Here it is – the epilogue of the sequel to my most popular fanfiction has arrived! ^^ I hope you enjoyed it!

Hermione breathed a heavy sigh of relief as the glass vial passed from her fingers safely into the hands of Mr. Sulliman. He was the last person on her list. This was it. She had finally healed every last person who had contracted the curse-disease. It had taken a lot of time, effort, and pain, but she had gotten through it.

Now she had some important business to attend to, and she knew Ginny would kill her if she wasn't ready in a half an hour. She untied her apron as she ran out of her office, shutting off the lights and locking the door as she went. She hung her apron on a peg outside the door and passed through the kitchen, where Draco was reading the newspaper. "You've got twenty-five minutes," he said as she passed.

"I know!" She exclaimed, jogging quickly up the stairs. She entered the bathroom, ripping off her clothing and starting the shower at the same time. She was in and out in five minutes, had her hair dried in a few seconds, and was changing into her dress in the blink of an eye.

"Draco?" she called, struggling to work up her zipper.

She heard him plod up the stairs, seeing him in the bedroom just a few moments later. "Yeah?"

"Do me up, please?"

He smiled and stepped into the room, quickly doing the zipper up the back of her yellow Matron of Honour gown. She sighed and spun around once, sliding on her shoes. "How do I look?"

"Tired," Draco responded, hands wrapped tightly around a mug of coffee. He smiled. "But gorgeous."

Hermione grinned and leaned forward to peck her husband on the cheek.

"Alright, we'd better get going," she said then, tightening Draco's tie. She set his coffee on the dresser and took his hand. Together they apparated to the Weasley home.

Hermione's feet were killing her and those appetizers were calling her name. The ceremony was lasting too long and all she wanted to do was run back to Draco. But she was incredibly happy for her best friend and besides, Draco was Blaise's best man. He would never leave his best friend's side, just like she knew he would never leave her side.

She knew she should probably be focusing on the marriage of her best friend, but couldn't help letting her mind wander to her own marriage. It was…perfect. She was so happy, and she couldn't wait for tonight. She had some very special news to share with Draco, but didn't want the news to spoil the wedding.

They kissed, and Hermione cried tears of joy. Then she went straight to the food, avoided the alcohol, sat down for a while, and danced with Draco and, finally, the two made their way home.

"You tired?" Draco mumbled as the two fell into bed. He snuggled closely against his wife, hugging her in close.

"M-hm…" she mumbled sleepily. "I guess living for two can be a little tiring sometimes."

Draco froze. "For two…?"

Hermione smiled and turned to face her husband. "I'm pregnant."

A grin spread slowly and widely across Draco's face. He swallowed. "Really?"

"No, not really, I'm joking," Hermione replied, rolling her eyes. She grinned. "Of course really!"

She burst out laughing and hugged Draco tightly.

"You're pregnant!" Draco exclaimed.

"I know!" She replied, still laughing.

"We're going to have a family!" he continued.

"We are!"

"I love you!"

Hermione laughed. "I love you, too, Draco."

Whoa, ending! ^^ I hope you liked this story. I'm kind of iffy on it (especially because the original got 400 reviews and this only got 50, all of which I am so happy with and thank you all so much because you're fantastic!) but that's okay because I liked writing this. I had a blast, and you guys made it more awesome than it was. Thank you guys for being so perfect! I love you all! ^^ Mwah!