Apologies for the wait guys, I have spent the last month thinking about what I would do with newly beaned Kurt and Blaine when they get back to Dalton. But unfortunately my new job with it's twelve hour shifts has meant I've had little time for writing and have had an original e-book to get ready. I've finally concluded at this point in time I cannot actually write the Klaine Dalton/college years. That's not to say I won't in the future (watch this space), So to wind this one up, here is the epilogue.
"Tell me something I don't know about you."
Kurt looked across at his partner with a curious expression.
"I said tell me something I don;t know about you." Blaine said keeping his eyes fixed on the road.
"You've known me for twelve years."
"And because of that I always assume I know everything about you but there must be somethings I don't know."
"Okay, I'll play. Just let me think for a moment." Blaine glanced at Kurt as he bit his bottom lip in a way that still managed to make him stir slightly, or more, if he didn't keep himself in check.
"Um.. do you know that I'm still scared of rabbits."
Blaine glanced across at him.
"What? Really?"
"Don't laugh."
"I'm not laughing, I'm just wondering why."
"Because they're clumsy."
"They have big feet and they don't look where they're going."
Blaine smiled and reached down to hold his hand.
"You're bigger than them."
"I know, but sometimes I still think like a borrower."
"That I didn't know. Though I should have known, you still refer to yourself as a Bean instead of a person."
"Does that bother you?"
"I loved you as much as a Borrower as I do as a Bean, though Of course now I love you all the more because we've been together for so long and because we have Elizabeth together."
"Hmm." Kurt hummed happily. "I love you too."
"We're here." Blaine said as he parked up next to the little elementary school.
Kurt squeezed his hand and ran his thumb along the back off it.
"Shall we go do this then?" He said with a nervously high pitched voice.
"Kurt. I'm sure there's nothing to worry about Beth's always well behaved."
"I know, it's just.." Kurt hesitated for a moment. "Do you ever spend a moment to just think about it all. We're parents, who the hell though that was a good idea?"
"Uh.. you!"
"But don't you think we're just making all this up as we go along?"
"Of course I do." Blaine leaned in and looked directly into those beautiful blue eyes. "I'm nervous too. Everyday I'm worried I'm going to do something wrong and ruin her life forever, but then I realize that there's no reason to worry, because I have you and you'll stop me from screwing up to badly because you are the most natural father I've ever seen."
"Me! You're the natural one."
"Look, instead of sitting out here worrying lets go inside and find out if we've raised the angel we think we have or a devil."
"Okay." Kurt said with a deep breath.
They go out of the car and made there way arms linked into the little reception area of the school. Though they'd only been inside once (on the absolutely dreadful first day where Kurt wouldn't stop crying and rang the teacher at lunchtime) they knew the way to the kindergarten classroom. There beautiful little daughter ran towards them. They had adopted her as a tiny African American baby with curly black hair and beautiful almond eyes. Now she was a confident six year old with her fathers love of singing and a kind nature. When she got to within a couple of feet of them she put her hands on her hips and frowned at them.
"You're late!"
"Sorry baby, you're dad was just having a nervous breakdown." Blaine said.
Kurt shot his partner a dirty look and walked over to kiss his daughters hair.
"I knew we shouldn't have had Auntie Rachel over to stay, you're starting to sound just like her."
"Auntie Rachel is cool." Elizabeth said with a pout.
"Oh hunny, she is the opposite of cool. You just won't realize it for another couple of years."
"What does that mean?"
Just as Blaine stepped forward to answer a very pretty young woman with a blonde bob opened the door in front of her. It was Elizabeth's teacher Miss Fabrey.
"Oh, hello."
Blaine and Kurt immediately stepped together and put on their 'we are responsible parents' look.
"Hi." Blaine said offering his hand for the teacher to shake. "We're Elizabeth's parents."
"I remember." She answered with a smile. Kurt blushed and gave an awkward smile.
"I guess you must see that every year."
"I can't say I've ever seen somebody sing 'I will always love you' on the first day of school. But then I've only been a teacher for five years. Would you like to come in, you're a little late."
"I told you." Elizabeth shouted.
"Okay sweetheart. You wait here whilst we talk to your teacher."
"If you're good well go for ice cream afterwards." Kurt said in a stage whisper.
"Yay! Ice cream!"
Elizabeth sat on the little plastic chair beside the door and gave an angelic smile.
Blaine and Kurt walked into the Kindergarten. Kurt took a moment to look at the kids artwork on the wall.
"Would you like to sit down?" Miss Fabrey said indicating two average size chairs that had been placed in front of her desk.
Kurt and Blaine sat down and Miss Fabrey pushed a report card towards them.
" I always start by asking parents if they have any concerns or questions they wish to ask."
Blaine and Kurt looked at each other nervously, they hadn't expected the question and immediately wondered if not having anything to ask would be taken as neglectful parenting.
"It's okay." Miss Fabrey assured them. "I don;t see any problems with Elizabeth that needs to be discussed either."
"Really?" Blaine asked giving Kurt an 'I told you so' look.
"No. She;s a wonderful child to work with. She's above class average in reading writing and maths and she loves music. She interacts with other children well and she has a very active imagination. Here, I'll show you one of her pictures."
As Miss Fabrey got up and searched through the children's draws. Blaine looked across at Kurt and smile.
"She's a wonderful child." Blaine whispered.
Kurt smiled back.
"An angel then." He replied in equal whisper.
"Here it is." Miss Fabrey said setting a green colored piece of paper on the desk and sitting down again. Both Blaine and Kurt leaned forwards to see the picture. It was a family picture with three figures a smaller one in the middle and two on either side one with big (one much bigger than the other) blue eyes with curly brown hair.
"I asked the children to draw their family and this is what Elizabeth drew." Miss Fabrey said before pointing to another figure they had missed because it was just a tiny stick figure stood between Kurt and Elizabeth. "When I asked her if this was her dolly she said no. Then she told me that it was her grandfather Burt and that he lived in a tiny house in the downstairs cupboard and that he used to live below the floorboards in your old school."
Kurt gave a forced laugh.
"That kid, I don't know where she gets it from."
Elizabeth was sat outside patiently when Blaine and Kurt finally left the classroom.
"Did Miss Fabrey say I was good?"
"Yes she did." Blaine said reaching down for his daughters hand Kurt grasped the other one and they walked their daughter to the car as she babbled about all the ways she was good.
"And I always fill the paint pots right to the top, I only spilled them once." She said as Kurt strapped her into her child seat.
"That's great baby but me and Daddy have something to talk to you about." Kurt said just before shutting the door and climbing into the front. When they were all safely in the car with the doors turned Blaine and Kurt both turned to look at their daughter through the gap in their seats.
"Elizabeth. Did you draw a picture of Grandad Burt?"
"I drew all of us! You and me and Daddy and Granddaddy Burt."
"But do you remember I told you you aren't allowed to tell anybody about Grandad Burt."
Elizabeth frowned and shifted in her seat.
"Yes, but Miss Fabrey is nice."
"I know she is sweetie. But the thing is we want to keep our family safe and the best way to do that is to keep the little people secret. Do you understand? Big people might want to keep them as pets or stamp on them."
"I don't want anybody to stamp on Grandad Burt!" Elizabeth shrieked.
"No, I.." Kurt put his hand to his forehead and looked at Blaine for support.
"Nobodies going to hurt your Grandad. It's just safer if nobody knows because some people don't like things that are different from them. And not everybody had a Grandad in their closet."
"Like not everybody has two daddies and some people don't like that?"
"Yes, it's just like that. Can you promise me not to tell anybody again?"
" I won't tell."
"Thank you sweetheart."
"Good girl." Kurt said.
"Am I not getting ice cream because I told?"
Kurt gave a relieved little laugh.
"No, we're still getting Ice cream."
The end