A/N: Sorry for the long wait everyone! It's been a while since I felt like writing. A bit of a weird chapter for me.

Disclaimer: I OWN NOTHING!

Drawn To You

Marcus POV

I was lost in deep thought, as I sat with my brothers in our usual spot in the throne room, thinking about Alec's reaction to Bella. It was very interesting to see him hovering over the young human, seeming not to notice how he always seemed too gravitated towards her whenever she was around. It amused me to no end.

"Pray tell what keeps you grinning brother?" Aro asked me with amusement, and I glanced his way, wondering if I should reveal to him my thoughts or not.

"Just the youth my brother" I answered him cryptically, bringing my thoughts back towards the young ones.

"Yes I have been delighted, enthralled, and deeply entertained as well by them" knowing exactly where my thoughts lay

"How about you Caius?" we are deeply fascinated with our brother's reaction, he who always seemed as though he were half asleep; he was surely wide awake now.

"I have no thoughts or opinions about such matters" he dismissed us in a bored tone, which we clearly saw this as he being in denial; it was obvious that he seemed to be more wide awake since Bella's arrival, but his pride was something he hid behind so no one was none the wiser about his real feelings.

Aro and I both dismissed his odd behaviour with a smirk and a nod of our heads; we left our brother to squander in his delusions and astuteness.

Caius POV

I would never reveal how I truly felt about Bella, because they would think me insane. My curiosity peaked at the sight of her, and I wanted to know her like everyone else obviously was, but my pride was like a wall preventing me from doing irrational things such as this

I looked at the young couple, knowing that something would eventually come of them, and only time would tell when that would be exactly.

Something inside me delved in what humans call jealousy; jealousy in the young Volturi getting to know her more intimately than I was ever going to be able to, I felt like I was being betrayed, though no one was doing me any harm.

I sighed in pittance of who I was becoming, this girl was changing us all and she didn't even know it.

I am glad my brothers didn't press me on for my emotions or thoughts. For that I was thankful indeed.


I was beyond amused and delighted to see the mixed emotions playing against my brothers features; I have not in my hundred years ever seen him behave in such a manner. Nothing ever interests him, and if he were a mere mortal human, you would think him asleep, with the stature that he carries himself at times.

I was indeed grateful for this young Bella. She has definitely become a great addition to our coven, and I know when she is ready to let us see her true potential, she will surpass any Vampire in the world, and she will end up being our queen.

The though definitely amused me in so many ways. For the first time in my life, I felt great and utter excitement for what was to come in the future.

"Brothers I have a great idea!" I announced louder than I ever intended too, and everyone looked at me like I had gone utterly mad by my outburst.

"Pray tell brother. Don't keep us in suspense" Marcus said in amusement, his lips twittering with what one would call a chuckle.

"We shall have a ball" I declared before sitting back down and folding my elbows and bringing my hands to touch one another in an embrace of sorts.

"Whatever for brother?" Caius asked in a mock bored tone. I knew my brother better than the fake bored tone he plastered over his true emotions.

"We always have a ball to celebrate an addition to our coven" I knew that was half a lie, we only have balls when a new member joins the upper guard, and there hasn't been an upper guard since we found Felix three hundred years ago. And our last ball had been twenty years ago.

"We had a ball ten years ago" Marcus said with amusement.

"I think your memory has finally combusted dear brother" Caius said with utter amusement, a barrelling laughing cascading from his lips, like he has been holding one for the last hundred years.

"Oh keep your words Caius and Marcus! I was merely being dramatic, as one does when they need to be" I knew my brothers were just mocking me, and knew me like they knew themselves, but I couldn't help to play in their trap of humour once in a while.

"Oh dear my ears fails me?" Marcus feigned in the same dramatics, and clutched his frozen heart.

"Were my ears just blessed by thy words brother? Please pray tell?" Caius played along, and Aro would have flustered if such actions were worthy of such being as themselves.

"Oh brothers, our actions have acclaimed that we need this ball!" he stated to everyone.

"Felix, call a meeting with the upper guards, and summon Renata and Heidi in to help with the planning"

"Of course master" Felix bowed and did his best to mask his true feelings of what he had just experience; no one would believe him he thought with amusement.

Felix POV

I chuckled at the site I had just left; did my masters just behave so uncandid? I shook my head and that is how Heidi had found me, looking at me with an ill-face.

"Are you feeling rather unhinged at the moment Felix?" she asked me in her delightful English accent.

"I think I am Heidi" I agreed with her perplexed face of being agreed to such an insult.

"Pray tell for such unbecomingness please" she asked with amusement.

"We are having a ball, and our Masters want the upper guard to meet right now. So please help me recruit everyone now" she nodded her head in delight, and was gone before I knew it, calling people's names as she went towards where she knew they would be.

"What's with the face Lix?" Jane asked with amusement, so blunt.

"We are having a ball Jane and our Masters requests the upper guard's presence immediately"

"I see. I shall call Bella and Alec now"

What is with everyone just speeding off like that?

Jane POV

I was so excited about the ball that we were all having! I sped to Bella's Balcony, where I knew my brother would be situated as well.

"Alec I'm coming in" I told him just above a whisper, but I knew he had heard me; by the way he silently huffed with my news of my arrival. He obviously didn't want to be interrupted.

"Bella has enveloped me inside one of her books Jane, is your interruptions necessary?"

"Sorry Alec, we are being summoned to the throne room by our masters, bring Bella with you. Can I just come in please?"

"Of course you're welcome to come in sister" he answered in a tone that would look like he was just barely moving his mouth.

I walked in human speed, making sure to be loud enough to alert Bella that I was entering the room.

"Bella, Alec. We are being summoned to the throne room immediately"

"Whatever for sister" Alec asked me curiously.

"Felix said we are going to be having a ball" I squealed with excitement.

"A Ball? Whatever for? We haven't had a ball in ten years, and even then it is to welcome a new member to the guard"

"I guess that is why we are being summoned to the throne room dear brother" I replied.

Bella put her things away, and we waited patiently till she had finished what she was doing before we walked towards the throne room together.

Bella POV

I was very curious to find out what the brothers were up to. A ball sounded like it was going to be grand and very expensive. A place where I hoped I wasn't going to be forced to wear a grand dress and try and impress every single face in the room.

I was only a mere human, what would happen to me in a room full of vampires. I knew Alec and Jane would protect me for dear life, but would the rest of the guard be willing to do the same.

I was also curious to who exactly would be invited to these balls? All of the vampiric covens? Did that mean the Cullen's would be attending as well?

Before I knew it, we were standing in front of the brothers.

"Bella, so we are assuming that you have heard the news of a ball being held in the castle?"

"Yes" I said with a smile, and wait for the brothers to continue talking.

"The ball will be held in accordance to celebrating the birth of the Volturi Princess" Marcus spoke next, and the room became utterly quiet with shock.

"Volturi Princess?" I asked them curiously. My heart speeding up.