I do not own Death Note.
"I'm afraid to tell him how I feel because it might just mean nothing to him."
"Light-kun? Who are you talking to?"
"Eh- no one, Ryuzaki."
A few minutes passed. Light spoke once again.
"I want you to know something, but I don't know how to say it so I'll let the first three words of this sentence explain it."
"Light-kun, are you talking to me?"
"Uh, no, Ryuzaki…"
The air seemed a little tenser.
"I turned out liking you a lot more than I originally planned."
"Light-kun, if you're not talking to anybody, then can you keep it in your head?"
"I know I'm not perfect, but for you I tried."
"Like for a like!"
"Light-kun, I understand that you're reading you newsfeed on Facebook, but please keep it in your head."
Light turned away and scowled to himself. Stupid Sayu, messing him up while he was flirting with L with one of those stupid posts.