To Be Or Not To Be Queen…That Is The Question

Disclaimer-I-I-I-I D-d-on't o-own D-D-D-DB-B-BZ-Z-ZZZZZZZ!!! WWWWWWAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!

For any of you who can't read that, it's: I don't own DBZ. Poor unfortunate me! : (

Summary-Three exchange girls from Earth---Chichi, Bulma, and 18--are picked by the king of Vegetasei as possible brides for his son, Vegeta. Bulma, who has always had an attraction for Vegeta, must plow through the competition, namely a lot of sluts, all desperate for Vegeta's attention. And it seems Chichi and 18 are finding a little romance for themselves.

"Great, another long year," 18 grumbled. She was standing outside the doorway of their school, Bejita (#1) High. "I have a feeling that 9th grade will be the most boring yet."

"Oh, c'mon 18!" Chichi exclaimed. "This'll be fun!"

18 sighed. Though they were all born in the same year, 18 had already reached her 14th birthday; while Bulma and Chichi hadn't. Consequently, she though of herself as the wisest, being born first and all. And she had never liked school. So, being the opinionated, fiery rebel that she was, her way was law.

"Excuse me, freaks," came a snobby, high-and-mighty voice. Turning around to look, the three best friends saw the most popular girl in school. Her name was Samantha Zenith, and she was the prettiest girl on campus. Her hair was black, like a true Saiyan, and so were her eyes. Her hair was always pulled back into a curly ponytail and she carried herself with an air of royalty.

Boys flaunted after her. Girls hung around her like flies. Teachers respected her. Everyone loved her.

Except Chichi, Bulma, and 18. Chichi and Bulma called her 'Miss Thang'. 18 was more outspoken. She called her…

"Slut," 18 spat. "What do you want?"

"I just want you common Earthlings to clear the way for the best girl in town," Samantha said.

"Shut up, Sluttany Spears wannabe," 18 spat back.
"Oh look," Samantha said to her faithful lackeys. "She's trying to hurt us with her petty Earthling insults." Samantha began laughing nonchalantly.
Then she felt something prick her back
"Did you do something?" she demanded, turning around to face the three.
"Oh, of course not," 18 said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.
"Good," Samantha said stupidly. She breezed past them, her nose in the air. Her faithful cronies tagged behind her like pet dogs.
Chichi, Bulma, and 18 broke down into a fit of giggles. Taped onto Samantha's back was a sign: "Come Get Me Boys, I'm A Slut". 18 had fixed it up the day before.
The school bell ran. Chichi, Bulma, and 18 ran into the building and to their first class: History.
Standing in the front was their teacher. As the class took their seats, he spoke. "Greetings, students. My name is Bardock Son. You are to call me Commander Bardock, Commander Son, or Sir. Yes, that goes for you too, Kakarotto and Radditz." He looked over sternly to where two boys sat. They looked exactly like him. "Anyway, I'm calling roll. Samantha?"
Bardock went on with the list until there were only three people left. "Okay people, we have three special students joining us. We have three Earth exchange students: Chichi Kings, Bulma Brief, and 18 Gero."
The boy, Kakarotto, and another boy, who was bald with brown eyes, turned to look at the Earth girls. Their gazes were of pure worship. The bald one had his eyes on 18, and Kakarotto was smiling broadly at Chichi. (Poor Bulma, no one wants her!)
"All right, delinquents," Bardock said gruffly. "Some ground rules. I catch you talking: you've got detention. I catch you passing notes: you've got detention and I'll read them out loud. You chew anything in class: you've got detention, and if they're drugs: you're suspended. Are we clear?"
"Yes, sir!" the whole class chorused.
Then, an annoying blare went off on the intercom, and an old voice came over the room. "Pardon the interruption. Will exchange students Chichi Kings, Bulma Brief, and 18 Gero please report to the Main Office."
"OOOOHHHH!" the whole class chorused as one.
"Settle, people!" Bardock shouted. "This is the 9th grade, not a Kindergarten class! Kakarotto, Krillin, escort these young ladies to the Main Office."
"Yes, sir," the two boys said, standing up. The short one, Krillin, pushed open the door and led the others out into the hall.
"Hi, my name's Kakarotto," the tall boy said. Then, cluelessly, he addressed Chichi. "You're really pretty."
Chichi blushed pink in the cheeks. "Thank you!" she exclaimed. "My name's Chichi."
"The name is Krillin," the short one piped up. "If I may say so, all of you are rather pretty."
Bulma giggled, and even 18 blushed a little across her nose.
Kakarotto and Krillin led the three girls to a small office. Sitting inside was the secretary, Mrs. Lunar (#2). "Oh, hello, Sir Kakarotto, Sir Krillin!" she exclaimed, standing up and curtseying. "Miss Kings, Miss Brief, and Miss Gero," she addressed the three girls. "You have been honored. Our great ruler, King Vegeta, has chosen you out of 10 girls as possible brides for the Prince!"
"We've WHAT????!!!!" all three screeched.
All the Saiyans in the room covered their ears. "Please…" Mrs. Lunar said.
"Sorry," Bulma said. "But…but…picked? For a possible bride for the prince?" Bulma's sapphire eyes turned to stars. 'Yes!' she thought happily. 'I finally get to meet the Prince! Bulma, coming to Vegetasei was the best idea in the world! You ARE A GENIUS!!!!!'
"What if we don't want to?" 18 demanded.
'No, no, no!' Bulma thought venomously.
"You have to obey the king," Mrs. Lunar insisted.
'Yes, yes, yes!'
18 was cut off by an intense glare by Bulma.
"You will be summoned to the palace in three days, and the training will last one month. Here is the list of all the girls who will be competing for the title of the Neo-Queen of Vegetasei!" Mrs. Lunar handed Chichi a list, then waved them out of the room.
"Oh my God!" Bulma exclaimed, practically hugging herself with joy. "Finally! I get to see the prince!"
"You get to see us, too," Krillin said. "Kakarotto and I live in the palace with the royal family."
"Really?" Chichi gasped, her eyes turning to stars as she stared at Kakarotto. Kakarotto smiled back at her. 'This boy is such a cutie!' Chichi thought. "Not to mention, he's incredibly hot and a total sweetie!' She smiled broadly.
"Um, Chichi?" 18 said. "Let's see who's on the list."
"Oh yeah!" Chichi said. She held the list in front of her and read it out loud:

Cleo Blossom

Bulma Brief

Kali Dark

18 Gero

Nydia Haven

Diana Hunt

Chichi Kings

Ilana Roots

Sylvia Woods

Samantha Zenith

"What!!!" Chichi screeched. "We have to spend a whole month with Miss Thang?"

"Not her!" Bulma exclaimed.
"'Fraid so," Chichi said disappointedly. "Torture, here we come."
"Hey, if she gives you a hard time, I'll protect you," Kakarotto said protectively, gently touching Chichi's arm.
Chichi's face turned scarlet. Kakarotto's eyes went big. He hastily pulled his arm back.
'Smooth. Real smooth, Kakarotto,' he berated himself in his head.
They hadn't realized they were at the classroom's door until they stopped talking. Opening up the door, they saw the whole class staring at them. "Enlighten us, please," Bardock said. "What was that all about?"
"Oh nothing," Bulma said giddily. "It's just that WE GOT PICKED FOR A POSSIBLE SAIYAN PRINCESS!"
The class gasped. "No way! You're not even Saiyan!" someone shouted.
"Huh," Samantha said scornfully. "I'm on that same list. King Vegeta probably felt sorry for you and put you on the list out of pity. Of course, we all know I'm going to win. I am the best…"
"Whore this galaxy's ever had," 18 shot at her.
The class erupted in laughter. The bell rang, and the classroom was deserted.
Yay! My first chappie! Everyone scream real loud: J-CHAN IS THE BEST!!!!!! ^_^
The 2nd chapter's coming out real soon!
1-Betcha didn't know that Bejita is Vegeta's Japanese name!
2-Lunar = Moon = Oozaru. Get it?