Hey y'all,
Long time, no post…?
This isn't a new chapter (sorry) if I got you all excited for nothing. You can stop reading now unless you care about my little note (seriously, I will not be offended in the least).
First off, I'm sorry I kind of abandoned you guys. It's been about a year and a half since I updated, and I started this back in 2011. (Its birthday is on the 31st. My baby is 4 years old. How time flies…) I was a little high school freshman at the start of this, and now I'm a little college freshmen. I may have said this to some reviewers or in other Author's Notes, but I ditched to work on some original writing aside from already being swamped with high school and activities and getting ready for college. I can't thank you guys enough for the words of encouragement over the years. You all are fantastic. Writing on this site was like a set of metaphorical training wheels for my original writing. That being said, I still really hate to see abandoned fics, and I thought I had a solution, but…
I intended to work on this a little bit just for kicks over Winter Break, but I did that really annoying thing where I left my precious flash drive in my dorm's desk drawer before driving 250+ miles home. I remember I had a chapter almost done so that is a-w-e-s-o-m-e. Sorry guys, I let you down. Since I'm on trimesters at my college and in the middle of a term, I'm going to try to get ahead on my school work, so hopefully I can shell out some time when I'm back at my other home. No promises, but I'll try.
Since quite a few reviewers leave reviews anonymously, and I can't PM a response/thank you, I thought I'd respond to a common concern:
I'm super sorry if a bunch of you stop reading/are disappointed because all three aren't in Gryffindor and/or that Albus isn't a Gryffindor. When I was writing this, I thought that was super boring and expected, so I decided to change it a bit. Not to mention that I've decided recently that I'm definitely a Slytherin myself, so I have a soft spot for the snakes. It's fun for me to write about the house through Albus's eyes. Looking back on it 4 years later, I'm evermore confident with where I placed them, and it won't be changing.
I still welcome the constructive stuff though, of course! I'm always down for a chat, and maybe I'll even link my Wattpad URL on my profile one day if anyone is interested in what I've been playing with while I've been away. I'll try to be more diligent about answering reviews and PMs on this site in the future.
In the middle of writing this and flicking through APS, I had a couple ideas for a mini James and Emily story, and I'm also kind of interested in writing about Lucy, Percy's younger daughter that I sorted into Slytherin. Would anyone be interested in these in the future?
Happy Holidays, everyone.
XOXO, Cass