All of the residents of Storybrooke stood in the forest, tears of joy streaming down their faces. Everyone was in good spirits; even Grumpy was hugging people. Henry immediately took off and explored, with Emma calling after him. Finally, she gave in and followed, only to keep an eye on him, or so she claimed. They all knew the two only wanted a little while to be alone, freely mother and son. They came back 15 minutes later, huge grins plastered to their faces. Suddenly, it occurred to James and Snow that they were the leaders of the country. James cleared his throat.

"Well, that was an interesting 33 years." He said. "I would like to thank Emma for saving us." They all clapped, and despite the blonde's protests, Snow dragged her up to the front of the group. "Words cannot describe how thankful I am to finally be back with my wife, and our daughter." He continued. At that, Emma's face crumpled, and the three fell into a tender embrace. Henry pushed his way into them, somehow ending up in the middle. They laughed through their tears at his antics.

"In the morning, I will send my men out to determine the damage, and find the status of the Evil Queen." James proclaimed. Everyone clapped. "But for now, go and be with your families." The crowd dispersed, leaving the 4 standing in the forest.

"This is so screwed up." Emma said.

"It's wonderful!" Snow beamed.

"Mary, I'm from Boston. This is the middle of nowhere. That's a bit of a leap."

"Mom, this is who they really are." Henry said.

"Cool it, Kid. I'm still wrapping my head around the fact that this actually exists." Emma replied.

"Let's go home, Darling." Snow said.

"I think we'll have to redecorate her room." James said.

"Am I going to live with you guys? In a castle?" Henry asked.

"Why are you still acting like you're 10?" Emma whined.

"Well, you did miss the first 10 years of my life." Henry shrugged. "Am I going to get to use a sword?"

"When you're older, Henry." James said.

"But I'm 15!" He argued.

"Kid, I'm not letting you anywhere near a sword. You're gonna end up killing yourself or something." Emma said, draping an arm around his neck.

"When are you going to start calling me Henry?"

"It's become a term of endearment." Emma shrugged. "As long as you're okay with it."

"It's fine. I was just wondering." Henry said.

"Well, here we are." James said. Snow sighed happily, leaning into James.

"Cool!" Henry ran up the stairs. Snow laughed.

"Let's go inside, shall we?" James asked.

"Let's." Snow agreed. Emma watched the two walk in, hand in hand, still in disbelief. Finally, she walked in, taking in the sight of the huge place. She walked aimlessly around, until she ended up in a room painted pink, with 'Emma' stenciled on the wall. A voice startled her.

"For some reason, I don't see you ever sleeping in here. It's too pink and frilly." She spun around, eyes wide, and came face to face with Graham.

"What the hell!"

"I've missed you, Emma." He took a step forward.

"You're supposed to be dead." She said.

"Is that anyway to greet the love of your life?"

"What makes you the love of my life?" She countered.

"I see you're still feisty as ever." Graham took another step forward, so their lips were mere inches apart.

"Just shut up and kiss me." Emma said.

"Okay." Graham pulled her to him, and they shared a long, passionate kiss. They broke apart only when the need for oxygen became a problem. Someone cleared their throat.

"Oh geez." Graham said, and put his best smile on.

"Charming, leave the two alone." Snow said.

"I see you've found your room." He said.

"Yeah." Emma replied.

"Good." James smiled.

"Might need a bigger bed, though. And some different pain." Emma looked around and wrinkled her knows in disgust.

"You kissed my mom again." Henry whined. "I'm glad you're alive, though." He launched himself at the huntsman.

"That makes two of us." Graham hugged the boy.

"I give you permission to date her. But if you hurt her in any way, I will have your head." James said.

"Relax. I'll be fine." Emma assured him.

"He spared my life, Charming. " Snow said softly.

"I'm not being unreasonable."

"You're being an overprotective father." Snow argued playfully.

"That's my job as a father." He insisted. They went on like that for some time, before Emma had enough.

"Hey! Just wanna put it out there that I've been taking care of myself for 33 years. I'm pretty sure I can handle him." Snow and James stopped, and looked at her for a moment.

"Oh, Emma, Dear. You don't have to be alone anymore. Here, there are always happy endings." Snow said, rushing over to her daughter. Emma stiffened at first, then slowly relaxed into the hug.

"This is going to take some time to get used to, I guess." Emma retracted, suddenly uncomfortable with the affection. It still scared her to get close to people.

"Let's go explore some more." Henry tugged his mother's arm.

"Okay. Did you know you're crazy?" Emma agreed.

"I was right about this, wasn't I?" Henry said.

"Hey Graham! Huntsman, whoever you are, let's go!" Emma yelled. Graham sprinted after them. Snow sighed and looked around the room.

"How long is it going to take for her to be able to love us?" Snow asked.

"She's spent her whole life trying not to care about people. But she loves us." James assured her.

"How do we break her walls down? I want my daughter back. Ironically, she feels farther away than when she was taken from my arms." Snow said.

"It'll be okay." James kissed the top of her head. "I've missed you." He said, pulling her into a kiss.

"As I you." Snow replied.

"33 long years. I don't know how I survived." James said.

"I think she'll finally be happy. Her and Graham are meant to be. Just like you and I. It really has been too long." Snow said, leaning into him, and taking in his scent.

"When Henry and Emma get back, we will make up that time. That kid is just adorable, isn't he?"

"Very." Snow giggled.

"Do you think they'll get lost?" He asked.

"Probably." Snow said.

"If they're not back in an hour, I'll send out a search party." James joked.

"I love you." She said.

"I love you, too." James replied.