Ok first chapter story for Bakugan Battle Brawlers! This story is dedicated to FlowersOverBoys and SnowRoseAngel! For being awesome sisters!

OC's AKA Shuns Sisters

Sha Kazami - oldest of the girls second oldest of the four.

Hobbies: Good at Martial Arts, but doesn't want to be a Ninja

Personality - Very quiet, , intelligent, and is a peacemaker.

Appearance - Long black hair in pigtails and with medium sized curls from the middle to the bottom has bangs down, Dark purple cloak over a black tanktop with purple shorts... black belt, black choker, shoes that looks like mounted flips, her eyes are blue with lavender specks in them.

Attributes - Ventus and Darkus

Bakugan's Names - Hydress and Lovair

Sha is also a Mothers favorite.

Rose Kazami - The middle child of the girls. And the craziest.

Hobbies - Tennis, writing and gardening

Personality - crazy, funny, protective, caring, smart, and mischevious.

Appearance - Black hair, A pure white spaghetti strap dress that has a pale yellow sash. Cream jacket, silver wedges, yellow heart earrings, and wears her hair in a messy bun, pinned with a white rose

Attirbutes - Darkus and Haos

Bakugan's Name -Nuloid and Kallike

Rose is a daddy's little girl.

Shastan Kazami - Youngest out of all the Kazami's. (This character is based on myself.)

Hobbies - bugging her older siblings, and Shun's friends, paintballing, being a ninja, lowering egos, Brawling, sing, and draw

Personality - coldish, partially aloof, mature, smart, sarcastic, evil minded, and quiet.

Appearance - She has long black hair. Keeps it down and has dyed green and purple streaks on her bangs, also puts green or purple feathers in her hair sometimes.

lavender spaghetti strap top that's tight at the top part then flows out to mid thigh. With a green Jean Jacket. The flowy part has a darker shade than the tight part. Black Jeans. Dark green converse Along with tornado shaped green earrings, and purple bracelets. (This design was created from FlowersOverBoys, with a few things I decided to change to fit mme a little more.)

Attributes - Ventus and Darkus

Bakugan's Names - Skyren and Lenios

Shastan is also Shun's favorite sister

All the other brawlers are 15 years old, so they've been to New Vestroia. Grade 10

Shastan, Rose, and Sha are all 13 years old. And are triplets. Grade 9 (Because they all skipped a grade earlier, like Marucho)

On with the story!

POV/New Place

Shastan's POV At An Airport In Japan

My two sister's and I had just gotten off our plane. You see we went to a boarding school. We were supposed to be there for one more year, but our testing scores helped up graduate. We were right now waiting for Mom, Dad, Grampa, and Shun to pick us up. I was standing with my Ipod blaring music. I heard Rose mutter something.

I looked at her for a second. "What did you say?" I asked her.

"Do you need your Ipod on right now?" Rose asked me again.

I grinned and said yes. Sha shook her head at us and turned her attention on the cars. I didn't bother, knowing they would tell me. I felt a familiar presence behind me, I twirled myself around and flipped whoever it was onto his back. I looked at my 'attacker' and saw it was my big brother. I immediately tackled said brother on the ground, trying to hug the life out of him.

"Are you going to let him up and breathe, Shastan?" I heard mom ask. I stood up and helped Shun, my brother, up.

"I just did mom." I told her laughing then hugged her as well.

"Shastan move over I want to hug her just as much as you do! Along with Sha!" Rose exclaimed before hugging mom too. I let go of her and tackled dad behind his back. He was shocked and I heard Shun and grampa laugh. I looked over at them and stuck my toung out. I heard my sisters laughing at my antics as they hugged dad too. I walked over to grampa and hugged him. Out of all the adults I lived with, he was my favorite. Reason, he taught me martial arts, and to be a ninja. My favorite thing to do now. The girls came over and hugged him, while I stood back and watched. When they were both done they hugged Shun. After we were done with our hug fest, we headed to the car, which was parked really far away.

I started to run to the car and Shun was the only one chasing me. He grabbed me when we were halfway there. I pouted then jumped on his back. I caught me before I slipped and fell on the grabbed me when we were halfway there. I pouted then jumped on his back. He caught me before I slipped and fell on the ground.

"Can't you be more careful?" Said my eldest sister Sha.

Grinning I replied "nope." Everyone laughed.

Sha's POV

When we got off the plane, predictably, Shastan started to listen to music. Rose got annoyed at her and for once I decided not to play peacemaker. I just hope I don't regret it. I'm pretty happy to see my parents, so I hope they get here soon. I looked over at them again then turned my attention back to the cars. Suddenly I heard a person getting tackled. I turned around to see that Shastan had tackled Shun. I laughed to myself silently, of course she would do that. Mom told her to get off of him. She reluctantly did so. We all did the usual family hug hello thingy. Shastan then turned a nice walk to the car into a race, with Shun. Halfway to the car Shun was able to grab her, then was forced into a piggy back ride. She slipped and almost fell, luckily Shun caught her just in time.

"Hey Shun," I called out to him gaining his attention. "How does it feel to have your favorite sister on your back again?"

I finished laughing, along with the rest of the family. "Fine, considering she's my favorite and its not all three of you." He shot at me. I nodded in agreement. If all three of us were on him, that would be painful fo him.

"Get used to them Shun, cause we are all going to your high school." Rose shouted at him. I laughed quietly at him. "Considering how we skipped a grade."

"Fun, I get to chase away perverts from my little sisters. Though, Rose will probably do it for me." I heard him mutter. I smiled at him. He would think that. Sisters and boys never did mix well.

"Shun can I meet your friends?" Shastan suddenly asked. I watched Shun intently for his answer. He stiffened for about a second, and was obviously contemplating whether or not to introduce us.

"I guess, besides they can help me chase away any perverts." He muttered.

Rose's POV

I growled quietly at the thought of perverts near my sisters. No one would be allowed to go near them. That is if Shun and I have anything to say about it. Knowing how Shun is his friends probably don't know the real and caring side of him. I smiled at the thought of having new people to prank. I hope they aren't totally crazy like he said though. From his letters he seemed to have a crush on one of the girls. Alice was her name I think. If I could get Sha and Shastan to help, we could finally get him a girlfriend.

"So Shun when can we meet your friends?" I asked him, wanting to putthe plan into action ASAP.

"Whenever we go to the park, which won't be until tomorrow." He replied.

"Fine, I can't wait." I muttered, I would tell the girls tonight, and tomorrow we would get him a girlfriend. Or at least make sure she was good enough to be his girlfriend.

Ok the first chapter is done. Please Review. Happy New Year. Next Chapter Introductions will be made. Sorry its short, its only because its the prologue
