BYC:HIYA! WE'RE BAAAAAACCKK! After some begging in the reviews.

Queenie:Hello people of Earth!

Bats:Oh good grief. Why am I still here? I thought you stopped this already? *Sniffled* M-my Batmobile's lonely again.

GA:Bats, she said she MIGHT stop the story. Doesn't mean BYC actually did.

BYC:Yeah. I can't really leave this behind. I love to write this story. But loving it doesn't really give me the time to do it. But it does gives me more excuses to torture you! And I love to do that! :D

Bats:I miss my cave and my Batmobile... They must be lonely! Why must you torture meeee? *Sniffled again*

Supes:Why do the fangirls/fanboys LOVE to torture you, Batman? It's weird.

Rob:How's he supposed to know. Anyway... Hello Fans! It's gonna be great to sing for you again! *Winks at all the fangirls out there.*

Queenie:Eeek! He winked! *Faints*

KF:Aaaw! Would ya look at that! Queenie's a fangirl of Robin! Never knew that.

Arty:Your just jealous, Baywatch. Cuz' she didn't faint when you winked.

KF:Am. Not.

Arty:Are. Too.

J'onn:Be. Quiet.

Zee, BC, & Megan:Hi everyone! *Waves at you people, whoever you are.*

Aquaman & Kaldur:Hello Land Dwellers! Hello, if you are also a Water Dweller!

Flash:Does anyone know how to get from here to Mexico? I really want Mexican food.

RA:You, speedsters, are all about food.

Supey:When are we gonna start singing? *Tilted his head.*

Queenie:*Awake again* No! This is THE actual last chapter!

BYC:This is the good bye party! *Breaks down in tears.*




Bats:Ending! *Almost smiles.*

BYC:Waaa! *Crying again*

RA:Are we still going to sing?

Queenie:No Ginger Clone. We're gonna just talk and say good bye and stuff. And hug. *Hugs Robin, Zee's jealous. :)*

RA:What did you call me?

BYC:We just got caught up with the YJ episodes and found out that your a clone like Superboy. Also that KF and Arty finally kissed, Zee and Robin kissed-

Zatara:*pops in and looks at Batman* Didn't I tell you to get your son away from MY daughter? *pops out*


BYC:*continues* And Supes finally got the lollipop out of his ass.

Supes:Say what?

BYC:Hmm...*stares at Batman*

Rob:Uuh... Why are you staring at Batman?

KF:Yeah, that's creepy.

Bats:Quit staring at me!

BYC:You poor thing! *Hugs THE BATMAN!* You got mind controlled and had to fight your son! You poor poor bat!

Kaldur:Uhh... wow.

Megan:Who's his son? I don't think he fought his son, he fought Ro...bin...OH! Robin is Batman's son?

Zee & Artemis:Robin! Your Batman's son? *Looks at Robin*

Rob:Uhh... No I'm not!

Bats:Get off of me! *tries to pry BYC off*

Flash:I just noticed... BYC is a Batman fangirl.

Queenie:That she is.

BYC:*Stopped hugging Batman and sighs.* Yeah. I hope that the next author of this story will appreciate torturing him as much as I do.

Arty:What do you mean next author?


BYC:YJ-Lover is going to adopt this story! Aka you people!

YJ:Hi YJ-Lover!

Bats:Not again!

Mentors:More singin'!

BYC:Anyway... Private Party Time!

Queenie:*Looks at you computer people* Sorry, but this is an exclusive party we can't have you around. Only the YJ team, Roy (Ginger clone), Zee, Mentors, BC, BYC , Queenie aka the one talking to you right now aka me, and YJ-Lover since she will need to meet the crew and learn how to torture Batman from BYC.

YJ:See ya when we see ya!


BYC & Queenie:*hugs everyone.* Waa! *Looks at you* Type you later! Review this chapter too! Check out Babyfied!