Investigate 033
As her words were ringing in his head, like an epiphany he knew what he wanted to say to her. He jumped over the counter, whipped his apron off, and bolted for the door.
Once he opened the door, he looked left, looked right, he couldn't see her. He started to panic, he had to find her. Dustin decided to turn right, and began to pray to all gods, might and small that she was there. Dustin started to pick up his pace, he was running.
"Damn, man. How long does a guy take to close up a store?" Said an agitated Shane.
Hunter and Blake added to the chorus of annoyance.
"Yeah, man, He should been out five minutes ago!" From Blake and
"Pizza Shack probably gone cold by now" from a deflated Hunter, who was sulking outside the window.
"Guys, I'm sure he'll be out soon, give him two more minutes." said Tori trying to cheer them up, while still hoping herself that Dustin would get a move on.
Cameron chimed in from the back-seat. "I'm sure he'll figure out soon enough, maybe another beep will help." He stated, while reaching his hand to the steering wheel. He hand was touching it, but he didn't beep, he was watching something.
Hunter shouted "Cam, just press it already! And go back to your seat, I've getting squashed over here!".
Cameron put his hand to Hunter's mouth. Shhh. "Is that Dustin?"
"What? Where?" Shouted a cry from the others. "There!" He pointed to a young male in a yellow shirt, who was running at some speed.
"That is Dustin, but why is he running?" Tori questioned.
"Only one way to find out..." Drive.
Surely she hadn't escaped that quickly! His walk had quickly escalated, from a jog, then into a run. He was must have been about twenty feet from the store now, pass the silver fences, with holes purged through them and the old yellow broken down car, that was partly layed upright by bricks. He stopped and decided to look around, try to recalibrate his thoughts. He looked all around, and back. It was then he saw something, a whoosh of a hair, perhaps, going around the corner. It was then he started to pick up his speed.
Tori thinking the same thing as Cameron, put her vehicle into gear. She would drive around slowly. Weather it was to just find out what made Dustin run (and not come straight out to the car), or so she wouldn't frighten him with their presence. Whatever that were doing, it became apparent they were spying on Dustin.
Dustin carried himself around the corner, he saw her, her back towards him. He saw she was running herself and had just started to slow down.
Marah must not have noticed Dustin as she waved her hand across her face and reverted back to her normal guarded, villainous form. Dustin always thought she looked funny like that, It always looked as though she had a giant fly on the top of her head, or that her head was the giant fly. Neither way Dustin found it very humorous, if yet uneasy.
She was about to beam her self up, to somewhere, Dustin guessed most likely to her Uncle's Lair.
"WAIT!" Shouted Dustin.
In shock she turned around and saw him, hands on his knees trying to catch his breathe.
She waited 'till he regained himself and stood upright, before saying a word.
"Dustin, why are you here? Don't you think I've hurt you enough? You've made it pretty cle-" Before she could complete her sentence, he ran up to her, put his hands to her face and kissed her.
"how you feel about me" she quietly continued as she exhaled.
After they both had a moment to calm down, Dustin still close to her lips said. "I like you too..."
Her eyes beamed as she began to kiss him. And went back to the form of the girl he saw at the race tracks, they girl he had fallen in love with.
Tori stopped the car. Out of reach, but so they could still see Dustin, they saw he had ran, then stopped, and now he had turned a corner. "I wonder where he's going" asked Blake in bewilderment.
Tori turned the ignition key, and began, still very slowly forwarding the car.
Dustin was kissing someone. Hunter laughed. " Haha, Dustin gotten lucky!"
"But, who with?" questioned his brother.
Dustin and the mysterious girl were positioned so that they could only see her back. Dustin and the girl much have grew bored with this position as they changed so that she was now it Dustin's place.
"Umm, guys" said an unusually nervous Tori.
"OMG, Is that Marah?" Shouted Shane. They all looked at each other with perplexed expressions, before turning their faces back to the scene at hand.
Note this drabble may not coincide with the rest of the drabbles/fics. (It was originally meant to end where it endded, I just thought this was too cute not to write.) Just so you know, if you are a little bit confused about the continuity. :) Hope you enjoyed it.