Alright people, this is a shot at a second story that I'm writing. I'm not good at fluffy romantic stuff yet, but I'm planning to get better at it as I continue to write. If you're looking for lemons-you've come to the wrong place, so far. I might add them in; I'll have to think about it. If you're reading this, please, please review, and check out my other story, The Zombie Wars. I've been working on that one for a while now, but it has no relevance to PJATO.

I hope you will like the story, and I will try to update it as much as possible.



Chapter One: Last Day of High School

Percy groaned in annoyance when his alarm clock went off. His sleepy eyes looked over to the alarm-it read six-thirty in the morning. He groaned again and dragged himself out of bed, and walked to the bathroom. After showering and washing his face, he felt more awake, being a son of Poseidon and all, the water could strengthen him, not to mention, wake him up on a school day.

Percy wrapped a faded blue towel around his waist and turned left, back into his bedroom. It was a pretty simple room; his bed's headrest was pushed against the wall to the far right, by the door. There was a nightstand next to the bed that had a sea-green and blue lava lamp; and his evil alarm clock on it. And then to the left, was a desk, cluttered with papers, trash, pens, and pencils from late nights working on school work. And finally, over on the wall by the window, was a black Ikea dresser his mom had bought him a couple of Christmases back. He pulled back the two top smaller drawers and pulled out a pair of socks and a pair of blue striped boxers. Percy slid the drawers shut, and pulled two more drawers back, and pulled out a green and black striped shirt, and a pair of denim clad skinny jeans.

After he got dressed quickly, put some deodorant on, and slid his converse on, he walked out to the kitchen. He found his mom, making a huge breakfast, as always, "Good morning, Percy, how'd you sleep?" Percy smiled, "Great, mom." She smiled back and stacked two pancakes onto a plate, and poured enough syrup on them to give an elephant a heart attack, "Woah, that's way too much syrup. Believe me; I don't need to give myself a sugar rush on the last day of school." Sally let out a small sigh, "Oh, you're right. I'll just give them to Paul; he likes his with a lot of maple syrup." She left them on the counter, rushed over to Percy and kissed him on the head, "Aw…my little boy's last day of high school." Percy let out a small laugh, "Yeah." She leaned back to look at him, her eyes were misty, she hugged him, "You've gotten so big, how?" She said sarcastically. Sally let go of Percy, and he sat down at the kitchen table. His mom brought him a plate of pancakes, and a bottle of syrup, "There. You can put on as much as you'd like, now." Percy looked over to Sally, "Thanks." She smiled at her son.

Percy gobbled down his pancakes, and looked at his dark blue ICE watch, "I gotta go. Bye mom!" he said, while running into the bathroom. He brushed his teeth, grabbed his backpack, and ran down the apartment building stairs.

Percy speed-walked his way to the underground subway, he ran down the steps, dodging the people coming up the opposite way. He clicked his card into the machine, the barrier doors went green, and he walked down the steps to wait for his train. Percy made it just in time to catch the train, and he could hear the Metro voice, "Doors open, step back to allow customers to exit. When boarding, please move to the center of the car." He stepped into the subway car and gripped onto the subway bar, as it began to speed faster and faster down the tracks. Percy couldn't wait until the school day was over-why? He would go home and pack for camp Half Blood, and spend the summer there. Camp was probably his favorite place, and his favorite person would be there, too. His girlfriend-Annabeth. He sighed at the thought of her; she was his world, the one person who always had his back. The train screeched to a stop, and the automated voice came back on. He stepped out of the car, and began to make his way to the escalator, but something stopped him. He looked over to the graffiti covered tile walls, and there stood Nico, "Hey, Percy. How goes the life?" Percy smirked, "What's up, Nico?" Nico shrugged and shoved his hands into his aviator's jacket, his sheathed sword dangled from his belt. "There's something you need right?" Nico shrugged yet again, and Percy gave Nico a small noogie on his head, but the people passing by looked at Percy in a freaked-out sort of way, "Percy!" Nico said in a hissy whisper, "They can't see me!" Percy's hand went for a face-palm, "Right. Walk with me."

Percy led Nico up to the street level, and Percy looked at his watch again-seven thirty. He needed to be at his desk in a half hour, and when you're in New York, who knows how long it will take to get through the traffic. He had been late more than enough times from traffic getting to school. "So, just tell me what you need, Nico. I need to get to school, or my teacher will be out for my neck." Nico finally spat it out, "I need some cash, and some retail therapy might relieve some stress. Dad won't give me any, 'cause he says I'm not 'responsible' with money." Percy had to agree with Hades on that one, when Nico had his hands on cash, he would go and spend it all on stuff he really didn't need. But Percy was feeling generous today, so he pulled a twenty out of his wallet, "Don't spend it on something stupid, alright?" Nico smirked evilly, "Can't make any promises!" and in a blink of an eye, he had shadow traveled back to the Underworld. Percy rushed through the crowd of people to get to school, and he was walking in just as the tardy bell went off. His teacher, Mr. Mulder squinted at him over his glasses. Mr. Mulder was by far the meanest teacher ever; he looked like a bulldog morphed into a human, with a double chin, piggy eyes, and a balding head. Percy had his back to the teacher to open his desktop, when Mr. Mulder said, "Mister Jackson!" Percy jumped so much that the desk slammed shut, "Would you like to tell me why you're late to class?" He sat down in his trashy desk and put his books under his seat, "My cousin needed my help on something." Mr. Mulder quirked his eyebrow is disbelief, "What exactly did he need your help on?" What doesn't he need my help on, why don't you tell me that? Percy thought to himself, sighing as well, "Mister Mulder, I think…instead of nosing around in my business, you should start class." The teacher stuck his nose up, wobbled out of his seat to the whiteboard, and began to instruct class. Percy barely paid attention, if any at all, and drifted off into a daydream, and it was the same thing all day, until he went back home.