disclaimer: I don't own TVD

"I swear it's been ages since we last had a girl's night at the grill!" Caroline gushed as the girls made their way to their usual booth.

"Actually it was two Friday's ago...oh wait you bailed on me and Elena because Tyler had the house to himself." Bonnie teased.

"Well I'm here now." Caroline pouted.

"So did you all finalize all the decorations for prom?" Elena asked desperately trying to change the subject.

"Yes, it's all set in stone! Next weekend will be the best prom in Mystic Falls history!" Caroline bragged.

"I haven't talked to you much all week Elena," Bonnie said smoothing her hair, "someone's been AWOL, busy spending time with a smoldering prom date…or should I say boyfriend!"

The girls all giggled in excitement in Elena's new found best friend turned boyfriend.

"Seriously guys, it's not official or anything-"

"Might as well be, you too spend so much time together." Caroline interrupted, "Plus it's not like I didn't see you two Tuesday after school."


"Saw what?" Bonnie questioned raising one of her eyebrows.

"Oh please Elena I'm not blind, or ignorant for that matter... I just thought you'd be embarrassed."

"It's not like I'm sitting right here, is someone going to tell me!" Bonnie shouted.

"I walked in on Elena and Damon at the boarding house, getting a little cozy on his prized carpet..." Elena buried her head in her hands.

It had been a long day of school away from Damon, considering the fact that she had been staying at the boardinghouse since the trip to Richmond. Damon had been just as nice as usual but had stepped up the double meaning comments that were always oh-so present in his speech, and Elena's struggle to constantly filtering her thoughts into the proper words and actions was faltering. They had both settled on the couch with some popcorn to watch a movie, not that she could remember the title now to save her life, every time the two lead actors were on the screen Damon would comment on how it was so absurd that neither the man nor the woman would admit to their feelings for each other. About midway through the movie the two actors finally embrace their love for one another and have a cliché kiss in the rain.

Damon scoffed and looked over to Elena, "It may be raining, but that kiss lacks some serious romance." Before she knew it she found her arms entwined with Damon, kissing his mouth hard. The door shut softy but Elena figured she had misheard. She was currently pinned against the carpet, Damon on top of her his hair sticking out every which way when she definitely heard the door close. Elena pushed against his chest and smoothed her hair quickly as she heard Caroline's heels stop behind the couch.

Bonnie smugly laughed as she finished her burger, "Well it's about time!"

"Imagine how long it felt for me!" Elena teased, pouring ketchup on the last of her fries.

They were just waiting for their change, and Caroline had been texting someone for the last five minutes.

"Sure is slow for a Friday night at the grill," Elena mused, "I mean we usually see half the kids from school here."

"Maybe there's some football game on..." Caroline trailed.

"Yeah Jeremy was telling me that just yesterday." Bonnie said exchanging strange looks with Caroline.

"Maybe." Elena concluded just as her phone buzzed, it was Damon.

new text message

I know you are out having fun with Bonnie & Caroline...but would they mind if I steal you away early?

We are just about done at the grill. I'll see if they can drop me off at the boarding house :) she hastily replied

Almost instantly, Perfect! See you soon...

Caroline had been going on about the latest gossip from Mystic Falls high, Elena had checked out of that conversation about 15 seconds in. She'd been so busy texting back and forth to Damon the entire ride over she hadn't looked up from her phone until Caroline put her car in park. The talking between Bonnie and Caroline had completely ceased in the front seat Elena's trance was broken when she looked up.

The trees surrounding the boarding house had been strung with twinkling lights and a trail of paper lanterns led from the cars all the way to the back yard. She was taken aback once she realized the obscene amount of cars parked in front of Damon's house.

"What's going on?" Elena asked a little wary.

"It was Damon's idea." Bonnie smiled

"Yeah he came up with this all by himself; we were only in charge of the decoy." Caroline said climbing out of the car.

"Decoy for what?"

Bonnie opened her door, "It's your graduation party silly!"

The bass from the synth dance music was pulsating through Damon's living room. Elena was pretty sure that the entire high school was here on the property, it was a struggle trying to walk through the crowds of her dancing classmates without getting showered by the contents of someone's red plastic cup. Somewhere in the crowd she had lost Bonnie and Caroline but she had to find Damon.

She had made it to the backyard where the mood was considerably softer. Paper lanterns populated the trees and a banner even hang between two heft oaks, "Happy Graduation Elena!" Elena couldn't suppress her smile from playing out across her face; Damon had managed to plan all of this without me having any idea. A familiar strong arm pulled her by the waist, "Surprise." He whispered and kissed her lightly.

Damon laughed, "You really had no clue. I was sure that Bonnie would break down and tell you."

"I can't believe you did all of this."

"I picked up the lights in Richmond."

"So that's why you wouldn't let me help! 'Uncle Zack's stuff' oh sure…" she mocked.

"I didn't want to spoil the surprise. After all you only graduate high school once."

"And how many times have you graduated high school?"

"That's not the point." Damon smirked, "Let's just go join the party."

He had led her into the center of the living room, Caroline and Tyler were amongst the masses dancing, and she spotted her younger brother Jeremy playing some kind of drinking game in the other room. "So you gather the youth of Mystic Falls and then provide them with a party house and free booze."

"And cake, don't forget the cake. It's strawberry, your favorite."

Elena was still a little apprehensive as to the hugeness of this party; there were a good number of people here that she had never in her life even spoken to. As if Damon knew what she was thinking he chimed in, "Elena, please don't over think it. You are graduating. This is a celebration, have FUN. Loosen up a little." He winked.

The song had just changed into an even faster passed club dance mix. She laughed mentally; This is a really sweet party…

"Ok here's to fun." She said grabbing a bottle of whatever was closest, took a long pull and then handed it to Damon.

"That's what I'm talking about!" He said with a big smile as she pulled him into the dancing crowd.

I'm so sorry that it took me this long to post! I hate to keep you all waiting, but I hope you enjoyed this. Like always REVIEW please:) -Kari