notes: originally wrote this back in 2011, but now it's officially edited. enjoy.
universe: original teen titans

your laugh

It was seven o'clock on a Wednesday night, which was also movie night for the Teen Titans. They sat in the main room in front of the television, a horror movie playing out on the wide screen.

Starfire was immensely terrified by the film, covering half her face with her hands in horror, but mentally tried keeping her cool and pacifying her beating heart. She was sitting beside an irritatingly calm Robin on the couch whilst Cyborg sat beside Jinx on the opposite end, both of them mirroring the Tamaranean's actions. Beast Boy was sat beside Terra on the floor, covering himself with a blanket to shield the imagery on screen. Terra was mostly calm like Robin, reacting every so often by widening her eyes at some of the gore, mouth agape.

To briefly distract herself from the horrifying movie, Starfire glanced around at her surroundings. First she looked at Robin, who she was secretly developing a crush on. She smiled a little at the wonderful sight of his profile as his masked eyes were (unsurprisingly) glued to the screen. She then looked at Cyborg and Jinx. They both were paling at the slicing and sawing that was happening onscreen and sitting close together.

Maybe Friend Cyborg likes Jinx, the alien thought. She was noticing for the past few days since Jinx had joined the Teen Titans, Cyborg had been spending a lot of time with the pink-haired girl and had quickly befriended her before the others.

Then, Starfire looked at Beast Boy and Terra. They were sitting close to each other like Jinx and Cyborg, and Beast Boy occasionally leaned his shoulder against the blonde's whenever he peeked up from under the thick blanket.

Ever since Terra had reluctantly rejoined the team, Beast Boy had seemed happier. Starfire was confused about Beast Boy's feelings towards Terra, though. If the earth-moving girl had broken his heart on their last date two months ago, how could he let his melancholy subside so fast?

Starfire shrugged. Maybe Beast Boy followed the saying to 'forgive and forget'…

Starfire shortly felt this feeling that someone was missing. She glanced around at everybody once more, then after a while, she knew who was missing and curiously looked at the direction of the sliding doors. Out the corner of his eye, Robin saw something beginning to trouble Starfire and paused the movie. The others averted their attention to the leader in relief and confusion.

"What's wrong, Star?" Robin asked, eyebrows slightly crinkling in concern.

Starfire's eyelashes fluttered as she blinked, turning towards her teammates. "Has anyone seen Friend Raven?" she questioned innocently.

Cyborg, Jinx and Beast Boy shook their heads. "Nope."

Robin shook his head as well. "I haven't seen her either."

Starfire shifted her bright green eyes over to the only one who didn't answer. "Have you seen Friend Raven, Terra?"

Nope and I don't care, the blonde Titan wanted to say, but instead shook her head with a frown in response.

"Well, Titans, start searching," Robin commanded as he immediately got up to start looking around the tower. Starfire cheered. She was happy with that because she wanted to try to include her friend in movie night, too.

"Aw, can't we finish the movie first?" Beast Boy whined. Even though he shielded his eyes through half of the movie, he had to admit he was kind of having fun being scared.

"No, we have to find Raven first," Robin replied firmly, a joyous Starfire trailing behind him.

Beast Boy stood and groaned melodramatically. She's probably somewhere meditating, he thought to himself.

Terra stood beside him before placing her hand on his shoulder. "I'll help ya look, BB," she offered with a forced smile.

Beast Boy smiled in return.

The two walked down the hallway to the empath's room and Terra lightly knocked on the door. Truthfully, the blonde really didn't care if they found Raven or not. Terra hated her. To Terra, Raven was just a rude, creepy witch and always made sure to avoid the cloak-wearing girl at all cost.

"Hello… Anybody in there…?" she said, trying not to let her impatience and disinterest be heard from Beast Boy.

"Raaaveeen…" Beast Boy called in a semi-whisper.

There was no answer.

Terra blinked twice before shrugging. "Well, I guess she's not here," she supposed quickly with half a smile that didn't reach her blue eyes.

And without another word, Terra walked away to the opposite direction as she really wanted to get away from the witch's room. She didn't bother to see if the green boy was following her as the girl she despised clouded her mind out of anger. After a beat of confusion, Beast Boy was about to follow behind her, but his ears perked up when he heard a low creak come from the door.

He turned around and saw the door to Raven's room cracked open.

Apprehensively, Beast Boy went to the sliding door and pushed it open wider. He stuck his head inside the room and found Raven hovering over her bed, surprisingly without her cloak, saying her chant whilst meditating.

"Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos. Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos…"

Beast Boy stared at her in wonderment, captivated. The violet-haired empath looked so peaceful as she meditated, like she was in her own world. Oftentimes he wondered what she was thinking about, what made her so focused and at ease. It was a mystery to Beast Boy.

The changeling flushed a little before rapidly shaking his head as he realized he was just standing there staring at the girl he was ordered to search for. He cleared his throat, taking a few steps in after completely closing the door behind him. "Um…Raven?" he spoke softly.

Raven's once calm features scrunched up slightly as she continued her chant. Just ignore them, Raven, she tersely thought to herself.

"Raaaven…" Beast Boy spoke a little louder.

Raven's closed eyes tightened, her voice dripping in annoyance as she continued.

Beast Boy's lips formed into a thin line. He sighed impatiently. His arms floundered about wildly.


"WHAT!" Raven shouted, hands balled into fists as she shot an angry look at whoever was pestering her.

Beast Boy was taken aback by the outburst, his legs and feet scrambling about like a cartoon character before stumbling backwards on a thin rug, falling in a heap with a THOOMP! and getting himself tangled within the rug.

"Aww, not again…" the green changeling grumbled while struggling from the rug's firm grasp around him, but kept failing to do so every time.

At that moment, Raven's frustrated features loosened, and she could feel her frown slowly but surely change into a smile. She then could feel this strange tickly feeling in her stomach as the corners of her lips grew wider.

The empath tried so hard to muffle her giggles with her hand, but it was no use. And soon enough, her giggles turned into mirthful, pleasant laughter.

Beast Boy instantly stopped his struggling at the sound, gazing up at the half demon, utterly astounded. He couldn't believe his eyes. If he could, he would pinch himself to see if this was an obscure dream.

Is that really Raven? Is she really…laughing!?

Beast Boy couldn't help but smile brightly as he watched and listened to Raven laugh. Her laugh was…cute. Really cute, actually. It was filled with happiness and delight compared to her usual monotone voice. Her laugh sounded exactly like her emotion Happy's laugh from when he and Cyborg went to Nevermore. It had been a long time since then that Beast Boy has heard it, and he was glad to hear and see the actual Raven laugh.

Raven had been laughing for a full fifteen seconds, until she had realized what she was doing and stopped immediately.

She cleared her throat and looked down at Beast Boy, witnessing his reaction. He was looking right back up at her, smiling, his emerald green eyes glowing in her dark room in adoration. Raven felt her cheeks warm up, mildly annoyed that she wasn't wearing her cloak to hide her blush.

"Um…" Raven muttered after a short silence, and used her dark energy to untangle Beast Boy from the rug.

Beast Boy muttered a thanks before standing up and staring at her, eyes still glistening.

"Um…what are you doing in my room?" Raven finally questioned, lethargic tone returning.

Beast Boy rubbed the back of his head. "W-well, me, Terra and everyone else were looking for you, s-since you didn't come down for movie night."

"Well, the movie you guys picked out was pointless to watch to me. So I stayed in my room to meditate," Raven explained, casually placing her hands on her hips.

"Well, sorry for interrupting…" apologized Beast Boy, then he smirked and raised an eyebrow in interest. "So you really do think I'm funny…"

Raven could feel her cheeks warm up even more, but she rolled her eyes at him. "Just get out of my room."

Beast Boy had an idea as his smirk turned impish. He simply shrugged before complying. "Okay, Raven."

Beast Boy began to walk away, but purposely tripped over his own feet and fell into a nearby bookshelf, causing the books to compile on top of him all at once.

He waited nothing but a second to see if he would hear the empath's pleasant giggles again, and fortunately to his success, she started laughing.

Beast Boy poked his head out from the dozens of books and smiled brightly at the violet-haired girl. When Raven saw Beast Boy looking at her laughing again, she quickly covers her mouth and stopped laughing.

Why am I laughing at Beast Boy! He usually does this kind of stuff all the time. Why am I laughing at him now?

The green changeling chuckled. "Why'd you stop laughing?" he asked with a smirk.

Raven groaned. "I don't know why I'm even laughing at your clumsiness in the first place," she insisted with a straight expression.

"Well, at least I finally heard you laugh," Beast Boy chided joyfully.

"Yeah, and you won't be hearing me laugh anymore for a long time. For a very long time," Raven assured with her arms folded across her chest.

Beast Boy chuckled again. "You should laugh more often. It's cute."

A crimson blush blotched across Raven's face. Beast Boy had blushed too once he realized what he just admitted. After a bashfully awkward silence transpired between them, Raven walked over to the Titan and held out her hand to help him up. Beast Boy smiled softly and accepted it.

The two stood in the middle of the dark bedroom and looked into each other's eyes. Raven could feel her heartbeat skip a little, and was puzzled at why it was doing that. Beast Boy could feel the same warm, fluttery feeling he had once felt when he first met Terra—except the feeling was now and only for Raven.

The empath's smaller hand was cold, yet soft inside his slightly larger hand. He had discovered that her violet-blue eyes were comforting to gaze into, and her grey skin also looked soft to the touch.

With a content hum, Beast Boy placed both of her hands against each side of his face to cool down his aflamed blush, blithely closing his eyes. Raven's lips parted in surprise. She thought that this was a little weird, yet not totally abnormal for the boy to be doing something unorthodox such as this.

Raven shyly averted her eyes from his pleased expression, a fuzzy feeling surging within her chest. The darkness of the room made the atmosphere seem soothing. Warmth gradually emulated through her fingertips, travelling all throughout her body. They were rarely ever this close, and they were so close right now.

It was nice. This was nice, they both thought simultaneously, adorning tiny, coy smiles.

Someone then burst into the room, startling the two, abruptly halting the calming mood. They quickly backed away from each other. Both Titans looked at the blonde girl who stood in the entrance of the empath's room.

"Oh, there you are, Beast Boy," Terra acknowledged with a preempted smile. She then frowned at the sight of the witch standing beside him. "Hey, Raven," she seethed, running a hand through her long blonde hair.

Raven simply hovered over to her bed and got into position to meditate without uttering a word.

Terra rolled her eyes. "Well, since Miss Grumpy is still alive, let's go tell the others."

Beast Boy nodded with a fake smile as he watched Terra walk out of the room, relieved that she was unaware of what had just occurred. He then turned to the meditating girl and a warm, real smile spread upon his face. He swiftly went over to Raven and gave her a quick peck on her left cheek.

Raven immediately reopened her eyes. Her chanting ceased. She could feel her cheek tingle a little at the unexpected kiss. She brought her hand up to her face where he had kissed her, reveling in the small sentiment. Another light blush dusted her cheeks.

Raven looked up at Beast Boy, who was grinning and slightly wriggling his pointed ears. Raven instantly betrayed herself by letting a giggle escape her lips.

Beast Boy's grin widened, feeling absolutely euphoric. He was glad that he could finally make her laugh.

raven laughs at silly and goofy stuff like me.