Alright guys, I know there are a lot of post finale stories out there but hopefully mine will be different….

As you know I have been suffering from author's block lately and I hope that writing about that finale will help me get through it.

Chapter one :

7 Days :

A week, it has been a week since Jane had made the worse mistake of her life, 7 days since she had shot Maura's biological father. On paid leave while internal affair are investigating the shooting Jane spent her days at the hospital making sure Doyle and Constance were getting better and that Maura was hanging on. Unfortunately as much as she wanted to step into Doyle's room and take Maura in her arms and tell her everything would be alright she knew her formal best friend didn't want her near him or herself.

The truth was they hadn't exchanged a single word since Maura had forbid her to touch Doyle after he fell from the catwalk looking at her with so much hate and horror that she literally fell her heart breaking into pieces.

Obviously Jane was having tremendous remorse for what she had done, knowing that he was the only chance Maura had to ever meet her biological mother. God knew she had regretted her action the second she pulled that trigger but seeing the hate in Maura's eyes as she tried to reached out to help Doyle Jane knew that she would never forgive her, that she had just destroyed the best thing that had happened to her.

So that day after standing in front of Doyle's door for two hours watching Maura holding his hand and talking to him Jane decided to go home once again unable to even try to reach out to her. Dragging her feet towards the elevator Jane suddenly heard a familiar voice calling her as she passed the room next to Doyle's .

"Detective…"A febrile voice muttered .

"Mrs Isles, are you alright?Do you need me to call Maura?"Immediately stepping into Constance Isles' bedroom Jane's heart stopped beating scared that might required medical assistance.

"I'm alright Jane. Why don't you sit down for a while?" Constance replied pointing the chair next to her bed as she painfully tried to sit up in bed.

"Here let me help you." Taking a step forward, pulling her pillows up trying to make her more comfortable Jane knew Maura would probably call security if she knew she was talking to her mother.

"Thank you. Please have a sit." Constance insisted seeing the hesitation on Jane's face.

"I wish I could but I'm not sure Maura would appreciate me being here ma'am ." Jane replied biting her lower lip.

"I understand why my daughter is currently mad at you but I want to have a chat with you and as much as I love her I'm still my own person, so sit." Rising her voice almost giving her a direct order Constance was determined to have a chat with Jane, to try to fix things between her daughter and the Detective.

"Alright, alright. So did Maura told you what I…did?"Jane replied puling the chair closer to Constance bed.

"Yes, she told me you shot Patrick, but she didn't give any more details, but your mother told me what really happened. Don't beat yourself up you did what you had to do, after he shot an FBI Agent I must add." Reaching out for Jane's hand Constance could see the pain and the remorse painted on Jane's face.

"No I didn't. My job was to protect Maura while was she getting a confession. What happened wasn't Doyle's fault, yes he shot that suspect but only because he was threatening Maura, one second later I would have done the same thing."

"Did Doyle point his gun at you?"

"No he didn't. Agent Dean told him to put his gun gun but he shot him before he got the chance to and that's when he fired his weapon at him and…"Clenching her teeth as she was telling Constance about that fraction of a second that changed their lives for ever Jane wanted to scream, to let go of her frustration and guilt.

"That's when you shot him."

"Yes. Damn it ! I don't even know how he got there, I asked him not to intervene and he promised he wouldn't. All that happened is his fault, and mine of course. She's never going to forgive me…"Jane let out feeling her heart break into piece once again as she realized that Maura must be convince she had actually asked Dean to come to the factory despite promising her he would keep his distance.

"Of course she will, right now he's still unconscious but as soon as he wakes up her unbeatable rationalism will take over and she will understand why you did what you did, trust me."

"I wish it were that easy Ma'am but it's not. Doyle is…what links the two of them is… I can't explain it but as much as she hates him for being who a cold blooded killer he's still her biological father."

"I know, she's still hoping that he's going to tell her who her mother is." Constance nodded. Even if Maura and her had gotten closer over the past few months, as they were trying to rebuild their relationship Constance knew that Maura as much as she loved her had always wondered who her biological mother was.

"You're her mother, she loves you very much, don't ever doubt that."

"I know, but her father and I always knew that someday she would feel the need to find out where she came from. Actually considering that we neglected her when she was younger I'm amazed that she never tried harder."

"That's probably because she considers you and your husband her real parents. The fact that you saved her life comforted her in that feeling. She even declined it when Doyle offered to tell her who her biological mother was." Jane replied feeling the pain in Constance voice.

"She did? When was that?"Constance mumbled unaware of that fact.

"When you were first brought here , but now I'm going to shut up if I don't want her to hate me even more."

"She doesn't hate you Jane, you're the best friend she ever had, actually I think you're the first real friend she ever had. Have you tried to talk to her, or do you stand there looking at her for hours?" Squeezing Jane's hand Constance could see how hurt she was, and knew that her daughter was hurt too and couldn't help but wishing she could fix their relationship knowing that Maura needed her now more than ever.

"I can't…I know she doesn't want me to even try to apologize. So I keep my distance, but she knows I'm there, right now it's all that matter. Actually if she keeps to her schedule she should be here any minute so I better go now. I hope you're able to go home 't hesitate to call me if you need anything." Jane said standing up unwilling to face Maura's anger if she found her here.

"What I would need is to take care of my daughter Jane." Constance replied squeezing Jane's hand.

"I'm doing what I can considering that she hates me and all..."Jane smiled trying to hide her pain.

"Listen to me carefully Jane : The opposite of love isn't hate it's indifference, if she hates you it means that she still cares about you and that you still have a chance to make this right." Constance said looking straight into Jane's eyes trying to being some hope to her.

"We'll see about that, have a good nice Ma am."

So that night Jane went home, took her clothes off, crawled in bed and cried herself to sleep, again. Laying in bed closing her eyes Jane couldn't help but reliving that moment, but in her fantasy things actually turned out differently. In her fantasy she never told Dean that Doyle was back in town keeping him from following her and therefore from shooting Doyle resulting in him shooting back and in her shooting Doyle. Jane knew for a fact that Doyle would have probably surrender after shooting the guy who was threatening Maura that even after Dean shot him he would have never shot at her or Frost. Yes that night for the 7th night in a row Jane cried herself to sleep knowing that she had made the biggest mistake of her life shooting Doyle and for the first time in years started to pray . She prayed for Doyle to survive knowing that Maura would never forgive him if he didn't . Also Jane couldn't help but feeling betrayed by Dean, she had trusted him not to intervene. Looking back she started to wonder if he actually came back for her or if he used her knowing Doyle was in town hoping he would contact Maura and that she would tell him. Right now Agent Dean was also unconscious and Jane hadn't bothered to check up on him, not after betraying her like that but she knew that once he regained consciousness he would have some explanation to give her.

Alright guys, what do you think?Do you want me to continue?If you do please tell me. I think next chapter should be Maura's point of view.

I realize there are a lot of post finale stories out there but I hope you trust me to write something different :) I can see a lot of drama, between Constance, Doyle, Dean...Yes this story has potential!