x ~ Kiss The Stars ~ x

Author's Note - Here you go folks, final chapter. I hope it was a good as you hoped. I really enjoyed writing it, so thank you for giving me that chance. Everyone who reviewed, I read all of them and they made me smile so much :) The lyrics for the final chapter are from Beyoncé's 'I Was Here'. I suggest listening to it, it's stunning. Please review one last time with any comments, suggestions or anything you like!

Warnings - Contains strong language, scenes of a sexual nature and other such naughtiness.

Disclaimer - I own nothing but the actual writing in this story. The story concept came from another member of this site and the characters in it belong to themselves. This is merely a work of fiction; it came from my brain, however messed up it may be. At no point do I suggest this story reflects reality, it's entirely made-up. Any other songs, cars or brands mentioned also belong to their respective owners.

Chapter Fifteen: ~

I wanna leave my footprints on the sands of time

Know there was something that, and something that I left behind

When I leave this world, I'll leave no regrets

Leave something to remember, so they won't forget

I was here

I lived, I loved

I was here

I did, I've done, everything that I wanted

And it was more than I thought it would be

I will leave my mark so everyone will know

I was here

As Phil reached the room, panting with the effort, he realised he didn't actually have any idea how he was going to get in. If Shane realised it was him there was no way he'd let him in.

Hoping to God this worked, he knocked loudly on the door and retreated around the corner, waiting. He'd almost given up and gone to plan B (kick the door in)…but then he heard a soft 'click' as the door opened and Shane appeared, buttoning up his shirt and looking flustered. Phil's blood pressure went through the roof; aware of what that small action suggested had been happening. He bode his time, waiting for Shane to retreat back into the room. Hearing him swear and watching him turn back, Phil made his move.

He rushed to the door, blocking it from closing with his hand. Shane turned, wondering what stopped the door closing. He froze when he saw who had interrupted his evening.

Phil flew at him, grabbing him by the neck and pinning him to the wall. Shane released a surprised yelp but it soon turned into a smirk.

"What are you grinning at?" Phil growled, slamming his head into the wall for good measure. Shane grunted.

"What's wrong Phil? Did someone give the game away? Took you long enough…" Shane forced out as Phil strangled the breath from him. "Pissed that I fucked your girl?"

"You did WHAT? !" Phil yelled, punching him hard in the gut. As he doubled over, coughing, Phil punched the back of his head, knocking him to the floor. "You didn't do anything! You didn't lay a hand on her because if you did I'd fucking kill you!"

Shane remained smugly silent.

Phil took that as confirmation of his worst fears. "Fuck you! You fucking bastard!" Phil screamed, his emotions more than getting the better of him. He kicked Shane who lay prone on the floor, trying to protect his face. Phil crouched down; pummelling him with punches to any exposed area he could reach.

"Phil STOP" John yelled, pulling Phil away. When Cena had arrived, Phil didn't know, all he knew is he wanted Shane dead…he didn't deserve to live. His chest heaved as he tried to draw enough air in, head spinning. He'd never been this angry in his life.

Shane didn't dare stir but lay with his eyes shut, still looking infuriatingly calm. His nose was obviously broken, blood dripping onto the floor. Other than that, the damage wasn't yet visible. Phil hoped he was in the excruciating pain he deserved…he'd obviously hurt Maria and Phil couldn't deny the crippling pain inside his skull that stemmed directly from what Shane had done.

"Your judgement is clouded right now…just calm the fuck down" John said, gripping Phil's biceps as he restrained him.

"Calm down? How can I calm down? He put his filthy hands on her John!" Phil yelled, struggling.

"Where is she?" John asked, reminding Phil of the most important thing of all - that Maria was safe. He took a deep breath, trying to block out the throbbing in his head.

"Let me go John…I have to find her…"

John complied and released Phil, realising Phil's focus had shifted to the well-being of his girlfriend. He watched over Shane as Phil scanned the room.

"Where is she you perverted motherfucker?" Phil spat at Shane, receiving no response. He opened the door to the bedroom gingerly, afraid of what he could discover. The blankets on the bed were disturbed, only adding to the feeling in the pit of Phil's stomach that made him want to vomit.

He noticed an adjoining bathroom and took a deep breath, pushing the handle down. It was locked. She had to be in there. He knocked, hearing a strangled cry.

"Leave me alone! Please…please…" she sobbed.

A small wave of relief flooded over him…at least she was here; she was safe now.

"Maria…open the door, it's me…it's okay, I'm here"

"…Phil?" she asked in a tiny voice.

He pressed his forehead to the door and tried to find the words. Were there really any words that could make this better? Probably not…

"I'm here…I'm so sorry it took this long…I had no idea" he murmured shakily.

He heard the 'click' as the door was unlocked. He pushed it open slowly, peering inside. His heart shattered as he saw her curled up on the floor, not a single shred of clothing on her small frame. He instinctively shut and locked the door behind him, crouching beside her and taking her into his arms.

She was surprised she hadn't run out of tears yet, but more and more made their way down her cheeks as his warmth enveloped her. This time they were tears of relief; no arms ever made her feel safer than his.

"I thought you weren't going to come" she sobbed into his shirt.

He took a few shaky breaths, looking up as he tried to stop his emotions spilling over.

"You're safe…I got you" he soothed, kissing the top of her head. "Let's get you out of here"

"Where is he?" she whispered.

"John has him…he'll never touch you again I promise"

He took off his shirt, helping her put it on. Luckily it was big enough to cover most of her body. Picking her up bridal style, he carried her out of the room. John shook his head when he saw the state Maria was in.

"I'm taking her back to the room…call the police and Vince" Phil told him.

John nodded. "I'm sorry man, I hope she's okay" he added sympathetically.

"Me too"

Phil gently laid her down on the bed, observing the finger marks around her wrists.

He made to leave the room and heard her cry out to him. "Please don't leave me alone"

"I won't, I'm just grabbing you some clothes…I brought your suitcase from Chicago" he told her softly, bringing the suitcase into the room and rummaging through. He found some underwear and shorts, putting them on the bed along with a shirt.

"Can I keep your shirt on?…it smells like you" she whispered. He nodded, trying to hide the fact that he was in bits seeing her this way. She was such a strong-minded woman but now; she looked so weak and vulnerable. He helped her into the clothes, finding himself another shirt to put on.

Not quite sure what to do with himself he did what felt most natural; he lay next to her on the bed, stroking her hair. He desperately needed to know what had happened, but he was scared to have his fears confirmed.

Maria looked up at him, seeing the questions written on his face and the turmoil in his head.

"Do you hate me…?"

He stared at her but she wasn't meeting his gaze. "Why would I hate you?"

She couldn't answer, clinging to him, afraid he was going to leave her.

"…I know you need to ask…just say it" Maria whispered as yet more tears rolled down her cheeks.

"What happened in there? I don't want to ask; but I have to know…" he asked, holding her close.

"What do you think happened?" she whispered, tears running down her face and onto his neck.

He felt his eyes burn as he asked the one question that made him feel physically sick. "Did…did he…rape you?"

She sobbed harder into his shoulder and he felt a traitorous tear escape. Shane had admitted it and Maria's reaction confirmed it.

She pulled away and wiped at her eyes. She took his hands and shook her head. "He…he tried…" she sobbed, clutching his hands to her chest.

Phil stopped breathing for a second. "So he didn't actually do it?"

"No…I escaped and locked myself in the bathroom" she whimpered at the memory.

Phil felt a wave of relief crash over him as he hugged her tightly to his chest. "Thank God…I'd never have forgiven myself" he whispered. "Did he hurt you?"

She shook her head, burying her face in the crook of his neck. "It's my fault Phil…I let this happen, I deserved what he did" she cried.

Phil held her at arms length. "You didn't deserve it…no one deserves that"

"I'm so sorry Phil…I'm so stupid, I let him manipulate me…he said such vile things"

"It's okay…it's over" he told her, kissing her forehead.

"It's not…you could go to jail because of me…because of my stupidity, I fell for it Phil" she sobbed.

"That was my fault Ri, I decided to beat him within an inch of his life which I don't regret by the way. We both fell for it…I have a lawyer Ri, under the circumstances there's no way a judge won't see why I did what I did"

He rubbed her back, kissing every inch of available skin.

There was a knock at the door and John stepped in.

"Sorry to interrupt…the police are here. They arrested Shane and they want to speak to you both"

After being forced to separate for questioning, Maria gave her statement and Phil was told he should expect a fine for assault. It was worth every penny to give that man even a tenth of the pain he caused them.

"I'm so sorry Maria…I really am" Kelly told her.

"I know" Maria told her, still unable to properly forgive her. She tried to sleep with her boyfriend and worse, could have helped Shane in his plan to 'mark' Maria and destroy Phil's life.

After speaking to Vince, they discovered the extent of Shane's scheme. He'd managed to sign off storylines whereby Phil would lose his title and turn heel, destroying his fan support. Shane also had him moved to the mid card, wrestling ten minute matches. Vince was horrified and noticeably shaken after finding out what a monster his son had become. Once Shane had served his jail sentence, there was no way he'd ever be employed by the company again.

That night Maria lay awake, wrapped around Phil; as much of her body in contact with his as possible. She couldn't sleep; she could still feel Shane's hands on her. She sighed and opened her eyes, finding Phil watching her curiously.

"Can't sleep?" he asked softly.

She shook her head.

"Me either…"

He leaned down and kissed her softly, stealing her breath.

"What's wrong?"

"I can still feel him on top of me Phil…no matter how much I scrub my skin, I can still feel him there…" she whispered. "Make me forget…please Phil, cleanse my body of him. I need you to make me yours again"

"I don't know if now is the time Ri…"

"Please Phil, I know it makes you feel ill that he touched me, tell me you still want me…I need you; make love to me" she begged.

That was all the convincing he needed. He kissed her hungrily, unwinding their limbs so he could hover over her. "Of course I still want you Ri…I'll never stop wanting you" he assured her, groaning as she bit into the skin resting over his collar bone. She knew he had a bit of a pain fetish and right now his eyes were wild with desire. She was still his…he wasn't ever going to let her go.

He kissed a soft trail down her neck, gently removing her shirt and kissing a path between her soft breasts. She watched as he pulled off her shorts, running her hands all over his body and pulling his shirt over his head. She needed to feel him under her fingertips.

She ran a hand down his toned stomach, slipping a hand inside his pants. His heavily-lidded eyes followed as she massaged him through the thin fabric of his boxers. He was ready to take her as she used her other hand to unbutton his jeans. She stopped, pushing them down along with his boxers. He whined a little at the loss of contact and helped her, tossing them away as he ran his fingers over the smooth skin of her thighs. Parting them slightly, he kissed her abdomen, sucking and nipping at the skin. As he got closer to his destination, he felt her hands tugging at his hair. He moaned at the feeling but rather than guiding him, she was pulling him away. He looked up at her inquisitively.

"Not tonight…I need you now" she whispered.

Not wanting to keep her waiting and more than happy to meet her demands, he moved back up the bed to kiss her passionately.

"Please" she begged, spreading her legs and allowing him to accommodate his weight between them. He complied, sitting back and guiding himself to her entrance. He pushed in slowly, the room silent except for their heavy breathing and twin moans as their bodies joined in the most intimate of ways. She arched her back, drawing him in deeper and he panted, resting his forehead against hers. He remained still, controlling his desire until she began thrusting her hips into him. He took that as her signal to move, pulling back before pushing deep into her core. She released a satisfied sigh, raking her nails down his back. He groaned at the pain once more and pulled out again, repeating the motion. He enjoyed this different, slow love-making. He felt more in control and he spent more time enjoying each sensation as she clenched and relaxed around him.

They continued this way, him slowly pulling out almost all the way and then pushing in deep. She groaned on every thrust, feeling her climax building agonisingly slowly. Sweat formed in beads on his forehead as he captured her lips, expressing his passion and moaning into her mouth.

"I love you" he whispered.

"Ahhh…uhh…I love you too" she panted. "I'm close" she mumbled into his ear, clamping down on his ear lobe with her teeth.

"Uhhhhhh" he moaned. "Tell me…what feels good?"

"Right there…keep doing that" she breathed, feeling him thrust deeper into her.

It had been building so long…the ache in the pit of her stomach. She thought it was never going to come. As Phil pushed into her again, she was caught by surprise. She screamed out her pleasure, digging her nails into his back as her climax crashed through her. She spasmed around him and thrashed underneath his body, no longer in control of her own limbs.

Feeling her walls close around him to the point it felt like his manhood was trapped in a vice, he felt his stomach clench and he twitched inside her. She bit down on his shoulder and every muscle in his body contracted with force.

"I'm gonna….ohhhh God…ahh…uhh" he grunted as a feeling of ecstasy gripped him, washing over his lower body and spreading up his spine. He felt himself jerk and convulse as he spilled inside her. His hips bucked of their own accord as he continued to thrust, his manhood throbbing as the last of his load squeezed its way out of the head, her walls milking him dry.

Breathing heavily, his arms gave way. Coming back to his sense, he felt Maria's arms around his waist.

"We should probably go clean up"

"I am clean, I don't ever want to wash your scent from my body" she told him, kissing him.

"The hotel maid might see things a little differently" he whispered, his essence dripping onto the sheets from their joined bodies.

"I don't care…all I care about is that you're here with me. I want to spend the rest of my life with you Phil, and I meant it when I said I want to have your babies one day"

A grin fought its way onto his face. "It's babies now? Like as in plural?" he chuckled.

"I want ten"

His eyes widened, mouth falling open.

"I'm joking Phil" she laughed.

"Fuck…I nearly had a cardiac arrest"

"But imagine all the sex" she growled, kissing him again. "I jest…but I do want a few though" she grinned, biting her lower lip.

"They'll be some good-looking kids" he smiled.

"And they'll have the sexiest daddy of all their friends"

"If they're anything like me they won't have any friends" he laughed, causing Maria to burst into fits of giggles.

Epilogue ~

Phil held his breath as he knocked on the clinical white door. His other hand was holding Maria's. He was oddly nervous as the handle moved and the door swung open. He was met with the face of Dean who couldn't keep the smile from his lips.

As Dean stepped aside, Phil's eyes fell on the most beautiful sight…lying in the hospital bed was his sister. She looked exhausted, clad in a hospital gown with her eyes red and sweat still shining on her forehead. He'd never seen her looking more perfect. In her arms was a tiny newborn and as they entered, she lifted her gaze and met his eyes. A huge smile broke out over her face, a few tears escaping as she saw the proud look on her big brother's face.

Maria let go of Phil's hand, letting him and his little sister have this moment as a family. Dean joined her, watching as Phil approached the bed and crouched beside it. He smiled instinctively at the little boy cradled in his blanket. His eyes were closed as his miniature chest rose and fell.

"Phil, meet Joseph Philip Brooks-Riley"

Phil sucked in a surprised breath, looking to his sister. "Joseph Philip?"

She nodded. His chest swelled with pride as he kissed her cheek and hugged her tightly.

"Do you want to hold him?"

"I don't want to wake him up" he hesitated.

"It's okay, he needs feeding soon anyway" she smiled.

"I don't know how…I've never held a newborn, he's too small"

"It's okay, just make sure you support his head" she told him.

Phil gingerly reached down, scooping the baby into his arms. He looked at him in amazement; he looked just like Shay. He held his breath as his tiny eyes opened, staring up at him curiously.

"Hello little one, I'm your uncle Phil…" he whispered softly. At first Phil thought he was going to cry, his eyes widening and his little hands forming fists. He was taken by surprise when he let out a burp. Shay laughed.

"He definitely takes after you Shay" Phil chuckled, offering his finger.

"Oi don't be rude, I've just been through the pain of childbirth; you don't want to make me mad" she smiled.

Phil was in awe as the baby wrapped his hand around Phil's finger, kicking his legs happily.

"Do you want to take him back now? If not I might just have to steal him from you, he's so cute" Phil smiled, gently placing the baby back in Shay's arms.

"Get your own" she giggled. "I'm sure you know how to do it"

Phil turned to look at Maria who bit her lip. "Should we tell them?" he asked, a cheeky grin on his face.

She nodded. He left the bedside to stand behind Maria, taking her hands in his and placing them over her abdomen.

"No way!" Shay exclaimed, mouth falling open. Phil winked, running one of their joined hands over the bump that wasn't yet visible under clothes.

"We're having a baby" he grinned.

"I'm three months along"

~ La Fin - The End ~

Thank you to every single person who read and especially those of you who took the time to leave me a review, I read them all regularly and they make me so happy. Please leave me one last review, what did you think of the chapter? And of the story as a whole? I hope you enjoyed it and I hope it lived up to your expectations.
