertos. His mother was of fairly high nobility, enough to travel the realms as she pleased, and for Kaito to tag along as well. But each time Kaito declined her offer.

He wanted to stay in the areas he'd known all his life and make a name for himself. Even when he was nine, around his father's passing, Kaito had obviously possessed the mark of a Bard. He had had a knack for swaying people's opinions and thoughts with a few well said words, and enchant them with his tricks of all sorts. He'd been accused of being a Wizard or Sorcerer on more than one occasion for all his fantastic acts. They were quickly disproven with a sweet little ditty he strummed on his lyre, and people seemed to have a "change of heart". They would shut up, enjoy the show, and maybe put an extra tip in his hat for good measure.

You had to love the confusion and fascination properties that came with being a Bard. It was hard, not abusing it. Then again cnsidering there were others of the same class-even legitimate magic users and conjurors where such mind manipulation was a common practice-he figured the Karmic spirits would out him in his place.

He made enough money on the streets to make a nice home for himself-one could only imagine the salary he'd acquire for jestering for a noble, or maybe Eight Kingdom royalty-but he preferred to just live from tip to tip. For one, he believed Bardship shouldn't be confided to the amusement in a courtroom. It discredited it, in a sense. Being a silly jester felt foolish. Second, he had a terrible case of wanderlust, and could never seem to stay in one village, town, or city for too long.

Though he had to admit, the new steam inventions of the larger cities absolutely fascinated him. He visited an old clock tower that had been recently renovated in the new technology and was very impressed. Had he not been a Bard, or Rouge, later in his years, he may have worked as an engineer or Alchemist. The goggles were stylish enough.

Anyway, he always kept moving, entertaining the young and old alike in his merrymaking, and was happy enough in being a bachelor, and a well fancied suitor among females.

Kaito was not one for a low self-esteem. He couldn't exactly blame them. His deep, sparkling indigo colored eyes were rare among muggle humans, and his hair was a thick, luxurious inky brown, so dark it looked black. He was of fair height, somewhere on the taller end of the average.

One day, a flyer caught Kaito's eye. Evidently, Legendary Kaitou Kid Rouge was up and causing mischief yet again, shrouded in mystery as always. He had been out and about since before Kaito's birth; yet eight years ago, he disappeared, and was believed dead. Known for stealing only the most precious of gems, stones, and jewels, he gave the victim fair notice of his appearance in the form of a riddle. And each and every time, he'd gotten away cleanly; odder yet, within a month of the theft, the Rogue would always return the stolen object exactly as it was when stolen. Most mind boggling of all, he wore pristine white garb, rumored to be knit from the moonlight itself, complete with a top hat and a new "monocle" as steam engineers called it, clothing reserved for the only most prestige nobility.

"Kid", as the named was shorted, was back. Royalty from all eight realms had a high bounty on his head. He could be brought in dead, alive, or enchanted, that latter most unlikely as he's shown great resistance to the most powerful of charms. He had been branded an outlaw by all the Kings and Queens, the mundane peasants rather looked to him as more an uncanny spirit-some claimed a chaotic good deity, since he never harmed anyone. Public gatherings for his thefts were common. He was a demon to some, a saint to others, a mischievous phantom to other more, or just a Rouge. But to Kaito, he was a Bard idol. Even though he was more recognized as a thief, any self-respecting Bard would be able to recognize Bardic charms and spells at work when one looked in the swirling waters of the morning News Pond. 'Almost as good as Father,' the up and coming Bard would think on more than one occasion.

During his travels and merrymaking, there was a rough patch income wise, and he always wanted to meet the Legend, even if it meant no dinner that day. So one night, he did just that; and would later regret it for the rest of his life. The revived Kid was his father's old manservant Jii, and revealed that he was acting in his Father's absence of death. In actuality, he had been murdered by a far more notorious outlaw than Kid. The murderers were an expansive Syndicate that had been active for decades.

They were looking for the long forgotten Philosopher's Stone, the prized gem of immortality. It had gone by many other names as the eons passes: Pandora, Phoenix, Arcanium, Sorcerer's Stone. However, the Philosopher's Stone always stuck. Men and women from all walks of life had once fought over it: human, elf, orc, druid, dwarf, halfling, half-breed. The entire universe was almost thrown into a state of near absolute oblivion. Kaito had learned that long ago, the eight predecessors of each realm had hidden it away with Ancient Words, never to be uncovered again. The Syndicate wanted it, and Toichi had fought to keep away from them. He had been killed for getting in their way, and staged it as a charm mistake on his part.

So it was no wonder why Kaito initially multi-classed into being a Rouge shortly after this new informational development. It wasn't so much as multi -classing either. It came naturally, seemed to go hand in hand. Donning the robes of the infamous phantom thief, he completed the heist in Jii's stead. After that, he officially took on the role, and soom found he was damn good at it too. And for a while, Kaito gallivanted along intent of seeking revenge for his Father still top priority in his mind , leading the poor Justice Bringers on ridiculous castle top moonlit chases.

He thought the old Favored Soul Nakamori (though his mouth had certainly not been deity blessed) would go absolutely insane. Though he had the most respect for the Commanding Kid Force of most the Realms, Kaito didn't find it too challenging...

…Until he met yet another Justice Bringer; Hakuba Saguru, Wizard from the Fifth Realm. Testy bookworm prat, Kaito had felt would be a more appropriate name for him, but titles were important.

Saguru was of a new order of type of Justice Bringer-a detective. As opposed to the backwards thinking "Kill them all." mentality, he was a supporter of a new idea of "court" in the case of humanoids. Granted, they would have to fall into the more lawful of the nine moral alignments: Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Lawful Neutral or Neutral. The other four alignments, Chaotic Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil and the demonic Chaotic Evil would most likely be condemned without trial, if not killed on the spot. Before he became Kid, Kaito supposed he fell in the Neutral Good scene. Nowadays he was more Chaotic Good speed-feeding off spontaneous energy, freedom and unplanned possible good doing that got derailed time to time. He tried not to think of slipping of anything worse than Chaotic Neutral, at worse.

Though he initially thought he was just another prick detective, as several had been popping up for him, Kaito did have a lot of respect for the young detective. His "court and trial" ideas were rather fair to Kaito. He was one of the few Justice Bringers who actually got within a harpy's feather of catching him, and one who actually wanted to know why he was doing such fallacy. Of course, Kaito would never tell him. But those few uttered words "Why would you do that?" meant a lot. He treated him like the basic morale humanoid he was. And he was insightful enough to question if what Kaito was doing was as sinister as so many people made him out to be-even front he standpoint of a Lawful Good, crime-fighting Wizard. Sure, he was still a prick, but certainly one of his favorites.

The night air was cold as it whipped Saguru's charm enlaced robes, made of a flexible gold color, but it looked dull in comparison to his straw colored hair. Kaito wondered if he used magic to keep it from graying. "Kid! Get over here!" The young man yelled over the wind. Perhaps Kaito hadn't scheduled a heist as the first of the weeklong Enorbian Monsoons in the Third Realm...bad planning on his part, but when did he ever plan anything?

"Oh but why, Wizard-san?" A grin. "If you really are a Wizard...where is your long all-knowing beard? Oh, I know...!" Before Saguru could blink, a poof engulfed his face. "Perfect!"

Kid had to duck when the mask fashioned of goat hair was sent flying back at him, now a block of ice. "Dammit-achoo!" The blonde sneezed. "You prat, I'm allergic to goat-achoo!"

"Shall I call a Cleric? Hate for you to catch a cold!"

"Neither I you, so warm up." He raised his staff; just enough time for Kaito to note its beauty. It was made of the holy twisted bark of the Yggdrasil tree. Perched atop the shaft was a hawk-like Simurgh bird, a divine bird of legend. Curving inwards under its breast-feathers it held an intricate hourglass filled with glittering sand. Kaito only had time to wonder why the hourglass was rotated rapidly before it released a huge fireball and hurtling at him. "Incendia!" After pulling off some Olympic level acrobatics, Kaito perched atop one of the cable spires and glared down at the detective, who was smirking up at him. "Not so hot now, are we?"

"Maaa Hakuba, I thought you weren't allowed to kill!" Kaito whined, batting some straw flames from his precious hat. Good thing he'd put some fire resistance on it.

"I'm not, at least in the case of any sane humanoid. But you and I both know you have the reflexes of a damn cat, so I wasn't worried." He huffed, obviously still smarting front he elderly remark. "I'm far from old. Besides, look were you've backflipped yourself." Saguru made a valid point. That night's chase had led them to the highest balcony of the tallest tower, and Kaito had just trapped himself of on the roof of the said tall tower. "You've left yourself nowhere to run, unless you suddenly have magic to fly. Or resist gravity."


Saguru shook his head. "Never mind, I learned of it back in my studies."

"No wonder you're so boring." The Rouge had made himself comfortable on the roof, laying on his tummy, frowning down at the boy. "Spending countless years reading musty old and grimoires and scrolls, just to do some magic!" he blew a raspberry. "I doubt it's worth it. Except maybe for the fancy hat-mine is way cooler though."

Ignoring the jobs at his precious hat, the wizard asked drily, "Oh, and being a stealing cad with a nice hat is?"

"Have you SEEN my hat?" Kid straightened said hat to show his discontent to the impertinent comment. "Hey, it's not stealing! I just borrow things without asking and have questionable intent on returning them."

This earned an eye roll, and the conjuring of handcuffs. The copper was outlined in a hazy white to show that, along with the latest technology, the restraints were magic bound as well. "Well then, allow me to return you to the Justice, with questionable intent on letting you go free again."

"Your offer is rather tempting, I will admit, Wizard-san," Kid mused. "But I have a better idea." He stood up, back to the expanse of dulling darkness. "I think I'll try defying 'gravity'." With that ambiguous note, Kid simply took a step backwards. His hat didn't even fall off.

Saguru raced to the edge of the castle top, swearing at the lack of mana to pull off a spell to save the lunatic. He looked over the edge, darkness now a dull gray with dawn approaching. And in the dull colors of the rising sun, she could see a white triangle soaring on the skies, free as any bird.

"He did it again," Saguru shook his head, knowing that even the airborne Justice Bringers could catch him or his flying machine. "Until our next battle, Rouge." Instead he took a seat on the gable, pulled out an old scroll, and began his daily writings in it. The guards found him there, enjoys his morning mixture of hot herb potion, the encounter recorded and with a plan for the next heist.

Their next encounter was not nearly as pleasant. Upon their next meeting, Saguru's main focus of foiling, the Wizard-Rouge Spider, was closely related in a heist. A number of things happened, including the sharing of Kid's actual reason behind his thievery to a certain Wizard. The end result was Saguru's resignation from the Justice Bringers. In his lengthy resignation, he reasoned that he was he was young to be confined to such rigid commitment. He had a lot of the world to still see.

What he didn't mention was that he created a small guild with the likes of the very Rouge he'd sworn to catch. It had long been decided that the two were experts in their areas, and their efforts would be lost wasting their energies chasing or evading the other. Saguru wouldn't be involved in the showy heists that Kid took part in. Rather, he acted as the travel companion of the surprisingly morale thief. Rouges swung either way on the alignment scale—their services could be used to deactivate traps and serve as the eyes of any traveling party. Thieves, however, always had a negative connotation. They stopped at nothing for whatever they wanted, serving only themselves, and usually with less than savory moral alignment. However, some had actually been a part of the special Kid Justice Bringers. That was enough for the Wizard to forgive the discretion, and thus get over the undeniable fact that he was in league with a less than morally concerned Rouge.

Road trips were an entirely different battlefield Saguru hadn't anticipated. But we digress.

They toured most of the Realms, doing smaller jobs around the county side if only to get their name out. They knew they weren't nearly experienced enough to take on any high end jobs within the Realm barriers: Commander's Circle, Noble's Court, or Regal. It would be suicide. Some simple city mischief was fair game, however.

The plan was to get particularly well known, in hopes of a good quest being bestowed on them, one that led them to Pandora, Spider, or even the Syndicate. They had to start small. Protecting a cavern train from some mundane rabid dogs, for instance. Or collecting Uliep sap from a tree inhabited by Relock wasps. Even finding a stupid doll for the little brat shouldn't have been in the goddamn monster infested cave in the first place, and such odd jobs. Regardless, slowly, but surely, they inched their way up the food chain.

The system was working well enough, but even with the extra help, Kaito was still thirsting for even more adrenaline rush. His heists came after every blue moon or so—which is to say, every month or two, if he was lucky. It took a longtime to do the research on a gem in question even with a Wizard handy. Also, there was the issue of getting to the site. Foot travel was slow: Nice for seeing the scenery, but slow. Had Saguru not been there to magically constrict him, Kaito probably would have done something drastic. They needed to get extremely lucky or raise enough platinum and gold to buy the chance of a quest from a bigwig. Otherwise, they'd be condemned to a simple life of the village fix-it men in the boondocks of the Realms.

They should have run as soon as they met the dark guy and his little friend.

There was always competition in the quest industry—so many jobs needed to be done, and several desperate urchins willing to pull off anything for any amount of money. Kaito never really bothered to research their competition. Saguru, on the other hand, liked to inform himself. The greatest adversaries for the greater good were some pair of Justice Bringers: Hattori of the West, and Kudo of the North (for Saguru would not condone anyone taking his Eastern reputation). The two were each solo questers, and were often compared to the other.

The one from the Third Realm apparently was skilled in the ways of the sword, back to the days of samurai and daimyo. This isn't to say their current society was much better, if not worse. Very few people ere as skilled as him for his age in fighting. Soon enough he conformed to the likes of Paladinship; not as easily bought as a Fighter, and far more tact than Barbarians.

Dedicated, and a master at defending as well as dealing damage, the Paladin was well received in his own territory and the surrounding, even though he was more melee oriented than the usual balanced mix of magic and melee. He was a bit loose as far as alignment. Though he was traditionally a Lawful or Neutral Good Paladin, he'd been called a Paladin of Freedom, after the legendary Chaotic Good Paladin, due to his less than savory temper at times. He made a good detective—so long as he had his enchanted helmet on during the 'deductions'.

The bigshot from the First Realm had to be the opposite. He was a Favored Soul, blessed by one of the ancient deities or a spirit that served as his patron…Though some skeptics believed he was actually touched by an evil spirit of death, as much as people were murdered by other people around him. Ironically enough, Kudo himself didn't even know who his patron spirit was, and didn't care to find out. He had the healing touch, and wasn't a half bad fighter.

Though he had been mistaken as a Cleric before for his never failing Lawfulness, he wasn't even close. He was just a bit to immodest to be considered a good Cleric. His breeding was of the highest standards, his mother well into the acting business, father a famous archivist. The young man could do most everything without much use of his spell casting. He was like Saguru and the Paladin—one of the leaders in the coming era of deduction. This meant, instead of relying so heavily on magic, he used a spelling technique of "deduction and inference" to uncover truths.

"In a way, they are much like you and me, Kuroba. They rely on their own wits to decipher things. Very interesting…I'd like to challenge them to a skirmish one day." Saguru had said once relaying this information to Kaito. "Thoughts?"

Kaito replied to Saguru's reading of this information with a belch and request for his slab of meat. Saguru didn't waste his breath bringing it up again.

That information came in handy when they were forced to duke it out on the single quest.

"So, let me get this straight," Heiji said slowly across the tree stump. His partner, Shinichi was seated beside him, and the Wizard and Bard were seated across their make shift table."We," He gestured to himself and Shinichi, "Were bestowed a quest to enter a monster infested cave and reclaim some old artifact our questee dropped there. And...you guys got the same quest at the same time, for an old artifact as well?"

"Yup, that pretty much sums it up." Kaito nodded, more concentrated on his four juggling balls.

"Did you ever meet your quest-giver, or at least know who it is?" Saguru was in a pensive thinking position.

Shinichi matched the thoughtfulness in his own way, eyes closed. "No, I actually found that very suspicious myself...He just left us a parchment at our meeting place of the Drowned Sorrows Tavern..." Fishing the scroll out from his robes, Shinichi presented the said parchment. "It's charmed that only someone with an active mana output can open," he said, concentrating said magical energy in his fingertip that a warm red hue, and holding it close to the seal; it bloomed in a fashion something reminiscent to a flower.

"The same with us," Saguru agreed, revealing his identical scroll, and bent over with the fellow justice bringer to collaborate on the oddity.

" Probably another senile old coot," Heiji dismissed the oddness. Quest givers often screwed up in their job, be it assigning the incorrect place or time, forgetting to give an important item such as a key to enter the site, or, what it appeared to be the current case, assigned the same quest to the same people. "A common annoyance. Regardless, we ought to figure out what to do about it. neither of our parties can carry on with the quest, since it's unfair." Heiji was very sensitive to the topic of fairness, even more so than his fellow justice bringers.

"Suppose we all just make a joint camp until, then go see about this in the morning?"

"That sounds good-OI! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" The Paladin roared, standing up brashly, all traces of an easy going mannerisms gone.

"What are you yelling about-hey, Kuroba!" Shinichi joined his partner in surprise.

Saguru almost didn't even want to know what his accomplice was up to, but better judgment told him he had to investigate. When he took the plunge, Saguru had to remind himself that he was just observing, not judging. But goddamn did the Rogue look bad at that moment, sprinting full speed into the cave, bag of tricks slung over his shoulder. Like he was going in all by himself, and intended to take the treasure in said bag.

Observing, observing…

Okay, so it looked pretty bad. It would take a LOT of dragoncrap to convince Saguru otherwise if he were in the other quester's armor, but he still had to try. "I'm sure Kuroba has a perfectly logical reason for this." That was a lie to his own ears; "Kuroba" and "logical" did not belong in the same sentence.

It didn't work. "Well, I wanna know that reason, but AFTER I kick his sorry ass!" Growled Heiji, who then stormed after him not brandishing his sword, but hand gripping the hilt tightly. "Goddamn son of a bitch..."

"Paladins aren't supposed to swear," Saguru said.

Heiji amended this with a particularly rude gesture over his shoulder before donning his greenmetal helmet and being devoured by the tar black mouth of the cave.

His abandoned partner sighed. "Sorry about that," Shinichi turned to the Wizard. "...But it really isn't honorable, getting on ahead of us-"

"You say that like I have any idea what he's doing," Saguru pointed out drily, gathering his and Kaito's supplies in some foliage. "I'm in much of the dark as you are, literally." The last rays of the sun had finally disappeared behind the Solumn mountains, at the first of the twin moons were peaking out in its stead.

"Well, you're welcome to come with me to retrieve them, and I suppose start the quest, or hold down things here." The Favored Soul Called over his shoulder. He was browsing through his weaponry, a bit annoyed that it was really one of two options: ranged or melee. Everyone had to start somewhere, right? "I don't suggest it though. Not familiar with this countryside, but I hear it has some real nasties come nightfall." Slinging his quiver of bolts-normal steel, sleep inducing, and poison dipped-he hefted his dark wood crossbow on his arm. Heiji ought to do just fine on the melee, mad as he was, so he'd take the ranged method.

"And let you three hoard all the treasure? I may be from the far east, but I'm not that foreign to fall for such a ploy." The Wizard grasped his staff and rose to his full height. The staff had to be about 6 feet, and he could look one fit some.

Shinichi appraised this with some interest, and finally, after rubbing his chin, "...I feel like you need a long flowing beard or something..."

After a moment of debating mimicking the hotheaded Paladin's wordless reply, Saguru just sighed and headed, going along with whatever convoluted mess his Bard-Rogue friend was bound to get him into.

Kaito had a dangerously short attention span. One moment he was trying to regain his juggling balls that seemingly leaped from his hands, the next he saw an interesting light further in the cave, and one thing led to another. By the time he realized he'd strayed far from the mouth, and probably pissed off the other adventurers in the process. Oh well, he was already far in, may as well look into things. Saguru would be able to hold off his slight social schizoid mannerisms enough to appease them. He needed to grow. Or not, most likely.

The mix up in in itself was a mystery, however. Maybe their employer was playing a clever prank. If Kaito had the money, he'd probably do something along the lines. Not as creepily of course, and he'd be sure to pay them for unknowingly playing along. But such thoughts were for a later time, he needed to navigate the cavern first.

It was lucky the Rogue was light of foot, or he'd stalagmite with his knee long ago. He was careful not to touch, or crumble any of the formations, less the vibrations disturb the stalactites hanging above. He also could appreciate the little things, and he could notice that each of the land formations seemed to contain small evanescent, multi-colored sheen of glimmer on them. He didn't know if anything lived in this cave, but if it did, he figured he wouldn't hurt his case by destroying its home. Diplomacy was best friend.

He could feel the last bit of a backup diplomatic approach when he heard the first stalagmite explode. Kaito dodge rolled to avoid the wickedly sharp shards that were bombarded at him. He ended up sprawled on his back, only a foot away from another stalagmite. He was in perfect view to see the glint of the bastard sword a very, very pissed off Paladin was swinging around haphazardly. "

The deathly calm reply echoed in the shuddering cave. Give me one good reason not to miss next time."

"Here's one: how about you'll kill us BOTH!" Kaito whisper-screamed, afraid to raise his voice any higher. "Put that thing away!"

"The lot of us were trying to figure out what happened with our quests, and we wanted to make sure it was fair to everyone that they got their reward and treasure. Kudo and I were fine with waiting till morning to chat with the quest giver; and unless the Wizard was meant to distract us, he seemed on board too. So, WHAT is your problem?!" Heiji growled down at the paler boy, emerald eyes smoldering. "

"You're insane!"

The warrior hefted his sizable shield to display, obviously not very worried for his own being. He drove it into the hard packed, stone-like dirt , and leaned on it, grinning..well, pretty evilly for a good-doer. "No, I've been swindled. And I don't take kindly to being fooled, Bard."

"Ohh…" Indigo eyes driften into the realm of violent, a dull glow evident in them. "I'm afraid you are terribly mistaken, noble Paladin." He drawled congenially

"Am I now? How to you propose?" Heiji meant to deliver the query with a bit more mocking in his voice. But for some reason, he found himself forgetting why he was planning on being condescending in the first place.

"You see, I was merely trying to help both our efforts in venturing in alone. Many people don't know this about me, but I, ah, dabble in the Rogue's abilities in addition to b…But you, being the acclaimed, fortitudinous Justice Bringer like yourself probably already knew that."

"Obviously. But thanks," Heiji replied. He was a pretty awesome paladin. Good thing Kuroba knew it, too. Why was he on the floor anyway? "So tell me, what have you discovered, Roguish Bard?" He quarried, then took hold of his arm firmly.

Kaito winced at the quick movement, certain he was in for a very painful dislocated body part at best. But instead, he found himself lifted clean off the floor with only a neutral pressure applied on his limb. He was back on his feet, and even got a pat on the back to get some dirt off. Hattori had helped him up seconds after he was hellbent on causing him bodily harm. And now, "suddenly" Hattori was being rather helpful…Much like anyone else was when Kaito had the chance to "explain" things. Charisma was Kaito's second best friend.

"Well, do you feel that draft? It seems to be moving upward and into my nose. The smell is something old, I can tell. And if a draft is going upwards, then it must be from somewhere below us. I reckon maybe only a few more stone throws away before we reach a depression. The issue is that I've detected several potholes-only as wide around as me, but deeper than both of us standing on top of one another. As I've gone on, I've water my step and blocked them off with big rocks." He gestured to the large rocks that were sprinkled along the recently made foot trail. This cave is a lot bigger than it looks."

"Oh, well good to know!" Heiji said amiably. "You're a good fellow, know that Kuroba?"

"Stop charming him, you idiot."
How many times had Kaito heard that phrase? "Hakuba!" He greeted without even turning around. "Glad you and Kudo decided to join us,"
"Join you? More like stop you! What were you thinking Kuroba, stealing all the treasure for yourself?" Shinichi growled, no nonsense. " Have you any honor, Bard?"
"Oh calm down you stick in the mud," Heiji said, now assuredly of his own clear mind. "Kuroba was just scouting ahead for us and covered up some pitfalls."
Saguru exhaled through his noise, ambiguous as to whether it was of relief or exasperation."Did he now?"

"Yep! And I found my juggling balls here too! " Kaito said happily. He decided he wouldn't give up his true motives for venturing in alone. It was strange though, how he found them. They had a bit of an evanescent glow to it; when looked straight on they were the same, but just out of the corner of his eye, they had a glimmer. They really shouldn't have rolled so far anyway, this was pretty deep in, and when he dropped them, they were some good yard away from the mouth to begin with. Strange…

Though he appreciated the Bard's scoutwork, Heiji decided he was going to keep a closer eye on Kaito. "I guess waiting until morning isn't an option now, so we may as well crusade this through together. We can split the treasure, I'm sure." For his short temper, he made up for it in his generosity. The rest of his company agreed.

The warrior assumed his position in the front of their group, bastard sword brandished. His shield was high and ready to deflect any slide attacks, almost as big as his torso. The shield, just as his helmet identified him as a Hattori, was a token of his Paladinship. They were the great protectors, after all, of nobles and royalty. As such, he had some protective blessings at his disposal he could balance the fighting out with, but that wasn't as fun. Hitting things, now that was fun. Really, his personal job was to beat the crap out of whatever came their way. Just how he liked it.

Taking his cue, Shinichi fell to the back of the party, crossbow ready. Shinichi, being the only person capable of healing, chose to play on the safer side. He predicted his healing would be more in demand, so he wouldn't partake in so much hand to hand. A Favored Soul's work was never done. In at any given time, he was expected to defend like a Paladin, heal like a Cleric, spellcast like a Wizard or Sorcerer, and give deal out damage like a Barbarian. No one really cared about anything else about his healing though. Regardless, he had to know how to do several things at the drop of a hat, and thankfully, Shinichi was quiet apt at this. His time studying on that tiny off coast on a tiny island did him good.

Saguru was in the dead back, but no one stood directly in front of him; no one wanted to be the accidental target of his spellcasting. His long days preparing scrolls and incantations had paid off. He could now channel his magical energy though his staff instead of relying on scrolls, but it had a few seconds delay; nevertheless, it was worth it. The results were devastating to whoever was caught in his path. He was trying to learn all the possible eight elements in some form, but was still starting off. As of now, he could hurl conjured fireballs, manipulate whip-like streams of water, or summon sharp stalactites under foes. Lightning, wind, light, darkness, and his personal favorite, ice, would have to come later once he unlocked the more powerful spells concerning his three basic elements.

Kaito was a little behind Heiji, slightly to the right. As a Bard, he was a master of crowd control, confusion, and distraction, all of which he used generously when battling. It was he could fend for himself well in this way. Another post of a bard is to return to the more domesticated duties; making merry, singing, dancing, playing a lute or some such. Said action would uplift his party members and increase their statistics. In short, he could sing song to inspire people to be stronger, wiser, more charismatic, etcetera…but that wasn't much his style.

In hostile situations, he preferred to take the Rogue's approach in filling in where he was needed, offense or defense, once disorienting people with some bard tricks. He worked best by doing the ever honorable thing of stabbing from behind or side after concealing himself in the shadows. He wielded a dagger the length of his forearm, perfect for when his he got close enough to his target to apprehend, and need be, eliminate them.

The most curious thing, however, was their assembling in the first place. While the duos had long since figured out their Mos, and how the interacted with the other, their interactions would have to be different when in a quest party, small as it was. They each had some basic common sense in where their talents best lie. But to be able to know predict where their other party members' movements, positions, needs and strengths was very uncommon indeed.

"How big," Heiji paused to swat his sword on face sized ,fanged moth that had been fluttering aggressively at him. For the past hour they had been hiking he'd come across dozens of the little beasts. "Is this cave anyway? "

Instead of answering, Kaito moved in front of Heiji. "Stop. I sense something." Gracefully as the moth's normal sized, prettier cousin, he near floated over the ground a few feet. After only a few paces the boy launched into an involuntary cartwheel over yet another pitfall. "'Nother one about 20 paces forward, on the left, stick to the right." With that, he returned to his place in the middle of the pack that had shifted to the right of the tunnel.

Shinichi quickened his pace to walk beside him."How can you just "sense" something is amiss, that doesn't make very much sense. Did you hear of feel anything in particular? I'd like to know for future referenced."

"No, I just sensed it. Just like at the end of this damn mile of a tunnel, I can sense there's something…something big there."


"Yep! Prominent, too."

"Forget I asked…"

"Don't feel bad Kudo, such vagueness is common with him. 'Something' can be a fluffy bunny-rabbit to a demon from the ninth level of hell," Saguru kept his eyes on focus on the handful of fire he'd produced, "Expect the unexpected."

Heiji seemed amused by this. "Are we adapting a Bardic saying, Wizard?"

"A saying that seems to be the truth a lot," he corrected.

"Fair enough observation. One thing I've learned on my travels is that NOTHING goes the way you want it to," He trailed off as they the ceilings that had been steadily sloping, leveled, and began inclining upwards. A few more minutes he could see something big. And prominent. Then again, any sign of humanoid dominion, never mind a 25 foot tall massive wooden door with creepers grown over in a spideweb like fashion, would be prominent after all that time facing giant creepy crawlies and cave formations. "That looks like a point of interest,"

"Ya think?" Heiji said drily, running had on the old, but strong wood. "I wouldn't want to drive my sword through this if I could, fine looking door, ancient as it is. . It's tough." He gave it a knock to prove its point, the thing was solid. "I'm willing to bet this moss stuff is the lock, or is covering a mechanism of some sort." He bent down to one of the four suspicious looking too-perfect circular patch of the said moss stuff of and unthinkingly dug his hand in.

"Yeah, there's definitely—"he cut himself off by pulling away in pain. "Okay yes, it's a lock, we don't have a key, and it's mana sealed." He reported, waving his hand about.

"Perhaps I can be of assistance, " Saguru stepped up beside Heiji, ball of flame slowly getting bigger. "Stand clear, if you would." Once the party was of reasonable difference, he lobbed the flame at the target. The creeper shuddered, moving some; however, instead of burning it all off, the fire was driven from the spot up through the web to the other four circles, who all then absorbed the flam. Meanwhile, the scorched portion rejuvenated, now thicker.

The show was off-putting but interesting to the Wizard. "Well then…."

Shinichi put into words the event they'd just witnessed. "It seems like the creeper plant distributes any damage evenly, fire being super effective. I'm willing to bet that even if we torch the thing all at once, it still will rejuvenate. But perhaps of we hit all the points at once with fire…?"

The blonde frowned."Not sure if I can allocate four fireballs for each, Kudo,"

"You don't have too, just enough for a torch or two." The party appraised the smiling Favored Soul for a moment. Saguru couldn't help but get an eerie shock of déjà vu.

It had to be moonhigh by the time they finished, but once done, the four young men had scrounged together some long sticks and substitutes for twine and tar to make for some simple torches. Shinichi handed one of each to Kaito and Heiji.

On the count of three, we all set fire to a circle," He planned simply.

"Good plan, but who will get the ones all the way up there?" Emerald eyes assessed the door.

"I'll get it," Kaito assured, grasping his torch firmly, and scaled the door high into the air using only three of his limbs, balancing comfortably on the corner edge like he could spend an afternoon literally hanging out. At the disbelieving looks he got, he shrugged nonchalantly. "Acrobatics."

Saguru and Shinichi had decided they could get the upper and lower right with fireballs and flaming crossbow bolts respectively. Heiji, once seeing a boulder was blocking the final circle, he amended it by busting it into smithereens with his spare hammer, and then proceeded to toss aside the childsized rocks like they weighed nothing, and get into position.

"Alright...One, two, three!"

At the final word, each circular target was torched. The cave began rumbling.

"I think I ought to get d-down...!" Kaito lost his grip at the shaking, but before he could hit ground, iridescent wings sprouted from his back, easing his fall to a mere foot. The wings then dissipated into the air.

Shinichi looked pleased to see this. "I knew that feather's fall protection would come in handy—" He ducked suddenly, giving Heiji the room to deliver a diverging kick to a falling rock that was headed straight for his head.

"Wherever the hell that door leads, we need to get in NOW." The dark skinned boy grunted at the effort to keep his legs beneath him. "Hakuba, is it working?"

The scholar had taken the duty to observe and never take his eyes of the door, and he seemed mystified. "Th-the lock, it has an ancient symbol from the Azarath dimension! The fact that our meager fire abilities were able to unlock it is—"


"It's opening!" Mocha eyes widened at the unnaturally smooth movement, last of the creepers burned off to reveal a magnificent and very complicated lock mechanism. He'd love to examine it for all the properties it had, magically, architecturally, historically, but the cave was coming down fast. There was nothing to be seen behind the door, but it was better than being buried alive. "Hurry, before it gets blocked off!" Not to mention the steadily falling stalagmites. The smaller ones about the size of a quill had already begun falling. If they had stung, one could only imagine the injury a carriage sized one could do.

They didn't need to be told twice. The party collectively sprinted for the door, as the paltry light the mouth of the cave provided was obstructed by the rock; the debris also tampered with the door, now closing when some bigger rocks had disturbed its unlocking. The four dove for the small crack the door was providing just as the tunnel caved completely in. The effort had taken a bit from them all, so it was the silent agreement for everyone to recompose, use a mana or health potion if needed, and assess their inventory.

Once gathering themselves, the party took a look at their surroundings: a circular room that had huge gleaming crystal formations hanging from the high ceiling. It casted off some iridescent lighting in the room and reflected off the several other crystals that edged the room. Either it was a beautiful work of nature, or it was designed in such a way for all its precision.

It was quite the sight to behold, nevertheless; certainly a welcome one after hours of walking in a dingy dark stooping tunnel. Even more of a welcome sight was the large trunk in the back of the room. It seemed pretty mundane compared to the natural chandelier, but a chest was a chest. If some old hidden relic were to be anywhere, it would be there…and of course, some extra treasures for their trouble. It seemed pretty straightforward, just trudge through the tunnel, and then walk through the clear open space to an unguarded trunk. Pretty legit.

Of course, quests were never that easy for the boys even when they were in their pairs. All four of them-or at least the three detectives all together- were just bad luck. Kaito had to be an omen though, as no one had randomly died at the entrance or something. Not after three steps toward the prize did screeching assault the boys' ears, echoing in the spacious area.

Immediately after the last screech sounded, dozens upon dozens of black creatures fly around and between the party, who could do nothing but hold their ground. They served as at herald for a massive beast, most likely the Alpha, who flew in last. Its minions were looked like it: a batlike creature, only much bigger than the average bat. Long, visible fangs that protruded from their mouths, violent red scars were on their steel cutting wings, and had murky, beady eyes to match their body. The leader had eerie yellow eyes that had a dark intelligence to them.

Naturally, once again, the four assembled into the formation they had assumed just before in the tunnels: Heiji in the very front, Kaito a little behind and to his side, Shinichi always behind Kaito, and Saguru bringing up in rear in the middle. Only this time, each person was now on the offensive, as opposed to exploratory or defensive.

""No rest for the weary, huh?" Heiji hefted his sword over his shoulder and re-equipped his helmet. "Hope you boys are ready to slice and dice! Finally, some action," He said a bit too enthusiastically.

Shinichi spared his partner a glance before refocusing on reloading. "Nearly getting crushed to death wasn't enough action for you?"

"That I couldn't fight. Had no control over it. This, this is my forte."

"I think I leave that you and Kuroba, thanks," Shinichi muttered, already trying to eye a vulnerable area to shoot.

"I suppose we'll let you handle the brunt, and I'll help you out on the sides?"

"Yup, sounds good."

"Hakuba, Kudo, you got the far ones?"

Both ranged attackers nodded their assent.

"So, we done talking already? Good. You all focus on the spawn, I'll get the Alpha. Let the fun begin."

For all their time preparing, the bats seemed time be head at bay by their leader. Heiji took a step forward. The bats stirred even more so behind the Alpha, who undoubtedly glared at Heiji, daring him to step over an imaginary line, perhaps. He didn't have to in the end, because the exploding bolt shot in the middle of the mass made all hell break loose anyway.

Bats dropped from the air like flies at the initial attack. The bolt only acted as a shock to scramble them. The bats outnumbered the humans greatly, and while defending from all sides would prove difficult, it was better than trying to put a chink in a massive army.

True to his word, Heiji went straight for the Alpha. The Alpha was ready, releasing an earth shaking shriek that nearly put Heiji to his knees. The Paladin's eyes narrowed, and he circled the beast, giving an experimental stab between duck and dodging it's giant fangs and metal cleaving wingspan. The bats seemed to be intelligent; not as much as their leader, but enough to form squadrons of sorts, and diving at their targets like kamikazes.

Meanwhile, Saguru had his hands full with the masses. Saguru kept his mostly at bay by throwing up a wall of water where he stood. The bats flew so fast for him, the water being semipermeable, that they may have run into the cave wall for all its force. He alternated between that, waterwhipping, and for some close calls, torching them for a quick and decisive end. He tried to plan out his use of magic wisely though. His mana would regenerate with some melee fighting, and he wasn't half bad with his giant staff for simply whacking at the little mongrels.

Shinichi was in danger of running out of bolts. He'd fended for himself, and kept the bats from interrupting Saguru with his spellcasting. All with a crossbow. He was very, very skilled with it, especially considering it was his secondary weapon. It only took half a glance to pin, clip, wound, or impale a beast without much effort. He needed to make his bolts last however, so he had taken to utilizing the entire shaft of the bolt to skewer through three, four, five at a time. On occasion when one got to close for comfort, he unsheathed his primary weapon, a shortsword. It had been touched by a higher power when he found it; most likely his mystery patron. He was curious as to why the bats repulsed in the gleam of the sword. He didn't warrant much thought, and deferred to simply sweeping the sword in an overhead arch-like fashion, creating a screen of protection for and himself while he shot away.

There was rhyme and reason to Kaito's extravagant acrobatics when street performing. It was how he kept in shape when not on a quest or traveling. All the jumping, tumbling, flipping, and other gymnastic moves serve a purpose aside from wow factor. They were good practice for battle. In combat, he preferred to stay as loose an agile as possible. While his daggers didn't have the force of a broadsword or the ranged of a crossbow, it was versatile. More ways to eliminate a target. It was fast, or at least fast enough to keep up with his movements. It was easy to conceal, in case diplomatic endeavors went sour. Of course, the latter was more useful when dealing with non-beastly enemies; nevertheless, Kaito was comfortable. He went along supporting Heiji with his fast work, leaping into the air to reach his targets, and more or less keeping an eye out for where he was needed.

Meanwhile, as the Rogue, Favored Soul and Wizard kept the minions busy, the Paladin was having his mano a mano with his new best friend, Gerald the Bat.

That's what he named him personally, anyway. When Heiji had declared this fact to Gerald, Gerald was not pleased. He seemed to be only more enraged, apparently intelligent enough to have an opinion on names. So of course, the understanding Paladin used the address exclusively.

By now, as its underlings were slowly but surely decreasing in number due to the party's group effort, the Alpha began to get more aggressive. Heiji had sustained his fair share of injury, but his policy held up: he dealt twice as much damage as he received. So the bat was on its last metaphorical legs.

"Wish I could say I'm sorry about this Gerald. But hey, I cared enough to give you a proper name!"

Gerald responded to this by lashing out without warning. His wing clipped Heiji's arm, successfully cutting through his armor and cutting the skin. The gash wasn't deep, but enough to draw some blood. Troublesome.

"Have it your way…" Heiji's grip on the hilt of his sword tightened before completely vanishing from his hands. He had thrown it high into the air so high, it was in within a foot of hitting the crystal chandelier. As his sword ascended, so did he; in one audacious move, he charged for the Gerald, climbed onto one wing. As predicted, Gerald flapped his wing violently to shake him off, which gave Heiji the extra lift to spring into the air. He reclaimed his falling sword as he rocketed, and then grasped it with both hands, accidently somersaulting once. The blade by now had a red glow to it. He regained his balance well enough to draw his sword straight down, cutting Gerald right in half, and landed on his feet. Heiji didn't look back at the shrill screech that resulted in the attack, rather just walking off and sheathing his sword. His party had exterminated the other bats, and he'd done his job.

"Good work, boys."

After the dust had cleared, sinister entrails of the demonic bats littered the floor. Gerald the bat was vanquished. The party stayed tense for a few moments after the last beast fell, in case there were any reinforcements. Nothing came.

Once he finished healing the injuries with his healing touch, Shinichi commented, "That's strange," He was looking at the remains of the bats; bodies cracked, cleaved and charred.

Somehow not prone to helmet hair, Heiji's hair slipped from the protective gear easily and placed the helm at his side. "How ya mean? Though these bats seemed a bit off...I've only shooed them off one of them before, and that's when they even woke UP. Remember that caravan quest we had Fourth Realm?"

"Yes, these were oddly aggressive..."

Saguru flipped though an old monster grimiore he kept with him. "The closest I've ever seen of those bats are the desert swiftwings, but never with that coloration or behavior. Heck, the fangs are a surprise as well."

Kaito's eyes widened. "I think you have something else to add to your book, Hakuba…" He pointed to where and all eyes followed the indicating index. The black and red bloody remains seemed to melt to a liquid form, globs of the stuff squirming to the center of the room. "Anyone got something explosive…?"

Before anything volatile could be lit, the globs formed into a large, writhing mass of not even flesh, but of matter and shuddered once. Then it began to evaporate, to dissipate into the air in a light gray, placid smoke. The smoke itself disappeared once all the mass had changed matter.
The collective blink was audible. Heiji spoke all their minds. "Oookay….?"

"I guess I do have something new for my books…"

"…let's just open the trunk before anything else happens…" Shinichi reasoned, kneeling by the prize. Without any further ado, he calmly chopped of the weak lock violently, not even in the mood to go look for a key. Property damage wasn't his concern. Throwing open the lid, he looked inside.

Heiji and Kaito managed to catch him by the arms when he stumbled back in shock, coughing. They began to cough as well while the room filled with a similar gray smoke that had just dispersed.

"Oh, I'm sorry Shinichi-kun, I guess this potion was a failure as well." The voice sounded full, older, and came from the gut.

Shinichi had fallen right on his bum, staring up at the overweight independent engineer/inventor standing in the chest he had just opened, steaming something or another, face charred, and could not believe he was the same sight as he had when he left him all those months ago. Blowing something up."…Hakase!?"

"…who?" The Rogue and Wizard were lost.

"Yes?" The old man seemed immune to the fumes. "Oh, hello Heiji-kun, I haven't seen you in a while either! How are you?"

"Why are you our treasure?" Saguru blurted out without thinking.

"…well that's very kind of you Saguru-kun…?"

"...How do you know my name?"

Shinichi decided to step in before things could get weird. "Hakase you…never mind. Well, you know Hattori, so this is Hakuba Saguru and Kuroba Kaito." He turned to his newfound acquaintances. "Kuroba, Hakuba, this is Hiroshi Agasa, a family friend and inventor. I've known Hakase for as long as I can remember."

"Oh…hello then, Hakase…" The proper reputation the school-brought up Wizard had worked so hard for had to be protected. "Pardon my rudeness."

"Not at all."

"Well I don't mean to be rude either , Ojii-san. We were on a quest to retrieve something, found a trunk, opened it up, and you popped out like a weasel in a trapper's furbag. Some background would be great." Kaito deadpanned. As much as he messed with people, on occasion weird surprises such as this were not too appreciated.

"That sounds like Kaito-kun," An even older sounding croaky voice said behind the large frame of Agasa. Somehow, the lithe, aged form of Jii managed to fit in the trunk as well, as from the knees down, they were in the case. "Smart-alec and all."

"Jii-chan!" Kaito exclaimed. Saguru's eyebrows shot up, but he seemed just as pleased as his partner.

The Favored Soul and Paladin were lost. "…who?"

"My dad's old friend. Konosuke Jii has been like my grandfather for as long since the cradle. What in the world are you doing here?"

"Agasa and I intend to get to that in a moment. Just know, we meant to bring you all together; everything that happened today we predicted or caused. Such as your loosing you juggling balls, Kaito-kun. But I digress. Right now, I believe you all need to explain some things to each other first…" He looked at Kaito meaningfully, particularly at his clothes. They were suddenly white. Kaito followed his gaze, and his eyes became saucers. Slowly his hands reached up to touch his face. Instead of his dirty fingers touching his cheekbone, a soft, silky gloved finger felt the coldness of metal through the fabric.


Agasa gave the same look to Shinichi, only he seemed to look down more than usual. Way, way, down. "You as well, Shinichi-kun. You ran out of the poultice, didn't you?"

"Mrrr tnnn mmm—"Shinichi began, and then poked his head up from the clothing. His clothing now was completely oversized, piling to his neck. Of course, the pile wasn't too big; just shy of three feet, which was an inch shy of Shinichi's height. "I think that's obvious, Hakase…" He adjusted his spectacles on his face that were also too big, but seemed to suit him. He pushed his glasses up on his nose and coughed if only to break the deafening silence.

"…why are you a kid?"

"…why are you the Kid?"

Both questions and replies, in their execution, tone, and facial expressions confirmed the other's suspicions. Both rudely pointed at the other and yelled, "It's you!"

"This is even more confusing than the two men popping out of a chest who want to bring us together in a demon bat infested cave." Heiji whispered to Saguru, who, like him, could only watch.

Saguru nodded slowly. "…that was the most accurate sentence I have heard all day."

Kaito came clean first, as he was the "bad" one apparently. The two goody two shoes refused to listen to another word that wasn't his explaining of his sudden costume change. He didn't try to persuade them to drop the idea; he wasn't even sure if he could, for something so apparent. He simply told him his story—from the streets to royal jewel rooms to meet Saguru to thieving on the road—and the reason behind it of course. Saguru chimed in for parts Kaito forgot now and then, so he spoke for a good amount as time as well.

Shinichi and Heiji were good listeners. Like Saguru, Kaito could tell that they were asking themselves as he was speaking, "Why would you do that?". Like they were trying to understand fully his reasoning before passing judgment. And, just the same, he very much appreciated it.

By time he was done, Kaito could tell they at the very wouldn't hand him over to his pursuers; at least, not off the bat. Once done, Kaito was able to turn the tables and begin the "Chibi Kudo" questioning.

Shinichi decided he would choose his battles, and intead began to explain to everyone exactly what caused his vertical challenge. He had been in such a state for months.

Back when he was still working solo, Shinichi was just strolling through a forest, on his merry business. It was an enchanted forest. Not a dark or forbidden or evil forest-here people went to speak to friendly tree and water nymphs, or come across a rare mythical creature or collect plants with healing properties. It was very dense, full of flora and fauna. Everyone who went in was reported to have a wonderful time. The lord presiding over the area named it "Tropical Land" due to its variety of life and plants.

Shinichi had scoffed at the misnomer, as the Sixth realm was known for its temperate weathers. He also he was not too keen on the idea of paying to get into a forest, either. Nonetheless, after a particularly stressful week of splitting up questing, training, and spreading deductive reasoning awareness by being an example of the theory, the Favored Soul needed some fun. So, expecting no more than maybe a nice chat with a talking animal perhaps, he decided to go.

He didn't predict solving a murder on his miniature holiday. Then again, Shinichi really should have known that something had to go wrong on an endeavor he was partaking in, due to past experiences. Poor bloke was on the foliage, neck sliced. People milling about were surprised, somewhat insensitive. They'd seen a monster attack before, so they wrote it off as such. Shinichi of course saw right through the ruse to find the true human killer in no time, impressing everyone around. Not only was he very young to be so intelligent, but to master such high level "spellcasting" was amazing.

The Favored Soul didn't bother correcting them. It was a complicated process to explain to them all without their thinking he was an evil witch. And who was he to pop their bubble? A few even recognized him for being a detective but before things could get too wild, he split off from the main forest trail, onto a road less traveled. Along the way, he came across two shady looking men he'd found at the scene. And while his work was done and he could have left the men to their most likely equally shady activities, he didn't.

Shinichi spied on the overweight crook make an illegal looking exchange with an equally overweight baron over some reputation ruining scrolls. Shinichi thought could report this to the kingdom's Regulators, and bust both offenders.

Curiosity always leads to trouble. This was no exception. Intelligent as Shinichi was, he'd forgotten that the fat one had a silver hair accomplice, who promptly hit him on the back of the head with a blunt weapon, most likely a branch. He'd dropped like a fly, bleeding from the injury. He couldn't focus on anything for the pain. But he could still hear somewhat. The men discussed his intruding their rendezvous, and some other things, but Shinichi could only focus so much for the pain.

He did catch what they were going to do to him. The fat one suggested he chop the punk into itty bitty pieces and be done with it. The silver haired one reprimanded his partner for being an idiot; it would he obvious it was a weapon who killed him, not a beast. He instead had a better idea. Their Syndicate had provided them with a brand new curse that would be completely intractable to magickers and muggles alike.

Shining could feel some nasty tasting herbs being forced down his throat. The only thing he was given to wash it down was an equally vile tonic. Having no other choice, he swallowed it all. Then he began the reciting. The words were in some other language, but the sound them did not seem good at all.

Then came the real pain. That godforsaken tree branch over the head was child's play. Not a verse into the chant did Shinichi feel the horrible, fiery sensation. It began in his stomach, where the herbs lay. It was as it they caught fire within him, and the blaze was spreading and intensifying to the point of a evil hellfire had to be engulfing him. The man had stopped chanting some time ago, and seemed amused by watching his horrific end. Once bored, they left him to die, certain he would perish.

When he woke up, the moon was high in the sky. He could barely see the moon however; as his he realized he was buried in someone's clothes...maybe the goons stripped him and left him some rags to cover his naked body? Shinichi was very confused, but blamed his distortion to being cracked upside the head too hard. He needed to wash his face of dirt and blood, get a drink of water, and figure things out.

Luckily, there was a small stream remembered passing on his way eavesdrop. Even though keep was too dark for him to even see his hands, Shinichi still had a degree of modesty, pulling the questionable material that was over him as a cover as he began walking. The steam was a lot farther away than he remembered. And the treetops seemed much higher up. Nevertheless, he came to the wonderful sound of moving water and kneeled at the brook. He drank to his heart's content, washing his face of grime.

Then Shinichi got a glimpse of his reflection by the light of the fairies. Even his scream had gone up several octaves, enough to either frighten off or attract creatures from all around him.

"After I first saw my reflection, I panicked," Shinichi said, hands grasped together from the memory. "But through my panic, I somehow found myself on Hakase's doorstep. We worked out what I would do there, especially since the Organization could still be on my tail. Together we came up with my glasses, new clothes and my alias…Conan Edogawa. Hakase said he would try to help me come up with a cure, but until then, I couldn't stay in that Realm. Or any one Realm, for too long. I became a nomadic miniature hermit, really."

That curse was very powerful and ancient, and only influential people would be able to get a hold of them. If they are expansive as they are powerful, then seeing me even as a kid may flare suspicion. We figured that if I continued in my detective work; busting crime rings that have been in the dark for centuries may just unearth the ring that did this to me."

"So just traveled the lands as a kid. I could pass off as an adult Halfing as long as people did not look closely, but more often than not I had to find some…inventive ways to solve mysteries. Things were still at a standstill as far as getting to the Organization until I met Hattori."

Heiji nodded his assent. "Twerp over here was all in my business on a case of mine. Actually, I half expected the great Favored Soul Kudo to show up, so I could see if he was actually a legit detective, or a phony. I even brought him a bottle of some of my mother's longevity tonic. Nasty stuff. Anyways, I figured out who he was by the second time we'd crossed paths, and we teamed up. It would be easier to find the Organization."

Shinichi nodded. "And that nasty tonic he sent? It turned me back to normal for a period of time. Until the next time we met I was going insane trying to find it again. "

"So when we teamed up, I got out all out family's supply. Everyone thought it just a clutter anyway."

"And that is why you gave it as a present to someone you didn't even know at the time, to do some cleaning." Saguru interjected.

"…Irrelevant. Think is…you really don't see kids just swigging down tonics left and right, you know? Well they can, no law or anything, but still. So we decided to save it for situations that we really need Kudo to be taller than my knee. Which is pretty often." Heiji tapped his chin thoughtfully. "In retrospect, we're probably too dependent on it."

This earned him the driest deadpan that could ever be on a child's face. "We? I don't see you at my eyelevel Hattori."

The taller boy simply waved this off. "Shh. The adults are talking. Anyways, that's our story!" He smiled at the two listeners as if he'd just told them about the nice lunch he had that afternoon.

"…and I thought my life was weird…"


"So, let me get this straight," Kaito said slowly across the flat gem formation, His partner, Kaito was seated beside him, and the Favored Soul and Paladin were seated across their make shift table."We," He gestured to himself and Saguru, "Were bestowed a quest to enter a monster infested cave and reclaim some old artifact our questee dropped there...by you."He pointed to the old man who had instinctively taken his place behind Kaito, who nodded his assent.

"And...you guys," He pointed unintentionally rudly addressee, "The detective team, one of whom is stuck as a kid after being force fed some magical plants and read to a demented poem essentially, at got the same quest at the same time, for an old artifact as well?"

"Well, Mr Bard-by-day-master-thief-Rouge-at-night and morally upstanding foreign Wizard, after a personified evil gem that can apparently cry and give someone a permanent "Get out of Morgue" pass, yes. Pretty much."

Shinichi had changed behind a rock into his "Conan" clothes he always kept with him, and was rejoining the group while putting on his shoes."Oh don't act like that you two. Both our situations are as equally bizarre. After what happened to me, I'm frankly open to believing it."

A shrug."Fair enough. And…you two did this?" The question was innocent enough, but the Paladin made sure there was a hint of distrust in his question.

Agasa shook his head no. Then, thinking on it a while, nodded. "At least, all the events of today. I gave Shinichi-kun and Heiji-kun their quest, and Jii gave you and Saguru-kun yours. The exact same time, place, and reason. Those bats weren't anything real, which is why they had no blood and dissipated. They were our creations to test your skills."

"And your reasoning in this, Ojii-san?" Heiji sighed, exasperated. "Pretty damn annoying and inconvenient, you know. Gerald is a sore loser."

Kaito sighed "Gerald. Do I even want to know?"

"The reason why I've been gone, Heiji-kun," Jii cut in, not wanting to know why either, "And why Agasa has been gone, Shinichi-kun, is because we were summoned by the Great Creator. We were to bring you all together, then test your skills together as a whole. It's to prepare you for what is coming."

"What's coming?"

"The Creator dictates that it is something beyond the confines of a sane mind. The evils that plague your lives now are the same that are stirring in our world, threatening life as we know it." Agasa answered gravely. It put quite a damper on the mood.

"That was a bit melodramatic, don't you think Hakase?"

"Perhaps, but it's the truth. Am I wrong, Jii?" He turned to the older man beside him.

"Yes, there's a great evil on the horizon," Jii confirmed. He secretly agreed with Shinichi on melodramatics, but that how things were as far as divine intervention for quests. Often sudden, under explained and rash, it would take a lot for a person to undergo such a request. Then again, deities always chose their heroes wisely.

The old man then looked at Saguru, who seemed a bit standoffish. His bronze eyebrows were furrowed at the ground, as if he was trying to work though a problem. "Saguru-kun, you've been quiet,"

Saguru didn't reply immediately. When he did after a few more seconds, he looked up at Jii, and the rest of the company. He had a smile with teeth on his lips; not exactly disdainful, but not exactly open minded either. "..So you're telling us that there was a creator… of our entire universe, I'm guessing, who wants us to team up to take out some…evil."

"Is a creator, yes, and a malevolence that even Hell regrets."

Saguru didn't even seem hung up on the collaboration part or evil part. It was the former most that he was concerned about. He others he could believe. "No, was."

"I beg your pardon?'

"Where has he been all this time? Kuroba and I have been on our own since before we even met each other. My studies to believe that there are several deities in this world, yes, and Kudo being a favored soul is proof. Maybe Aoyama-sama once existed, but he's left us all now." Saguru reported matter-o-factly. "In fact, I met a boy on my travels. Kamen, I believe. A temper and Paladin like you Hattori, your wild hair Kuroba, and about the same height as Kudo over here. He used to believe in a power by that name. Said it spoke to him. Not anymore now."

Jii furrowed his eyebrows in disappointment. "Gosho Aoyama-sama looks after us all, Saguru-kun. He hasn't forgotten about you or Kaito. Has he, Kaito?"

Kaito shifted a little uncomfortably, but decided now was a good a time as any to share about his thoughts on the matter. "Alright…so every now and then, something...happens, when I'm in Kid uniform. I get almost…guided, when I'm not sure."

"Now is the time you decide you're going to be modest, Kuroba? That was your own ability." Saguru scoffed.

"Well yes, but I felt helped somehow. Like whenever something was going wrong, and like seriously wrong. I always connect to my father, but I think certain events in my life, becoming Kid and never getting caught, fighting the evil automaton doppelganger, coming face to face with Snake and getting out….it was all me, just with a push every now and then from Dad...and Aoyama-sama. The most recent one being…well, when you and I met Hakuba, and when we finally teamed up. It felt right."

Conan was nodding subconsciously, spectacles glaring a bit. It was almost eerie to the Wizard and Rogue, to see the face of a child almost spoiled by the stoic thinking expression of a man. The oddly deep child's voice was off putting too. "Hattori and I have known each other for a long time. I was skeptical of everything, even my favored patron, whoever it is; I still don't know. But it's almost like someone, I don't know, wrote in patches of my life.

Getting cursed, having to assume another identity, and meeting Hattori. "

Heiji rubbed his chin. Much like Saguru, he'd never felt such strong feeling towards the idea as Shinichi and Kaito. It seemed like more their destinies were being woven. He could relate to Saguru in a few ways, taking a more back seat, skeptical approach to the whole creator-writer-god whatever the hell they were talking about idea. Until he met Kudo, he had no funny good- "This is just so RIGHT" feelings. Sounded kinda sissy to him, actually.

Saguru must have at one point, and when it left for a while, it left him confused and disbelieving. He couldn't directly relate to that, but he understood.

Heiji had always been in the picture, at least thus far; Just not in the center.

Then again, a Paladin wasn't always meant to be the hero; he supported them. And that's just what he did. He put friendly shoulder on Saguru hand, who currently seemed like he was trying to rationalize the universe or something. "Look, Hakuba. Me and Kudo both are like you, Justice Bringers—

Kaito raised a hand. "Can we just call you detectives? Rolls off the tongue easier. "

"Fine. The lot of us, three detectives and a damn thief. " Heiji rolled his eyes, even though he agreed with the Rogue. "Coincidences happen, but not to us. I'm not gonna say anything about feeling any mojo feelings, but I will say this: Me and Kudo's meeting, you and Kuroba's meeting—hell, all four of us meeting—was meant to happen. Why, or through whom, I don't know and don't care. Just be satisfied for not knowing all the full picture, 'cause you're getting the puzzle pieces as they come. Alright?"

Hot headed Hattori Heiji had actually talked some good sense into Saguru. That alone was almost a basis for a proof. Saguru took his mocha eyes from the floor, something changed in them. That was the best explanation for anything he'd heard all day. He knew there was something out there…question was if it was still with them to be relevant or not. He was willing to find out, regardless. "You are right, Hattori. Kudo, your analogy to writing…Ilike it. An…author, of sorts. Maybe he went on a hiatus of sorts?"

"That has a nice ring to it! We'll call Aoyama-sama the Author."

The ghost of a smile Saguru had rarely permitted at all became corporal again. "I can live with that."

Both Jii and Agasa had been observing the belief powwow all the time it was going on, and both spirits seemed very pleased.

Jii spoke for them both. "I'm glad to hear that…because actually, I have a mandate from the...Author, himself. He communicated through us that yes, both of the evil consortium are one in the same, and want the same thing; immortality. "

"They go about in different ways, but they'll soon come full circle. The only way that you will go back to your normal form is that you need to embrace your height and use it to your advantage Shinichi-kun…or Conan-kun, now." Agasa gave him a sympathizing look at the other spectacle wearer. He knew the transformation was a blow to his pride, and a low blow at that. He'd been watching from afar, and had helped him make the alias before he had to let him find his own way. He told him specifically that there was danger in his being normal sized, and forbid him from enchanting himself from changing his appearance.

He could get hurt his loved ones hurt if the Organization ever found out….Then again, Shinichi did not have loved ones that were within the Organization's reach; his parents were powerful and highly guarded, and he himself had become a nomad as of late, so there was nothing to really disguise for. Until now. "There's reason behind it, and you need to come to terms that you'll be a kid for a little while longer than you thought."

It was almost disturbing how many swear were muttered form such a tiny body. He obviously was picking up a bad habit or two from Hattori. They seemed to have a therapeutic result for the boy-teen as he eventually agreed that it was best, and took of the useless amulet that had given him the faux appearance that really was his appearance. Regardless, the ears of all involved were still defiled.

"…Well then, Kudo…" Saguru began. So much annoyed cynicism. He of course couldn't talk, but to hear it from a little boy's face….
Kaito had to keep from laughing the entire time. "You seem to handle yourself just fine as a little guy though! More aggressive even…bet you can do more than shoot, huh…?"

Trust me Kuroba, the guy gives me-well, almost gives me-a a run for my money, so that's saying a lot. Give him something to kick though, and it's all over." He bent down to Conan's level and ruffled his hair—he missed being able to do that when he had his amulet on. "Hey, so now you can be like Kuroba! Shinichi the Favored Soul by day…" Heiji announced ominously. "Conan the Barbarian at night!"

"Oh shut up!"

"Moving on…Heiji-kun, you're meant to help him in this side quest, main quest being to stop the Organization. You will also gain something at the end of your journey as well, do not despair."

"What, I get a growth spurt too?" Heiji deadpanned. "I just want to squash the Organization that's been screwing around in my realm, other realms, and my friend. That's it."


"Don't get watery eyed on me, kid."


While Agasa had to mediate the play fight that had broken out between the two, Jii turned his attention to his charges."As for you, Kaito-kun…or should I say, Kaitou Kid-san?" Jii said both latter and former with a certain affection in his tone. "Before I left, I told you of your family's complicated past with the Syndicate…and you took upon the mantle as its rightful owner, and doing it justice ever since. You have come to terms with you alter ego, but you've yet to learn to truly trust and depend on other people like you'll need to eventually be able to avenge your father and destroy Pandora. You have taken a big step, in finally seeing someone as you equal. And I thank you for that, Saguru-kun." He nodded to the blonde, who respectfully did the same.

"I understand, Jii-chan…and it's nice to see you again." Kaito smiled at the old man who had been his father's right hand man and acted as a grandfather toward him. "And your right, I think I'll keep the prick."

"Excuse me?"

"Sorry, sorry! Detective Prick-san. Better?"

Saguru smirked and pointed at Kaito's' head. Immediately a small stalagmite above them dissolved into dust and fell on the magician's head. He made a bad auburn haired fellow, but Saguru hadn't taken that into account when he was busy laughing at him. "Much better, yes."

"Oh, you want to mess with THIS hair Wizard boy? Bring it!

"Boys, boys, boys!" The two elders spoke in disjointed unison.

"What?!" The boys spoke in perfect unison.

"Can you make it official, at least?"

"What official?"

"That you four will quest across for many seasons it takes, be it one, ten, or over twenty seasons, you MUST complete this quest eventually. Time may even seem to stop for you until you do; that's how important this will be eventually."

"Yes, yes, very important, break rocks, achieve puberty, got it. " Kaito gave them a thumbs up. He turned his back from the apparitions to the now three people he considered his fellow questers, party members, and friends. "How about we put a hand in."

"Put a hand in?"

"Do what I do," The Rogue instructed. He turned his back from the apparitions to face his fellow questers, party members, and friends. Then he extended an arm forward towards the middle of the circle the four had made. As he predicted, Saguru gave him the benefit of the doubt. After a moment of skepticism, a large, pale hand was hovering in front of his, middle finger touching. Kaito slide his hand under Saguru's palm, so they were stacked. Seconds later, a familiar lithe hand laid horizontally on Saguru's from Kaito's left. Finally, a brown, tan hand followed suit, only from the right.

Once done, emerald, azure and mocha eyes fixed on his indigo, waiting for his word on something.

"Prophesy thing or not, let's get something straight." He began, for once not in a joking manner. "Things won't be rainbows and sunshine just because we're all together. In fact, I'm willing to bet that things are only going to get more dangerous." He side glanced at Jii, whose expression gave away nothing. "Whatever evil is surrounding the Organization-Syndicate, it will know that we're on its ass. It won't like that. Chances are, we all individually have gotten close to it at some point or another, but it could throw the wool over eyes for that same reason. They can't evade all four of us now. We can destroy them; And they'll do anything to stop us.

I'm not going to promise anything. One, two, three, hell, all of us may end up biting the dust getting this thing. Very least, we'll get hurt in several ways,. But let me make one thing clear; My goal is to track down this Syndicate and bring it DOWN. I know what it's like to" have something taken away from you, to not even feel like you're your own persona anymore…but I carry on. We will all carry on." His eyes darkened, his voice a little hoarse. By whatever means necessary, I swore to myself, Jii and my father that I would tear down every foundation of it. Member by member. Brick by brick. I'd see the end of that accursed stone and make sure no one is killed over it again. If this foreboding evil coincides with that, then perfect. And if you're not going to be with me to the end of this, wherever it may be, then we may as well part now." He paused for effect. "…No takers? Good." He took a breath, then smiled genuinely at the lot of them.

"Then that means we're in this to win this. Whether you like it or not, you're my friend now. I assume that's brotherhood as well, but I've never had a brother or cousin or anything, so. You three will have to do. I have your back, so instead of stabbing my back, expect you watch my back, as I will for you. Okay?" For the fluidity of his speech, the abrupt, simple ending was a surprise.

The three glanced at each person for a long while, assessing the other, mentally forming their own opinions, expectations, and thoughts. So each in their own way, they confirmed their assent.

"""I'm in."""

Kaito's smile returned. "Alright." He withdrew his hand from the group. "Then it's settled."

"Well now that's covered." Saguru said, digging out a quill. He worked as he moved, book levitating to a height he could write in, pulling out his own spectacles. "Mmm-hmm…"

"Should we have a name for ourselves?" Conan wondered aloud. The specific Justice Bringers categories have different names for what they deal with…like that group of high level Clerics? The Clergy? Or the Hunters—female Rangers. Never mind all the groups like us that have several kinds of classes…"

"I'm sure the name will come to us on our travels." Kaito returned his daggers to their sheaths. He pulled out his juggling balls instead. "Seems like well be on them for a while."

"Very true. Well," Heiji put his helmet into his rugsack, sword and shield strapped on his back. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm getting more claustrophobic by the second. Think we should work on digging ourselves out now."

"There's no need. Jii and I have amended that. We knew the cave in would happen, so we went through the time to make these," He gestured to a large blue star on the ground,. "Engineers have found a way to transport people using technology and magic. These things are everywhere now."

"They're called Portals. They can transport you to any place in the Realms that has another similar blue Portal. You'll find them mostly in taverns, town squares, or any gateways outside of a city. I'd suggest getting out of here first—we set up a temporary one outside. Then head to the nearest city tavern to restock, and most likely find some inner city dilemma. You four will have an aptitude for finding mayhem, I'm sure." Agasa said the last with a genuine smile, though he was very, very right.

"Well that's convenient…"

"We know. So don't get used to it. Things will be getting a lot tougher here on out."

"We won't," Shinichi promised, letting Heiji take his too big bag, as he brought up the rear to the Portal. "Good bye!"

"Good bye Jii-san, Agasa-san, it was a pleasure!"

"Seeya! Next time some REAL treasure at the end, okay?"

"You two owe me another juggling ball now…I never found the fourth one…"

By then the two men were just laughing good-heartedly, saying their mutual goodbyes and promises to correct themselves. One after one they disappeared into the light, only to begin their odyssey of an adventure.

The cave seemed emptier already. The inventor turned, a little gleam of worry in his eyes. "You think they can do it, Jii?"

"They'll be fine, Agasa," Jii reassured him, patting his back. "They're Gosho's Boys. "

Yes. Dreamer just went there. Medieval, Lord of the Rings-esque DC /MK with some Dungeons and Dragons Online, League of Legends, and World of Warcraft sprinkled with shenanigans thrown in. Sprinkled with steampunk.

I have no regrets. I had to do SOMETHING this summer, ne?

I have absolutely no idea if that made sense at all to some people...I really hope so, because I had a lot of fun with it! (and that was a wasted 11 months in the making T-T ).

I highly encourage if You are super confused you PM me. I can reference or explain anything you like

Moving on...so, I completely tweaked the DCMK universes in this. How Kaito became Kid, Shinichi's shrinking, etc. Notice how there was no Ran or Aoko involved in this... I have my reasons.

I like to think I knocked on the fourth wall quite a bit, particularly with Saguru's questioning of the supreme power of his universe, Gosho Aoyama-sama. Because come on, of all of them to be least doubtful that their Author is still out there, it would be Saguru. Kaito has had his cameos as Kid in DC, and Gosho's focused on Shinichi and Heiji at the moment. Of course, Saguru has gotten some more spotlight in Magic Kaito as of late, but still. I really think he would have a mentally like that.

(Also I promise that's the closest I'll get to religion in ANY of my fics. Keep them as Goshi intended, you know?)

Heh heh... Conan the Barbarian... it was RIGHT there. Actually, that idea is what spawned this thing in the first place. It would have been Shinichi -centric until I remember my43770-san's comments for Kaito to have a turn. So you all can thank her/him for Kaito stealing back the spotlight! :)

As for the writing itself... well I had spellcheck. IMPROVEMENT. But I do wonder if my style (whatever that is) has changed...and if for the better or worse. Some input if any would be wonderful for that if you could. Thanks in advance!

Now, time for the super important announcement...TMPF will only have TEN chapters. No more, no less. Want to finish it evenly. But for he finale, things will be a bit different.

Instead of a HUGE one shot involving all the Gosho Boys being together, this last chapter will have much shorter (3k TOPS ) snippets from any Gosho Boy. So it may focus on one of them, a duo, trio, or all four. In mini packages of ideas I have but can't take the full distance. Plunnies galore! THERE will be completely new ones, and maybe I'll even touch back on some previous chapters (Who DID win the election? Did the boys ever pay off their debt? Or explode from their superpowers? Or have a wii/PS3/XBox game night? ).

That's where you all come in. I have idea Sure, but they need to at Least hit 15k. Can't let myself beat myself now. I want YOU, studio audience, to give me some plunnies! Of all the DC and MK we all have watched I know I'm not the only one who has fantasized of an epic bromance. This is the time to get it out (if ya know, you don't think I'd Butcher it).

I'd credit you the idea, give a shoutout. If you have a title, I'll go with that. I will read and consider them all, but to help their chances, please keep in mind:

The rating: Keep it relatively clean, guys. Violence I am a bit more lax on, but the sexytimes won't be rolling in here.

The pairings: Either single, or with their partner that I have expressed my preference. Canon expressed love triangles can be touched upon too, I dont mind those. Just dont expect any real fluff. Ai and Conan, Ai and Ayumi, Kaito and Ran, Kaito and Akako, etc. Hate-Hate relationships such as Saguru and Akako, are cool, just know they prolly won't end together.
Oh, and bromance between the boys. Notice the "b".

Who I know/Can write : ...so I am behind on DC. Sue me. Sera I vaguely know. Bourbon is a mystery. Agasa or Jii, even though i used them here, not really. There hasn't been a Org members or FBI/CIA appearance because I want to keep things light and bromance centered, and they bring a LOT of drama. And a lot of backstory. Trying to avoid that.

OCs/Mary Stu : Nope. Nope nope nope. None of that. I will probably butcher your character anyway, and make them either completely insignificant or way too important ...

Genre: Humor is always fun, but I would considered other bromancey ones like hurt/comfort, family things like that. Even angst is cool. Just keep it hopeful.

Now that I have crushed all your ideas...

You can do it any format you like, be it PM or review..(if you want it a surprise to the world, I would go with the latter) LiveJournal Challenge format that's is like a sentence to build around, quote or even a few words, or bouncing ideas with me, or just much a skeleton of what you'd like to see!

I dunno when I'll stop this open idea. I'll see how the turn out is. Ill be expectind PMs everyone! RELEASE THE PLUNNIES!

Lol (Lots of Love)
