TA DA! I know that everyone was waiting, BUT this is the last chapter of book one.

I want to thank everyone who has read, followed, alerted and or reviewed this long assed tale. Anyway, let's get to the reviews: CB73, yeah Ronnie showed the training is paying off. And yeah no more vort; Uberscribbler, there are even more things you might have forgotten (although I haven't) and maybe one of them will show up in this chapter….enjoy; Jimmy1201, oh again nice chapter on yours, yeah Ron has a 'tude and he is not quite as nice and a clown as he was.

Clutch28, a rich guy being a jerk…well have a president who is the most powerful man in the world and what is he? Romeosami7, well a little over 1.3 million now. Kim will get her memory back; Linkwonka88, yeah cliffies are tough; whitem (two reviews yippie), Ronmind weld? Ya know that sounds pretty cool. Yes, I am, but I haven't been diagnosed. Kim will have a reset either at the end of book 2 or the beginning of book 3. Oh don't pull any more hair out or you'll look like me.

Again, thanks to everyone and a huge thanks to CajunBear73 for all the work he has done. Remember he had to go over all of it!

Just to let everyone know I plan to begin posting book 2 in about six months, BUT I have two more tales (Which don't have anything to do with anything….so don't ask.) The first out will be 'Dead Man Switch' and is a takeoff Tito Mosquito's 'For the Pride of Lowardia'. I plan to begin posting that in about two weeks so one chapter a week and there are 10 chapters.

The Hunter: Book One

Chapter 121

Yamanouchi, Japan:

(Stoppable-san, relax, breathe slowly.), the Weapons Instructions Master said to the teen who seemed to be having a problem with the complex weapon's form he was learning. (You are much too tense. You must flow like water from the block and parry the strike from the hip to the shoulder before you remove the head. To have more speed, you must be fluid. You must enter Mushin. Doing without thinking. It is like being outside your body watching yourself. Your mind is holding you back my friend.)

The sweating teen stood mute in the guard position, then nodded his head once to show he understood while trying not to breathe heavily.

(Begin again, slowly until you feel the motion.), Namato Umestsu instructed the young man, now deep within the current block of instruction in the continuous twenty-four-hour training schedule. The Middleton teen had pushed himself, averaging less than two hours of sleep a day for the last ten days. He was wearing down and losing focus, exhausted all the time now. The instructors at the secret ninja school pushed the Chosen One past where he may break to get to the final level. And he was getting very close.

Sensei watched from the distance with a small smile, 'Ron Stoppable will soon be the greatest weapons master of all time, I just hope that he understands the sacrifice that he is making for the safety of so many.'


Weekly Strategy Meeting: Global Justice:

"Dr. Director, we have a request from Interpol for Kim Possible's assistance, they would like us to coordinate this for them. I suggest that we pigeonhole it until Stoppable is back from Japan as he is her ace in the hole, so to speak.", top Agent Will Du suggested from his seat across from the Director at the conference table where ten others were seated, each taking their turns with the agenda. The other Directors were in the dark of the blond goof's training and capabilities, with only Du and Betty informed only the previous summer after an agreement struck by a certain school and GJ.

Making her own notes, regardless of the policy GJ had of recording their meetings, "Why do they want Possible to help them out, Agent Du?", the eye patch wearing director of Global Justice inquired.

"For some idiotic reason they want Kim Possible personally to take this one on…very soon…But at the moment she doesn't have adequate backup to ensure her safety for an operation like the one they are calling for. I am concerned about her safety considering what they want.", the 'Top' Agent responded, "And considering what kind of hazards I think she may be facing, weighted against 'The Buffoon's' newly developed abilities, it would behoove us to make sure he is there with that toy of his in-case things get out of hand. If they have us contact her, their hands won't get dirty if things get out of hand." Du explained Interpol's logic while using Ron Stoppable's code name.

"Exactly what does Interpol need, Will?", Betty asked as she rubbed her temples while wondering if 'The Activity', 'Gray Fox', or whatever their current name was, could take this one. Though they had military firepower available, her premier reserve agent team was down an agent for another couple of weeks, with said agent undergoing further training for some purpose she was not informed about. As a result, Betts was not happy about being out of the loop, but she was somewhat mollified with what she did know, since she was able to observe the 'Buffoon' in action with some test exercises, leaving her impressed with what he was able to accomplish.

"Since this isn't a military operation I don't think General Cree's people would be likely to take this one Ma'am. We might be stuck here with damned few options."

Sigh, "What are the parameters for this request Will? I do not want to take the chance of losing lives unnecessarily, especially teenaged ones. All of this sounds to me like they want to compromise.", Betty told agent Du and the others seated at the table.

Will frowned and handed the document to his Superior.

As she scanned through it, Betty muttered, "Oh hell no! I am not going along with this even if the criminal in question hasn't killed before. According to most recent satellite overheads he HAS upgraded the security on his island and that would make it difficult to extract our people even if we were able to get them in undetected."

"Ma'am, I remind you, Jones did threaten to put Miss Possible in with electric eels the last time she infiltrated his organization, so I won't buy into him not having a violent streak. If it were up to me, I'd be sending in Special Weapons and Tactics Teams.", Du reminded his boss.

Betty frowned as she thought about how Kim Possible, Ron Stoppable and Rufus T Molerat extracted themselves from that mission. Especially with how it had been touch-and-go for a while. "True, he did, but she was able to extract herself from the situation. Get me a secure line. I want to speak with the 'Suit' that came up with this one when we are finished here…Unless there is something else more compelling to take care of first."


Monique, her hands in the air, squealed as she walked to her locker with Kim, "First semester of our senior year is in the books! What are you doing over break GF?"

"Well Christmas with the fam. I invited Eric, but his 'rents are going to be in northern Canada where they own property, and he wanted to see them…I couldn't say no. He gets on the plane in two hours.", Kim informed her friend in a much lower volume.

The exuberance out of her system, the African-American teen lowered her hands and her voice, "That's too bad you weren't able to go with him Kim, but a nice relaxing break might be just what you need to recharge the batteries."

"I think so too. Eric will be back before the Winter Formal so we are going to that one. Is Brick taking you?", the heroine asked to see if her suspicions about this were correct, though Monique hadn't confirmed them.

"Of course, GF, I am going to be styling in my new gown. Brick is going to be wearing a CB tux to compliment me and Rockwaller is going to be jellin."

"Monique, B won't even be there. She's flying down to Senior's island tonight.", Kim informed her friend, "When she gets back her tan should be astounding."

Monique laughed at that, "That girl tries so hard, some people have perfect tans."

Kim put her hand up to her mouth as she giggled. "I don't tan Moni, I burn."

The fashion diva snarked, "I can see that. So, what are your plans after work tonight GF?"

"I guess I'll go to a burger joint for a late dinner, I don't feel like warming up one of Henri's meals in the microwave, it would be such the inhumanity."

Moni asked, "Not Bueno Nacho?"

"No, not without Ron. I sorta miss him you know.", Kim half-smiled.

"No way!", Monique taunted, hoping that Kim would remember what she had with her lifelong friend and break it off with the English snob.

"Yeah, Christmas was his favorite time of year…well next to Thanksgiving. Anyway, he has to be missing home.", Kim related.

Monique smiled, "He likes to stuff his face…uh Kim?"


"I want to eat with you after work tonight. I know you're busy right now with cheer practice, so I won't bug you till later. See ya at Club Banana."

"I'd like that Moni, later."


After the evening shift at CB:

"So, Kim,", Monique set her triple cheeseburger down to wipe her lips with a napkin, "did you ever get a chance to talk to Ron before he left for Japan?"

The red head blushed slightly as she remembered the blond boy holding her hand as she woke up, "Yeah, Ron came up to sit with me while I was in the hospital after he cleaned my clock Saturday. He sorta felt bad about punching my lights out and wanted to make sure I was alright."

"So, what did you guys talk about?"

The red head set her burger down and picked up her soda cup. After she sipped from her straw, "We talked for a good while. I apologized to Ron for striking him when I found out why I got called into CB…I got to apologize to him again about that rescue, but he told me not to worry about it, we'd always be friends. I almost think we are even more than ever now."

Monique nodded, "Good. I have to speak with that boy."

"Yeah you should.", Kim paused, "I can have Wade hook you up with Ron on his Kimmunicator. Wade has the schedule on when Ron can take calls, he hasn't been able to so far, though I tried the other day. He was in some class or other."

"Thanks for the offer GF, but it can wait till he gets back. I'd rather do it in person.", Monique told her friend, though realizing that the seemingly blond goof could be very dangerous. And also deciding that she might want to have Brick alongside her after that fight she witnessed with, up to then, disbelieving eyes.

The red head then lowered her voice as she glanced around to make sure no one was close enough to hear her, "Moni?"

"Yeah GF."

"Eric asked me to go to college with him in the fall. He says he can help get me into Oxford or Cambridge since I'd qualify because of my GPA, my test scores and my extra currics. I said yes and I'm going to room with him off campus, but you can't say anything until I break the news to Mom and Dad."

"One bed?", Monique asked to see how serious this was.


"Did you reveal that tidbit to skinny boy?", the fashionista asked.

"Yeah, Ron is good with what I have with Eric.", Kim informed her best female friend.

Monique frowned at this because she knew it wasn't true, "So, our boy, Ron Stoppable, is not jealous?"

Sigh, "Why would he be 'Nique? We're just friends, well best friends forever like we always have been.", Kim explained since Ron had told her of that fact without revealing anything else to her. Everything fit in a nice little box for the red head. Everything was coming together the way it should and the way she played it out in her head.

"Yeah forever.", Monique mumbled knowing for sure she screwed the pooch on this one having heard through the grapevine, including Brick, that Ron was moving into the background and maybe away from Middleton, at least after graduation. The fashionista then thought to herself, 'He's a better friend that you might ever know, maybe better than I will ever find.'

"Like we told each other back in pre-k all those years ago.", Kim smiled at the memory, although something seemed to tug at the back of her mind.

"So, is Ron just going to hang around with his new buds from the football team since you have cheerleading and a hottie?", Monique inquired.

The red head shrugged off the unease, "I…I don't know about that, but Ron is still going to help me on missions. So that isn't going to change. I mean I wanted Ron on the team anyway, but Mom and Dad told me no more missions if I didn't have a competent mission partner. Until I turn eighteen, I have to abide by their wishes. It works out best until when I go to college. At that point, I'll, err we'll have to take Team Possible down, maybe permanently, or at least till I graduate from college."

Monique wondered about Ron waiting years for Kim to make up her mind and asked, "And Eric is fine with Ron being close to you Kim? It looks to me like he may not be very happy with having to share you even if it's for stomping on some bad guys."

Kim explained, "Eric doesn't like the kind of adventures that I do Moni. He said so after we saved those girls. Ron however, is used to the stress and like I said before Mom and Dad were getting ready to ground me if I didn't have a decent sidekick or partner…and well, Ron has been with me so long, no one else will ever be able to get up to speed before I go to college. I told this to Eric and he said Ron could be around me for missions so that I am safe."

"That sounds reasonable….", Monique said, then guiltily mused, 'That is, unless you're a lifelong friend who gets crapped on every day. In my mind that'd get old, fast.'

"Listen we talked and we've patched up our friendship. I had Wade get Ron his very own Kimmunicator too, and it will be his, I won't take it back. Ron even had it when he went to Japan, at least that's what Wade told me. He left his cellphone here in Middleton. At least he'll have coverage if he gets in trouble again."

"Wade told you? Didn't you see skinny boy off?", Monique asked, curious as to why a lifelong friend wouldn't see her friend off who was going on a trip overseas for over three weeks.

"Ah no, Eric wanted to go out to dinner and since I already spoke with Ron, that seemed to cover what I wanted to say.", Kim informed her friend.

"And you haven't heard anything since he left?", the fashion guru inquired.

"Not really, I've been pretty busy since I got out after Ron put me in the hospital."

Monique tried to see how far this resurgent friendship was going and decided to go back to a preceding point in the conversation, "So, like I said I heard today that Ron might be leaving for Japan after graduation. Did he say anything to you about it Kim?"

"Huh, no, no he didn't. I'm sure if Ron was thinking about something like that he would have said something.", Kim replied, "I mean all of his friends are here…"

Monique decided to play shrink for a moment, "And a lot of them a going to college. Including you…Not much left for him to stay for, is there?"

Kim's eyes opened wider and then she shook her head. She whispered, "Only his fam…"

"And that cute Asian girl is over there, right?", Monique asked.

The red head grit her teeth, unaware that the female in question was engaged to Hirotaka, "Yori.", Kim muttered, "Yeah, she is…"

"But it shouldn't make any difference though, to you Kim. You'll be in England, with Eric knocking heels and getting a first-class education. Why shouldn't Stoppable be able to do the same thing in Japan?", the fashionista pointed out.

"Monique, you don't have to be so gross about it…I'm just afraid she'll take advantage of Ron."

"And Ronnie will be doing the same thing with that Yori girl in Japan that you're planning on doing with Eric. Speaking of that, I wonder what skinny boy's doing right now…Maybe even partaking in some sushi…"

The red head immediately turned crimson at the implication of what her best female friend was talking about. Suddenly she said lowly, "Monique…that's gross…"

Grinning like a Cheshire, "No, it's not…it's enjoyable.", the fashionista countered. "Now the next time you see skinny boy I wanna talk to him alone without you hovering over us. I need to apologize. Someone might have 'played' me and you and I need him to know that I let my anger overcome my common sense, so that we can at least have a normal relationship with our last semester coming up."

Kim nodded, "I'll tell him during our next scheduled call 'Nique, but that's not going to be for another four days, so right out of the blue, Ron might freak a little."

"The way he's been acting, if you don't give him the lowdown beforehand he might avoid me like the plague.", Monique pointed out since Curt, Brick and Tank chewed her out about her actions in the matter.



(Enough Stoppable-san, take sustenance for five minutes and meet me on the exercise ground. It is time for your run up the mountain.), the weapons master ordered.

The one who was once called Lord Toshimiru watched from the other side of the dojo and nodded as he thought to himself, unaware that someone or something was listening in, 'The Chosen One's training is near completion, he will be able to protect those who are under his care without assistance from Yamanouchi very soon, but the final push is at hand.'

After the American teen had exited the dojo the weapons master asked his longtime friend, (Master, to my eyes he appears near ready for the completion of his assignment. Do you concur with my estimate?)

(Yes, my friend, there are things which he must learn and I think you should be with us for our late session tonight after the individual sparring and the free-for-all.)


Three minutes later:

(You are early; good. Begin your run. At the top there is a stick like this one, bring it back to me so that I know you have completed your task. Now hurry! You have more training to accomplish before you can rest.), Master Umestsu ordered the teen to do what he mentally calculated to be an almost six-hour task through freezing temperatures, with deep and blowing snow.

The student bowed, turned to the open gate and started off at a jog which he knew in the not too distant future would be a gut-wrenching grind through the snow.

Sensei approached his longtime friend, (And will Stoppable-san be what we imagined, my friend?)

(Yes Sensei, he understands his responsibilities and the constraints that he is placed under. He may not have fully understood last summer, but he is aware and accepts what he is to do and what he is. As well as what he must do if he fails to finish his tasks. He is fiercely protective of Hanna and that gives him the motivation to succeed. He does not need Kim Possible now except for the bond they share.)

(I wish there was another way…)

(Sensei, the kami have demanded this for the innocents' protection. We do not have the assets to protect everyone all the time when considering the threats that we are trying to counter.)

(Did Stoppable-san provide us more information about Miss Possible and his relationship?), the age-old man asked from behind his immense white mustache.

(Only that he will remain friends with her. The Chosen One led me to believe that they are not, nor will they be, romantically involved in the future.)

Sigh, (Indeed that is sad my friend. I feel that I must remain on this plane until they find each other forever as the seer foretold. Hopefully it will be the next time, since the current situation between them appears to be so dire.), Toshimiru's eyes showed the sadness that he felt, one that matched the need for a long rest.

(He will be ready Sensei. In fact, he is ready now. We are just polishing some of his techniques so that he flows through the water like fish.)

(That is a good line my friend, may I use it?)

(Of course, Sensei. When has my approval meant anything.)

Sensei laughed, (Make sure you make time for the late-night instruction. We must make our friend understand some of the techniques he has been using.)


Las Vegas, Nevada:

Otto slapped Hans (Eric) on the back after his nephew related a previous story of the buffoon and how he 'played' him, "Now this is more like it nephew, that Smarty Mart woman was driving me crazy with all of her quirks. Considering what I have to put up with, I should demand a larger cut."

"You volunteered for that part of the operation uncle. Think of it as being for the greater good.", Hans laughed as he plopped down in a comfortable chair a blonde woman occupied.

The older German laughed, "True, but someone had to do this. Now I cannot believe that girl fell for your line. Accomplishing this makes it much easier for us to finish the job, so I must compliment you on that."

"Uncle, everyone has their abilities. Manipulating teenaged girls happens to be one of mine, as you know.", Hans chuckled as he put his hand on Otto's shoulder, "I even convinced her that she didn't need to see her Sidekick, and she bought into it. I can manipulate her more easily than I thought I could. She wants the perfect boy and I think she will do anything to get that. Our assumptions initially were right on target."


When they were finally alone, a very inebriated Otto and Hans leaned against each other for support. The older German snorted, "Now what did you tell the girl? I need to know so that I can back up your lie."

Hans giggled drunkenly, "I offered to pay for her college since my made-up family has more money than they know what do with…She actually bought into it after I explained it to her and showed her the website to my 'family' and our titles and lands. She has now agreed to room with me and she also agreed that we need only one bed. I think what convinced her was I would be in a position to help her financially with funding her good works because I am drawn to do so."

Otto almost spit out his beer at this news, "Very good, I thought we would have more trouble than we have…"

"I was concerned at first, but things have happened so quickly and you have to take advantage of your opportunities. This will now be the easy part of the operation Otto, as long as we play our hand correctly."

Otto knew that Hans didn't have his hands over the whole thing so he decided to inform his kin, "Nephew we will begin the next part of the operation in the next day or two. This should stretch the boy to his breaking point. Robertson is in position to start the paperwork and Bridgestone will make the call so that we can cover our tracks. We have worked with the devices and they have a high percentage of working the first time."

"Make sure we document the whole series of events for our portfolio to further ensure our future customers the lengths we are willing to go to make sure that the operation succeeds.", Hans snorted.

Otto doubled over then grew serious, "You have to decide where the famous 'Eric Thornbottom' is going to college, then Hans." He thought for a moment, "Next month tell her where you are going, get her transcripts and give her some line about your family taking care of all of the financial technicalities. Tell her to write about all that she does and get letters of recommendation from authority figures…That ought to be more than enough to convince Miss Possible…I'll write it down for you later. Do not let me forget. Now everyone has gone to bed hours ago and I should too. I am an old man. Now go to your room and get some sleep nephew, we need to have more fun while we can get it because I think this little operation is going to get gritty before it is concluded."

"Hopefully not for us Uncle, although I can see where it will for others.", Hans retorted, "Now I agree, we need to get some sleep…and I wonder where that cute brunette went?"


In France:

Two laborers were assisting the tractor driver who was uncovering a pipe, so pipefitters could come in later in the day and make a tie-in. The land was acreage to be used again as farmland and they needed to get this work done before planting season arrived in a few months.

Spying something that looked out of place to him, he pointed, (What is that?), the field hand asked his friend. Then raising his hands, he waved at the tractor driver to stop the work being done on farmland which had just been declared safe to use for agricultural use once the road improvements were finished.

The tractor backed off and put the bucket down in a safe position so he could get down in the pit. Once there, Francis looked closer, then called up to his friend, (Justin, hand me down your shovel. There is something down here and it doesn't look like it belongs here.)

The Frenchman, after receiving the shovel, dug carefully until he uncovered some fabric and, after taking stock of his find, he began to excavate the rest of it. The other Frenchman hopped down into the ditch and began to help uncover what his fellow worker had found. Finally, they had a tube which they had uncovered and opened up.

(Oh Lord!), Francis gasped as he crossed himself, (That is a foot…a human foot! Call the gendarmerie this may be foul play.)

(And you thought I would have forgotten about this plot twist…check out chapter 27, 28 and 29…..AN)


The masked teen ninja sagged to his knees as he passed the stick to Master Umestsu. Of course, this time he found several sticks. Having this game played before, he wanted to hedge his bets. The weapons master bowed to the youth, (Wisdom comes to us all in time, Stoppable-san. Get water and meet me in the dojo in fifteen minutes for full contact sparring.)

With assistance, Ron Stoppable got to his feet, bowed, then left to follow the instructions he had been given.

Sensei half-smiled, then turned to his aide, (Narotu-san please accompany the Chosen One and speak with him while he takes nourishment. He has pushed himself severely this session and he still has not told me everything about Possible-san…You will also fight today as well. Make sure you are prepared.)

(Hai Sensei, I will do as you instruct. Stoppable-san has to be getting tired by now.), the younger ninja replied as he bowed.

(He will soon crack, but he will need some rest before he is ready for the next few days' trials.)


Global Justice:

"No sir! I will not activate Miss Possible until her teammate has returned from training after the first of the year!", the eyepatch wearing director of the UN's law enforcement group told the Assistant Director of Interpol over the secure connection.

"But Madame Director, I am sincere in my professional opinion that the mission would not be dangerous…"

"No? Falsetto Jones has a very well-known vicious streak in him. I don't care how debonair he appears in his double-breasted pinstripe suits. He is not just a jewel thief, he has ties to some of the higher levels of organized crime. If you are concerned about what he is up to why don't you send in some of your assets to scout his island out. I know they are armed. Since Miss Possible is a minor her parents have stated that she will not go on anything resembling a mission or go on anything without at least her mission partner, Monsieur Capon…And I don't give a horse's butt about any gems. Safety is my main concern for my assets and Miss Possible is considered one of my assets.", Betty frowned trying to stay nice without telling this suit what she really thought of this 'request'.

"I was not aware Miss Possible was a minor, however, my opinion will not change until I have evidence to counter it. I do need the intelligence gathered before I cannot commit forces, you understand."

"I do not understand,sir. Consider her a minor until she graduates high school, Monsieur. Would you put your children in danger if they were minors?", Betty pointed out.

Francis Capon thought for a moment, "If it served the common good, of course Doctor. You have to understand we have to get information on these criminals." Of course, he was married to his career and not a spouse, so he didn't have any offspring. (Although if Betts had inquired about his nieces…well he was very protective of them…Capon was in a tough position. People wanted answers and these people wanted to know where their property was and who had it. And if possible to get said property returned…AN)

"Again, when Ronald Stoppable returns from his current school exchange in a couple of weeks we will pass that information along and notify you when Team Possible is ready to deploy. Good day for now.", Betty Director disconnected the line before she lost control and said something she really wanted to say to the arrogant ass. But, if she'd have known what he was about to do, she would have given him an earful in anticipation of the fallout his actions were about to bring about to her and her organization.



After call disconnected, Francis Capon threw his receiver against the wall. He looked up, mentally calculated the time difference, and then got up to get some food in the café.

Two hours and a bottle of wine to go with his lunch…later, he picked up his phone again and punched in a number that one of his assistants and gotten for him before he called Global Justice. "Team Possible, Dr. Load. How may the team assist you?", came the response.

"I am a lead Director of Interpol in France, young man. My name is Inspector Francis Capon. I was wondering if Kim Possible would be able to help my organization in finding and possibly retrieving some very valuable objects from some criminal elements, should it be safe to do so. Or at the very least, confirming whether they are present at a certain location so that our assets may be able to retrieve them. The criminal we are looking at is one Falsetto Jones and the location is his island in the Mediterranean Sea. My sources tell me that you know where that is."

"My team does…Now considering that Ron Stoppable is out of the country at the moment and Dr. Possible will veto any mission Kim goes on without some kind of backup, I don't think there is a lot we can do for you at the moment, sir.", Wade informed the Interpol Inspector.

"We do not expect Miss Possible to do anything more than scout out the area and then leave and give us the data she collects. Our information has noted that she has done this before without backup…"

Wade frowned at having Kim go anywhere without Ron, considering she had just gotten smacked around by the blond teen in the ring. The genius also knew that Kim was itching for something to take her mind off her new guy being in Canada (although he was in Vegas…but Kim didn't give Wade any orders to keep a watch on Eric….AN).

The techmeister then suggested, "Her parents will not allow Kim go on her own, but I'll see if we can dig someone up to be her backup. Is that acceptable?"

"Yes, but I need to get this information as soon as possible…"

Wade inquired, "Is someone's life hanging in the balance? If not, there is no emergency."

"We do need to expedite this, however…The gems could disappear and they would fund attempts to take over the world or other criminal activities."

"Do you want me to wake her up sir?"


"Inspector Capon, Kim would go, but I will not have a ride for her until I make sure she has backup and since Ron is out of country and he is her normal assistant on missions, it will take me some time to find someone. So, if this is not an emergency, I'm afraid I won't be able to help you. But even then, it's it is going to take some time to find someone to go with her. It is the middle of the night here and I don't know about France, but in the United States we expect our teenagers to get some sleep each night.", Wade lectured the Frenchman, "So, how about I contact Kim in the morning and see if I can get someone to go with her to watch her back unless you can provide someone. If you do I need to check out their credentials."

"I suppose that is the best I can hope for young man, but I thought getting Kim Possible to perform a service would be easier…"

Wade cut him off, "If Ron was here, there wouldn't be a problem. But, as I informed you before, he isn't and won't be until after the new year. If Kim gets hurt or killed, her Father would track me down and strap me onto a rocket ship going out of the solar system. And since it was you who convinced me to get her to take this mission, it would be you who would be in an acceleration chair alongside me at blastoff. There would be no coming back from that."

"H…how could he do that? It wouldn't be legal…"

"Dr. Possible is a rocket scientist and a genius. When it concerns his daughter, he wouldn't care about something being legal. He is also very protective of his daughter now his twin sons are geniuses too…Oh and heaven help you if you caused the death of Kim Possible, because you didn't follow safety procedures or something."

"Why is that?", Capon asked.

"If you sent Kim off on a one-way mission, I happen to know someone you don't want to mess with. He has an impressive kill record and, well, he will come looking for you…and I know he'll find you because I will tell him. When he does he will literally tear you apart painfully, he might even take his time doing it."

"Who is this…person?"

Wade's eyes narrowed cause he was getting a weird vibe off the 'Inspector', "Listen, this is just a suggestion, but if a blond-haired guy named Zorro taps you on the shoulder after Kim has an accident…andyou were responsible…do yourself a favor and just cut your throat right there and bleed out. It'll be a lot less painful. He watches over Kim and he has a hair-trigger. She doesn't know what he has done for her and that's the way he wants it…Oh, and just for your information, Zorro's weapon of choice is a sword, so think about that for a moment."


Wade cut him off again, "If you set Kim up, this Zorro guy WILL come looking, I'll make sure of that…Now I'll get started on this. I can call you back on this number, right?"

"Yes of course…"

"Good. I'll call GJ then and with this number I'll be able to give Zorro your information if things go south. You know…I'd hate for him to waste his time with tearing apart GJ or the United Nations or something, especially if they weren't involved."

The Interpol Official paled as it became obvious that he had just been threatened by a pre-teen, yet he was more than slightly worried about the rocket scientist, "Global Justice? Why call them…"

"DO you have a problem with Betty's best?", Wade inquired.

"No, no, but there is not a need to contact them. I'm sure they are very busy at the moment."

"Okay, I won't, but I will check this out and since it's not an emergency. I will do that after I have breakfast in the morning since that island isn't going anywhere."

After the phone disconnected, Wade made some notes and returned to his bed to get back to sleep. 'I wonder if I can get her to help this time, she owes us…at least Ron.'


Five hours later:

Wade looked up the number and punched it into his high-tech phone. He was rewarded by a groggy feminine voice, "Who the hell is this?"

"Monique this is Wade Load, Kim's tech guy. She has a request for a mission, but I need someone to watch her back since Ron is out of town.", the genius explained.

"It's too damned early to be talkin' and I don't do freak fightin', it's bad for your health…"

"I don't expect you to Monique, this is a simple recon according to the person who made the request. I can have a stealth suit sent over to you which will keep you in the background where you won't be seen. I will have Kim in her battle suit this time around. It is at one hundred percent since I repaired it a couple of months ago from that fight with the alien.", Wade informed her, "I just have to run it through some tests."

Sighing, "I just know this is going to go sideways Wade, you so owe me…"

"It shouldn't and I know, I'll get you a Kimmunicator to make up for it Monique, I have one that I am finishing."

"A wrist one like Kim's?"

"Yeah, it'll come to the house with the suit, and a charging cord to make sure that the battery in it has a five-day charge.", Wade assured her.

"How did you get my size for the suit?"

"Monique, the battle suit is a very precise fit, the stealth suit is very stretchy. Almost like Lycra®.", Wade explained, "So it gives quite a bit. Anyway, I cross referenced to the sizes that you buy and I got pics of the outfits…so…"

Monique's eyes narrowed at the thought of the way the pre-teen could have gotten her measurements and pictures in the clothes she had bought, "I know what Lycra® does. When do you want to do this 'mission'?", Monique inquired.

"Not sure, but most likely in the next day or two. I have to get rides coordinated. We will want to get in and then get right back out.", the genius informed her, "I don't want you and Kim there for more than an hour tops and then get right out."

"So, no sightseeing?", she asked.

"Ah no, we don't want to do that. We get in then we get out, we're not tasked to fight. If we want to fight I would have to have a platoon of Marine Force Recon with air support. We won't be going in to fight anyone. Listen, I have to get things moving, don't call Kim yet I'll take care of that. I just haven't gotten things ready for you. I'll call her later to today to start setting things up.", Wade warned Monique. Of course, the tech guy didn't want to worry her about Jones' people having firearms and dogs.



Sensei poured tea to those who were sitting with him.

(Master I should be serving…), Ron mumbled.

The white-haired ninja master slightly shook his head, (Forty-two hours of constant training with only a few short breaks? No. You must focus on the next lesson to be sure that you understand more about the power within you. After you demonstrate that you can do this on your own, you will be allowed six hours of rest. When you rise, then we will work on the covert training again.)


(Again, what is the problem with this person?), Sensei inquired as the blindfolded, blond ninja put his fingertips on Yori's head.

The American teen sweated as he concentrated. After ten more minutes, Ron stated, (Master I feel no blockages or any problems in her organs…I think I feel a small muscle tear in her shoulder, though.)

(Very good my friend, take off your blindfold.), Sensei instructed.

As he did Ron noticed his friend, Yori, laying on the cot. The teenaged shinobi sat up once Ron sat back on his haunches. (Very good Stoppable-san, I received that injury when I was ten.)

The Japanese teen rose from the cot and bowed to Ron, who had risen as well and returned the bow. Yori then left and was followed out by Hirotaka who had spent his time on the cot as well.

Sensei turned to the blond teen who had been getting into some freaky stuff as of late, (Relax for a moment my friend, I want you to work with one more person. Please fortify yourself with tea until he gets here. This one may be more difficult than the others.)

A few minutes later Inturo Mekaski, along with the young woman who always accompanied him, entered the small room. She led him over to the cot where the 'Seer' laid down.

(Sensei are you sure about this?), Ron inquired, having donned his blindfold again before the Seer had entered. Thinking quickly, Sensei reached over and removed the cloth.

(Mekaski-domo has agreed to this. No one else will have ever been this close into what goes on in his mind and we are curious. Please begin.)

Ron frowned, (Yes Sensei.) The blond American slipped back into his trance as he placed his finger tips on the one who gave insight to Yamanouchi.

The young woman who always accompanied the blind young man, Asuka Sakaru, sank down to her knees and waited as she watched the blond teenager close his eyes as a blue mist seemed to come out of his body and enshroud him.

(Sensei?), the beautiful young Japanese woman asked being troubled by the sight in front of her.

The ninja master nodded, (The Chosen One must learn his strengths and weaknesses Asuka-kun, he will not hurt your beloved. Stoppable-san must have as much knowledge as Yamanouchi can provide him with for we feel he will need all the information he can get while our other assets are deployed away from his home. Now excuse me, I must link in to observe how Ron-san does this on his own. So please be patient, I will let no harm come to your beloved.)



The African-American genius thought to himself, 'One more test on the wrist unit and it will be good. Then I have to run a couple of simulations on Monique's stealth suit.'

He furrowed his eyebrows as he thought for a moment, 'Should I notify Ron? Nah, Interpol said it was just a surveillance mission and Kim will have her battle suit if things go sideways. Anyway, I can always call Ron if it gets bad, although Sensei may not be very happy about it.' The genius continued to work.

Finally, three hours later:

Wade dialed the number that he punched in earlier. "Wade, it's still early!", Monique grumped.

"Yeah, I know. Listen I'm going to send your mission gear over. Are you going to be home for a couple more hours?"


"Okay I'll send a flyer to your house, then. We'll go over some of the highlights of the equipment when I get it to you. There will be instructions for you to look over first. Please try to do that 'cause that will help you understand what is going on.", Wade explained as he began packing the gear into one of his 'flyers'. The genius rechecked everything and then locked the hatch down and set it on its way.

Ten minutes later:

Gloria Jenkins called up to her daughter, "Monique there is some gadget here at the front door that is asking for you."

"I know what it is Mom. Oh, I've got a thing with Kim Possible in a day or two, we might be out overnight on this mission thing.", the fashionista replied as she came down the steps.

"As long as it doesn't affect school."

Once Monique got there, Wade's voice came from it, "Monique, stare at the red dot. My flyer will scan your retina to make sure you're not a syntho…"

"Wade, you idiot, I'm a girl! … A very pretty girl, and not a geek! Now knock it off and give me the gear!", Monique ranted to blow off steam from her having been awakened well before her get up time.

Dr. Wade Load frowned, "Very well, but this system is in place to make sure that only the authorized recipient receives the gear. So, step up and look at the red dot please, so we can get this done."

Monique was glad she had already done her hair and did as instructed. There was a beam of red light that engulfed her face for three seconds. Wade's voice intoned, "Recognition accepted. The hatch on the flower opened up and Wade's voice informed Monique, "Please take all the contents out of the compartment. The wrist device is already on, just take the gear and go up to your room and read the instructions. I will give you thirty minutes and then push the green connect button on the right side of the watch. Then we will further go over the details. At that time, I will go over how you put it on…"

"With you watching you perv…"

"Simply turn the watch away Monique or put it in a drawer or something. I have to make sure this works before I can assign Kim the mission.", an exasperated Wade told her.


Wade watched his monitor get dark while he heard Kim's best friend girlfriend still talking. "Alright Load, no looking, I suppose I have to strip all the way like Possible does…"

"No, sports briefs and bra are good enough. This isn't the battle suit which has to be a hundred percent skin contact. Your under garments are included. They are special so don't wear anything else or the suit may not work right.", Wade warned.

"Oh, alright. There I have them on. What about the suit?", Monique inquired.

Wade informed her, "Unzip the suit and put your legs in first, one at a time. Mom said it was like putting on pantyhose; then stand up and pull the suit over your rump. Then put one hand in a sleeve, all the way through, then the other. You have gloves and a hood with a mask attached. Once you have your arms in, zip up the front and then put the gloves on. At the last put the hood on and then pull the mask over your face. You should have found a pair of goggles. Slip them on over your eyes. This gives you infra-red, normal light and star light options."

"Do they fog up?", Monique asked.

"No, they have special lenses. There is a fifty-minute air supply in the mask as well Monique. DO you have the gloves on?"


"Okay, WITH the gloves on use your right hand and pull back the panel on your left forearm. There are controls there which allow you the ability to fade from sight and the other button is to return to view. There is also a charging cable that I included. Plug that into the wall after you remove the suit to recharge it. You have finished the orientation Monique."

"Okay seems simple enough…"

"It is, Kim has an older suit but most of the gadgets work the same. You just have an upgraded version with an air mask and better battery life. So, she can also go over it with you. Now remember, this isn't a battle suit. It doesn't have an energy bubble, it isn't self-repairing and it doesn't give you enhanced strength or agility. So, let Kim do the heavy work, this is so you can watch her back and make sure nothing sneaks up on her.", Wade warned.

Monique asked, "So, Ron has gear like this?"

"Uh, no, he doesn't have the high-tech stuff 'cause he won't use it. Somehow, he's a natural for staying unobserved, so there's no need to waste the money on him."

"But he has a Kimmunicator…"

"Ron does have one, but it's like one of Kim's old units. Do me a favor and practice with the suit in front of a mirror for an hour. Kim can work with you later. And remember to plug it in."

"I'll do that."

"Good. Now prepare for the mission, either tomorrow or the next day. I'll call Kim up and let her know we have one coming and that you are going with her this time."


Yamanouchi, Japan:

Sweat streamed off the blond ninja's chin as he concentrated on what seemed to be a gap where he had never felt anything like it. Even Ron's fingers were sweating heavily. Finally, he came to a place where he was dumbfounded. The vision that opened before him was of stairs, mist covered stairs with white robed creatures on them. These creatures seemed to have pure white wings sticking out of their backs. A white Ox came into his view and began to stare at him with silver eyes.

The American ninja's own eyes snapped open as he quickly pulled his hands back, the blue aura around him exploding into sparks, before it engulfed his body and knocked him out. It also blew out the windows of the small room.


(Stoppable-san, how are you feeling?), Sensei asked serenely as he raised a cup of tea to the American's lips.

"Huh? What the hell happened?", Ron replied in English, still out of sorts with what had happened hours before.

Sensei also switched to English, "You had your hands on the Seer's temples like you have with other members of Yamanouchi when something happened. You pulled your hands free and then your MMP seemed to explode."

"Was any one injured, Sensei?", Ron asked weakly as he tried to sit up further.

"Fortunately, no my friend. You took the brunt of the effects of the anomaly and you now appear to be well."

"Anomaly? That's an interesting word for it. It was closer to being hit by some of those goons in the last game.", Ron snorted as he shook his head, "Don't ever do that when something weirdo shit happens to ya Sensei…take it from me." (AN….Ron is sorta out of it and vague memories and visions will plague the blond until the day he died.)

The man once known as Lord Toshimiru chuckled then patted Ron on the shoulder, "You have much training to do yet my friend, but for now rest."

"Thanks Sensei, I can use it.", Ron responded.



Wade glanced at his computer monitor and switched to another part of the diagnostic program as he hurried to finish, so the suit could be given the go-ahead to be sent back to Kim, 'I wish I had time to incorporate some of the new enhancements for Kim's suit, but it will have to wait until Kim gets back from this one.'


Three hours later:

The young genius sat back with a sigh of relief, then brought up the 'phone list', highlighted a number and made the connection.


Possible home:


"What's the sitch Wade?", a much-loved voice asked over a speaker as he glanced up to the monitor.

"Hey Kim I hope you are having a nice holiday…"

"We are, but it's a little boring. Too bad Ron got the villains to knock it off during Christmas."

"Well I have something which will should get the blood going again."

"Oh, what do you have for me?", Kim asked.

"We, have a request for assistance from Interpol. Although Ron is in Japan I have taken the onus to get you some backup and I have already sent mission gear to that person as well as making sure your battle suit is up to snuff.", Wade informed the red head.

"Okay, who are we going up against and who is my helper this time around?", the heroine inquired hoping it was Frank Zorro, 'cause she had a secret crush on him. (but then who wouldn't for the guy who saved your bacon….AN)

"Falsetto Jones, on his island in the Med.", the pre-teen genius informed his team leader, "According to Interpol, they suspect he has acquired gems of high quality and is to sell some of them to other villains to fund various take over the world plots. Interpol wants information to confirm or dispute the quality of this information with a secondary goal of recovery of the gems that have been stolen, if it is possible to do so. Your partner for this mission, since it is only an information gathering one is Monique Jenkins. I think you are acquainted with her. I have already provided gear to her and checked it out for initial operation and to see if it fits correctly."

"Monique? She's not a fighter, Wade…"

"I know Kim, but this one is to gather info and to recover the jewels if possible. If you have to fight…you will not fight and will high tail it to let Interpol handle the heavy lifting on this one.", Wade explained, "I will have your battle suit ready for you to take with you. Monique will have a Mark II stealth suit…"

"Wade, I'd feel better with Ron there alongside me. My jaw still hurts from that fight when I work it. He can take some of the fights now.", Kim groused then added, "Just kidding, but Ron is tougher than he was last year at this time."

"Right, oh Monique also has a wrist-style Kimmunicator, although it doesn't have as many functions as yours does.", Wade informed Kim as he almost spilled about Ron's info, then thought better of it since Ron had already warned him off from giving out any information about his training to Kim. And then he had to shut down his links to Yamanouchi since Sensei decided it would be best to withhold that information from the heroine until he deemed it was appropriate. Ron just didn't trust Eric and refused to tell Kim anything since she might spill to the English teen who had arrived in Middleton earlier in the year. One Ronald D. Stoppable didn't trust Eric Thornbottom as far as he could throw him.

(The genius also was working on a logic bomb to go off inside the Kimmunictor that Kim and 'given' to the English teen which would destroy many of the specialized programs that Wade had developed and had patents pending on. But the unit hadn't been turned on in weeks so the updates couldn't be made…..AN)

"I'll wait for the suit to get here Wade, but I think I'd better call Monique and go over her suit tonight after we get done with our shifts at Club Banana. Is there any difference to her model and mine?"

"That's a great idea Kim. You've used the stealth suit a lot. Hers is very similar except it has longer battery life. You know the wrist unit better than some people know their hi-tech watches."

"I'll take that as a compliment Wade…"

"That's how I meant it."

"So, when is this mission scheduled for?", Kim asked.

"Not for at least twenty-four hours Kim, maybe a little longer. You will be going in under the cover of darkness, so, you'll have time to make sure your suit and Monique's suit are both charged up. I want this operation to go off without a hitch. And make sure you get some rest.", Wade advised his teammate as he remembered how many times Ron had gone on missions during the summer with minimal rest.

"Yes Mommy, I'll notify Dad and go out and get something to eat with 'Nique after work.", Kim chuckled, finally happy she was getting back in the action again.

"I'll call you later today to give you an update Kim, remember what I said about the rest and helping Monique get comfortable with her equipment.", Wade reminded the heroine before he disconnected.

Kim dialed, on the home phone, her Father's number. She was rewarded by his voice. "Hi Daddy, how are you?"

"Good morning Kimmie. Did you get your and the boys' omelets this morning? I left a note that I had to be in at the space center on the breakfast table this morning.", the rocket scientist informed his daughter.

"I saw the note, the Tweebs got theirs but they wanted to nuke them with real nukes…"

"Honey, you know the rules no A-bombs in the house.", James chuckled.

"You don't have to tell me Dad, I got over all that stuff when I was seven. Anyway, I have to work at CB tonight and I'll go out to eat with Monique afterward…Uh, I need to let you also know that I have a mission to check out some things and I have Monique going along as my backup in case something goes south."

"Honey, I know that Monique is your friend, but are you sure she is up to this?"

"I think she is Dad. Wade said this is just intelligence gathering and I'll have my battle suit and she'll have a stealth suit.", Kim explained, "Wade will be totally monitoring and he will call for help as soon as it looks like we might have a problem."

Sighing, "Very well, but I want Ronald to be aware that you are taking a mission. Either you have Wade tell him, or I will tell him, Kimmie."

"Dad, Ron isn't scheduled to be contacted for another several days! Monique and I will be home from the mission by then.", Kim argued.

"Then have Wade leave a message for Ronald in case he checks his phone…"

"Dad, Ron took his Kimmunicator not his cell. Things work a little different."

"Then have Wade take care of it Kimmie. Monique is your friend, not your backup, although she might be better than your boyfriend since he doesn't want to take part in this part of your life. I'll wait up for you to get home tonight. Now I have a capsule to work on, so unless you have anything else…"

"No Dad, I'll contact Wade in a minute."


"Hey Kim, I'm putting your battle suit in the flyer.", Wade told her as he kept working not looking up towards the monitor.

"Yeah, thanks. Dad wants to make sure that Ron is informed of this mission. Dad doesn't think Moni will be able to step up to the plate if things go sideways on the mission."

"Not a problem Kim, I'll send an alert to his unit. Then if something happens he will be ready at a moment's notice."

"Could you call Dad? He doesn't trust me to take care of myself sometimes when I get busy…"

"I'll give your Dad a call and I'll send that notice to Ron's unit as soon as the flyer leaves for your place.". Wade replied.

"Thanks Wade, you rock."

"I try."



"Come on nephew, you have to get up and get some breakfast. We have that firearms show to attend.", Otto banged on the younger man's hotel door as several of his cronies (who had made the trip) watched.

The door opened a crack, "What time is it?"

"Time to get a move on, and I have to meet with a guy about that device you gave me. There might be some technology we can grab which may not be patented yet if what you say is true.", Otto lowered his voice and inched closer to the door.

Minutes later:

Eric's cell rang. He accepted the call after looking at the number and said, "Kimberly it is sweet of you to call. Is there anything I can help you with?", he groaned inside.

"Yeah, I'm going on a mission in a day or two so you might miss me. I just wanted you to know so you won't worry."

"Anything you can tell me Kim?"

"Yeah, it's against a jewel thief who is on an island. Me and Moni are just gonna check it out.", the heroine informed him.

"Okay, I have to go. You be safe.", Eric told her, "And I love you."

After the sound of the disconnect 'Eric' thought for a moment and then looked up a contact on his phone and punched in the numbers.

"Henchco, Jack Hench how may I help you?"



(Doctor, what have you found on the victim?), the Police Inspector asked.

(We have a female, blonde, about in her mid-twenties. We have taken dental impressions and DNA samples and sent them to the databases. She is in an advanced state of decay, so we do not have a time of death, nor a cause of death right now. Considering her condition, I doubt if we will know those last two unless we find out who was responsible for this…and that will be only by accident or a lot of legwork.)

(I understand. So then, would you call this a 'cold' case?)

(I wouldn't since we just started on it, but we only have so much to work with. We have to see if there are any hits for missing people in the databases.)

(Doctor I hope we get something. She was someone's daughter.), the Inspector told him.

(We will work as hard as we can. For now, I have to have one of my specialists work on her. We are going to try and reconstruct her face and add that to the data to see if it will help.)



"Josh?", a sweet bubbly voice called from the hallway.

"In here Tara.", the groggy artist responded.

The platinum blonde strode into Josh Mankey's studio as she took off her coat, "The snow out there is atrocious. Driving sucks…"

"You didn't have to come, I would have understood."

"No, you said it was important. What is going on?", Tara asked, concerned about what Josh had been babbling about. She also set the bag of donuts and the thermos of coffee down on a table. She glanced about the studio, then noted, "Your statue is coming along…"

"Yeah it is, but since they aren't together anymore…"

Sad bright blue eyes moistened, "Yeah, not in the mood. I understand."

Sighing, "Yeah, anyway I want you to sit on this stool and give me your reaction of this. It came to me last night in a dream and I just sent a message to Mom and Dad and came in here. It was driving me insane and I had to get it out of my system.", Josh then raised the canvas cover over what seemed to be a hurried oil painting.


"Ugly. I know…"

"No silly, it's captivating. It's what I think of at church when they talk about what Heaven is like. See there are angels and stairs and…..Josh!"

"Yeah babe?"

"That's Ron, he's with an Angel and there's an animal behind them. What's he doing there?"

"Technically that's an Archangel. His name is Suriel, though it has other pronunciations, and I have no idea why Ron is there. Suriel, when invoked appears sometimes as a white ox. This Angel has stuff to do with humans and sometimes healing injuries and transporting their souls to heaven." Josh pulled out a Bible and explained, "I didn't read this first, though. I hit the book shop right before I called you to come over. I have another book that is about Angels and it's illustrated…I hadn't seen this before I painted it. It was like someone had a hold of my hand and my mind…Ron…just appeared and I'm spooked. I've never painted so fast. In fact, I hadn't even outlined it first." Drained, Josh then plopped down on his stool as he turned to stare at his girlfriend.

"But it looks like you took months…you could win competitions with that Josh…Wait, there's Kim! … Oh my!"

"Huh, I didn't paint her…Oh shit! I did, but I don't remember it.", Josh gasped at the red head when Tara pointed her out on the other side of the scene from where Ron was placed.

Tara looked even closer, "Damn, I can't make out what is behind her."

Josh looked with his over tired eyes as he strained. He turned back around and turned on more lights and brought a magnifying glass out of a drawer. He leaned in close for a couple of minutes and muttered, "Shit! That's Eric and something…is behind him!"

Tara took the magnifying glass from her boyfriend and closely peered at the tiny image, "Boyfriend, you just painted Lucifer or one of the depictions of him. We'd better show this to the 'rents. It's weird."

"And your Mom and Dad will ban you from seeing me if they see this. They'll think I'm nutso and dangerous.", Josh groused as he sat back down on his stool and shook his head, "What am I going to do?"

Tara rose from her stool, "Boyfriend, there is nothing wrong with you. Come on we're going home. You are exhausted and I think you need a little cuddle time. We'll come back and get your van later. Now get your coat and shut down the studio for now until we can figure this out. You are wayyy too tired to think about this and my couch with your head on my lap is what the doctor ordered." Tara picked up the thermos and donuts and walked to the door.


"Tara did you get over that mad-on you nailed Kim with?", Josh asked out of the blue.

Sighing, "Ron heard about it and he asked me to be nice to her. I wanted to argue with him but he's adamant about his feelings…Kim didn't respect him."

"Yeah, I heard.", Josh gave his insight, "But you have to abide by what Ron says."

Tara countered, "It's not fair."

"I never said it was fair, but I think Ron wants everyone to lay off Kim. His point is that if they are going to be real friends again she shouldn't be pushed into a corner.", Josh told his girlfriend.

"I know how she is, but it still isn't fair…"

"If you want Kim and Ron to be able to rebuild their friendship, we need to not say anything more about it and let Ron handle it babe.", Josh informed Tara who was trying to focus on the icy streets instead of the conversation.


Yamanouchi, Japan:

Antubi Narotu passed the communications unit to Sensei, (Stoppable-san's device made a beeping noise like you said it would Master if there was a problem.)

(Thank you, my friend. Now please sit and wait for this session to end. We will give Stoppable-san a few minutes to speak with whoever called.)

At the moment, the blindfolded ninja student was fighting against a six-on-one engagement and had been doing so for the last forty minutes. Stoppable ran at the ones he was defending himself from, jumped into the air between two of three of them and delivered a twist kick to one in the chest and at the same time a sidekick to the other in the teeth, knocking both back and down to the mat. As the heavily breathing (and sweating) teen landed he spun around and caught the third with a spinning back elbow to the stomach bending him over.

(Enough!), Sensei called out, (Ten minutes rest.)

Ron exited the mat and stopped before the seated master and bowed lowly, (I apologize Sensei, I was pathetic there. I was drawing on the power and I only was able to fight to a draw.)

(You have been keeping a harder pace than Yori-kun or Hirotaka-san are able and you are accomplishing the goals you need to be able to work as a ninja on your own. Your device announced that it needs you to use it. Go into the other room for peace, until you can sort this out my friend. Take some refreshment with you.), Sensei advised.

Ron bowed to the ninja master, took a cup and a pot of tea along with some rice cakes to help give him energy for the next few hours. Sensei handed him his Kimmunicator, then the blond teen went to the doorway, turned and bowed again before he backed out.


Ron then sat down on a mat and placed his cup, pot and food on the low table. After he filled the cup and sipped it for a moment, he picked up his device. He sighed and pressed the 'Connect' button.

"Hey Ron, how's training going?", the genius inquired as he gazed at his friend's battered face.

"What do you think? Sitting in with the 'D' hall goons would be a lot more relaxing.", Ron muttered, his face deeply bruised, "Why did you call, not that I'm complaining or anything…I needed the break."


Ron frowned and told his friend, "Spill. Are my rents alright?"

"Your family is snug as a bug in your home."


"Uh yeah…About that…"

"Come on Wade, Sensei has me on a schedule here and you need to tell me before I start drawing Social Security®.", Ron began to rant with worry.

Wade snorted at the context, "Kim was requested for a mission."

"Oh? I thought that GJ and I had an agreement. What do they have her doing?"

"She has been requested to do a recon on one Falsetto Jones…by Interpol."

"The thief?", Ron asked being somewhat familiar with the man who also bred large, dangerous canines and kept ponds of electric eels on his island. He was getting ready to tell Sensei that he needed a ride and maybe backup to eliminate a potential problem.

"Alleged jewel thief Ron,", Wade corrected, "Interpol wants Kim to case his island out to see if expensive gems are in his procession and if possible to retrieve them."

"I don't trust the jerkwad Wade…Has Kim left yet? Like I said, I thought we had a deal here…"

"No and we do have one, it looks like Interpol went around GJ. Anyway, she has backup on this one…"

Ron cut his friend off, "Eric? That girly boy is worthless as tits on a boar hog."

"No, Eric is in Canada visiting his family during the holidays, Kim's a little lonely at the moment…"

"Too bad, I'll send her a sympathy card.", Ron observed, "Anyway, who is going with her? Mr. Dr. P told me that Kim doesn't go on any missions other than to get a cat out of a tree without backup."

Wade lowered his voice as he waited for the explosion from the blond teen, "Monique."

"Huh, Jenkins?"

"Yeah Ron. Listen, it was the best I could do. Monique is in town and school is out, and that's not the case with others. Anyway, I issued Monique some mission gear…A stealth suit like the one you turned down…"

"Swell, just freaking swell. Jenkins is no fighter and I'm not sure she won't freak out if something goes off the rails and cause more trouble than she's worth. Hell, Reiger would be better.", Ron chuckled derisively.

"Like someone else we know?", Wade asked.

"Wade, I know what I was like and I've tried to do better." Sigh, "Alright, you have me. I'll be supportive. Now what do you need?"

Wade asked, "Could you just sort of drop by while Kim is doing her thing, just 'cause you'd be in the area studying poetry or something?"

"Wade, there is a hell of a lot of difference between the Mediterranean Sea and Japan. How would I explain that if I accidentally ran into her? The culture isn't even the same."

"You'll make a better lie than I can Ron, you've had more practice. But seriously, see if Sensei will let you go in as backup."

"I'll ask, but no guarantees. That old man wants my nose to the grindstone and he isn't super happy about my progress.", Ron lied not revealing what Lord Toshimiru had told him.

Wade asked, "As a favor, Ron?"

"I'll see what I can do. When are we talking about here?", Ron asked.

"Within thirty hours, do you need a ride?"

The door slid open to the room Ron was in as Anutbi Narotu entered and looked at Ron as if asking a question, "I don't think I need one, but I have to ask Sensei about this one. He seems to be able to get around pretty well without asking for favors. I'll call you back before much longer. Listen, don't tell Kim that you talked to me and I will see what Sensei will let me do. I'll call back in a while, although it might be a few hours."

"Thanks Ron, I know you've been crapped on..."

"Thanks Wade, don't mention it. I'll do my best. That's all I can promise…I gotta go, later.", the blond teen frowned as he pushed the 'connect' button again.

Antubi asked, "Problems?"

"Kim's going on a mission and Wade wants me to wander by to make sure that something bad doesn't happen to her.", Ron informed his friend.

"We must tell Sensei. One of the reasons you are being trained so hard is to protect Kim-san. I am sure that he will allow you to go and protect your 'One'."

Ron shook his head, "She isn't my 'One'. She has another."

"She is still your 'One', although you are not hers, according to what you have told us. You still have a duty to Kim Possible.", Sensei's assistant reminded the former mascot.

"Yeah, duty. Come on,", Ron told his friend as he popped a rice cake into his mouth, "Sensei's gonna love this one."


(Master, I am in a quandary.), the blond ninja bowed low after he entered the dojo.

(Yes, my friend, your problem is Yamanouchi's problem. Together it may be possible to resolve what is on your mind.)

(Thank you, Sensei, Doctor Load has informed me that Kim Possible-san will be assigned a reconnaissance mission against one of our foes without proper assistance. As you have stated, I have a responsibility to make sure that she is safe…)

(That is true my friend, what do you need?)

Ron kept his bow and stated as forcefully as he could, (My worthless self demands the right to fulfill my obligation to Dr. Possible and his daughter so that my word would be considered honorable as a true Samurai of old.)

(You know what happens if a Samurai did not keep his word, Stoppable-san?), Sensei asked to make sure that his student knew the consequences of what he had just asked for.

(Seppuku,), Ron responded, remembering those extensive lectures by the weapons master on the subject when honor was brought up, (without the aid of a kaishakunin, to prove at the last that I am honorable. That is to say that that action would be in the jumonji giri style.)

Sensei sadly nodded that his student understood what would happen if he failed, (Do you understand how painful it will be without your assistant if this course of action is decided?)

(Then I will show the honorable way to pass from this plane.), Ron responded.

Sighing, (Very well. When and where do you need to be?)

(Falsetto Jones' island. Although I do not know the time as yet. The location of the island is in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. I must inform Doctor Load, that I available for my end of this mission. I will have to arrange a ride to the mission location.), Ron replied.

Sensei frowned, but knew that the blond American had to do this, (Antubi Narotu will accompany you to the sight, but he is banned from committing suicide Stoppable-san.)

(I agree, I do not wish Antubi-san to share my fate. Thank you for allowing my worthless self this chance at fulfilling my obligation.), Ron told Sensei.

(Then do so here, with us your comrades and friends, Stoppable-san.), Lord Toshimiru stayed seated and calmly waited for the connection to be made.


"Hey Ron, I wasn't expecting you to call back so fast…You can't get away, right?"

"Wrong Wade, I have the go ahead to be backup on Kim's mission. I don't plan on revealing myself unless they get in over their heads."

"Okay, do you want me to set up a ride then?"

Ron looked up and saw the shake of the head, "No, we just need the time and coordinates, I will be bringing someone to help."

"Antubi?", Wade asked.

Ron snorted, "The one and only. Just so you know, if we have to intervene there might be a body count."

"Kim won't like that Ron, she doesn't like…"

"Can it Wade, you asked for help. I'm just letting you know what could happen if we have to get involved. You can spin it any way you can. Anyway, call me when you need the assistance."

"How long will it take you to get there?", Wade asked.

Ron responded, "Just let us know when and where to be, we'll take care of the rest. Listen, I'll be waiting for your call…" Sensei held up five fingers, "and make sure we have a five-hour notice."

"Right I'll call you as soon as I know, thanks Ron…"

The blond American disconnected. Sensei then announced, (Antubi-san, Stoppable. You are partners and will fight together for the next four hours. Everyone, blunted weapons, but make sure you have contact.)

Master Umsetsu oversaw what was basically ten on two mugging with wooden swords. Antubi's bokken was shattered twenty-eight minutes into the melee so he pulled out the blunted sais he was carrying and continued through the pain of the bruises he had received.

Ron, for his part, was on constant defense as he spun, twirled and leaped, parrying attacks by six highly trained ninjas. Finally, his weapon, too, was broken. He kept the hilt and kept on going. Seeing the remains of Antubi's weapon he dove towards it, performed a shoulder roll and grabbed the hilt of the discarded bokken. He sprang to his feet, now armed with what the Koreans called 'E Bong', or two sticks. (Which is close to escrima or modern arnis, although the sword remains were shorter…this author has trained in all three disciplines….AN)

As his opponents closed in the 'Chosen One's eyes began to glow royal blue as he moved to engage his foes. Both sticks began to twirl and the movement also worked into a 'figure eight' path. Both sticks began to move faster as the weapons' master nodded, 'It is time for Stoppable-san to be pushed to the final level.'

Master Umestsu drew the 'live' steel katana he normally carried at his side and rushed in towards the blond teen's back. The other attackers, who were facing Ron, backed off without saying anything, while wondering-to a man-what Stoppable had done to being killed without warning.

Ron's eyes' flashed azure blue as he spun on one knee and raised one of the sticks over his head in an overhead block and fended the razor-sharp sword with an into-out-parry with the other. Umestsu's sword resounded with a 'THACK' against the parry the teen had gotten in place, as part of what was left of the bokken chipped away. Said teen somehow spun around on his knee and swept the weapons' master off his feet as he slipped back and gained some distance as he 'felt' for others who should be attacking him right at that instant.

Two of the six that had been in the melee with Ron Stoppable took the chance and attacked his unprotected back. Antubi, seeing that, dove at his partner's assailants knocking one to the floor as he skewered the foot of another one.

Ron did another shoulder roll and attacked Umestsu with his hands (and what was left of the wooden swords) now a blur. Yori gasped at the spectacle of seeing the once goofy sidekick who just thrust a 'push' kick into the weapons master's gut sent him flying into the wall right next to Sensei who motioned to Hirotaka to join in the match.

The Japanese teen, who had studied all his life at Yamanouchi, bowed slightly as he rose to his feet and retrieved both of his steel weapons, (No quarter with the Chosen One, he must prove himself.)

Hiro's eyes opened wide in surprise. Then he bowed again and turned his attention to the action taking place before he stepped out into the middle of the dojo.

'What the…', Ron thought to himself as he dove away from the first cut, which would have severed his spine. Again, he did a shoulder roll and glanced over at his friend who was carrying two swords. The young Japanese man did not have a smile on his face. At this point, Ron Stoppable knew this was for keeps and he was using two wooden sticks against someone who was competent at using both of the swords he now wielded.

Master Umestsu rose to his feet and leaned into Sensei, (I just wanted to test Stoppable-san...)

(Please sit my friend, let's see how well the Chosen One has progressed in his training.), Sensei replied as he motioned for his friend to sit next to him.

The others (except for the ones fighting Antubi) backed off since they knew that Stoppable didn't have a chance now and waited to see how the American would meet his end.


Middleton, Colorado:

"Hello Monfort Insurance, this is Mickey Robertson, how may I direct your call?", Robertson inquired.

"Yes, this is Dean Stoppable, I want to cancel all my policies. I have found other coverage which suits the needs of my family.", the voice informed Robertson.

Sighing, "Very well, I will send the forms out, which you have to sign and date for your own safety. You understand."

"Yes, I am familiar with how this is done. Would you please send them to me as quickly as possible?"

"Of course, they will be in your mailbox tomorrow. We must have the forms back to confirm your intensions, you understand.", Mickey told him again.

'Dean' said, "Thank you again for your time in this matter. Have a good day."

Mickey quickly pulled the forms out of the file cabinet and filled out the Stoppables' information and added the policy numbers and pulled out a couple of self-addressed stamped envelopes. He then told one of his co-workers, "I need to drop these off at the Post Office for Mr. Stoppable. Do you need anything from the convenience store, Janet?"

"No Mickey, but I plan on taking an early lunch. Will you be back by eleven?"

"Sure, no problem.", Mickey replied as he took his coat off the hanger in the cubical they shared.



Hirotaka closed with the blond American, who as sliding backwards. The Japanese teen slashed at the American. Ron bent over backwards as the tip of the katana slashed into his torso causing blood to spray. The American fell back and then rolled to his left as he thrust his foot out into Hirotaka's gut, stopping him as he closed for the kill.

(Halt!), Sensei barked, (Take Stoppable-san to the healers. He has passed the level I wished him to. He needs to rest and heal. Masters, follow the Chosen One to his sick bed and prepare.)


Middleton, Colorado:

Kim gasped as she grabbed her chest in anguish while sitting on her bed.


"Stoppable-san, how are you feeling?", Master Umestsu inquired.

"Like death warmed over. What the hell was that all about?", Ron asked as he tried to sit up but stopped when the weapons master laid his hand on the American teen's shoulder.

"That was to prove to yourself and the other members of Yamanouchi that you were mission capable. It is easy to kill if you have the skills, although many do not understand what it does to your ki. To not kill, but be able to defend yourself and also others is a defining moment in one's mastering of the art."

"Man,", Ron tried to 'adjust' himself in his bed, "my chest sucks right now." He then looked down inside his hospital robe, "Well that is different, I guess I wasn't dreaming Hiro trying to cut me in half."

"He nearly completed his assignment before Sensei called a stop to it my friend. His next blow would have disemboweled you. Sensei wanted to see how you would react to circumstances leading to your demise. Now rest, Antubi is resting and preparing for your upcoming mission if needed. He has your communications device with him.", he handed Ron a cup of tea, "Now drink this and rest. If needed, you must be at your best to help Possible-san."

Ron groaned, "Yeah, some best."


Middleton, Colorado seven hours later:


"What's the sitch Wade?", Kim asked after she pushed the connect button; having gotten over her 'fit' hours before.

"That mission on Jones' island we talked about is on, I will have your transport pick you up and then Monique.", Wade informed Kim, "Make sure you have the battle suit on for this one."

"I will. Now, I have to get ready. Later.", Kim disconnected.

A suddenly thrilled Kim Possible quickly opened her 'safe' and retrieved the equipment she knew she would need for this one.


"Yeah.", Monique stated as she too pushed the 'connect' button on her wrist Kimmunicator.

"Get ready Monique and check with Kim when you get onboard the transport. You have about thirty minutes."

"You got it Wade.", Monique replied as the tech guru disconnected. Because he had one more call to make.


Yamanouchi, Japan:


A Japanese male's image and voice came over Ron's Kimmunicator, "Yes, Dr. Load."

Wade sort of recognized the face and asked, "Antubi?"


"Where's Ron?"

"He is in the baths at the moment getting cleaned from training. How may I assist you?", Antubi lied.

"Tell Ron he needs to be on that transport in about an hour if he's going to meet Kim on Jones' island.", Wade informed Sensei's assistant.

"I am going with Stoppable-san, if we are fortunate we will not have to announce our presence to Possible-san, Dr. Load. We plan to stay in the background unless needed."

"Oh, I thought that they would speak together Antubi….", Wade replied although he knew that Ron had no intention of that.

"That is possible, however that is not a goal. Stoppable-san still has much training to accomplish, yet and he needs to keep his focus to able to accomplish that objective…it is extremely difficult. I will notify your friend and make sure our aircraft is readied.", Antubi told Wade before he disconnected.

The Japanese young man took the Kimmunicator and walked to where Sensei and Master Umestsu were to inform them that they had to get Ron moving.


"Damned chest still itches. Did Hiro have his sword coated in poison ivy juice?", Ron groused as he tried to ignore where the wounds were healing. He sat across from his mission partner and friend in the cabin of the Yamanouchi black jet.

Antubi chuckled, "No, and it is better than what could have happened, Stoppable-san. Count your blessings, you are not completely healed yet."

"Yeah, I know, now let me rest. You know we're gonna have ta bailout…I don't care how much Kim likes it, parachuting still makes me nervous."

"No, we will come in over the ocean at low altitude, jump and then swim in. We will come to a hover…"

"Great, seawater and healing wounds. Kim will be so proud of me…"

The Japanese man chuckled, "Maybe exposure to a saline solution bath is what you need to make you feel better."

Ron snorted, "Bite me! I know it's going to sting."


Ron hit the 'connect' button on his unit, "Hey Wade, how ya doin?"

"Are you on the way Ron?"

"Yeah, lemme check on the ETA." Then to Antubi, "When are we gonna hit the drink?"

The Japanese young man looked at his watch, "About fifty minutes."

Wade heard the exchange, "Ron you are about thirty-three minutes behind Kim."

The blond sidekick nodded, "I'll see what I can do about it, but we've had some rough weather here."

"Do the best you can Ron…"

"Yeah, make sure Kim doesn't know about me being here…"

"She won't unless things go sideways. Later."

Ron turned to his friend, "Remember, unless I reveal my identity call me something other than my real name. And none of this Frank Zorro bullshit."

Antubi nodded, noting his mission partner was getting serious.


Aboard Kim's transport:

"You nervous GF?", Monique inquired.

"Yeah a little. It feels weird doing this without Ron along…I mean, I don't mean anything bad by that…"

Sighing, "I know what you mean. You and Ron have been doing this forever and a day, but we have this covered even if skinny boy can't be here."

The co-pilot stepped into view, "Miss Possible, we are going to hover just above the ground, where you and your assistant can get out. We think about five minutes till we hover."

"Thanks for the ride.", Kim smiled.

"Any time Miss Possible.", the co-pilot replied as he waited.

Four minutes later he opened the hatch. He saw the ground coming up and motioned to the teen girls that it was time.


Ron and Antubi rechecked their equipment, raised their hoods and donned their dive masks (which already had their snorkels attached) then grabbed their fins.

(Two minutes.), the co-pilot called as Antubi opened the door.

At this point, Ron Stoppable who was holding his dive fins, stuck his head out the door, nodded, leaped out into the dark while he held his mask firmly over his face.

Antubi muttered in Japanese, (Idiot.), and followed the American into the ocean as he gripped his fins and held his mask to his forehead.


Monique glanced around making sure she covered her 'six' as Kim had instructed her. The African-American fashionista tapped Kim on the shoulder since she thought she saw something with the view from her 'special' goggles that allowed her to switch between normal light and two different modes of night vision.

The heroine returned the touch and raised her shoulders in a signal to ask, 'WHAT'.

The African-American girl grimaced and shook her head and motioned for Kim to go on.

'I hope Moni doesn't freak out on me, or this could get dangerous.', Kim thought as Wade instructed into her earpiece, "Kim, about one hundred and fifty yards until you get to the main house where the jewels should be located. And be careful of sensors, I'm getting readings from the overheads that show they are all around you guys."

Kim whispered into her mic, "Wade, can't be anybody around us, it's too quiet. We should have heard something by now."

"Kim, I'm not getting a good read. If they are there, they are using serious camouflage. Oh, you are about one hundred yards from the main building now. I think the power generation station is in about thirty yards."

Kim stopped and touched Monique on the shoulder and pointed to Moni's wrist and then went 'cloaked' herself. The fashionista saw through her goggles that Kim and faded from view and pulled back the panel on her forearm and pressed a button to make sure she followed suit.

The fashionista noticed little things like branches being pushed aside to let her know which way the red head went and muttered under her breath, "I can't see you girl."

In her earpiece she heard, "Use the ultraviolet mode, 'Nique."

Just as they passed two large trees, something was sprayed on them. "Kim, I can see your outline, I think we're in trouble…"


A man's voice called out, "I have them. Okay people hands in the air or I take the shot on the one in the back."

Kim stopped dead and raised her hands. She knew that her suit might take a ballistic hit and survive, but Monique's wasn't designed to do that.

The red head then whispered, "Wade, they have us…cold."

"Activating your chip Kim, I have you. Just do what they say. If they have firearms you're screwed."

"They do.", Kim replied in a whisper.

Monique grit her teeth and muttered, "I hope I live long enough."


Antubi surfaced about ten yards back from his partner on this mission. He heard a muffled 'Beep-Beep-Da-Beep' and began to close with Stoppable.

He noticed Ron reach for something in his black ninja infiltration suit.

"Go Wade.", Ron whispered as he stopped his approach to the beach.

"Sounds like Frank Zorro to the rescue, Ron. Kim got herself and Monique captured and they may be injured. Kim might be out, at least that's what her chip says. The goons were pretty rough on them.", Wade told him.

"Crud.", Ron replied and waved Antubi up to his side, "Where are they? And are they alright?"

"Kim's chip has them in a building that looks like a power house about sixty or seventy yards from the main building. Be careful, it looks like they have armed guards and sensors all over the place.", Wade warned, but didn't tell Ron that both girls' gear and outfits had been taken. He didn't want the blond member of Team Possible going berserk from the get go.

"If they hurt Kim I'm gonna start gutting people for starters.", Ron growled, before he pulled out his headset and plugged it in to his Kimmunicator, "Wade we are going in. Just keep me informed if we're on the right track."

The tech guru replied, "You got it Ron and good luck."

The blond teen glanced at his companion and told him coldly, "We get them out then call for a ride for them. Then we take care of business the ninja way. Remember, I'm The Chosen One tonight…screw this Zorro crap. If word gets out, I want the bad guys to know that I'm an asshole and that I'll protect Kim Possible if I have to. Make sure the word leaks out."

"It will be our honor to rescue the girls and to visit retribution on those who captured them.", Antubi muttered knowing from past practice Ron Stoppable could be a prick if provoked.

"Come on, we got the gals to save.", Ron said as he motioned with his head.


Monique Jenkins frowned in distaste at the orange jumpsuit she and Kim were dressed in as she tested the stainless-steel bars on the cage suspended by chain thirty feet above the acid pool. She shook the red head's shoulder again, "Come on girlfriend, I don't know what they injected you with, but snap out of it."


Thirty minutes before:

"Hands up.", a man's voice ordered then added, "We can see you and you'll make great target practice."

Kim's shoulders sagged as she knew that she wasn't faster than a supersonic bullet.

Monique looked over each shoulder as four hands grabbed her and forced her hands behind her back. She felt something being slipped over her hands and pulled tight clenching them together. "Watch it bozo.", the fashion diva snapped as a fist caught her in the jaw and snapped her head around.

Kim turned to defend her friend as a rifle butt slammed into her head dropping her where she had been standing.

"Take them to the power house, strip them and put coveralls on them. And be quick about it, the Boss wants to know all about this.", a large man who was dressed in a very expensive suit and had had just arrived in time to see the red head drop.

The blond gasped through his snorkel as he felt the sledgehammer blow and swallowed a mouthful of seawater.


Minutes later:

"Come on Kim.", Monique checked the heroine's face and could tell there was bruising on the unmoving red head.

"Hey you up there, don't rock around too much we don't know how well that chain is going to hold and I don't think you'd survive the dunk in the acid."

Monique had been awake as the men stripped the two girls naked, gawked at them for a few minutes and then tossed a couple pair of orange coveralls at her which hit the bars of the cage. Monique reached through the bars and was able to pull the once piece garments inside so the girls could have some modesty. "Get dressed or stay naked, it's up to you.", a dark man sneered.

"You can turn around…", Monique growled as she kept her hands over places where she didn't want the men to have a place to look at.

"I was told to watch. Mr. Jones is going to be here in a while so you might want to hurry up. He doesn't have a problem entertaining pretty young girls. He might make a movie to enjoy later if he gets excited enough."

The fashionista quickly donned the garment and struggled to get Kim into the other one, buttoning it up at the end.


Back to present:

"Well, well, well. Miss Kim Possible and friend. I received a message that I might have guests today and now I think that I need photographic proof. I see that you are now robed as well. Maybe that's a good thing, considering this is a 'T' rated tale.", a short debonair black man with a high-pitched voice told the only person awake in the cage above him as he clapped his hands in delight.

"What did you do to Kim, she's unconscious…"

"Miss Whatever your name is, Miss Possible has been a thorn in my side for years. We simply gave her a drug to keep her quiet until I can raise the price I would like to receive for one of her other foes take her off my hands. If I receive what I consider a dismal amount, we will simply lower the cage into the acid and our problems will be solved.", Jones informed the Middleton fashionista as one of his men brought a camera. He stepped back and began to take photos as Falsetto asked Monique, "If someone takes her off my hands then she would be their problem and not mine. Now would you please make Miss Possible's face so we can get a good photo of her?"

"Why don't you go bite yourself?", Monique grit her teeth.

Jones motioned to one of his men who flipped a switch causing the cage to lower towards the acid, "I wonder how long you will last?"

"Huh, okay, okay! Stop the thing.", the African-American girl moved Kim so that they could get her likeness.

After they were done, Jones said as he handed the leash to his Lithuanian wolfhound to one of his 'aides', "Gentlemen, let's go make contact and see what kind of deal we can come up with for one or both of them, Murphy and Klien stay in here and make sure that Miss Possible doesn't escape."

"You got it Boss.", Kevin Klien responded.

"Kim,", Monique muttered under her breath at the current situation, "I hope the cavalry is on the way, GF."



"Now that you are somewhat rested you can go back to your studio, Josh.", Tara stated as they sat together for breakfast at a local café.

"Ah yeah, thanks for talking with my 'rents honey. Dad would have ripped my butt for that and Mom would never have let it go till I've been out of college twenty years."

"You're welcome and later you can take me out for dinner. Now do us both a favor and don't let your imagination take over boyfriend.", the blonde cheerleader warned her artist boyfriend she added, "I'll bring some sandwiches over for lunch after I get done with my short shift at the daycare. You take that thermos with you, do you understand?"

"Yes Dear…"

"Good, let's go. I have to be in there to cover for breaks in thirty minutes."


Ron reached down and removed his fins as he felt the beach under his feet, he then stayed low in the water and crawled to the water's edge. Looking left and right while scanning for danger he waited for Antubi to come to his side.

The Japanese young man eased himself up to Stoppable. Ron 'felt' his presence and motioned with his hand to proceed inland. The Japanese ninja crossed the narrow section of sand and entered the underbrush. Ron waited a moment then followed.

"We're feet dry Wade give me directions.", the blond member of Team Possible informed his friend as he removed his mask and laid his fins alongside them and placed them under some plants. Antubi had already done the same.

"Go straight inland, you will be veering right soon and I will tell you when to do that.", Wade's voice entered Ron's earpiece.

"Right.", Ron whispered as he led his friend into what was becoming denser underbrush as they got inside the tree line.

Three minutes later, the hair on the back of the 'sidekick's' neck stood out as he spun and lowered himself.


Brown eyes turned blue as a small bracelet around his right wrist turned into another implement, a medieval war hammer.

Ron Stoppable looked at his arm, now pinned to a tree by a crossbow bolt. "Ass wipe.", Ron muttered as he saw the shadow and immediately hurled the 'hammer' at it ignoring the burning sensation in his left bicep.

The spike of the 'hammer' slammed into and through the would-be assassin's forehead and went all the way through his brain and out the back of his head killing him before his knees touched the ground.

Moments later the 'hammer' slapped back in Ron's right hand. Antubi went to check on their assailant then returned while Ron was stuck to the tree as he tried to stop the blood loss.

He leaned to Ron's ear, (You make a mess, I had to move his body…he is quite dead. We must get you off the arrow if we are to complete this operation. I have something to cauterize the wound.)

Ron thought for a moment, then concentrated and the 'hammer' popped and became a Ridged© 'bolt cutter'. The blond teen then bit on to one handle and used the other one to open it up. He then put the jaws over the fletching end of the crossbow bolt and pulled on one handle while using his chest to make sure the 'bolt cutter' closed. Since the 'bolt' was hollow (for weight) it cut pretty easily leaving the shaft of the bolt sticking out of Ron's right bicep.

Antubi stepped up to Ron and ripped his mask off and shoved a piece of leather in the American's mouth. (Bite on this, it will hurt.), the Japanese ninja hissed as he pulled out a packet of something out of his combat vest and wrapped it around the shaft of the crossbow bolt. He then pulled on the string that was attached to it, igniting the substance. In moments, the shaft of the crossbow bolt was glowing red, (Forgive me Stoppable-san), Antubi muttered as he grabbed his friend's arm with both hands and pulled it to himself cauterizing the wound, mostly stopping the bleeding.

Ron bit down as hard as he could to keep from screaming, then hauled off and hit the Japanese young man in the jaw with his right fist, knocking him down.

The blond teen hissed, "Why didn't you warn me?"

Antubi got to his feet holding his jaw, working it out. Then he pulled some dark gray tape out of another vest pocket and began to wrap Ron's left arm, "You would have tensed up. You are not bleeding as much now and the pain will go away and the wound should not get infected. But it will be good enough until we return to Yamanouchi to get you proper treatment."

"Yeah, you're right, but I just lost bladder control. Let's get moving…maybe through a creek. I need to rinse out my duds.", Ron grimaced at the pain his left arm was giving him.

Wade was listening in to the whole series of events and asked Ron through the blond teen's earpiece, "Are you alright, Ron?"

"I wanna rekill that guy with the crossbow, but other than that and a hole in my arm, I'll be okay.", Ron whispered as Antubi led the way in the direction they had been traveling. A moment later he followed, fighting off the desire to put his arm in a sling, but knowing that he might need the use of both hands soon.



"Well nephew did you get a hold of Hench?", Otto inquired.

"Yes, he said he would inform his colleagues, who are in the supposed area that Possible may enter know, so they are ready to greet her. This may be over before the end of the year.", 'Eric' grinned, "And we should be getting a much-earned bonus. In fact, I'll toss in the sidekick for free."

"That would be a good choice nephew. We have seen some of the abilities he has shown and I would be much happier if he was fertilizer instead of breathing."

"Without Possible the sidekick will be harmless and easy to remove.", 'Eric countered.


Antubi stopped at the creek, stared both left and right and motioned Ron to come up to him.

The blond teen hissed, "Wade talk to me, man."

"Ron, in about fifty meters begin to angle to your left."

"How about we go downstream in this creek?"

"Then you would have to cross a ravine and it would slow you up. That's a great place for an ambush and we've already seen that they have firearms…", Wade now revealed this, up-to-now, unknown fact of their adversaries.

Ron muttered as he slithered through the brush, "They're using firearms? Wade, you just told me that they've all been sentenced to death…the lot of them. There's no going back now."

"Ron, you know how Kim feels about that…"

"Tough shit! What's she gonna do, divorce me?", Ron whispered as he crept along with the Japanese ninja following behind.

After another ten minutes:

"Ron start angling to your left…"


Monique Jenkins shook her red-haired friend again in an effort to get Kim to speak, "Come on girlfriend this isn't funny. Those clowns mean to do something nasty to us."



Antubi froze and touched Ron on the shoulder. Both vanished from sight as the 'fog' rolled over them.

"Hey they're here somewhere.", male voice called out.

Seconds later:

A blue glowing sword appeared through the anonymous speaker's throat, twisted, cut, and the man's head separated from his body. The sword disappeared.

In the fog:

"Stoppable-san you do not have to murder all of them…"

"They hurt Kim, I'm gonna hurt them. Let's finish these off so I can get a hold of Wade again."


Another voice called out, "Max, where are you?"

A form stepped up behind him and sliced his sai across the second voice's throat, cutting the jugular with crimson mist exploding from his neck.

Ron 'felt' the presence of another body and slashed across the torso, nearly cutting him in half.

After he was finished, the blond American came back into view. He spoke into his headset, "Wade, where are they? We just evened the odds a little."

"Ron, they are about one hundred and twenty meters at the ten o'clock from where you are right now and they are about ten meters higher. What happened?"

"Wade, you don't want to know. Ron out."

Antubi stayed five yards behind Ron and off to the left so he could guard the side of the American's injury suffered earlier.

The blond teen saw the dimly lit building and whispered into his headset, "Wade, I see a building in front of me. Is that the place?"

"Yeah Ron, about twenty-five meters. There is security around you…", Wade warned, now knowing there would be a bloodbath on the Jones' island.

The blond teen hissed, "That's their problem. I'll call back when I clear the area of the bastards."

Neither ninja, American nor Japanese, were in a mood to play with anyone. Ron, more so since he was still hurting from his accident with the crossbow. Ron Stoppable, over the preceding months, had developed a very bad and sometimes hostile attitude with some of the unsavory characters that he had dealt with. In fact, it was almost enough to set Zorpox's teeth to grinding.



Sitting at dinner Otto asked his nephew, "Now what did you want with that necklace?"

The younger German snickered as he put down his wine glass, "Kim Possible wears such a pendant around her neck all the time, it has the buffoon's image on it. If she survives the trip to the island I will find a way to swap the one I had made with the one she is wearing. After the idiot is killed she will have a constant reminder of what she lost and how she was manipulated. Therefore, she will blame herself. I intend to swap them on our 'date' for the high school dance next week. Once we are gone she will have that reminder that she is totally worthless to those who support her. That alone will cause her self-confidence to crumble."

"Then you have no need for the spray?"

"Not so Uncle. The spray will make the heroine allergic to her sidekick and she will have to keep her distance to keep her reactions to a minimum. I am trying to cover as many bases as possible, so she will be exposed to the spray on our 'date' as well. Once she figures all this out we will be gone and she will have to live with herself. That is, if she survives this little adventure she is currently involved in."


Jones' island:

"Are you sure they are in there?", Ron asked in a whisper through his headset.

"Yeah, at least that's where Kim's chip says that she is."

"Okay then, but it's going to be a few minutes. We're eyeballing the guards and I don't want to screw around.", Ron told his friend coldly.


"Can it Wade! I'll call after we secure the girls."

"Ron, Kim won't like…"

The former mascot cut the audio and motioned for Antubi to follow him. The blond sidekick turned back to look at his friend and drew a line across his throat to tell Antubi how he wanted this handled. He then glanced to his right and caught the silhouette of a person. Touching the Japanese man, he motioned for him to stay where he was. Ron then 'faded' out and entered the 'fog' again as he walked silently towards the threat that he really didn't want to leave at his back.

The armed guard, Jeromy Sickout, thought something was amiss since the tree frogs on the island were quiet. Since he had signed on as a member of security with the master thief (alleged thief that is), Jeromy had made a very good living, taking week long vacations every six weeks or so. Sometimes with his short, debonair boss. Yes, times were good. All he had to do was obey simple instructions and not ask any questions.

"Dude?", a voice behind Sickout asked.

The tall well-built man turned quickly around to see a glow that removed the MP5 and his hands from his person.

The glow reversed its track and struck him at neck level. A hand reached out and caught the head before it fell to the ground.

At the same time Antubi made himself useful in killing a pair of armed goons.


(Ready for this?), the blond asked his friend in a whisper.

Antubi was stoked. He had only seen Ron go on a rampage a couple of times and was appalled and somewhat awestruck by what the American could do when he really needed to.

Ron opened the door to the building slightly and slipped inside.

"Hey girly, I could let you down if you want to party.", a greasy haired middle-aged man suggestively called out to a girl in a hanging cage.

"Leave me alone creepo.", she hissed.

A low growl got his attention as a black garbed man came into sight.

"Who the hell are you?"

"Your killer.", the black clad man replied as a blue glowing sword appeared in his hand.

The henchman quickly reached for the handgun he carried in a shoulder holster. The moment he moved so did the new guy in the equation. The only real problem that faced Martin Goody (the goon) was that there was no way he could get his 'piece' out and fire it into the new guy before his insides were on the floor. And that's exactly what happened.

Albert Knowles, as he watched his partner get disemboweled, reached over to the controls that managed the chain and slapped a button on the panel, as he followed the orders from his boss.

Monique screamed in panic as the cage began to fall, "God!"

Antubi reached the panel half a moment later, reengaged the brake on the chain and then stabbed one of his sais into the panel while he spindled Albert through the neck with the other, severing his spinal column.

The American teen stared up at the cage and yelled, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, it's about time someone got here! Now get us down from here! We are dangling over acid!.", Monique screamed, now frightened out of her mind, "Can't you smell it?"

"Hang on to your panties, Antubi can you get the hoist to work?"

"No, to stop it I had to destroy the mechanism."

Ron, (though Monique didn't know it) looked around and saw some rope. "Antubi, I'm going to take that rope and climb the chain and tie it to the bars. Then I'll throw it down to you. I need you to pull on it because I'm going to cut the bracket the chain goes through and that will allow the cage to come towards you. Do you understand?"

The masked Japanese nodded as Ron walked over and took the rope and draped it over his shoulder.

"Would you hurry up?", Monique yelled because in her mind they weren't moving fast enough, although Ron was nearly to the chain.

Antubi looked up to her, "All this noise you are making could raise the alarm that something is amiss and then we'd have a bigger fight on our hands. So please lower your voice. We are working as quickly as we can."

Making sure that everything on him was secure, Ron began to climb the chain, which was harder to do than climbing a rope, because it was made of steel.

The Middleton gossip queen slash fashion guru gasped as she watched the guy climb the chain while carrying the rope around his neck and shoulder. 'That guy sure has balls, I have ta say that.', Monique Jenkins thought to herself, hoping he would hurry up a little. When he got to the top he got himself turned and then began to traverse after the first pulley while he wrapped his legs around to give him extra support. When he got to the next pulley he took something from around his wrist that turned into super large Rigid® bolt cutters. He spread the handles and attached the jaws around the anchor holding it to the I-beam. He pulled on one handle while keeping his grip on the chain and using his chest to push against.




Monique watched the guy put his funny looking bolt cutters away, continue to the cage and climb down.

"Would you please hurry up asshole? I'm not built for this."

The guy nodded and took one end of the rope and tied it through two sets of bars, then called out, "Antubi here it comes."

He then tossed the rope and continued, "Keep tension on it, I'm going to cut this pulley like I did the last one, then the cage is going to drop. You have to pull hard then. Be ready, I don't want these women hurt."

Ron was happy when his friend nodded. Then to Monique, he instructed, "This cage is going to drop hard, the mechanism for lowering it is toast. My friend is going to pull you to keep you out of the acid. Now I want you to get your friend to the cage wall and hold her there as tight as you can, that should keep her safe enough. Do you understand me?"

Monique nodded then asked, "What about you?"

The guy outside the cage asked in return, "Do you care?"

Before Monique could answer, the guy climbed back on top of the cage and started climbing up the chain. When he got to the top he called asking, "Are you ready for this?"

"Yeah.", Monique called back

"DO IT, Chosen One.", Antubi waved as he knew that Ron might not be able to hold on to the chain and maintain his grip on the Lotus Blade in in bolt cutter form (or is that Lotus Bolt Cutter?...AN).

'Chosen One, what kind of name is that?', Monique thought to herself.

In a repeat performance of taking down the other pulley, the black clad man dangling with his legs over the chain with one hand holding it, stared at his hand for a moment before a pair of 'bolt cutters' appeared in his hand. Monique though, was watching since she had trouble believing what she witnessed before. Moments later: "Pull it Antubi!"


Monique screamed as the cage just dropped. She held on as tightly as she was able. A moment later:

The guy who had cut the pully anchor lost his grip as the chain went slack for a microsecond and then went taut. He lost his grip and began to fall.

Thump, crash, screeeeeeeeeeech.

Ron tumbled and hit the edge of the concrete shoulder first as he tried to roll forward to absorb the shock and skidded four feet before he came to a stop.

The Japanese male ran to the cage as it came to a stop about twelve feet onto the concrete. Monique released her grip on the heroine. "Are you alright?", he asked as he got to the cage. He quickly tied the rope to a rail to make sure it was secure and there was no chance that the cage and its cargo would go into the acid vat. He then turned to his friend and ran over was Ron tied to get to one knee and shook his head. "Damn that hurts!"

Monique wasn't happy, "Get us out of here!"

Antubi looked over his shoulder at the fashion diva, "My friend has the tool to open the cage, but he is stunned. At least you will not go swimming in the acid. Please give me a moment to assess his injuries."

The worried fashion diva glanced over to the door as the one who had cut her and Kim down staggered to his feet. She could see that he was favoring his left shoulder and there seemed to be blood dripping off his upper arm. "Grab the arm and pull back.", he told his friend.

Antubi pulled one way and the 'Chosen One' pulled away and then moved around then relaxed. "I think I have it now. Lemme have it back."

Monique could still see that the arm and shoulder was bothering him as he walked over to a steel beam and threw his shoulder into it. "Fuck!", he hissed, "That was fun, but I feel better now. What did she want?"

"I think it is time…"

"What the hell is going on in here!", a large man in an immaculate suit carrying an MP5 shouted as he entered.

With a snap of the right arm, a glowing war hammer seemed to break the sound barrier as the spike on the hammer head entered the forehead of the well-dressed dude and protruded out the back of his skull.

Antubi snorted, "You are doing better with that."

With a loud thump it appeared in the Chosen One guy's hand again.

The guy was still holding his arm against his chest while the glowing hammer suddenly became a battle-axe in his right hand. Monique gasped at the hammer as it turned into an axe when the guy ordered, "Get back from the bars and cover her body."

"What are you…"

"Get back NOW!", Ron, masquerading as the 'Chosen One, ordered someone who had been his friend until a few weeks before.

Willing the axe into a weapon as sharp as his mind could imagine, the teen began hacking at the bars. Moments later there was a four-foot by four-foot gap where the bars had been cut away. Antubi crawled inside and lifted Kim Possible from the floor. He then carried her over to the hole.

Ron offered a hand to Monique to help her through and motioned for her to help him take the handoff from Antubi.

As the teens softly carried Kim off to the side Antubi got out of the cage and came up to them. He suggested, "Call Kim Possible's tech support and have transportation meet us. These two must be gotten to safety."

The other black clad man nodded and pulled a device out of his vest pocket and pushed a button and turned away. "Ron, how is everything?"

"Kim's out from the bruise her face, she got clocked hard. Send a medivac and direct us to a safe location where we can load her and Jenkins on to it.", Ron ordered.

"How about you, Ron?"

"Taken some damage, Antubi looks alright and Jenkins is scared outta her mind. Oh, they stripped the girls of their gear. They're in coveralls now.", Ron informed his friend.

"Shit! I can't have the battle suit get in the wrong hands, the stealth suit either. You either have to get them back or destroy them."

"Isn't Kim's suit sorta hard to get rid of?", Ron asked.

"You find it and I'll give you the info. Now I have contacted a ride in the area, you have about thirty minutes to get Kim and Monique to the extraction area, I will give you data in your headphone. Now get going."

Ron turned to Antubi and Monique, "We have thirty minutes until your ride gets here, we will get instructions to tell us which way to go."

Antubi picked up Kim in a 'fireman's carry and told Ron, "Lead on Chosen One, the night is getting old."

Ron stared at his friend, then nodded, "I'll change with you in twenty minutes.", he then pointed to Monique, "You stay behind him, I have point. Let's go."


Antubi hissed, "Follow orders and keep your mouth shut Miss or we leave you here."

'Oooooh, who pissed him off?', Monique thought to herself as she nodded that she understood, but was prepared to give him an earful when they were safely onboard the transport.

The African-American girl couldn't see very far beyond the guy (who was carrying Kim) let alone beyond the guy in front. Several times they stopped for a couple of minutes with the guy carrying Kim turning to stare at her.

She had heard that the other guy was going to take over carrying Kim and when that was supposed to happen, she wasn't surprised to see that happing. She was concerned when she saw the guy carrying Kim go to the front of their little group.


Monique almost bumped into 'Antubi' (who had stopped). Of course, she had no idea what a raised fist meant.

The guy who was carrying Kim set her down gently and motioned for the others to gather. He whispered, "We're here and the hover should be coming in. There are still patrols out so be quiet. Antubi, you stay here, I'm going to sow a little discord into whoever is out there. Oh, and here take this, Ron Stoppable gave this to me so I could speak with this Load guy."

"As you wish Chosen One, but be careful. Remember, I do not wish to add to your pyre."

Monique heard the exchange and tapped the black garbed man. "What was that about?"

Antubi glanced around and touched Kim while doing so to confirm that she was still out, "He may not be alive at this time next year…and he knows it."

"What was that talk about a pyre?"

"We cremate our dead, there is just a small wooden marker with their name attached to tell everyone where their ashes are buried."


"Dead. He made a solemn vow. If he does not complete it wholly, then he has to take his own life."

Monique hissed, "That's not right…"

"You live in a different culture."


"Ron, they're five minutes out.", Wade's voice warned the blond teen through his headset.

"Okay have 'em come fast. We'll load the girls up, then get them outta here. I'll leave them with my unit so you can monitor Kim.", Ron replied as he began to retrace his path back to the group.

"Then they are going to know you were there and Kim's going to ask questions…"

"I'll tell them I borrowed it from Stoppable. As long as you back me up it will pass the stink test.", Ron cut his friend off.

"See anything Chosen One?", Antubi inquired as the shadowy form settled down next to Kim.

"Yeah, but the transport will be here in a few. We have to move it. The less time on the ground the less goons we draw here. We don't want them in a firefight, I'd rather kill them one by one."

Monique whispered, "Kim shoulda woke up by now, they gave her some sort of drug…"

"That's why I'm sending Stoppable's communications unit along so that Dr. Load can keep an eye on her vitals and then he will be able to make sure she gets proper attention."

Monique was happy to be getting off the island but inquired in a whisper, "What about you two?"

Antubi answered just as low before his friend said anything snarky, "We have our own transportation, you are going west but we have to return to Yamanouchi to continue our studies."

"Are you sure you'll get out?"

"Are you sure we won't?", Antubi asked the fashion diva.

Whooooosh! As the Global Justice hover jet arrived and interrupted whatever retort she had.

The other black clad guy said, "Give me a hand with Miss Possible, Antubi. And lady make sure you follow us too. I don't want to have to wait for you or have to go find you. Those goons out there are looking for blood…yours and I don't want to get caught in the crossfire."

The Japanese ninja helped Ron and the two of them carried the unconscious heroine to the hover as the door slammed open. Two pairs of hands reached out and took Kim out of their hands. Antubi turned to Monique as Ron yelled, "Here make sure this is on her." He then stepped back as Antubi lifted Monique into the hover. He yelled, "Go, go!"

The two ninjas immediately turned and ran to the tree line. Ron looked over his shoulder as the hover jet lifted off. Once it was above the trees it turned to level flight and quickly gained speed and in moments were out over the Mediterranean Sea.

Off to their left there were gunshots. Both ninjas dove forward and then found themselves in a shallow ditch. They low crawled some twenty yards. Antubi tapped Ron's leg and then faded from view. The blond American followed suit and entered the 'gray' shadow world of invisibility.

"They're over here, I tell ya.", a goon in camouflage called out to his companions.

Ron touched Antubi on the shoulder and motioned with his head as he picked his way along trying to make as much noise as an ant. It took about twenty minutes, but the ninja duo made their way towards the main house.

"Stoppable-san, do you really want to make an example of the one in charge?", Antubi inquired in the muffled world they were in.

"I do, but we must finish this quickly or they will be able to overwhelm us even this state. Who knows what he did to Kim Possible, I am honor bound to protect her even if she has no feelings for me.", the protective blond teen replied.

Antubi could see his colleague and noticed the glow around him, "We must then hurry, as you say, and visit retribution on them."

The Japanese man continued past his American friend as the fog swirled around them. The could see the lights in the distance. The Japanese man knew from experience that objects in this world appeared further away that they actually were and he pulled both of his sais out of his belt.

Now the Japanese Shinobi didn't have a mystical weapon like his friend did, he was more than capable of dealing vicious injuries with his preferred choice as they were both titanium composite and razor sharp. In short, the fork-like weapons could tear someone apart or spindle someone like a restaurant paper order for a short-order cook of a couple generations ago.


The fashionista sat by her friend, now strapped onto a stretcher. The red head groaned, "What hit me?"

"Heyyyy GF, good to see you're back in the land of the living. How's your jaw? You got mugged by a guy with a gun. He hit you right on the jaw and you were in lala land.", Monique told her then added, "Then they gave you some injection."

Kim moved her mandible around then asked the GJ medic, "You guys wanna unstrap me? I'd like to sit."

"If you are up to it, Miss Possible.", one of them told her.

Once Kim was seated and strapped in, Monique handed her the communication unit. Wade's image came on, "Good. You're back, Kim. You are on a GJ transport back to Middleton."

"How come I have Ron's unit Wade?", she inquired.

"Ron gave it to the Chosen guy before he left Yamanouchi. He saw you were out of it, so he made sure Monique had it so I could monitor you and give advice to the medics on the flight.", the tech guru informed the red head hoping she would buy into it and not ask too many questions.

"Miss,", one of the medics interrupted, "Dr. Director will want to speak with you in the debrief. We want to know who sent you on this mission without appropriate backup. She will want to have a discussion with that Agency for putting you into danger."

Kim worked her jaw again before replying, "We were tasked by Interpol. They had Wade setup the outgoing ride…"


Back on the island:

A fifth guard fell to the ground in more than one piece as Ron opened one of the side doors to the mansion and stepped inside while still 'cloaked'. Antubi followed and quietly closed it. The two spread out about eight feet apart.

The Japanese ninja cocked his head, turned to a hallway and started into it as Ron touched him on the shoulder. Antubi nodded and whispered, "I'm sure." He then moved ahead.

The American teen morphed the Lotus Blade into a Katana, its default form, and followed a short distance behind his friend.

They walked some distance and could hear barking dogs. Antubi stopped cold, Ron stepped around him.

What appeared to be a large wolfhound of some sort appeared in the doorway. It seemed to sniff, then growled and sprang towards the still invisible intruders.

In response a glowing blue arc flashed once, then a second time and the huge animal (which was worth thousands of dollars) was laying on the floor without its head.

Ron then heard the voice of the man who had suffered an accident with helium years before, "Mr. Manlow, please go see what my prized Achilles has gotten into."

"Yes sir, Mr. Jones, right away.", another voice (which was much deeper in tone) answered.

The blond teen concentrated to make sure he was still in the 'fog' and waited. A large man entered the hall and seemed to fill it up, "Achilles?", the huge man asked in shock at seeing the canine, worth more than he would ever make in his lifetime, laying at his feet in two pieces.

Jason Manlow then pulled his semi-auto pistol out of his jacket pocket and activated the laser in the handgrip. As the green beam emitted from the Crimson Trace® device a large fork-shaped weapon entered his throat and severed his spine at his neck.

The large man hit the floor with a loud thump as blood sprayed out of his neck where it was sliced by one of the sai's tines.

Again, the high-pitched voice of Falsetto Jones called out, "Mr. Voorhees, please find out what that noise was."

Ron stepped to the side of the dying man and waited with the Lotus Blade out. Still cloaked, the former Middleton Mascot waited as a man larger than the one before him and carrying a MP5 entered the hallway.

The man looked down on the floor, knew there was nothing he could do for either the man or the animal, shook his head before he thumbed the switch from 'Safe' to 'Auto'. As he did so a figure began to 'Form', with a glowing something in its hand. Reggie Voorhees' last thoughts were, 'What is that?' as he was cut down by the figure who continued to solidify.

Ron looked at where his friend had been, motioned for Antubi to follow him as he again faded from view and entered into the 'fog' filled world that invisibility looked like from the inside.


Falsetto Jones was getting nervous as one of his Lieutenants was speaking on the radio trying to get someone to reply. "Sir,", Malcom Zinks suggested, "I think the repeater is down for our radios. But if this is some kind of raid, we need to get you offshore as quickly as we can just to be safe."

"Mr. Zinks, we have not completed the call yet. I still have several bids on the women in question and would like to make a profit on this endeavor."

From behind the thief, Ron Stoppable's voice sounded, "If that is about Kim Possible and her friend, don't bother. They left the island several bodies ago…Hmmm, well more than that, if you think about it."

Jones looked Ron's way as another voice asked, "Chosen One, do you want to kill them?"

"Sure, why not. They hurt Kim Possible, I would like to know why."

The teen then looked at the monitor and saw Gemini's eyepatch-covered face, "Maybe I'd like to find out if that guy knows anything about it." Then the American ninja flicked his wrist, sending blood flying off the razor-sharp blade. Some of it landing on the monitor Jones was standing next to and still more landing on his immaculate suit, "But for now, I think I'll start with you, Mister Jones."

At that point Antubi hurled one of his sais into the monitor effectively shorting it out and cutting Jones' contact with the outside world.

Ron, still masked, pointed to the girls' suits, "I think we'll take those…And since you had them wearing the other duds, I think this is gonna get violent real fast…"


Aboard the Yamanouchi transport sixty-eight minutes later:

(You didn't leave much, except gore, for the investigators to search, Stoppable-san.), Antubi accused.

(Yeah, bite me. I'm so emotionally distraught at the moment.), the American teen snarked back, (I hope the word gets out to the rest of the bad guys. I wish now that you didn't take out his communications.)

Antubi frowned, (You could have brought one or more to Yamanouchi….)

(Oh, sure and let some crooks run around there while we ask them nicely about some things we wanted to know…We knew enough. It was time for them to changed their ways and to encourage others not to follow the path they were on), Ron argued. (Of course, Ron Stoppable made some strategic errors because if he had brought prisoners back the whole plan could have been thwarted….but hey he's a teen and pissed off…..AN)

(All holding the Lotus Blade up to his neck did was make him wet his pants.)

(I didn't murder him…)

(No, you executed him when one of his cronies came in and took a shot at you.), Antubi pointed out, (There could have been a better way, is all I am saying.)


On board the GJ transport:

Kim put on a headset as she sipped on a straw in a drink while she held part of a flight ration. A bit awkward as she held a chemical ice pack on her lightly swollen jaw. Monique had already finished one ration and started on another. With a full mouth, the fashionista asked, "I wonder who those guys were that got us out of that trap. They saved us from being raffled off like some door prize."

Kim shook her head and shrugged her shoulders as Monique continued, "Ron and your Dad are not going to be happy about this, Kim."

Kim mumbled, "Eric too."

Monique knew the history just as well as the red head and smiled thinly, "Yeah Eric too. We were lucky with those guys getting us free. You could have taken them with that suit of yours…"

Kim shook her head, then winced as she mumbled, "I'm not faster than a bullet. I could take a shot or even a few of them, but your suit wouldn't allow you to…I had to stop or they might have killed you."



"Miss Possible we are landing in about five. We will have a car take Miss Jenkins home.", one of the medics informed the teens over the intercom.

"Yeah? Oh, the jaw is better.", as the teenage heroine replied with a yawn. "What time is it?"

"O five hundred Miss Possible, or thereabout. There will be something to eat during the debrief so you won't go too hungry."

"I'd like to have someone look at my jaw though…"

"We will during the debrief, Miss."

"Thanks.", Kim wondered just how long she was going to be with Dr. Director, 'Well it's better than the time that Ron blew up on them. I at least get something to eat this time.'


Kim waved to her friend as Monique was put in the backseat of a GJ staff car and was driven out through an underground tunnel. Will Du came up to the heroine, "Miss Possible, please come this way. We have a Doctor and food. You have to be hungry, not all the flights have rations for guests on them yet."

Looking back to her friend, the fashionista grumbled, "I ain't cut out for this. As soon as skinny boy gets back he can have it."


Kim followed Du down a series of hallways, to a door and he knocked on it. "Come.", a woman's voice from the other side was heard.

Du entered, waited until Kim was by his side before, "Miss Possible Ma'am."

Betty Director rose to her feet and put some papers in a tray. Then to the red head, "Please sit Kimberly, a doctor and some food and drink is on the way."

After the heroine sat, Betty inquired, "Who assigned you that mission?"

Kim mumbled, "Interpol Ma'am."

"I told that suit that called us that you were unavailable until Ronald Stoppable returns from Japan, I see he didn't care to accept that answer. I will speak with Dr. Load to make sure we are talking about the same individual and take appropriate actions.", Betty told Kim as her door opened again and a doctor walked in followed by a food services specialist pushing a cart with food on it.

The doctor gently unwrapped the bandage around the younger red head's jaw, took a device out of his bag and waved it slowly over the injury. He then took the device and plugged it in to one of the computers on the conference table. After a minute or two he announced, "No break, but you have heavy bruising and you should ice it for forty-eight hours and then alternate ice and heat. We will give you some painkillers so that you can rest. No getting punched in the face for a while."

He then took a glass of water off the cart, a bottle of pills out of his bag and instructed as he put two pills in Kim's hand, "Two every eight hours until you don't feel the need for them. You shouldn't need them in a few days. Now if you'll excuse me I think you have a dinner meeting to attend."

"Thank you, Doctor.", Dr. Director replied.

The cafeteria person set out platters full of food and left pitchers of water, juice and coffee on the table, followed by the flatware, plates and glasses. Then that person, too, left and closed the door behind her.

"Kimberly please tell us what happened from the time you exited your transport until the time you were captured."

"Yes, Ma'am,", Kim began as she poured herself some juice, then took a sub sandwich off the platter, "Monique and I didn't go invisible right away because of battery issues with my suit. Wade has been doing upgrades and his newest design of batteries isn't ready yet."


Wade had monitored the sitch until Kim got clubbed in the face and had already decided that the stealth suit needed ballistic protection and was furiously working on that. When his phone went off, he glanced up at his holographic monitor, displaying, "Incoming secure call."

He pushed the button to accept the caller and a voice with a Japanese accent greeted him, "Good morning Dr. Load, I am Namato Umestsu, Stoppable-san's weapons master."

"Yes sir,", Wade replied, "Ron has spoken about you before. How may I assist you?"

"This is to let you know that our team has recovered the garments that Miss Possible and Miss Jenkins were wearing. We will send them on to you once Stoppable-san returns. We understand they are quite valuable."

"Thanks sir, but I am going to have to redo the black one. There is something I thought we wouldn't need and I was wrong and caused Kim to get injured. Uh, after Ron and Antubi put the girls on the GJ transport, could you tell me what happened?"

"It is best you do not know, Dr. Load…but the short description is, after Stoppable-san and his comrade got on their transport, someone raided the villain's island and massacred them. They will cause no more danger to Miss Possible in the future, I assure you.", the weapons master confided. "As you know Miss Possible has Stoppable-san's communications device so he will not be able to take any calls until he returns home."

"I uh understand sir, I will pass that information on to Kim. Uh, you mentioned garments, Kim and Monique also had communications devices and other mission gadgets was Ron able to recover them?"

"No Dr. Load he was not able to do so. Now, how is Miss Possible feeling? Antubi mentioned that she was unconscious when they got to her."

"Kim's still a little under the weather but should recover quickly.", Wade informed the ninja master, "Uh where is Ron right now?"

"He is on the way back to Japan to finish his winter curriculum here at Yamanouchi so that his spring semester in high school will be able to pass with only him being worried about his upcoming college experience.", Umestsu informed the genius.

Wade felt the need to point out, so he informed the ninja master, "Ron and his family doesn't have the funds to put him through college, he's thinking about junior college while working through it."

"I am sure my friend that our mutual friend will find a way to continue his education experience. I will notify you when the courier is going to hand off the concerned package to you so you can make sure to be at your domicile.", the ninja master stated.

"How do you know where we live?"

"It is something to think about, is it not? Goodbye Dr. Load."


"So, you were not coherent about what happened on the island, then?", Dr. Director inquired

"No Ma'am, I came to on the flight back. Monique said two guys in black rescued us and that they were quite brutal in dealing with Jones' men in order to free us.", Kim explained as Will Du took notes.

"And you have no idea who they were, Kimberly?"

The heroine shook her head then winced, "No, I couldn't know who they were since I was out and Monique she has no idea of all the people in the world who might be able to help me out of a sitch like that."

"I understand Kimberly, I want you to know that a GJ tactical squad landed on the island about two hours after you departed and there wasn't a living soul there except for a kennel full of dogs. Mr. Jones will not be able to stock any more gems since he is no longer among the living."

Kim frowned even after being told the interaction between Monique and the thief. She didn't take joy in someone being killed. "Jones could have ended up in jail…"

"True,", Betty admitted, "but all of his henchmen were armed, some of them with machine guns…We have the pictures if you care to take a look…oh and some of the firearms had empty magazines which means they had been fired."

Kim didn't have much to say so Dr. Director told her, "Go with Agent Du, he will make sure you are in a staff car for the ride to your door. Get some rest, you have had a trying mission and don't worry I will speak with the person responsible for sending you on this fiasco and make him aware that sending teenagers into to deal with armed criminals is not what we do in the United States."


On board the Yamanouchi transport:

(You are leaking again Stoppable-san), Antubi muttered as he rewrapped Ron's left arm.

(I wish I could raise that clown from the dead so I could have more pleasure in re-killing him.), Ron groused in response, (When are we landing, I know Sensei wants me to get back to training.)

(Of course, he does, but he should be pleased by our actions this time. Expect to get some food and rest. Your training is nearly as complete as we can make it in this shortened course.)


A week later in Middleton, the Possible home and the night of the winter formal:

Ring, ring.

Anne Possible went to the front door. The auburn-haired surgeon smiled, "Good evening Eric. Are you looking forward to the dance?"

The suave young man who was carrying very exotic flowers and a small box replied, "Yes Dr. Possible, I think this would be the high point of my whole year escorting Kimberly to this event. I want to make it special for her."

"Please go in the family room, our daughter will be down in moments."


Thirty minutes before:

Otto checked over his nephew, "Fake necklace?"

"Right here in my coat pocket Uncle, ready to be palmed."

"Good. Gold necklace?", the older German inquired.

"Coat pocket on the other side.", 'Eric' responded.

"Flowers sprayed?"

"Three times Uncle, and they are now covered so the drug won't get blown off. All Miss Possible has to do is smell them. I think we are now ready.", the younger German replied.


Back to present:

Kim walked down the stairs in a midnight blue floor-length gown. She was, of course, wearing the pendant she had on every day since the spring. The twin of the one Ron Stoppable wore.

Eric could see the heroine come down the stairs and rose (as a gentleman should) and said, "Kimberly, you look lovely tonight."

The bright smile on the seventeen-year old's face was pure joy as she approached her debonair boyfriend. He held out the flowers for her and Kim took them and leaned over and sniffed deeply. "They are beautiful and they smell heavenly.", Kim replied as she inhaled again (this time very deeply).

Anne and James entered the room. The surgeon said, "I'll put these in water for you Kimmie."

"Thanks Mom."


"Yes Eric."

"I have one more thing for you.", he reached into his coat and pulled out a rectangular box.

The teen looked wide eyed and accepted the token. She opened it and gasped.

Eric said, "I thought it would go well with the dress, consider it a present from me and all your grateful fans from around the world."

Kim finally was able to say, "I can't."

"The people you have helped from around the world would demand this Kimberly, you must.", Eric argued lightly, "Here let me help you remove the old one and put this new one on."

A blushing Kim responded, "Okay to wear with the dress."

Eric came up behind her and unclasped the chain that of the pendant, put it in the pocket the gold one came out of and then removed the heavy gold chain and fastened it around Kim's slender neck. He then reached into the other pocket, pulled out that pendant and set it on the table. While this was going on James took pictures with an empty feeling in his stomach.

Minutes later the couple was heading out the door for a night of fun and dancing.


Yamanouchi, Japan:

(Continue.), Master Umestsu ordered as the two-on-one sword fight kept going with razor sharp weapons.

The American teen darted in and then stopped cold. His eyes rolled up in his head and blood began to flow from his mouth. Antubi slashed at the blond ninja, half expecting him to spin away and counter.

But the spin never happened and Antubi's katana dug deeply into the American's chest just missing the heart.

(STOP.), Sensei screamed as Ron went down, blood spraying in all directions from the wound.


End of Book One.

Kim Possible, Ron Stoppable, Rufus, Hanna, Wade and all the other 'canon' characters of the show 'Kim Possible' belong to Bob, Mark and the Disney Corporation and not myself nor CajunBear73. We just do this hobby of ours to make people take their meds.

There are some really good tales going on right now and some of them are not getting enough notice. Let them know.

We'll see ya down the road,
