The snow falls silently outside. Lal sat just as silently inside, eyes transfixed on the blanket of white, her breath fogging up the window.

How pitiful, she though with a wistful smile, that she was alone on New Year's Eve.

But then again, it was always like that. Being a fearsome individualist does have its drawbacks. Vaguely, she wondered if she should go do something special, like go to a restaurant or visit relatives or something. Then she remembered she didn't really have relatives anymore. Going to a restaurant by herself was as, if not more, depressing than staying at home. Besides, the fire was crackling, and the snowflakes were mesmerizing. She could just sit here.

For the briefest period of time, she felt kinda lonely as she stared at the snowflakes, nose pressed right up to the cold glass. New years was supposed to be a time for family, right? Family.. and possibly other loved ones. She vaguely recalled lots of cheesy dramas and soaps with sweet words and promises and new year kisses... aaanndd Colonello popped into her mind. She shook her head hard and mentally slapped herself.

No, she doesn't want to think about that. She promised herself that she wouldn't. Nevertheless, she still couldn't quench that little longing that someone could be with her, for that night at least.

But still, her heart leaped when the doorbell rang. It skipped a beat when it revealed Colonello, carrying a bottle of wine and a giant plastic bag of something, but she didn't care. She only had eyes for the grinning blonde before her.

"Surprise! Happy New Year kora! You didn't expect me did you?" He grinned, and invited himself inside, shaking his head and clearing it of snowflakes. Lal tried to scowl, but failed miserably.

"Who said that you were invited?" Lal followed Colonello, who headed for her dining room. Absentmindedly, she wondered how and why he knew the way around her cozy apartment, but she pushed that out of her mind for now.

"Well, judging by your expression, I can say that I am more than welcome kora." He wagged his eyebrows cockily, lowering the plastic bag. "And hey, I brought dinner." He looked over at Lal. "Are you okay? Your cheeks are red." He teased.

"Shut up." She turned her head, and crossed her arms, but her face lit up when she saw what Colonello brought. "Dumplings?" She pulled out a chair, and sat. Colonello nodded, and opened the steaming package.

"My friend, he's Chinese. He brought them for me, and I thought to share kora." He sat as well, handing Lal a pair of chopsticks. "I would think you would be spending New Years with someone kora." Colonello looked thoughtful, his wide eyes inquisitive as he handed Lal a plate. She laughed sadly, and helped herself to the steaming plate of dumplings.

"I don't really have people to spend time with. The better part of my family all died. Mafia wars. The worse part... well, I can say the better parts of them are in jail. I don't have very many friends either, so I'm by myself most of the time." She bit into the dumpling, and chewed thoughtfully.

"hmm, as to be expected of super commander Lal Mirch." Colonello mocked, earning him a punch to the arm "No violence while eating kora!"

"Well, maybe you'd learn to stop teasing." She growled, though full of humour. "And besides, shouldn't you be with a special someone instead of a cranky instructor like me?"

"Well, I certainly do have a lot of people eagerly awaiting me..." He made a face "But... I would still spend my time with Lal, kora"

And that night, it occurred to Lal, as she and Colonello ate dumplings and watched holiday specials and got as drunk as heck and passing out on the couch with his arm wrapped around her, it wasn't so bad to have some company. In fact, it was far from bad.

It was awesome.

But she still promised herself that she does not fall in love. No ma'am.

Then again, she doesn't always keep her promises.