Authors note: I am going to start to use Sarah in this chapter so please bare with me if it starts to get confusing. Disclaimer: I do not own, Pretty Little Liars or NCIS. I do not own the characters either all right go to ABC Family or Donald Bellisario

They were landing in D.C, Aria couldn't wait to get off the plane because it was making her classafobic. "Mike, Mike, Mike!" Aria said shaking her brother awake. "Wha?" Mike asked groggily. "Were landing." Aria said. "Oh," Mike said.

10 minutes later...

They were all off the plane and they had the luggaged. "Dad, when are we going to be at uncle Jethro's?" Mike asked. "It's about a 20 minute drive from here, so about a half an hour." Byron said. "Oh." Mike said. "Um...Byron can you drop me off at this address." Spencer asked handing him a piece of paper with her brother address on it. "Will do." Byron told her. "Thanks." Spencer replied. Once they were all seated in the rental van that, Byron rented they started to leave the car park away, from the crowded airport.

Aria was staring out the window, when her cell phone dinged. Aria looked at it and sighed. It was Ezra. It said Aria, I never go a reply from my last text. I hope we can be friends, still. Hanna and Emily have already came over here and told me they knew about 'us' and started to interaggate me and Hanna punched me, for apparently, letting you walked out of my life. I don't know. Man her punches hurt. Say Hi to you mom and dad for me. Byron know's you have my cell number because of your parents being my friends and all. So have a nice life in D.C. I hope to here from you.

E.F "Dad, Mom. says Hi." Aria said almost saying his first name. Aria thought about it for a minute then she decided to text back. "Ezra, I know I haven't been a happy camper lately. Truth is that I couldn't stand by and watch Jackie, slowly, creep back up in your life, our once upon a time life. I love you don't you forget that, even though we are over, you will always have a place in my heart. I have to tell you something. It's something you should know. Jackie told me it when she seen me at the Grille, with her daughter, Summer Fitz.' You have a daughter, go be a father to her. It is the reason why I broke up with you. I'm sorry but it had to be done. I also can't lie to you anyone, it pains me to, but if we kept seeing each other, one of us was going to get hurt and i would have had to keep lying to you. Give Jackie my number, 906-5547. Please.

XOXO, Aria.

Aria replied and after she sent it, again looked out the window.


"This better be good, DiNozzo." Gibbs said letting Tony step into the house. "I recieved a, ah disturbing text message." Tony told him. "What kind of disturbing text?" Gibbs asked. "Take a look for your self." Tony said handing him his phone. The text said. 'Only 2 can keep a secret if one of them is dead. Stay close to Aria, unless you her want to end up like her friend Alison DiLaurentis. I've killed 2 and I will kill another if you don't. -A
"Who sent this?" Gibbs asked with worry in his voice. "I-I don't know." Tony stuttered. "Only 2 can keep a secret, what does that mean?" Gibbs asked himself. "It means if 2 people have a secret and if one of the people is dead that know the secret, then they can't tell anyone about the secret." Tony said. "Nice. Who's Alison?" Gibbs asked. "Alison is a friend of Aria's that was murdered 2 years back." Tony told Gibbs.


"Aria, text Hanna and Em, tell her we are in D.C" Spencer told Aria. "Will do." Aria said. "Han, Em. We are here. Stop torturing Ezra, I broke up with him." Aria texted them.

They were pulling to an apartment building, were her brother lives. "Nice to see you ole building." Spencer paused then asked Aria told help her bring some of her stuff up. "Sure." Aria agreed and followed Spencer out of the van to help her.


Tim was sitting in front of his type writer trying to think of a new story to write, but so far not good. There was a knock at the door, he groaned and got up to answer it. "He's grumpy." Spencer whispered to Aria. Tim opened the door not even bothering to look through the peep hole. "Hey Tim." Spencer said putting her bags down and hugging her brother. "Sarah?" Tim asked surprised. "Yea." Spencer said, "Who's this?" Tim asked pointing to Aria. "This is my best friend Aria Montgomery. She also is going to be living in D.C." Spencer said with a smile. "Ah...Sarah, Spencer, whatever you call yourself, where can I put these." Aria said anxious to see her uncle. "Over there." Tim said pointing to the first room on the right. "Aria got to the door when her and Sarah's phone rang. They both tensed to the sound. Spencer slowly took out her phone and so did Aria. They looked at it and it read. 'The little Liars are all split up, two in D.C and two in Rosewood. Thought you would get away from me? You must of not learned you lesson when you blocked me and thought you lost me. I'd watch your backs, something might be gaining on you. -A' Aria looked at Sarah and quickly looked away.

Aria picked up the bags and put them in the room then left. "So that is the girl, Tony is in love with." Tim said to Sarah. "That's who she was talking too?" Sarah asked. "Yea. What was with that, Spencer, Sarah thing?" Tim asked. "Umm...Mom and Dad let me change my name to Spencer." Sarah replied. "So it's Spencer now?" Tim replied. "Yea." Sarah replied.


"What are we going to do?" Tony asked. "We, you mean you. YOU are going to do what it say's while I get McGee to trace it." Gibbs told Tony. There was a knock at the door, and then Aria, Byron, Ella and Mike all walked in. "Hey, uncle Gibbs." Aria said walking over to him and giving him a hug. "Hi. Aria. Everyone." Gibbs said. Aria pulled away from the hug and only just noticing Tony. He had a look of concerned and scared on his face. "Follow me downstairs. Please." Tony asked. "S-sure." Aria said.

They walked downstairs and Tony turned around and handed her his cell phone with the text on the screen. "Oh, My, God." Aria said reading the text. "You this -A person?" Tony asked. "No. But look." Aria said. Showing Tony her text's from -A. "I'm still here bitches, and I know everything -A" Tony read in a whisper. "Yea, then there was this one before it. " Aria said showing him the one about the teacher making out seasion in the car when she got home. "When students kiss teachers. Someone gets HURT. That's a promise I'll keep. -A" Aria read to him. "You had an affair with your teacher?" Tony asked. "Shut up and keep your trap shut." Aria told him. "We're going to the police about this." Tony said. "No, I can't. It's Alison's murderer and maybe even Ian's. So I can't and now that your involved, stay quiet about this." Aria said. "Your uncle Gibbs knows." Tony told her. "You'll have to tell him to keep his trap shut too won't you." Aria said walked over to the steps. "We should get back." Aria said walking up the staris.