Sorry, I know it's been a year and I apologize for that.

I'm running out of direction here and I would love some input...

Anyway, ENJOY~~!

~3rd Division…

Yamamoto Takeshi was a generally cheerful doing his job and he is happy to do almost anything, not unlike his captain, who was just as cheerful with just a tiny bit more seriousness to him. So, when someone walked into the office of the captain and vice-captain of the 3rd division, they would see two happy men doing paperwork, which was something you don't find anywhere else. Today is like any other day, nothing special. Yamamoto was not worried anymore and Asari Ugetsu, the Captain of the 3rd division was feeling much better with a good night's sleep with the help of a pair of earplugs. Really, the wonder of those tiny things, he would argue that it was one of God's gifts to men.

"Asari-san, can I ask you a question?" asked Yamamoto.

"Of course," replied Asari pausing his work to focus his attention on Yamamoto, who has also stopped working for the moment.

"Say, can Gokudera and I visit your house sometime, we are curious about the boxers you talked about the other day," Yamamoto asked with a very hopeful face. Asari the gentle soul he was barely had the heart to decline and agreed to take him and Gokudera to his house that evening.

~That Evening…

Tsuna was finally let out and free to go anywhere he wanted. Well, maybe not so free with Gokudera tailing him everywhere. When Yamamoto found them, they were just leaving the fourth division. Gokudera was fussing around being the overprotective right-hand man that he was and Tsuna was just letting him. He really has no energy to deal with his over-bearing right-hand man, it's just too much effort.

"Hey, guys! Tsuna! It's good to see you walking around!" greeted Yamamoto.

"What do you want?!" asked Gokudera irritated.

"I just wanted to tell you that Asari-san agreed to let us visit his house today, Tsuna can come too," Yamamoto replied.

"Why are we going to Asari-san's house?" asked Tsuna, clueless.

Of course any question asked by the boss would be answered by the right-hand man very enthusiastically with all the details, necessary or otherwise. Tsuna, who has only just healed couldn't process too much of what was spoken, but he caught a few phrases like, 'the lawn-head', 'being idiotic and loud,' and such. In the end he agreed to tag along and off they went to meet Asari.

"Asari-san!" Yamamoto yelled with his usual enthusiasm.

Asari turned around just to see his lieutenant and two other people that looked like the carbon copy of his boss and the right-hand man only with slight differences. Of course, he had known Gokudera for quite some time now and Giotto had been talking about his sweet little descendant, so he knows which is which. However, G had never met the silver-haired carbon-copy of his so Asari is a little excited to see what would happen. He and Yamamoto had been getting along very well, so what could go wrong?

After a short greeting, they all followed Asari to his house. The house is a large western house in the middle of a forest just outside the city. The house or maybe mansion would the more appropriate word was very similar to the Vongola base back in Italy, which had been preserved since Primo's time is a very odd sight to see. Most of the houses in Soul Society had more Japanese influence and seeing such a mansion is just… weird, there is no other word for it, maybe there is, but for now we'll stick with weird. When they step into the house, they are not very surprised to see that the interior was just as they imagined, exactly like the Vongola base.

Asari took them on a little tour. The living room, kitchen, dining room, the halls, the office, the rooms and so on. It's not like his guests didn't know, they know. On the tour they also come across a few of the occupants of the house. They met a very lazy Lampo in the living-room half asleep and Alaude being murderous.

By the time they finished the tour it's time for dinner and they all go to the dining room, which is already filled with people.

I know this is short, and probably not so good.

I was very busy since I was graduating and stuff and my internet provider decided that this website is unsafe... So, I'm not the only one to blame...

Please Review~

And if you can tell where you want it to go it'll be a great help~

Thanks for all the reviewers, readers, the favourites and the followers~ I luv ya~!

And very SORRY!

Thanks for reading~