A/N: Review for me, please

Epilogue (Part 3 of 3)

He felt like shit. It had been three months since he and Rachel had tried to have a baby, and every time so far they've came up blank. Is there something wrong with him? Obviously.

What if… what if he's infertile? What if he's shooting blanks? They are thirty years old… Are they too old?

He put all his frustration into the football game. Rachel didn't feel up to coming to this one, as the stadium was packed full, including the suites, so she promised she'd be watching at home. He believed her; she hadn't missed one game of his since they had been married.

The New York Giants ended up winning, which gave them the advantage to further and get closer to the playoffs. He felt the Super Bowl coming and wanted so badly to get there. He had led the Giants to the Super Bowl two years ago when he was still considered a rookie, shocking the nation when he got them to win, the first in years. Last season wasn't exactly as successful, but that's because he was out on injury for three games, tearing his damn ACL during the summer and missing the start of the season.

But you win some and you lose some. He's not a sore loser and he doesn't think he's golden. He just knows that he can keep a good head in the game and with his determination and now advanced skills, he can lead his team to success.

He was all sweaty when he burst through their apartment door, shutting behind him and locking up. He heard the sounds of a soft piano playing down the hall to their bedroom. All the lights were off inside except for the candle warmers and the kitchen stove light. He sighs with the stress of his life right now.

He knows how important it is to Rachel to have kids. It's important to him. Sure it was great being a couple for several years, and they really enjoyed that honeymoon phase. But they were growing out of it and were ready to expand to have a full family. They wanted at least three kids, no more than four though because it could get too hectic for their already very high maintenance lifestyle.

Dropping his sports bag with dirty gym clothes, his helmet, and pads off in the hallway, he trudges back to the bedroom, his jaw dropping when he sees her.

Sitting on the middle of the bed in nothing but a very sexy black and red lacey corset and thong set was his incredibly gorgeous wife. Her hair was pulled to the side in a low side-pony tail and revealed her olive skin-toned shoulders and neck.

He instantly feels himself growing hard at the thought of fucking her.

And those heels. Oh, are those stilettos? Damn, he was lucky.

He feels the pressure though, heavy on his shoulders. What if this is the time that they finally conceive a child? He'll make it this time; he's completely determined.

"Hi there," She breathes out.

"Hey there, sexy lady," He replies with a grin. "I'm pretty dirty from the game. You want me to clean up first?"

She shakes her head firmly, "No. I love when you're sweaty. It's sexy."

Grinning, he crosses over to the bed, standing at the foot of it and watching as she crawls on all fours to him, looking up at him through her thick eyelashes.

"I saw you playing tonight, quarterback. And I couldn't help but get all hot and bothered when I saw you throwing that football with your game face on," She admits.

"Tell me how hot and bothered you were," His animalistic instincts go into play, wanting nothing but great dirty talk with her.

She smirks and takes two more crawls over to him, finally meeting him. She leans back on her calves comfortably, her hands going on his toned, muscly thighs.

"My pussy was dripping wet with need for your," She stops, her hands sliding up to his backside and giving it a firm squeeze. "Gigantic," She moves on, now trailing her hands to the front of his track pants. "Cock."

He squeezes his eyes shut, letting out a grunt as her fingertips dip under the waistband and gently move to each side of his hip. He bucks himself forward and she grins.

"Eager, are we?"

"Well you've got to be too… I mean, I would guess so after that description," He manages.

She giggles softly, standing up. His body follows her and they do a 180, Finn's back now facing the bed and his petite wife standing in front of him. Her hands go to his shoulders and she pushes him down roughly onto the bed.

Where she gets the strength to do things like this, he will never know.

She kneels down in front of him and tugs at the waistband of his pants and boxers, pulling them both down together. His painful hard on springs up and Rachel licks her lips, eager to begin one of her favorite activities to do with her husband.

Blow job.

Tossing away the garment she reaches to the hem of his shirt to pull up his under-armor, quickly discarding the article of clothing as well.

For months they had been trying to get pregnant, so she barely gave him oral. But tonight she wanted to treat him. To celebrate.

When her mouth his wrapped around his erection for at least a good half hour, she has a feeling something is wrong. Looking up, she's embarrassed.

"Am I… Am I not pleasing you?" She asks with concern.

She figured the oral part would have been over within ten minutes.

"Oh, God no. Trust me, you are pleasing me," He strains out in a groan. "Just, I want to finish inside of you, okay? Get up here, sexy lady."

She follows suit and after removing her panties, plunges down onto him, satisfied when he releases in ten minutes before she hits her own euphoria. They slump over onto the bed and Finn is the big spoon with Rachel, the little spoon.

"Why did you want to come inside of me?" She asks quietly.

He sighs, "I don't want to waste any of my sperm. I mean, what if I'm infertile Rachel?"

"Finn," She starts.

"I just feel like shit because we've always wanted kids together, and now when we want them, we can't have them because I'm not healthy down there or something?" He rants worriedly. "I'm just so sorry. I think maybe I should be tested to see if my sperm is still alive or something…"

"Baby, you are most definitely not infertile," She turns around, looking him deeply in the eyes.

"What? How could you know… I mean, unless you're," He stops, his eyes widening when she bites her lip and a grin spreads on her face.

"Pregnant. Unless I'm pregnant," She finishes. "And I missed my period. It's been two weeks and some days since it was supposed to come. I just realized it last night. I tried a pregnancy test and it said positive, but they aren't always 100% accurate, so we're-."

She's cut off when Finn pulls her up with him for a bear hug. A goofy grin is matted onto his face. He leans down to press a kiss against her lips.

"So what was this all for?" He asks.

"Finn, sex isn't a chore. It's just a very enjoyable activity that we both love to engage in so much. I figured it was only appropriate considering we both have been stressing out over this for a while now. But I think this is it. I think I'm really pregnant," She giddily says, straddling his lap and throwing her arms around his neck to hug him again.

"This is so, so great. I love you, Rachel."

"I love you too."

"And if you don't mind… I was kind of hoping for full on oral."

She raises an eyebrow, "Only if you reciprocate the action."


"When should we tell them?" Rachel asks from where she sits with Finn at the brunch table at a little bakery in Lima.

"Right now," He suggests.

"I'm just so nervous," She admits.

He takes her hand in his and gently rubs his thumb to the back of her hand.


"It's really big news."

"I think they might know already."

"What!" She hisses. "Did I gain that much weight already?"

"No!" He shakes his head. "It's just that… You're practically glowing Rachel. You look like a glorified, 'just pregnant' mother. It's completely beautiful and very sexy."

She giggles and all of a sudden he stands up with a glass of his champagne and a knife. He clinks the two pieces together to get everyone's attention.

Carole, Burt, Penelope, Hiram, Leroy, Sam, Santana, Brittany, Mercedes, Tina, Mike, Artie, and Puck all look up to Finn.

"Excuse me," Finn smiles. "But Rachel and I have an announcement to make."

He looks down to Rachel who stands up and smiles encouragingly at him. He wraps his arm around her shoulders, hugging her closely and protectively to his side.

"We just recently found out that Rachel is with child. We're having a baby," He exclaims.

Suddenly cheering, clapping, hugging and excitement is coming from the family and friends, causing other families to look confused.

Finn turned to Rachel and leaned down to kiss her.

"I love you more than anything, and don't you ever forget that," He whispers.

"I could never. I love you, too," She smiles brightly.

It was true; she was glowing.

:'( and that my friends was the end! Happy and pregnant!finchel always makes me feel good on the inside. Oh, and excuse me for my smut *blushes*. I tried to keep it minimal, but I think I'm going to start getting more into mature content in future stories.

And speaking of future stories, I have my 'First' fic up, so check that out. I will also be posting a new (AU, I promise to do a Senior Finchel fic, but I just need to get all these scenarios out first) story really soon and it'd mean a lot to me if you went and checked those out.

Lastly, I would like to thank everyone who has review/favorite/alert this story. I love writing and you have no idea how much it means to me that people enjoy reading my work. I know I'm not that great, but I'm improving and I feel that getting feedback from you guys really helps me strengthen my skills. So, keep doing so. A few of you were really sweet this entire time and I think I'm going to do a dedication page to those people. I'm sure you know who you are.

