So I have this thing going on Tumblr where I will let people come with a prompt to a Rorbastian fic but I only got like one and I was quite slow (shame on me).

So I did that but I'm not good at fighting scenes. Have to work at that but I'll hope you enjoy this

Prompt from: Anon
Summary: Rory is tired of Sebastian going after Blaine and making Blaine and Kurt annoyed, so he decides to give him a piece of his mind.
Genre: Romance/Friendship
Rating: K+
Prompt was: Can you write them beginning to date after a fight? Maybe something like Rory was mad at Sebastian for chasing after Blaine?

Go Out With Me

Rory was walking down the same staircase as Kurt did when he first visited Dalton. The difference was that Rory wasn't there to spy and he didn't try to blend in with the students.

He had not really an idea of where he was; he just knew what he should here. He should find Sebastian because even though Rory normally was a quiet boy and didn't really like to get involved in drama. But over the months he had been at McKinley he had gotten closer to Kurt and Blaine and he didn't like how annoyed they were getting because of Sebastian. Since neither of them would talk to him, Rory took it upon himself.

Rory looked around, trying to find out where the Warblers were supposed to be when he heard a voice behind him.

"I know a great ass when I see one and you obviously have one." Rory just knew it was Sebastian even though he hadn't really heard the voice that much.

He turned around and was faced with the gorgeous boy Sebastian was. Rory had completely forgot how gorgeous the other boy was but recovered quickly.

"YOU!" Rory said very loudly.

"Wow chill," Sebastian said.

"Stop going after Blaine!" Rory said and felt already a little bit uncomfortable standing in the middle of a hallway with Sebastian.

"What if I say no?" Sebastian just said with a smirk.

"You just stay away from them!" Rory said now angry. "You shouldn't even try to break them up! They are perfectly happy without you there! They have been so annoyed lately because you keep going after Blaine. He is not even interested!"

"Well, what if I felt something for him?"

"Then you would let him be with Kurt, unless you really are such a selfish person! If you really cared for him you wouldn't try to make him unhappy. He loves Kurt, get over it!"

Sebastian was surprised by how Rory had reacted. He then smirked. "Then go out with me."

"W-what?" stammered Rory.

"Go out with me. I guess that's how you can keep me away from Blaine," Sebastian said.

"Okay," Rory said unsure. He wasn't really sure why he would agree with it but Kurt and Blaine would be happy to get Sebastian of their backs besides, Sebastian was gorgeous and Rory did like boys too. What was the worst that could happen?

"Can't wait to get that ass," Sebastian said when he walked past Rory to Warbler practice. "I'll see you Rory."

Review if you want

And this "story" thing is going to be with various one-shots because it's stupid to make a new story every time I write a small fic.