Le Gasp! Its been like month and some (at least that's how I feel) since I updated this fic. Um yeah I realize that the last chapter was a bit rushed but now is when you see why it was so fast paced. So yeah read on….ill rant after the chapter . so heres chappie 10

BOOM! An explosion could be heard outside of the tent. It wasn't too loud, but just loud enough to wake up a sleeping teenager from his "forced slumber". Kid's eyes fluttered open slowly as his confused brain tried to comprehend the situation he was in. He felt a jabbing pain in his right shoulder. NO! How could it be in just the right shoulder? He looked to see the cause of his asymmetrical pain, only to find a sleeping dart (nicely labeled: "sleeping dart) injected into his shoulder. He looked at the rest of his body; he was lying on his side, half of his body inside the tent, and half of it outside. Although the part that with ears was inside of the tent, the sounds of fighting could be audible heard. He crawled outside and squinted as the sun burned his eyes. When they had adjusted to the light, the thing he saw forced his memories back.

In front of Kid's tent, Stein and Maka stood in a cloud of dust. Stein was trying to blast his soul wavelength into the girl, while she was blocking his attack. They both appeared to be using their full strength. Liz, Patty, Tsubaki, and Black Star lay scattered around the two, bruised and scratched. Kid got up, and rushed to his boyfriend's side. He was unconscious.

"Welcome to the land of the living, Sleeping Beauty!" Stein grunted at Kid.

Kid turned to face the maniacal man and glared at him.

"Did you do this?" Kid stood and continued to stare at Stein.

"Why yes, isn't it nice? I was simply following orders….You were asked to be brought back unharmed, but asleep. As for your friends..heheh!" Stein advanced on Maka a little as her strength was running out.

"That's a shame." Kid smirked, "because a little beauty rest was all I needed!" The boy lunged at Stein and threw him off balance, giving Maka a moment to regain her strength.

While Kid distracted him, Maka came up from behind and bashed him over the head with her scythe. He fell to the ground, and didn't get back up. Maka fell to her knees out of exhaustion. Kid thought to what had started this: Stein found them, fought Black Star and Tsubaki, then

injected Kid with the sleeping dart. Somehow he had defeated Liz and Patty along the way.

Maka and Kid sat in silence.

"Meow?" Blaire came out from behind a bush, first-aid kits in hand.

Kid and Maka stared blankly at her.

"Sillies! Don't just sit there. Help me!" she began to bandage the wounded teenagers that were scattered about the ground.

"Right." Maka and Kid went over to her and each grabbed a kit.

Maka's scythe transformed into Soul, who Maka went over to first. The two helped each other apply the medications to each other's wounds. Kid went over to Black Star and gently shook his shoulder. He got no response so he gently applied medication to Black Star's wounds. Liz and Patty had woken up and Liz helped patty, while Blaire bandaged Tsubaki.

Stein still lay there unconscious.

"Well, what do we do about him?" Maka motioned towards the man.

"Lucky for us, a cute guy in town loaned me this about a week ago." Blaire pointed to a motor home that anyone will swear wasn't there five minutes ago.

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooh!" Patty rushed over to the shiny vehicle.

"The design…it's…PERFECTLY SYMMETRICAL!" Kid followed Patty over to the trailer.

Stein stirred in his spot.

"Okay well we gotta go whether it's pretty or not!" Maka rushed up, pulling Soul along with her, and boarded the motor-home.

Black Star woke up and looked around, taking in his surroundings.

"Hey, you're up." Kid helped Black Star up.

"Yeah…What's that?" he groggily pointed at the trailer home.

"Um," Kid saw Stein's movement, "it's something we need to get on right now!" he grabbed his boyfriends hand and boarded.

Everyone else boarded the bus and Blaire took the driver seat.

"Are you sure were safe driving with you?" Soul glared at Blaire with a look of uncertainty.

"Of course, Silly! How hard could it be?" she started to drive and didn't fail too badly at it.

Black Star and Kid were cuddling in a bunk bed at the back.

"When Stein had put me to sleep, I had a really great dream." Kid smiled at Black Star.

"Oh yeah? Bout' what?"

"I had dreamed that my dad had accepted our relationship, and given us an extremely nice home"

"Oh well it could happen." Black Star sighed and snuggled up closer.

They sat in silence for some time, until their snoring broke the silence. They weren't the only tired people there, though. Everyone except Blaire was catching their fair share of Z's. They slept and slept and slept. They slept for minutes, then hours, then after a whole nine hours of driving, Blaire decided it was time to retire for the night. She parked the trailer in the middle of a clump of trees. They had driven into an area that seemed to be a mix of forest and desert terrain. She turned off the vehicle and found a place to sleep. Unfortunately, a clump of trees won't prevent a certain pair of eyes from watching them…

Yay! Time to ramble! OK so last time I was just starting D. Gray Man and Pandora Hearts animes and I have finished all available English dubbed d gray man and watched 5 episodes of the subbed third season. I finished Pandora hearts (or atleast whats available) and have started the d gray man manga! And and and I'm going to an anime convention in 18 days and I'm so excited but stressed because I have to finish my cosplay (oz vessalius). So yeah bleh I have started playing minecraft and its my new drug (cuz I had an old drug…jk). And I haven't written because my life revolves around hw atm and I fit all those things in with it and then I have no time to write…besides I'm not really interested in soul eater anymore. So bleh review please thnx. Oh yes and sorry for no romance this chapter..im your leaving cuz no romance plz tell me