Chapter 9
A/N: Sorry that this update has taken so long. I meant to write a chapter every week but kind of lost the urge to write and it has only just returned. If you have any ideas I would be happy to hear them. Hope you enjoy this chapter!
Everyone looked up when they heard Darius squeak from the doorway. They boy looked like he was going to pass out and was swaying dangerously on his feet. His t-shirt was all wrinkled, his glasses askew on his face and he had some lovely bed head going on.
"How do you know all that stuff Luna?" Darius asked, his words slurred as he wobbled into the room.
"I can't tell you how I know that, you'll just have to trust me!" Luna told him.
"OK", Darius murmured quietly, slowly walking further into the room. Michael hurried over to his only son; checking him over for injuries. Lucifer watched over them silently from where he stood, his face conveying peace but his mind reeling from all the new information he had received. He knew he would have to deal with it but at the moment he was content to watch over his little family.
"What are we going to do about Voldemort, Dumbledore and the Potters?" Darius asked, he was now sat between his fathers on the black leather couch. Michael, Lucifer and the others thought about this when Luna said:
"I say we make them pay!" Lucifer roared, the thought of those people wasting precious air made his blood boil. He wanted them all to be locked away in the deepest pits of Tartarus, where they could never harm his child again! Michael was thinking along the same lines but didn't want to face his father's fury; he knew he wouldn't be able to kill the mortals that had harmed his son.
"We should discredit them, they rely heavily on their money and fame, all apart from Voldemort, and it would kill the Potters and Dumbledore if they were to become broke and infamous. They rely heavily on their status to control the people around them." Everyone looked to Luna, who was the one to speak, mulling it over; they decided it would be a good idea. First they would discredit Dumbledore as he was the most influential and then the Potters before deciding on how to eradicate Voldemort.
A/n: Sorry for such a short chapter, I wrote this for all those that thought I had abandoned the story, I haven't! I have had a major case of writers block, as well as keeping up with college work, studying for tests and looking for a job, I haven't had much time to write.
Thanks to brownbeltgirl20 for giving me the motivation to continue writing. Thanks to everyone who has reviewed, favourited and followed so far!
Britt x