Disclaimer: I do not own Smallville or anyone or anything in Smallville.

Rating: Rated for sexual situations, language and possible violent situations.

Summary: Takes place first in Season 9 episode 17 - "Checkmate" in the episode when Chloe is kidnapped and then back to Season 1 just before the Pilot. Captured by Checkmate, Chloe is shot. Turns out Brainiac may have changed her meteor power more than she knew.

Pairing: Chlark.

Author: Darkfirelight.

Clark dashed out the door towards the room Chloe was in as fast as possible. As he smashed the door in everyone turned, firing their guns, even as the lights went out. He systematically knocked the hired lackeys out making his way around the room, stopping the bullets as fast as he could. Seeing the final lackey firing straight at Chloe he dashed forwards, pushing him backwards to crack his head on the wall. He spun to catch the bullet... And missed.

His eyes widened and he sprung forwards as fast as he could... But not fast enough.

Chloe heard the door smash open, she heard screams and gunshots, they registered to her senses for all of around five seconds, along with the brief gusts of wind that went through the room, and then... "NOOOOO!"


"GHUH!" She gasped, breathing heavily as she awoke. "Wha?"

She shot up out of... bed? 'What?' She quickly looked around, noting the cream walls, the light-blue bed, the... room she had lived in since she had moved to Smallville at Thirteen. "What the hell?"


She looked over, wide-eyed, to see her dad frowning at her. She gulped and mumbled out a, "Sorry dad." As she thought over her situation. Something she hadn't told any of her friends, not wanting their pity, was that her father had died a few years ago, whilst Bizarro was around masquerading as Clark. "A-am I dead?"

He quirked an eyebrow at her. "No, but you're late!" He grinned.

She blinked. "...Excuse me?"

"You're late for school." He rolled his eyes. "Teenagers, I swear, half the time you're off in a world of your own!"

She stood up and looked to the side, dazed, to regard herself in the mirror, her eyes widening as she took in her form, clothed in her ensemble, things she hadn't worn in years, and looking younger than before. "Uhhh." She stared, confused, then quickly shook it off and decided to play along. "Right, of course, late for school. Of course I am. I'll just... Get in the car."

"Sorry honey, but you'll have to get the bus today, I've got to be at work in a little while." He smiled apologetically.

She looked back up at him from where she was tying her shoelaces and couldn't help but gawk a little. "O- Okay." She grinned at him falsely. "Thanks anyway."

He smiled back at her. "You have a nice day at school, don't do anything I wouldn't do." He quickly pulled her into a hug and then left, waving oddly as he did, making her giggle.

She smiled until he had left the room and then turned back to the mirror, frowning in contemplation. She pulled the collar of her shirt down and both of her eyebrows raised as she saw smooth, pale skin where there had once been a small, circular scar from Clark's heat vision, something she had always used to remind herself to be wary of others. "Huh, I guess I really have gone back in time." She pondered on who to see and what to do. "I guess for now I'll just pretend that I'm, well... Me." She pursed her lips and straightened her shoulders. "Time to... Go to school. I can't believe I just said that." She grinned.

'Ugh, one thing I didn't miss about highschool, the smell and noise.' She grimaced as she got onto the bus, smelling the sweat and body odors of the various people crowding the bus, most of them talking at the top of their lungs.

"Hello mademoiselle." Pete made as if to do a seated bow in his seat, making him look as though he were about to fall out of it.

She grinned back at him, "Well, hello good sir." She performed an exaggerated curtly. He laughed as he scooted over to let her sit next to him on the bus. "Sleep well."

She bit her lip as she sat. 'You could say that.' Out loud, however, she answered; "Yeah, great!" Pulling up all of her acting skills to muster as honest a smile as she could.

For several minutes they just sat in silence as the bus drove along the road and then Pete turned to her and, grinning, said; "Five bucks says Clark's late for the bus."

She smirked back at him, feeling nostalgic, "And why would I make a suckers' bet like that?"

He raised an eyebrow at her, "You never know, he could be on time." He smirked. "Or is it that you're afraid to 'gamble'?"

She snickered at him and then replied; "Alright then, how about five bucks says he's late... As my bet? Unless you're afraid." She cooed, grinning.

"Ah..." He looked taken aback for a second, and then looked away, frowning. "You're a mean, cruel woman." She laughed into her hand and then turned to regard the Kent farm as they came up to it. 'Hasn't changed a bit.' She smiled warmly, and then blinked as she realized that Jonathan Kent would still be alive and Clark still... Well... Human. 'This is gonna be awkward.'

Then her eyes lit up slightly as the bus continued on without Clark. 'Or not.' She giggled as she saw him frown, like a kicked puppy, at the bus as they turned the corner, heading through town to reach the School.

They waited for everyone else to get off the bus and then exited themselves. Pete turned to her, "So, anyone asked you to the dance yet?" She eyed him, "Actually, I don't think I'm going to go."

He pouted at her, "Why not?"

She smiled slightly at him, apologetic, "Unfortunately, I'm going to be busy on that day, sorry Pete."

He frowned at her. "You work way too hard."

She watched Clark turn the corner and hid a knowing grin, burying it as she turned to face him. "Hey guys!" She pretended to look confused. "How'd you get here so fast?" He looked away and she saw him stifling a grin out of the corner of her eye. 'Cheeky son-of-a... He's enjoying this!' She bit her lip to prevent herself from laughing, hiding her shaking shoulders with a pseudo-confused tilt-of-the-head. "I took a shortcut."

She smiled to herself and then decided, 'Why not break the trend?' She pretended to look considering for a second and then shrugged, replying; "Okay."

Both Pete and Clark turned to look at her, looking surprised, and asked in synchronization, without realizing it; "'Okay', Chloe, are you feeling alright?"

She raised an eyebrow, "Of course, why wouldn't I be?" Clark furrowed his eyebrows, looking considerate, "I just expected you to ask, you know? Maybe be curious. Not that I mind." He smiled slightly and then went back to looking confused as he finished his sentence.

She smiled lightly, "Your secrets are your own, Clark, I'm sure if you wanted me to know you would tell me." He blinked, surprised, and then he grinned broadly, eyes seeming to sparkle as he bought both his arms towards her. 'Oh hell no!' And then he hugged her, lifting her off the ground with his massive strength. She yelped, "Clark, put me down!" He did so, snickering under his breath.

Pete grinned at her. "As much as I love watching you two lovebirds," He teased, his grin widening as Clark blushed heavily. "We need to hand in our permission slips to Coach Walt." He pulled out both slips.

Clark looked away, "Actually Pete, I'm having second thoughts, I don't think signing up for the team is such a great idea."

Pete sighed and turned, solemn-faced, to regard Clark. "Clark, listen to me, this is the only way."

Chloe grinned as she saw him seem to strike a pose, as though trying to look like a hero without knowing it, her grin widened slightly as she imagined a bikini-clad woman clinging to his leg, like a stereotypical action hero, and she couldn't hold it in any longer. She burst out laughing. "HAHAHAHAHAHA!" She was a bit embarrassed by her outburst, but the past few days had been stressful to say the least.

Clark and Pete turned to her, stunned, and then turned to look at each other, then turned and Pete swiftly grabbed her in a headlock as she was not suspecting it, dragging her to the corner of the school, "We're trying to avoid becoming this years scarecrow." She grimaced as she remembered this little tradition. "Ah, I get it now." She decided to oblige them, "guess you'd better hurry then, huh?"

He grinned and turned to Clark, "When she's right she's right." She snickered and he turned slightly to wink at her. "Come on, Cla-"

She bit her lip to hold in her laughter as she saw him gain that far-away look he always had when he saw Lana. 'Ah, I've... Kind of missed this. So light-hearted, so free.' She smiled, feeling nostalgic yet again.

"I'll see you guys in Class." He said, slowly walking towards Lana, as though she may disappear at any moment. 'What is he thinking about Lana, giant clam and billowing hair? Maybe little cherubs.' She grinned and tried to hold in her laughter.

Pete raised an eyebrow as he saw her smile at Clark as he looked at Lana. As Clark began to walk towards her Chloe turned to smirk at Pete, "Five bucks says that he trips near Lana." He grinned. 'That explains it.' "I give him ten seconds." She smirked even wider. "Five."

They started counting as Clark neared Lana, stopping at five as he fell. Pete groaned and pulled out his wallet, turning to hand Chloe the money, "I should have known better than to bet with the resident 'Queen of weird', especially on Clark Kent." He smirked, looking surprised when she didn't offer a witty rebuttal.

She took the money and put it in her purse. They stood in silence for a few seconds, her staring at Clark and him looking at her, confused. She grinned as she regarded him out of the corner of her eye. "What? When you're right, you're right." And then the bell rang, leaving him staring after her as she skipped towards class. "I fell right into that one, didn't I?" He murmured to himself, eyeing her swaying hips. 'Girl IS fine though.' He nodded, as though agreeing with himself. She turned to look at him, "Pete, are you coming?"

He grinned and nodded as he ran to keep up with her. A mild knowing smirk on her lips as she looked at him. He blushed.

Chloe grinned as she turned the corner to the football stadium, watching Lana cheer and the football team practicing, but she wasn't here in her lunch-break to watch the jocks practice their passing, she looked around the pitch looking for... There he was!

Clark sat in the bleachers, drinking his juice as he watched Lana from a distance. "Hey!" He turned, startled, and smiled slightly when he noticed it was her. "Hi Chloe."

She traipsed over and sat down next to him, quirking an eyebrow as she watched him turn back to stare at Lana. "Yeah, if I were gay I'd go for her too."

He spun to look at her, eyes wide and jaw dropping as he gawked. She blushed as she realized he was a little too young to go for that kind of humour. "Heh, sorry. Too much?"

He coughed slightly and turned back to the pitch, blushing. "A little."

They sat in silence and then she noticed him staring at her and then Lana repeatedly, blushing as he did so, he breathed out heavily and licked his lips, then his eyes started to glow slightly, he started blinking rapidly.

"Uhh." He gulped, holding his head with one arm, and then she recognized the signs. "CLARK, LOOK UP, NOW!" He immediately followed her orders instinctively, letting loose a long stream of heat straight into the sky, leaving a large hole steaming in the bleachers roof directly above him and parting the clouds. His eyes widened when he saw the massive hole and he looked at her, fearfully, before grabbing his bag and running out of the bleachers at human speeds.

She pursed her lips as she stared at the thick hole in the roof and remembered his furtive looks. "Wow." She blushed and giggled slightly. "Dirty."

She quickly got up and ran to the door, deciding to jog to the Kents and explain, no doubt Clark was already there, but it was only a 15-20 minute jog to get there on foot, she might be able to get there in time to explain.

Meanwhile Pete stared at them, confused. "Wonder what's up with them." He frowned, then shrugged.

Chloe bent forwards, holding her knees as she bent forwards, breathing heavily. "Hah... Hah... Too... *Gulp* ...Out of shape." She stood up straight. "I need to get some exercise."

She walked towards the main house of the Kent farm, listening to Clark and his parents through the window next to the front door. "...It was like I shot heat out of my eyes, and Chloe saw it happen. How can I explain it?"

"Clark, son, we'll figure this out together, but I'm sure we can think of some way to cover this up, something to tell Chloe."

She decided that right now was as good a moment as any to cut in. "Actually, there's no need." She pushed the door open and walked in. Clark, Jonathan and Martha all turned to her, looking apprehensive. "I know." She smiled sympathetically.

Jonathan stepped forwards. "Chloe, this isn't- this is not- It." She cut across, "Don't worry Mr. Kent, I've known for a while, well not here but in the future... Well..." The three stared at her, confused. "Perhaps I should explain." So she did, the organisation checkmate, being kidnapped, waking up at home, how she had known Clark's secret for years and how she had helped him.

By the end of the story all three were gaping at her. Finally Jonathan snapped out of it. "Chloe, that's- that's something else, but why would you keep his secret? Surely you know what it could do for your career?" He judged, eyeing her speculatively. She smiled gently, "We're best friends, Mr. Kent, I would never betray him like that."

Clark tilted his head and asked her, "Chloe, aren't you afraid of, paradoxes and things like that...?" She giggled at his confused expression. "Time doesn't work that way, so far as I can tell, I'm stuck here, best to just get on with it."

Even as she said it and the three Kents relaxed she felt something inside of her unclench, like a knot loosening. Through thick and thin, they were best friends, no matter what. She looked down and told them; "As much as a miss my old time... home... Whatever, I can do a lot better here." She then grimaced, "Even if I have to go through highschool again."

He smiled at her, then teased, "You poor, poor woman." She grinned and dramatically flung her head back, palming it with her hands, "Alas, I will survive!"

The four of them laughed.

Finally Jonathan asked her a question, "So you know... Everything about Clark?" She nodded, tilting her head. "Yeah, why?"

Clark cut in, "What is it dad?"

Jonathan sighed, "Clark, I think it's about time I told you where you came from." Her eyes widened. "You haven't... told him?" She murmured, disbelieving.

He grimaced, "I didn't think he was quite ready." She frowned but otherwise stayed silent. "Alright, I already know, Clark?" He turned to her, looking confused. "No matter what you learn, it doesn't change anything, you're still Clark Kent." She smiled and he hesitantly smiled back.

She walked towards the door before briefly pausing, hand on the frame, and turning to smile at him. "I'll see you later." She grinned and left the house, resigning herself to a long walk home.

It was as she was walking along the road, enjoying the cool breeze that she noticed a spool of wire in the road. "Hm." She resolved to pick it up but as she crossed the road a silver Porsche came speeding along the road, it hit the wire spool, puncturing it's tires and spun straight at her, her eyes widened and only by sheer reflex did she manage to spin, narrowly avoiding being hit as it went flying off the bridge. "Oh my god." She gasped, watching it him the water. She hesitated for only a moment before throwing her coat to the side, turning to dive into the water and save whoever was in it.

The water churned violently around the car, obscuring her view, but she managed to push through a hole in the windscreen, pulling the driver to safety. As she reached the surface she pulled off the shirt he was wearing and started pumping his chest to clear his lungs. The man sputtered as he spat out water, coughing and choking. She looked up, relieved, to meet the eyes of Lex Luthor. 'Oh no.' He blinked. "I thought... I hit you." She gulped and said the first thing to come to her head. "If you did, I'd be dead." 'OH NO!'

Half an hour later found her sitting on a rock in a red blanket, surrounded by emergency services as they surveyed the crash site, jotting down notes. Clark and Jonathan Kent came running down the hill leading up to the bridge, looking panicked. "Chloe!" Clark shouted, looking around, eyes alight in panic.

She looked up from where she was giving her account of what had happened, "I'm right here Clark." He sighed in relief and dashed towards her, bending forwards to hug her tightly, "We came as soon as we could."

Jonathan dashed to the other side of her, putting his hand on her shoulder. "Chloe, are you alright?" She nodded, still shivering in the cold air, "F-fine." She smiled.

He turned to look at the nearest Police officer, "Who was the maniac who was driving that car!" He shouted at the nearest Police Officer.

"That would be me." He turned to look at the fresh-faced young man approaching him. "Lex Luthor."

He turned to look at him and then heaved out a sigh, shrugging off his jacket and placing it around Chloe's shoulders. "Jonathan Kent."

Lex tilted forwards and smiled at Chloe, "Thanks for saving my life."

She looked down but couldn't resist responding with; "I'm sure you would have done the same thing."

He smiled at her, looking slightly guilty. 'Because he wouldn't.' she thought to herself bitterly, and then turned back to Jonathan as he helped her up the hill. "You have quite an extraordinary girl there , if there's any way I can repay you."

He turned to look Lex in the face and replied; "Drive slower." Warming Chloe when she realized he hadn't denied considering her family. 'Aw.'

Lex frowned and then turned to stare at his car as it was pulled out of the water.

Chloe stared at the receiver in her hand, apparently Lex had sent a pink-ribbon wrapped red convertible to the Kent farm, leaving a note for her as well. She pondered what to do about the situation and then turned her attention back to the receiver in her hand. "Could you have Clark send it back? Or scrap it. I don't care which." She sniffled, holding back a sneeze.

She calmly hung up and frowned as she pondered over the situation, like hell was she going to accept gifts from a Luthor. Especially not when she had a cold.

Clark turned the corner leading to the Kent farm. Chloe had not been in school because she had been off sick, apparently with a cold from the dive into the river. He started as he saw the red convertible, eyeing it as he walked around it. He turned to his mother. "Who's car?" He asked her curiously.

She raised an eyebrow at him. "Chloe's, apparently."

He blinked and frowned slightly. "Apparently?"

She nodded. "Chloe wants you to take it back, hand the keys back to Lex." She told him, handing him said keys.

He blinked again and pouted. "But I just got back from school. Can't it wait?"

Martha shook her head. "No it can't. Whatever you have to do can wait." She told him, giving him a look.

He sighed. "Fine." He grinned. "Can I drive it back?"

Martha AND Jonathan, inside the barn, shouted; "NO!"

"Mm." He frowned, pouting. "Fine."

"Hey." Chloe greeted Clark, smiling. "Have you taken the car back yet?"

"Yeah." He replied with a grin. "Get this, Lex thought you were my sister."

She grimaced slightly. "Eeeew." He snickered at her. "I know, right? And he nearly impaled me with a sword."

She giggled. "Nearly impaled 'you'? Riiiiiiiight."

He blushed. "Well, nearly hit me. Happy? He's quite a friendly guy." She pursed her lips, but quickly agreed, not wanting to judge him on his behaviour in the future.

She walked to the Torch with him, ignoring the mutters of the people around them as they stared at her. "News travels fast, doesn't it?"

He snickered. "Yeah, I guess so, 'Ms. Journalist'."

She pouted and smacked him on the shoulder. "Shut up."

They grinned at eachother as they entered the office. He stopped, staring at the wall. "What's that?"

"Hm?" She turned to him and looked in the same direction as he was. "Oh, that? I forgot you hadn't seen it yet. I call it The Wall of Weird!"

He frowned as he looked at the cases on the wall, all pointing to the meteor rocks being at fault. "All my fault..."

She raised an eyebrow and then her eyes widened as she realized what he was talking about. "No it's not."

He turned to her. "Huh?"

She smiled lightly, "Yeah, in the future we found out that the meteors would have hit the earth, ship or no ship." She lightly brushed a hand across his shoulder. "It was just a freak coincidence, not your fault in any way."

He blinked rapidly and grinned, staring into her eyes. They stayed that way for several seconds and then Chloe awkwardly cleared her throat.

"Well, we should probably get started on this." She pulled a case-file out of her desk. He blinked, "Who is it?" He asked, staring at the picture in the file.

She turned to him. "Jeremy Creek. He's a meteor freak, electricity." She explained. "He was also the scarecrow during the meteor shower." His eyes widened. "That's right. He wants revenge."

"So what do we do now?" He asked her. "We wait." She pursed her lips, annoyed. "We don't know where he is so we can't do anything yet." He blinked again. She looked at him, slightly annoyed. "Will you stop blinking." He adopted a sheepish look. "Sorry."

She huffed, "Anyway, her shows up during the dance. As is I don't know where so to figure it out you may have to be the Scarecrow." She frowned.

"What!" He all but shouted. She turned back to him. "Whitney is going to ambush you with Lana's necklace and make you the scarecrow, lives are at stake Clark, you're going to have to go along with it if we want to save them."

He frowned and gulped, but none-the-less nodded his acquiescence. "Fine." She smiled tenderly at him, "Thank you, now I'll go wait in the fields for you and untie you after Jeremy appears, I'll take off the necklace as soon as they leave."

He nodded.

He grimaced in pain as the jocks left, the necklace burning and making him sweat. "Agh."

"hold still for a second Clark." He heard faintly, feeling the necklace pulled above his head and hearing it hit the ground some feet away.

He breathed easier, no longer in pain, to see Chloe, dressed in full black leather. "What are you wearing?"

She blushed slightly. "I thought it would be better to camouflage myself, y'know?"

He looked down from his place, hanging from the scarecrow pole to gaze directly down her tight vest, accentuating her breasts. He licked his lips and mumbled; "I'm not complaining." He blushed and squinted, trying to see them better. Then his X-ray vision activated for the first-time. "Whoa."

She blushed heavily and covered her chest with her crossed arms. "Perv!"

He blushed as well, quickly looking away. "I-I'm sorry." He bit his lip shamefully.

She grinned up at him. "Kidding."

He blinked and turned to look at her, seeing a mischievous grin on her face. "Hey!"

She snickered into her hand and then her eyes widened, hearing shuffling approaching. "I think he's coming, I'll hide." She quickly moved deeper into the cornstalks. Watching as Jeremy and Clark argued and stealthily approached his back, narrowing her eyes in concentration and... *FZZT*

"CHLOE!" Clark shouted, watching her taze Jeremy. Quickly pulling free of his restraints and stepping forwards to catch him. "Why did you do that?"

She smiled nervously. "Well, I figured, as he was suffering an electrolyte imbalance, if I shocked him it should push it even further, taking away his powers and turning him back to normal."

He glared. "Why didn't you tell me you were going to do this?"

She blushed. "Well, I thought you might disagree with me on the best approach so I kind of decided to do it myself."

He stared at her, hurt. "Did you really think I would not listen to you?"

She stared at him and it occurred to her, possibly for the first time since she had gotten here, that her Clark and this Clark were totally different. Whereas her Clark never seemed to listen to her or trust her, this Clark actually treated her much better than her Clark. She teared up slightly and jumped forwards to wrap her arms around him, burying her face into his waist. "I'm sorry!"

He swallowed as she cried into his bare torso and wrapped his arms around her. "Er, that's... Okay? Just- Tell me when you're going to do something like that in the future, okay?"

She giggled into his waist, smiling up at him and nodded. 'So clueless.' It occurred to her for the first time since getting here that if given the choice between staying in this time and going back to hers, she might stay, relationship be damned. 'Things are so much simpler.'

She heard another shuffling coming from the cornstalks and they both quickly turned, Clark lightly pushing her behind him. They stared as Lex Luthor walked into the clearing, staring at them. "Uh." He put so eloquently, staring at the unconscious boy held in a shirtless Clark Kent's arms as he covered a leather-clad Chloe Sullivan with his body.

"Urk." Clark grimaced. "This isn't what it looks like?"

Lex just blinked. Chloe stepped forwards and tried to explain. "The jocks hang a Freshman from the Scarecrow post with an 'S' painted on his chest once a year and Clark got chosen and I came to get him off of the post when this guy appeared and started saying he was going to electrocute everyone in the school while they were in the main hall so I tazed him and got Clark down from the post and then you showed up." She quickly got out in one breathe, breathing heavily afterwards.

"Uh-huh." He raised both eyebrows. "And the leather?"

She looked down at her leather-clad form and blushed. "I snuck out." He quirked an eyebrow and grinned slightly. "In leather?" She looked off to the side. "It works in the movies."

He snickered at her. "Uh-huh. Maybe we should call the authorities to deal with him?" He tilted his head towards Jeremy. She nodded. "Alright."

Half an hour later found the local authorities and numerous curious townsfolk and students listening to their account of events.

Clark turned, shirtless with an 'S' on his massive muscular chest, to talk to Chloe, clad in skin-tight black leather. "You do realize that people are going to be talking about this?" He asked her, sheepishly grinning. She slapped her face into her cupped hands, letting out a muffled 'Oh God.' Making him snicker.

A/N: What story is a story without both humour and drama? I hope you enjoyed chapter one! TTFN! (Ta-Ta For Now!) Please let me know what you think!