This is the second chapter to my little story. Hopefully this one will be longer :)Thank you to kittykatkitkat, Hain degistirildi, Super8-Lover, and unknown for reviewing!

"I have to say, those fireworks were mint." Charles said, his voice drifting in through the front door.

Alice gasped and slid off Joe's lap, back to her seat on the couch. As she was still overly close to Joe, she scooted down so that she was a few inches away from him. Other than the bright pink on their cheeks, you could have never guessed that they had just kissed...twice.

Cary bounded in with Charles at his side. "Guys! Guys! Did you see the fireworks?"

Charles frowned. "Of course they did shithead, the blinds are open!"

All Joe could do was smile stupidly. He glanced over to see Alice smiling. Not as stupidly, but still, that grin was priceless.

"Oh...I see Joe wasn't paying attention to the fireworks. He was just mackin' on his lady." Cary said, more to himself than anyone else.

"Ugh. I'm going home." and with that, Charles stomped out the door.

"Shit. He's jealous. No offense Alice, but I think that Amanda Jones is way hotter than you." Cary said.

Alice laughed. "Wow, thanks Cary. Amanda is really..."

"I'll be leaving you two alone. I gotta go light Charles's house on fire- I mean umm..." Cary took that opportunity to sprint out of the house.

"Now I can see why Preston's mom doesn't like Cary." Joe said with a smile.

Alice flopped over on the couch. "I might as well get comfortable, My dad won't be able to drive us home, and it's to cold to walk."


"Oh you know, it's a party, so he's drunk. And by the looks of it, your dad's a little tipsy, too." Alice explained.

Joe leaned over her. "Well then, I think we have plenty of time."

"To do what?" Alice asked. "Oh yeah. Sorry about that."

He took that opportunity to kiss her. Alice kissed back, sitting up a little so that she could kiss him harder. Someone had brought a stereo outside, and music was blasting. Joe didn't know what it was called, but it seemed like it was a good song to kiss to, if that made any sense. Alice shifted under him, trying to find a comfortable position.

"O-oh sorry Alice. I didn't realize that was uncomfortable for you." Joe said as he sat up.

"It's fine, really." She said. They stared in each others eyes for a second before Alice tackled him.

They spent the rest of the night making out.

The next morning.

"Joe. Jooee. JOE!"

Joe snapped up. "Whuh?" There stood his dad, looking rather disheveled. Joe looked around to see that he had fallen asleep intertwined with Alice, who was still sleeping.

"What is this?" Deputy Lamb said in a deadly whisper.

"I-I..." The truth was, Joe truly did not know what to say. What was he supposed to tell his father? That he had ditched his friends to make out with Alice Dainard? There was no way in hell that he would tell anyone that.

"Joseph, you know full well that even though Mr. Dainard and I are friends, neither of us are OK with you and Alice getting serious just yet." His father said, his tone stern. "I think it's time for you to walk her home."

"I know...but she's sleeping." Joe protested quietly.

Deputy Lamb sighed. "If you must, take her into your room so she can sleep."

Joe nodded and pulled himself off the couch. He struggled to pick her up. Since she was taller than him, it was a bit of a challenge. But he eventually got her into his arms in an awkward bridal style. Joe stumbled slowly toward his room. He shouldered open his door and managed not to trip on the piles of clothes and stuff. Alice sighed in her sleep, and Joe was surprised she hadn't woken up yet. Maybe kissing the night away had something to do with it. Joe probably wouldn't be awake either if it weren't for his dad. Carefully, Joe laid Alice down on his bed, which was thankfully made. She looked so peaceful when she was sleeping, like a princess.


"Oh! Alice, you're awake!" Joe said, sitting down next to her.

"Why am I in your bed?" She asked, her tone neutral.

Joe's mouth opened and closed a few times before he came up with something to say. " dad said that you had to go home, and you were sleeping, so my dad said that you could sleep here until you woke up an-"

Alice kissed him. When they broke apart, Alice sighed. "Your dad just doesn't want you to grow up. I get that from my dad too."

Joe smiled and touched her cheek. "So do you think y-you could stay awhile?"

"Is Cary a pyromaniac bastard?" Alice said.

"I take that as a yes."

Alice laid back down, her straight blonde hair fanning out around her head. Joe lowered himself down next to her, and they spent some time in comfortable silence while Joe stoked Alice's hair.

"Hey Alice?" Joe whispered.

"Yeah?" She whispered back.

Joe took a deep breath. "Alice, I think I love you."

Blue eyes met brown, and it was obvious that there was never a question.

So, do you like it? I really hope you do because I put a lot of brain power into this! Thanks for reading and please review.