A/N: Hey everyone! This is my very first Durarara Fanfic… With OC included! I know OC stories aren't really that fun, but hey! I wanted to write a Shizuo and OC fanfic. So yeah, I hope you guys enjoy this fanfic! Ands since this is my very first Drrrr! fanfic, let me know if I have an errors. I edited it couple of times too, but just making sure if I missed any. Thanks!

This will be rated T because of some violence and some swearing. Just a reminder. ^^

Disclaimer: I don't own Durarara! Nor Shizuo… TTwTT

Chapter 1: Day 1

"Just put it there and you guys can leave. Thank you!". I bowed and smiled at the people who helped me move my piano inside my new apartment. They also smiled back and went. After they left, I took a deep breath. Then I went to the living room.

'This apartment isn't too shabby…' I thought. I mean, it wasn't too small or large; just perfect.

"Finally, living in Ikebukurou!" I whispered to myself. To be honest, I came here so I can live alone and stay away from my brother far as possible. Because he and I, well, don't really get along…

But luckily, I somehow managed to make him let me live in Ikebukurou.

I looked around inside my apartment once again. I felt very satisfied, yet why do I feel kind of lonely?

I wondered. I only have my piano, computer, music player, sofa, violin and a T.V. in the living room, so I won't be that lonely.

So that's enough right?

Now the moving arrangements were finished, I looked at the time. It was one thirty. Since I have a lot of time left, I thought I should go stroll around in Ikebukurou and buy some groceries on the way. I grabbed my money and jacket, lock the door, and leave.

While I was browsing around, sudden memories flew into mind. It was when I was a high scholar. I was really quiet and didn't have any friends. I gave out a small, wry smile. Trying to be positive, I raised my head a little high until I saw someone handing me a flier.

"Russian Sushi! Russian Sushi! It's very good and cheap! Come eat our Russian Sushi!".

I was very surprised when the big, dark man handed me a flier out of nowhere. I don't know if it's because of him, or because of the sushi (my favorite), I took it and asked him where this, Russian Sushi place is.

He delightfully showed me the way. The exterior and the interior was very simple and nice. I sat over at the sushi bar and ordered four pieces of tuna.

The chef nodded and started to work. Unconsciously, I started to drool, seeing the delicious looking fish.

"Here is you tea Miss!". It was the big man I just saw outside of Russian Sushi. I took the tea and took a sip. Mhmm~ Green tea!

"Arigatogozaimasu, um…"

"Simon. My name is Simon Brezhnev!".

"Shizuka Midori. Nice to meet you Simon."

Despite of his appearance, he seems really friendly. While he and I were talking, my sushi was served and I started to eat. After our little chat, I learned that he's Russian and works with his friend, Dennis, the one who just served me sushi. The two are actually owners of this place. Which I never knew.

"Shizuka-chan, you should be careful when you wandering around in the streets." he warned me.

"Why is that Simon?" I questioned.

"They're a group of people who calls themselves the Yellow Scarves, and another one called the Dollars." he explained, "Yellow Scarves are street gangs; you can easily tell if they're from the yellow scarves just by looking at them. And the Dollars, if you really want to know if they're a Dollar member, you should ask them yourself. Though some don't do much and some actually fight..."

I nodded in reply. He seemed quite serious. But after he explained me about it, he smiled right away.

"Fighting is bad. That is why people needs to eat sushi so they can be happy!".

Suddenly, Dennis started to chuckle. "Simon is a Pacifist you see, That's why he dislikes fighting." He chuckled again. I slightly smiled and turned to Simon.

"Is there anything else I should know about?" I asked just in case. Simon took a pause to think.

"You should try avoiding Orihara Izaya, he's a really dangerous man. Also, you shouldn't get near Shizuo Heiwajima. He throws vending machines or sign posts when he's in a really bad temper." He smiled once again.

Vending machines? Post signs? Throwing? I didn't quite get what he was trying to say. Though I'm kind of eager to know about Shizuo Heiwajima.

"I-I see…"

My chat with Simon and Dennis was quite long, it was already four O'clock. I paid my bill and waved them goodbye. I went outside and started to walk to a grocery store until I heard a commotion from the big crowd to my right.

"Hey! It's the Headless Rider!".

I followed the voice who said that. What are they talking about? A Headless Rider? Is there really such thing? Curiosity killed me, I joined into crowd to see the Headless Rider. I slightly pushed the people in front of me so I can see the Headless Rider up close. Then, I saw a black motorbike with a strange cat-ear helmet pass by me. The person slightly glance at me and went zooming away. The sound I heard, sounded like a horse screaming for adventure.

I was startled. I stood still, being dumbfounded. It was very weird, no, unusual I should say. Suddenly I hear cars honking and lights blinking. Then I realized I was in the middle of the streets. I yelled 'Sorry!' and quickly ran over to the sidewalk across from me.

Running here from the streets made me tired. I was thinking going home until I saw fresh drinks from a vending machine.

"I'm kind of thirsty, maybe a drink won't hurt."

I went over to the machine and checked if I still had any money left on me. Okay, fifty cents is all I got. I then looked up at the machine to see any drink that costs fifty cents, or less.

None. Nothing. Nothing but milk. Everything else was a dollar and ten cents. Which was quite expensive for me.

'I guess a milk will be fine…' I said in my mind.

I inserted the coins and got my fresh, white milk. While I was trying to open it, I heard a loud yell.


Izaya? Now where did I hear that from? Surprisingly, a black-haired guy passed by me, smirking.

"You're still like a kid Shizu-chan! Ahahaha!", he finished laughing for about five seconds or so, and looked at me, smiling.

"I would run or dodge If I were you."

"Eh?" I looked at him with confusion. But weirdly, I dodged like he told me to. Weirdly, I felt something thrown towards me or this weird man, my eyes widened big. I was right. There was a big recycling bin in front of me. It was all crushed and damaged. I checked to see the guy who told me to dodge was alright or not.

Good. He dodged it too.


Who is keep yelling 'Izaya'? I quiestioned myself. Then, I saw a tall man wearing nice bartender clothes walking towards me and the black-haired guy. Somehow, I was intrigued by his unusual blonde hair and his face. Though he was only wearing blue shades, I still admired his facial features.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, you almost hurt somebody Shizu-chan~" said the man with a grin on his face.

"For the last time Izaya! My name is Shizuo Heiwajima!" he raged. I finally apprehend that this blonde-haired's name is Shizuo Heiwajima and the other guy, Izaya.

Wait, Izaya? Orihara Izaya? And… Shizuo Heiwajima? Aren't they the ones I should avoid at all times? But why are they here?

After my little panicking moment, I just learned that Izaya fled while Shizuo tried to chase him. He couldn't look for him and so he started to calm down a bit. I was sitting on the floor and was watching Shizuo until he leaves. It seems that he didn't notice me.

Suddenly, he stopped and picked up something from the floor. He started to open it and drink it.

While he was drinking, I stood up, brush off the dirt on me, and continue on what I was doing. Until my milk was gone.

Then I realized that Shizuo drank my milk. I must've dropped it when I tried to dodge the recycling bin that Shizuo threw. Unconsciously, I shouted at him...

"Hey excuse me! That was my milk! You drank it!". Oh dear lord… What have I done? Why on earth did I shout at him? I regret what I just did. I smacked my forehead as a punishment for being so stupid.

Shizuo turned around and stared at me. He kept staring at me for a long time. I was paralyzed when he looked at me. I couldn't even move at all. I just stood there. Looking clueless.

"What did you just say?" he replied back, with a little irritation in his voice.

I hesitated for a moment. "T-that milk you just drank! I-it was mine!" again, I shouted at him so he can hear me clearly.

He grabbed something from his pocket and started to light it. A cigarette I suppose. He exhaled and walked away. Then I heard him saying something like 'che' or whatever. I was kind of mad for his bad manners. I almost ran up to him and trying to give him a lecture. But thank god he was already gone.

I sighed and went back to my apartment. I opened the door and lie down on my sofa. I sighed once again, but a bit heavier than before. My eyelids started to close and my body started to relax; I couldn't move legs anymore.

"I must be tired…" I said, "Today was a pretty long day, I should be refreshed by tomorrow morning… I hope."

First Chapter finished! Yay! So I was wondering.. How is it? I hope it wasn't too bad for you guys. Anyways, I'm so happy with this fanfic~ I like it better than my other fanfic! Kya~ I feel somewhat refreshed! ^w^ Reviews are welcome too!