Finally and with a heavy heart, I present to you the last installment of Let Me Love My Killer.

I didn't move again. There was no point anymore, was there? I couldn't move, I let myself believe. I was suddenly paralyzed. When Ben pushed me, he must have fractured my spine, that made sense. It had only taken a few days to set in.

Over the years, I forgot who Ben was. I couldn't recall the names or faces of anyway, aside from Tate. I found my mind carelessly trying to remember the chained boy in the attic, the girl with the doe brown eyes. But, it didn't hold these thoughts for long. It couldn't.

He had spent his life with me. And I hadn't cherished it enough, had I? If I had known, all those years hiding and watching him sleep, that I'd be without him one day, I wouldn't have wasted my time. I would have held him every moment I could manage.

I couldn't call the details any longer, once it had been long enough on that floor. I could only remember how beautiful he was, and I could only feel the flashes of gold memory, when he would chase me through the house. I remembered the feel of his arms around me. I remembered how it felt to have him inside me, but that only made me ache to have him once more.

I didn't move. I didn't have the will too without him.

But, then, after an eternity, the floor creaked downstairs. The front door banged open, and a gentle thudding woke me enough to rouse myself and curiosity drew me to the top of the stairs.

An old woman hobbled in, a cane carrying most of her weight. She didn't care to shut the door behind her. Her eyes immediately met mine.

I couldn't find my voice to question who she was. I saw that an oxygen tank dragged behind her, that tubes led to her nose, a mask covering her mouth. She didn't speak, either, all I could hear was her labored breathing.

She raised a wrinkled hand and beckoned me towards her. I descended the stairs slowly, cautious, but feeling drawn to find out why this decrepit creature was here.

I stood before her, and she reached out a hand to hold onto my arm, firm as she balanced without her cane. Her other hand came slowly to her mouth and pulled away the tubes, lifting the mask.

She took one labored breath, and I realized that without the machine, this woman was bound to die. She quickly slumped, her body failing.

"Who are you?" I shouted angrily. "What are you doing here?"

Her hand reached for my face weakly as she feel to her knees. "Come… here…" She choked out.

I leaned towards her. "I have to get you out of here. You don't want to die here."

She somehow managed to smile at me and garbled out something resembling a laugh. "Of course…. I… do…." She feel to the floor all together. "I'm home… Mom."

I backed away, as if her hands would burn me. No. Those brown eyes, worn with age, those couldn't be the brown eyes I had tried to put out all those years ago. Just some crazy old loon, I tried to calm myself. Just go back to your room, someone will come for the body I'm sure. Drag it out to the front lawn and forget about it.

However, just as I reached for her corpse, hoping she wasn't quite gone yet, a shrill scream echoed throughout the house. It was so loud, I thought it would burst my ears. Perhaps I would die from how loud the crying was…

It was crying, but where was it coming from? I abandoned the corpse, feeling that this must be the more pressing issue.

I wondered the halls of the house, following the wretched sound.

As I walked up the steps, I realized the sound was familiar. I had heard it, ages ago, when that woman had made me hold her-

No. There couldn't be a baby, not in this house. Not after some old woman had died.

You heard her, Lily. She called you Mom.

As I rounded the corner to the third floor, I saw the bundle atop the stairs. A small hand poked upwards towards the sunlight streaming in the window.

I collapsed before it, afraid to pull back the blanket holding it. Afraid to see those brown eyes again.

You can't escape it this time. Your mother made it be, and now she's come back for you.

I reached a hand out, and once my fingers clenched the blanket, the crying grew to a crescendo. I pulled the sheet back, revealing the face.

The voices were laughing in my head. The woman had been the baby, conceived in my belly long ago. Now, she had come back. And now, she was stuck here.

Stuck, stuck, stuck.

I lifted the crying bundle without a word, and walked back towards the staircase, stopping along the banister. I reached out over the rail, and dropped the bundle over it, the crying silencing on impact.

You know it'll be right back, though, Lily. You know this is your new punishment, your new purgatory. All alone with the unnatural monster you created.

I stared at the lifeless bundle below me, trying to block out the voice. If only someone out there loved you…

The crying began again, the bundle moving. I covered my ears, beginning to formulate more murders, more ways to silence the noise.

I always knew I was dating a sociopath. I always knew I was dating a sociopath. I always knew I was dating a sociopath.

Maybe I could get water to run somewhere, drown the baby away, make the screaming stop. Halloween would come along eventually, I could buy knives and razors and cut the baby's head away and bring it somewhere far from the body and make the crying stop forever. Perhaps a saw…

I always knew I was dating a sociopath. I always knew I was dating a sociopath. I always knew I was dating a sociopath.

I always knew I was a sociopath.

My own voice rung in my ears, taunting me. I was the monster, I had done it all. I had seduced the poor boy, made a monster with his seed. It had all been me, all been my fault all along.

"Hush crazy Lily," I spoke over the voice in my head. "Hush crazy Lily, don't say a word!" I snapped.

The voice was laughing as I continued on. "No one even knows about the voice you heard!" The crying didn't stop, so I spoke louder. "Tate's gone forever, I'll never win. I now know that killing is a mortal sin!"

I felt tears streaming down my face. I was going to be in this house forever. There had been no white lights, no nothingness, not for me. All I had now was this house, this crying baby, this hell forever.

"Shush, crazy Lily…." I whispered through the tears. "Let the darkness consume you, too…"