Hello fellow Austin and Ally fans! I haven't really written any fanfiction in a while, but after watching Austin and Ally, I just had so many ideas. I'm not really into Disney shows, but I feel like this one is different than most of them nowadays, and I like it a lot. I like the idea I have for this story, but I don't know how this turned out. Please let me know what you think, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask!
Disclaimer: I do not own Austin and Ally.
Ally Dawson stared at the little cheap piece of plastic in her hand and sighed. She sat the piece of plastic on the counter, figuring no matter how long she was to stare at it, the indication on it would remain the same. She stepped towards the sink, and cupped her hands together to let the cool water fill them. She brought her hands up to her face, carefully splashing the water on her skin, washing away the small beads of sweat that had begun to form.
Ally turned off the faucet and stepped back so she was leaning against her bathroom wall. She let her back slide down in, as she curled onto the floor. She kept telling herself that all of this was a nightmare, but she just couldn't wake up.
As if she didn't already have enough to deal with, she was supposed to be working on a new song for Austin before the end of the week, and watch the store until her parents came back from a conference. Ally guessed that this new revelation was more important than the other two things, but she couldn't just drop those things and sulk about it.
What am I going to do?
The question lingered in her mind as she stared at the sickening white color tiled floor. Shaking herself out of the trance, she pushed herself off the floor and looked into the mirror above the sink. She looked like herself, as nothing was noticeably different. She ran her fingers through her hair, brushing a piece off of her face, and tried to put on a small smile.
A loud bang sound at the bathroom door caused Ally to jump, and reach her hand to her heart. "Ally!" a familiar voice called, "Can you hurry up in there? I need to check my hair!" Ally rolled her eyes at her good friend and music partner, Austin Moon.
"Just a second," she responded, taking one last glance in the mirror before turning towards the door, turning the knob and swinging the door open. She only saw a flash of Austin's hair as he whizzed past her into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him as he went in. Ally chucked to herself, as she made her way downstairs to the store.
Sonic Boom was usually a busy store, but it had an unusually low number of guests for the day, so Ally's job was pretty easy. She decided to sit down on one of the couches in the corner of the store with her songbook and try to scribble down a few lyrics before someone needed assistance.
Ally's hand ran her pen over an empty page as a thought came to her, but it wasn't lyrics to a song. Instead, it was a list of the things that she would need to do if the piece of plastic was actually right. Again, she told herself that it wasn't true, it was just a dream, but she knew that she was lying to herself.
Loud footsteps were heard coming down the steps, and Ally didn't even turn to look, knowing it was only Austin.
"Ally!" he yelled from across the store. She turned around, and instantly took note of the expression on his face. He looked half confused, and half upset. "What?" Ally asked, closing her book as she stood up from the chair.
"Can you come up here for a minute?" he asked, stopping at the bottom of the steps. Ally looked around the store, and noticed that it was completely empty.
Ally nodded, walking towards the steps and following Austin up them.
"Are you okay Austin?" Ally asked, watching him take weird breaths as he walked slowly in front of her. Austin stopped, and turned around to face her. "I'm fine, Ally, just, come here,"
Ally raised an eyebrow, and Austin turned back around, stepping into her practice room.
Austin sat down on the piano bench, and patted beside him to motion for Ally to sit there. She did, and looked up at him, confused.
"I found something in the bathroom," he paused, reaching his hand into his pocket. Ally's heart almost stopped, her mind having a mini flashback of her leaving the plastic test sitting on the counter, exposed so anyone could see it. She mentally kicked herself, and let out a sigh, as she watched Austin's fingers grip onto the item wrapped in a wad of toilet paper.
He laid it flat in his hand, unwrapping some of the toilet paper to expose what it was.
A positive pregnancy test.
Ally didn't know what to say, and she looked up and saw Austin mumbling something, then staring at her waiting for an answer. She didn't know what he had just said, and just looked back down to that stupid piece of plastic in his hand.
She reached out for it, and gripped it tightly in her hand.
"Is it yours, Ally?" Austin asked, in a soft voice.
Ally nodded, keeping her head down. A question still pushed in her mind.
What am I going to do?