-waves to everyone- Hello my faithful readers! Sorry for such a long wait. I've had a MAJOR writer's block since last year, and nothing would come out! Plots were formed, but I COULDN'T PUT IT TO PAPER. Puu…..
Kuro: -pats head- Me and the other muses even stopped appearing on Facebook. It was… pretty bad. Thankfully, it's over.
Indeed! 2013 is my year! My mind has cleared, inspiration is back, and I've picked up my pencil again~
Kuro:-nods and begins to stap the remote-
So- -stops, staring at Kuro-.. My remote…. WHY KURO?!
Kuro: because it has too many buttons. I don't like it.
B But my Doctor Who… My Little Pony…
Kuro: -completely destroying the thing-
Noooo! -drops to floor dead- X.x
Kuro: Really?
Kuro-Sighs- we'll she's useless now… I guess I have to do this myself. Axis Powers Hetalia and all related characters belong to Hidekaz-sama. The Idea/concept is purely hers. "Dirty Little Secret: lyrics belong to the All American Rejects and their recording company. Light, Di. This story update goes out especially to the both of you, who have waited more then anyone. Sorry.
-jumps up- Domi! I'm sorry for the wait! Really I am! I hope you're not mad! -hugs tightly But story is here! So do not fret! I really hope it's good enough for you dear!
Kuro:-shrugs a bit, seeming indifferent- Whatever. A reads a read right?
Now, to the story! Hope you guys enjoy it! -cookie-

You are the only one that needs to know

I'll keep you
my dirty little secret
(Dirty little secret)
Don't tell anyone or you'll
be just another regret
(Just another regret
Hope that you can keep it)
My dirty little secret

Who has to know?

"Damn remote! Why the hell do you have so many buttons?!"

Kuro growled once again, slapping the remote against the table as he slumped back into the couch with a slight pout. Why, why couldn't he understand the stupid thing? It should've been easy~

"You damn thing…. Nothing will over power me! I am Imperial Japan goddammit! I will learn to use you!"

He grabbed the control again, looking at each individual button and its function that was written underneath. His brow furrowed, already growls of frustration escaping Kuro at the symbols before blinking.

"What the…"

Towards the bottom, a single button stood out. Unlike its neighbours, the symbol was missing. Upon closer inspection, you could clearly see it had been blacked out with some sort of marker.


Catiously, Kuro aimed the remote towards the television, and pressed the button.

'Choose your selection.'

A list sprawled across the screen, names of movies Kuro had never heard of filling it. (Strange. Japan had made sure Kuro knew every movie…) The movie list seemed to continue down for a few more pages, but because he still had no clue how the stupid remote worked, Kuro merely stared at the screen, and the first movie on the list.

His curiosity peaked, he looked again at the remote, pressing the small button with play written by it. A slight smile of satisfaction pulled at the corner of his lips as the screen showed the loading of his movie choice. He could use it!


Placing the remote back on the table, the former nation leaned back into the seat, crossing his arms across his chest while one leg crossed over his knee. Whatever this was, he was at least going to enjoy it comfortably.

It didn't take long for Kuro to understand why the button was blacked out, and why Kiku had never told him about these movies. His crossed legs began to irritate him, face turning different shades of red as his little 'movie' continued.

What the hell was Kiku watching?

And even with the slight horror and shock gripping him, he couldn't tear his eyes away, couldn't find himself to shut it off. He was enjoying this, especially the thoughts of Kiku that began to cloud his mind. He leaned forward, head lying in his hands which were now balancing on his legs. Soon he started to commit the video to his memory.

Every move, every reaction.

The movie soon ended, and a small smile crossed over Kuro's lips. Not his rare smile, that he would flash Kiku. This was his usual cruel grin.

Oh how tonight was going to be fun.

Quickly, Kuro ran to his room, pulling on his jacket before heading back to his door. With his backpack in hand, he slipped into his sneakers, rushing out the door into the cool spring air.

-stays silent- what where YOU watching Kuro?!
Kuro: nothing~ -merely grins-
Uh-huh… -rolls eyes- Sure you weren't. So Chapter two finished! Chapter three? Well I'll upload it after I finish our final Moment. Hope you guys liked it. A cookie to anyone who can guess what type of movie he was watching!
Kuro:… -just stays silent eating marshmallows-
Bye guys!

R&R because Reviews are love~!