"For a long time, the Sohma family has been cursed that makes certain members transform into animals on the Chinese Zodiac whenever they are embraced by someone of the opposite sex. This curse also affects our personalities, too. That's probably why Kyo and I get along like the typical 'cat and rat'." Yuki explained, flawlessly. Sakura and Tohru placed the Sohma boys on the ground.

"A curse, aye?" Naruto said in a surprisingly up-beat way considering the current situation. "We're got some great ninjas in this village, maybe Lady Tsunade can help you! By the way, Tsunade is the Hokage, the leader."

To the rest of the teams surprise, Narutos idea was actually pretty logical.

"Hey, Yuki, you should've added that when we turn back we-" Kyo was cut off by a puff of smoke. When the smoke cleared, it showed a rather embraced naked Yuki and Kyo.

"We're completely naked…" Yuki finished.

At the sight of the nude boys, Tohru was all flustered, searching for their clothing, Sakura was taking it all in, and Naruto, Sasuke and Kakashi turned away awkwardly.

Considering everything that had just happened, Kakashi ordered his subordinates to pack up and abandon this 'mission'.