Jake was supposed to come over around noon today. It is 11:30. IT came home about a half hour ago. Just in time for the show.

Nudge did all of my make up (I wear very little) and my hair again. Angel supervised. We had an entire plan set out. Iggy and Gazzy would be hanging out with IT all day today. They would make sure he was always in view of Jake and I. Nudge and Angel were going to make sure I don't screw up. Basically, I need to kiss Jake in font of Fang.

If this doesn't work, I don't know what will.



It was still a few minutes till noon, so I decided to make sure IT was near. He was in his room. For once, the plan didn't backfire before it started!

I heard the doorbell. The second it rang, Nudge and Angel were by my side.

"So, all you need to do is make-out with him and make sure Fang sees. It will be easy. We will get him out of his room. Iggy and Gazzy will drag him within view of where ever you are. Got it?" nudge explained. I nodded and went to the door.

"Hey, Jake." I said with a smile as I opened the door. He was holding a bouquet of gardenias. I swear boys usually get roses, but whatever.

"Hey! I got you flowers!" He said, smiling wide. He was a smiley type. Ew. I took the flowers and put them in water. He looked pretty amazed by the house. I have to admit, Anne has an awesome house. It's like a mansion.

I looked put the window and saw Iggy and Gazzy with Fang. When Gazzy turned to the window, I nodded to him. He suddenly got this huge, devilish smile on his face. That kid can be a little frightening.

He started leading Fang inside. I needed to act fast. How, though? He is a teenage boy. I am pretty sure he wouldn't mind if I randomly started making out with him. So that's what I did.

"Jake, can you come here?" I said, innocently, which is pretty hard for me. He came over to me with a rather creepy smile on his face. He just doesn't stop smiling does he?

I kissed him as soon as he was in front of me. Just as Fang came in. Perfect timing, if I do say so myself. And I do. I discretely opened one eye a little to see his face. He was emotionless. Just like Fang. Though, that emotionlessness seemed to turn to anger fairly quickly. A little quicker than I thought. Uh oh.

Suddenly Jake was pulled off me. He was also punched in the face and then unconscious. I didn't quite expect that, but, hey, whatever works. I looked and Fang was glaring down and Jake's motionless body with his fist clenched. Effective. I couldn't help but smile.

He noticed. "Why the hell are you smiling Max? He practically just raped you! I thought you would have already killed him." Fang said.

"There's the violent Fang I know and love." That worked so well!

"What? Love?" Fang looked confused and smug at the same time. I'm guessing that the whole almost killing Jake thing made it a little harder for him to go back to being stoic.

"I….well…um…" I was looking at the ceiling, the floor. Anywhere, but at him. I seem to be really good at backing myself into corners.

Suddenly, there was a pair of lips on mine. Fang had moved so quietly I hadn't noticed that he had come over to me. He had one hand on my cheek cupping my face, and the other tightly around my waist, pulling me closer.

After squashing my feeling to run away, I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. I heard Gazzy groan in disgust and Iggy asking what was going on. Nudge and Angel had come down and seemed to be trying to suppress squeals of excitement.

Fang pulled back and smiled. A full-blown smile. That's probably as rare as a flying kid! I mean... well… it's rare. "So it was me? The whole time?" he asked. He actually looked happy. It took him long enough to catch on.

"Yes. I love Fang. Not you. Not Nick." I said. His face fell a little when I said 'not you'. "So, are you Fang or Nick?"

"I am definitely Fang." He said quickly.

"You don't look like Fang." He kissed me quickly then raced upstairs. A minute later, he came down looking like my Fang. I smiled. "Much better."

I took him by the hand and we went outside. We started kissing and didn't stop. For about an hour. I guess Fang loves me, too. Neither of us had ever been happier.

P.S I am pretty sure Jake is still unconscious.

