Naruto of the Swarm

Before I begin with this story I have I few things to say. Firstly that this is my first ever fan-fiction and I hope that you guys like it. Secondly, is that I don't like flames and will ignore them, but I do accept critics as they help writers understand what their reader's want.

Lastly is that I don't own Naruto, never have and probably never will. If I did Naruto would have confronted Hinata about her confession and no-one would be anxious to hear about what his response is to it.

Well, this is going to be my key guide, for now at least. More might be added on, if it is necessary. Hope you are all familiar with it:

"This is speech."

'This is thought'

This is sarcasm

This is Jutsu

"This is the speech of a demon-host merger."

'This is thought from a demon, animal summon or Inner Persona.'

"This is speech from a demon, animal summon or Inner Persona."

Chapter One: A Talk with Myself

In the hospital of Konoha where a few of the chunin hopefuls are recovering from the chunin exams, which have just given all of the remaining genin taking the exam have just been given a month long break to rest up from the exam and try to add a few new skills to help them in the exam finals. It is here that a small argument between an orange haired genin is arguing with the receptionist about something.

"Where's Sasuke's room," Naruto yelled, at the receptionist behind the desk in the hospital. He wanted to see Kakashi and ask him for training so that he could keep his promise to beat Neji in the finals.

The receptionist calmly stated, as if rehearsed, "Sasuke–sama is not being allowed any visitors at the moment."

Naruto was quick to exclaim, "Why the hell not!"

"It's hard to explain but…" the receptionist was just about to try and explain, but was saved from trying to when Kakashi took over for him in the conversation by stating, "Naruto be quiet inside the hospital."

"OH! Kakashi-sensei," was Naruto's response to the intrusion in his conversation. He then began to ask Kakashi a question, "Hey like! Hey like! I have a request, Kakashi-sensei!"

Kakashi's response to this was to calmly say, "No need to tell me what you're going to ask, Naruto. I have found you someone who will oversee your training."

Naruto, quite upset about not being trained by his sensei, whined, "Why! I want you to train me Kakashi-sensei, not someone else."

Kakashi explained, in a solemn, almost monotone, voice, "I've got some business to take care of so, I don't have time to oversee your training." He silently thought, while saying this, 'I hope that Naruto doesn't get too upset over the fact that I'm not training him for the finals, and am training Sasuke instead. It would be bothersome to say the least. I also hope that Ebisu will be able to do a good enough job. I mean not enough to beat Neji, as that would be impossible, but enough to impress the judges, hopefully.'

Naruto, quick to understand the implications that Kakashi was giving, yelled out, "I know your just planning to train Sasuke! Why can't you train me at the same time?"

Kakashi, hoping to get Naruto to stop yelling, hurriedly spat out an excuse that went along the lines of, "I found you a better teacher then me," or, "I found a more reliable teacher then me!"

Naruto asked him, "Like who? You're among the best jounin that the village has to offer, so who?"

"It's me," a somewhat familiar voice behind Naruto exclaimed.

Naruto turned around, and upon seeing who it was, exclaimed, "Oh, you're the closet pervert!"

This in turn got Kakashi to quickly state, in his surprise, "Ebisu-sensei's a closet pervert?"

Naruto expanded upon his earlier statements by saying, "Why the hell does my training teacher have to be him! I mean this guy is even weaker then me in the first place. I know this because before, with this guy, with my Harem no Jutsu…"

Ebisu, quickly thought, 'He isn't going to tell him about THAT incident is he,' before quickly grabbing Naruto and clamping a hand over his mouth. This action prevented Naruto from telling Kakashi about the Konohamaru Training Incident.

Since Kakashi didn't anything after Harem no Jutsu, which was the point at which Ebisu covered Naruto's mouth, he slowly pronounced, "Harem no Jutsu?"

Ebisu was quick to reassure him that it was nothing, before bribing Naruto with free food of his choice, if he kept quiet. Naruto gave him a quick glance that said, "You better."

Kakashi, who was watching the process, plainly said, "Who knew that you two would have known one another... Oh well, have fun Naruto." After that, he turned around and left the hospital.

Ebisu, now focused on teaching Naruto, quickly went into a lecture about how Naruto was lacking in chakra control, how the only reason he had bested his teammates at times was because of his superior stamina, and how to gain better chakra control. Naruto tuned him out; he didn't do well with long winded lectures. He interjected only when it seemed that he should, when he was insulted, or when he was expected to, because it wouldn't do to have him give him a second lecture on actually listening to your authorities.

After a while, approximately a half hour lecture later, Ebisu took Naruto out of the lobby so that they could start on his training.


As the duo arrived at the Hot Springs, Naruto exclaimed, again, "Why'd we come to a place like this? It isn't as if we can actually train here. Oh, are we going to take a bath before we start training?"

"No, there will be no bathing here today, at least for the two of us. Instead we will be training here," explained Ebisu. Upon seeing Naruto's confused face, he elaborated that they would be learning the Water Walking Jutsu. After that he gave Naruto the spiel on how to water walk, it's similarities to the Surface Climbing Jutsu, and gave a demonstration.

Naruto made the ram sign, started to expel a set amount of chakra from his feet, and walked out onto the water confidently. After setting one foot into the water he fell right on in. Naruto was quick to surface, yelp out a, "OUCH," and scramble for shore. Ebisu, of course, mentioned as he was getting out, "I forgot to tell you this but the bath water is 60 degrees. If you continue to fall you'll become a boiled egg."

Naruto was quick to resume his training, with great vigour. As Naruto did this, Ebisu reflected on how Naruto was a good kid, not the Kyuubi no Kitsune that was sealed within him. After about five tries, Naruto managed to grasp the basics of the jutsu. On the sixth try, Naruto pointed out a peeping tom as he fell into the hot spring. Ebisu was quick to act, as he was not a perverse man, in front of most people, that is. He went to confront the odd white haired man, but was swiftly defeated when said man summoned a toad. After Ebisu's quick defeat, the odd pervert was confronted by Naruto.

Naruto quickly exclaimed, "What did you go and do that for, you old coot. You knocked my teacher out so who's going to teach me now, ne?" After a few rapid thoughts he continued, "Oh, I know! You'll teach me how to water walk, after all if you can summon a freaking frog, you can water walk! So teach me!"

"No, I won't teach a freaking annoying brat that makes ridiculous claims such as yours," the oddity called out, "don't you know who I am? I am Mount Myoboku-gama's holy master sage, also known as Toad Sage, or Jiraya-sama. Remember it!" He then went onto some rant (Don't look at me like that. It's the only way I can describe his super-pervert lecture) about how he was famous because of some book he wrote; which was the same series as the book Kakashi-sensei wrote.

"Okay, Almighty Sage, just please help figure out this water walking thing and I'll be on my way. Heck, I'll even let you leave without ratting you out to the woman on the other side of the divider so that you can continue researching," Naruto said, albeit sarcastically.

Jiraya, dismissing the sarcasm as awe, went along with it and started to teach Naruto. He stepped in when he noticed a pattern difference in the Shiki Fuin Seal on Naruto's stomach and quickly fixed it. Other than that, he didn't do much. As he saw, Naruto had a teacher already, Kakashi, and so didn't need him around adding on to what Kakashi was teaching him, which he would much later learn was nothing at all. He got Naruto to learn the Water Walking Jutsu down and left. Naruto just practiced the jutsu for the rest of the day.


The Next Day

"Well, this definitely sucks, who's going to teach me now. I mean, I got this Mizu Bou no Jutsu done pat, so what's next," Naruto pondered aloud as he walked away from the hospital. He had gone there to check up on Ebisu; he wanted to get started on the next phase of training as soon as possible. Apparently whatever the perverted sage had done had moderately burned the teacher (guess the hot springs were really hot after all) and so he couldn't teacher Naruto for the rest of the month. He also couldn't find the pervy sage (Jiraya sneezed at a far off hot spring and gotten a subsequent beating as a reward for getting caught), so he couldn't really learn anything from either of them.

Ebisu had suggested that Naruto work on the jutsu that he already had, not knowing that Naruto only knew the Academy Three and Kage Bunshin. This got Naruto thinking, what he really knew about the Kage Bunshin. Not much really, when he did think about. All he knew was that it made solid clones of himself and that it apparently sucked chakra like a leech, not that it affected him much because of his ridiculously large chakra reserves. This led him to come to a conclusion; he needed to know more about his signature jutsu. At first he wanted to ask his Jiji, but then remembered that he would be busy with paperwork. Then came a thought that would revolutionize his life, since Kage Bunshin are a sentient result of the jutsu then they would probably know all about it. He left to the nearest Training Ground to test this theory.


In Training Ground 12 Naruto set about to test his theory, however unlikely it may prove to be. He recognized this; one didn't raise themselves to be stupid or unreasonable in a place that was as cold to you as the Land of Snow. He knew that Sakura didn't really like and probably never would, but he didn't give up on her. He just wanted his friend back after, that was what a date was right? Oh well, back to the subject at hand. Naruto shook himself from his thoughts and readied himself for his experiment.


A clone poofed into existence, just as Naruto wanted it to. Naruto went up to the clone and the both of them sat down on the rough turf of the Training Ground. Before Naruto could ask the clone to explain Kage Bunshin, the clone interrupted him by starting, "Konnichiha Boss. I already know why you have created me, so let's starting cracking at it, shall we? Oh, you should probably get out a notepad and a pencil for note taking, just so that you don't forget anything."

"Okay I'm ready, Clone-san," Naruto replied, having taken out a notepad and pencil that he had prepared for this purpose.

"Okay, what do want to know? Wait, never mind I remember what you want to know," the clone started to babble; "you want to know about the abilities of Kage Bunshin, am I correct. Never mind, don't answer that, of course you do. Of course this leads me to start explaining the first ability of Kage Bunshin. It'll be the only one I cover for the next two days. Before you start complaining, remember that you have to start small and build from what you know." The clone then stopped his Iruka-like lecture, causing it to shiver at the thought and then continued onto the explanation of the first ability of the Kage Bunshin, "The ability, I'm covering today is that of the memory relay, and there are two parts to it. The first ability of the memory relay ability allows you to learn anything that your clones have learned."

"If that's true than why haven't I ever noticed that when I used the Kage Bunshin," asked Naruto, who then rapidly covered his mouth at the glare given to him by the clone.

The clone then went on to continue explaining, "The reason you haven't noticed this ability yet is because you have always used the Kage Bunshin in large numbers and to prevent massive brain damage, your brain has rejected the memories that have come from your clones so far. The second part of the memory relay ability," the clone continued, "is that you can mentally command your clones through your thoughts. It is how I knew what you wanted me to cover on the Kage Bunshin's abilities. This ability was added to the Kage Bunshin by its creator so that the clone can obey sudden changes in the mission protocol and not have to be recreated with a new set of orders. This might have side-effects on the user, but none have been recorded at the moment. There is also the fact that no user of the Kage Bunshin has been as young as you are when they started to use it, so there might be side-effects on your mental capabilities later on in life. I would suggest that you use your clones as a way to increase your learning speed so that you can learn jutsu faster. Ja ne." The clone then poofed out of existence after its explanation of the first Kage Bunshin ability.

Naruto then ran to the library to start utilizing the newfound ability of his signature jutsu and start learning as much as he could from the many low rank jutsu within the library. He stopped on the way there, to get some ramen first though, hey its lunchtime after all.


In the library, Naruto had started to search for the jutsu section of the library. He had asked the librarian where it would be, but the librarian had just told him to look for it, himself. So, without help, he started his search. He had created a few Kage Bunshin and commanded them to start looking in separate sections of the library. He told them that as soon as they found the jutsu section that they should dispel, so that the search could stop and the jutsu learning could begin.

After a half hour of searching, one of the clones had finally found the jutsu section. All of Naruto's clones and Naruto himself came rushing to that spot of the library. There was a guard there, to stop anyone without clearance from going into the jutsu section. He had stopped the clones and Naruto from going into the jutsu section, and asked them to show there verification of ninja clearance (aka: their ninja headbands). Naruto dispelled his clones, he wasn't sure if they would be allowed in without him re-creating them within the section, and showed the chunin guard his ninja headband. The guard verified him that it was real and let him in. He set out some of rules there were for the jutsu section, they were in place so that none of them would get into civilian hands. Naruto spaced out in-between rules Four and Five though, it wasn't like a civilian would ask Naruto to give them a jutsu scroll or steal it from him. They were too afraid he would go all Kyuubi or something on them, to do something like that. When the guard was done explaining the rules, he told Naruto to come back to him so that he could approve of the jutsu Naruto was taking out, and give him a sealing scroll to carry them around in. The scroll would prevent any civilians from taking the scrolls from him.

Anyway, after Naruto was let into the jutsu section he started to search for cool jutsu. The chunin guard had told him that genin were only allowed to look at the E-D rank jutsu alongside some low C rank jutsu because any higher and they could become a threat to the village, so he searched in that section of the library. He came across a few wimpy jutsu, like the Nawanuke no Jutsu, and the Kori Shinchū no Jutsu. They only seemed like they could be used in certain situations that could be prevented if one could fight properly, or were genjutsu, which he sucked at. Other jutsu seemed really useful and cool, like the Kanashibari no Jutsu. This jutsu Naruto really liked, he liked the thought that he could put someone into paralysis if he punched them with this jutsu activated.

After an hour and a half of browsing, Naruto gathered up the jutsu he found interesting and went to for the chunin guard, to check out his scrolls. The chunin said that they were almost all good, taking away a few of the higher leveled C-rank jutsu, and sent Naruto off on his way.

Naruto, when he made it to his small apartment, looked at the clock. He wasn't surprised that he had been gone for most of the day, he had gone to Training Ground 12 at 11:25, made the clone and learned the first of Kage Bunshin's secrets at 11:37, and spent three and a half hours at the library after getting there around 1:13. Now that it was 4:50 he could practise a few of the easy to learn jutsu, using clones to speed up the process, or learn the second secret of Kage Bunshin. He decided to go with the second secret of Kage Bunshin, it would be easier to learn, and he could just write it down in the note pad he used earlier. Going to his bed and sitting down, he put his hands into the hand sign and channelled chakra through it.


The clone came into existence, and Naruto got ready for the lecture he was going to get from his clone.

Sorry about the cliff hanger, just thought that it would keep you guys on the look out for more. Ja ne