Twas the Night of the Breaking Dawn Premier

A Poem made by ReginaRheims7711 (AerisEvans7711)

Twas the night of the Breaking Dawn Premier

When Harry was taking a nap

He woke up and looked at his clock

Said a few swear words then cracked his back

He sprung out of his bed

As quick as a knack

Rushed down the stairs

And tripped over a crack

Tonight was the night all hell broke loose

And Harry didn't want to miss Twilight lose

He ran to Ron's house

And woke him with a fright

They both then kept on running

Right past the theater on the right

They ran into the Weasley Twins

Who wanted to join in the revenge

So the group doubled in size

Hoping to win the prize

Harry found his match

That darn Edward Cullen didn't dash

His dimwit girlfriend Bella on his side,

Staring blankly up at the skies

Ron took out his wand and shouted a cry

That dumb idiot Jasper went bye-bye

Draco Malfoy punch Jacob

The werewolf's face shattered

Ginny Weasley sliced Alice up

Like cold hard turkey on platter

Even Voldemort got a part

When he took out that block named Emmett

Now dear reader do you know what happens next?

If you think about it it's not at all hard to guess

Fred and George Weasley ran Bella and Edward's ass over with their new Lexus

So twas the night of the Breaking Dawn Premier

When everyone was at home watching the Help

The sparkling vampires we knew

Are no more

The End