This series is technically a parody of "Total Drama Island" and "Survivor", but since the crossovers section is quite sparse compared to the other areas, I didn't wish to put it in there. Basically, this is the pilot for the series and will set things up. The top 20 most popular (in my eyes) characters in Equestria take place in this story, along with Discord and a few other surprises along the way. There will also be romance, adventure, and a lot more; I just couldn't fit those on the description. If you want fun, go ahead and start reading!

All of Equestria was bathed in the moonlight that Princess Luna had brought upon the world while almost all the residents of the land were fast asleep. However, through the silence of the world, one other being was still awake and frolicking through the night air without a single worry or thought, other than revenge. The draconic chimera creature floating over the skies of Ponyville gazed down upon the small town with looks of both amusement and anger.

"Yes, yes, sleep away, my little Equestrians," Discord smirked, twiddling his clawed fingers deviously as he quietly floated between each and every Ponyville house, "Very soon, my revenge will be swift and sweet, just like my chocolate rain. Oh, but if Celestia thinks that she's out of the woods, she had best look again! You know what they say; the third time's the charm. I got complacent my first time, I was overconfident my second, but now…it's personal." He pulled out a pair of dark sunglasses and slowly slid them down over his eyes, striking a pose at nothing in particular as he continued with his stalking.

As the mischievous draconequus continued to float around Ponyville, idly peeking into random windows and not caring how creepy he looked doing it, he tried formulating a new plan inside of his wacked mind on how he would get revenge against all those who wronged him. Being stuck in stone was not at all fun, and Discord was not gonna let Princess Celestia and Twilight Sparkle get away with punishing him just because he desired the world be thrust into chaos. It really was the best thing for the world, and Pinkie Pie would agree.

"Ooh, maybe I'll dunk all six of those cursed element-wielding ponies into some cement, but only up to their necks, so they'll be half encased in concrete but I can still laugh right in their stunned faces!" Discord mused out loud, pulling out a random clipboard and quill and jotting down some evil ideas, "Or maybe I'll hypnotize them into being my slaves for all eternity and turning on that rotten Celestia! Ooh, wait, I know! I'll turn them all into cotton candy and let them drift off into the sky!"

"Did somepony say cotton candy?" a voice squealed from right under Discord a moment later. The spirit of disharmony looked down from his invisible hammock in the sky and saw an eager-looking Pinkie Pie grinning up at him, wearing her pajamas that had cupcakes and balloons all over them.

"No, my dear Pinkie, I was just thinking out loud," Discord explained, vanishing on the spot and reappearing at Pinkie's left, "I'll let you know if I decide to do anything with cotton candy, alright? Now, be a good girl and go right back to sleep."

"Okay, Discord! Have fun plotting your dastardly deeds!" Pinkie giggled, turning around and bouncing back towards Sugarcube Corner. Discord rolled his eyes as he watched her go, flying back up and once more reclining in his invisible hammock before going back to his plotting. However, just as he was pondering how he could work popcorn and lightning into his plans, something from higher up in the sky suddenly dropped down and smacked him right on the head.

"Hey! Is that annoying Luna making the stars fall again?" Discord growled, reaching up and pulling off a small cardboard box that had landed on his head, "What in the world is this?" He glanced up and saw some grey Pegasus with a blonde mane and tail flying off into the distance, seemingly carrying a mailbag with possibly more packages. Frowning in annoyance, Discord idly tore the package open with his claws to get a gander on what was on the inside.

Inside was a random assortment of small items and a note. Curious, Discord removed his dark sunglasses and instead put on some mock reading glasses. He held the note up to his face and read the fancy lettering that was written upon it:

Dear Doctor Whooves,

I know how much you enjoy otherworldly items and objects, so during my latest visit to Manehattan, I stopped by the local laboratory to see if anything had been found in the inter-dimensional space buffer. The following strange objects were all found inside the machine, and after claiming them, I thought it best to send them to you for analysis. I am sending these through Derpy Hooves, since I heard you two are quite close; I'm sure she'll get them to you on time and without incident. Let me know what you make of these items.

Signed, The Author

"Who in all of Equestria is 'The Author' supposed to be?" Discord frowned, rolling his eyes before casually throwing the paper away and looking down at the items that had been in the box, "Well, I'm terribly sorry, but it seems that I just robbed the mail…or the mail robbed me of a good thinking session on revenge!" He growled once more in irritation as he fiddled through the random items that had been shipped in the box by whoever "The Author" was.

Most of the items were techy stuff that bored Discord, and he subsequently tossed most of them over his shoulder and in the direction of Twilight's house. There was also a mirror, which Discord used to admire his teeth before randomly tossing it over his shoulder as well. Finally, there was a mini electric television, which fascinated Discord, since it had so many buttons on it. Naturally, Discord started poking at all of them, wondering what would happen. When the little electric TV spurted on, it freaked the spirit of disharmony so much that he nearly dropped it.

"What is this fascinating little device?" Discord asked himself in awe, staring transfixed at the little screen he held in his right clawed hand, "Is it some kind of portal to another world and it's showing me what's going on over there right now? What happens if I press…this button?" The naughty draconequus poked one of the buttons on the mini TV and gave a little squeal of excitement when the scene on the screen changed from a show about bears to a NASCAR race.

For the rest of the night, Discord put his plans for revenge aside and instead played with the mini TV, flipping through all 500 channels with fervor and always becoming fascinated with what he saw. He used his magic to keep some chocolate rain clouds nearby in case he got thirsty, not to mention hungry, since the clouds were made out of cotton candy. He didn't really understand what in the world he was watching; all he knew was that it was cool and it was all his. However, about six hours later, Celestia started to lift the sun up into the sky and Discord knew that he had to get going or else get caught.

"Hmm…I need a quick hiding place…oh, I know!" Discord laughed, floating over with his mini TV and diving into some of the cloaked branches on the top of Twilight's library home. He instantly concealed himself and went back to watching his TV, not at all concerned about Twilight possibly using her magic to sense that he was nearby.

When Discord finally realized that he should be getting back to actually plotting his much-deserved revenge, he grumbled and reached for the off button on his mini TV. However, when the stupid commercial that was currently running ended, the scheduled show came back on and instantly caught Discord's attention again. He paused before flicking off the tiny tube and watched how the show worked and what went on. Slowly, his curiosity turned to amusement, then the wheels started to turn as he came up with a masterful plan to enact perfect revenge.

"Ooh, that's it, that's it!" Discord laughed, pumping his fists in the air, one of them still clutching the TV, "I have the perfect evil, crazy, horrific idea on how to get back at these ponies…and any others who I find worthy of torturing. And I know the perfect place, too…a forbidden place, but that's why it's so perfect! Why I never went there before is beyond me."

"Is somebody out there?" a male voice rang out from somewhere close by. It was Spike, who had heard Discord's showboating and had taken a curious peek out from the upstairs window. With a wicked sneer, Discord snapped his fingers as a zipper magically appeared over his mouth. He literally zipped up his mouth, then vanished in a flash of white light.

"Was anypony there, Spike?" Twilight asked, trotting over to her confused assistant, since she thought she had heard something, too.

"Nah, I think it was just the wind…or Rainbow Dash manipulating the wind," Spike responded. With a shrug, the dragon shut the window and followed Twilight downstairs. Neither of them knew the evil scheme that was already being churned into motion by the spirit of disharmony, and neither of them WOULD know about it until it was too late. Equestria was in for one heck of a ride.

End Of Pilot Episode