This is another prompt on the YJ Anon meme that I was working on. BE HAPPY FANS THIS IS A DARKER YJ/CM crossover! Warnings and Triggers will be as followed:

Violence, language, implied rape, murder, torture, rape.

If this does not suit your fancy I please caution you to not read this. I appreciate reviews and any new ideas, because upcoming this and 'Meet the Team' will be updated soon. I promise. Check my livejournal profile for more info and fics ^_^ please enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do not own Young Justice, Criminal Minds, or Professor Zoom.

The room was dark.

A single overhead light was flickering ominously occasionally casting light onto the dark corners.

The floor was disturbingly cold to the brunette man lying on his back as he took in his surroundings with his slightly blurred vision and foggy mind. Reid's eyes took in his surroundings as they flitted back and forth until they landed on a small figure sitting up against the wall, clutching itself almost desperately.

The boy (it looked like to Reid), looked around slowly taking cue of the nonexistent exits (for now). The boy was wearing an odd bodysuit with shoulder pads, some sort of lightning bolt insignia on his chest, yellow boots and gloves, and topped it off with an eye cut out cowl masking his identity and bright red hair. The boy also seemed to have a collar of sorts around his neck, which was strange because he didn't appear to be into BDSM at all.

Reid's foggy mind finally registered who this was sitting across to him.


But what was a hero doing, Reid took one more glance around the round and deduced it to be a basement, here?

The redhead noticed the tall brunette staring at him, cocked his head to the side, and crawled slowly to him, calling out softly, "Who are you?"

The genius glanced around quickly and answered, "My name is Dr. Spencer Reid", he whispered, "I work for the BAU profilers. You are Kid Flash correct?"

The teen hero nodded and sat on Reid's right side being careful of his left leg it seemed.

"Sooo Dr. Reid-"

"Call me Reid please" He cut in quickly.

Kid Flash raised his eyebrow and started again, "Soooo Reid how exactly did you get here? You work for the FBI so doesn't that mean you're trained to NOT get into situations like this?"

Reid's eyebrow rose in slight irritation. "That's the pot calling the kettle black isn't it? You're a superhero and you're sitting in the same area as I am."

Reid was surprised to see the redhead grin slightly in amusement.

"You would be right Reid" He cheerfully replied, still keeping his voice soft, "The dude who captured me manged to somehow shoot me in the neck with a knockout drug. It actually last a while now that I brought it up."

Kid Flash's eyes looked towards the ceiling in thought before he asked, "So how did you get here?"

Reid shrugged his shoulders.

"I wish I can say. I was with my team trying to break the case we were working on in Central City, next thing I know I'm knocked out and waking up here. I just hope that we aren't where I think we are."

"Where would that be?" Kid Flash asked.

"...We were working on a case where 3 male teens and 2 men were abducted, beat, and tortured and killed within a week. The unsub or unknown subject we were trying to track has apparently did this within a month and a half." Reid answered shakily.

The redhead hero was silent for a moment, before nervously d something else asking again, "This unsub did something else didn't he?"

Reid nodded and said, "Based on the evidence gathered from the 5 victims discovered so far, besides being tortured, they were...brutally raped, and the teens showed similarities to one student that goes to the local high school in central. The student was male, redhaired, with bright green eyes, and a slender body shape. I might suggest runner or something. The men have brown hair and slender body shapes as well."

The redhead's body shook slightly as he took in the information. Reid noticed, and grabbed his shoulder to keep him grounded in reality.

The brunette licked his lips and said softly, "I don't know about the rest of my team, but I made the connection almost as soon as I saw you. I don't know your name, I'll wait until you trust me with that information, but right now it's vital that we show this man little to no weakness at all. That's how he gets off. Understand?"

Kid Flash nodded his head in agreement. "At a safer time I'll tell you, because I'm not sure if he knows or not, and I'm not taking that chance especially if he's like ridiculously technologically advanced and can hear our entire conversation somehow."

The genius slapped his own forehead for not having thought of that possibility. The redhead continued not even noticing his actions, "If that's not bad enough I hope my team and the League don't try to hunt down every single criminal for even a bit of information!"

Reid responded almost absentmindedly, "Especially since this unsub is known for sending out tapes of the week long tortures before killing the victims."

Kid Flash froze.

"H-he sends out tapes them. L-like almost every moment?...great exactly what needs to happen..." The hero stuttered out.

Reid nodded.


Meanwhile with YJ and the League

Superman was struggling to keep his hold on the older speedster, while the Green lantern was watching warily from the corner as he kept a defensive stance in case the speedster did manage to break the Boy Scout's grip as they re-watched the footage from over two hours ago.

The screen showed two people carrying off a red and yellow clad unconscious hero into the back of a van. Both assailants had on black with head coverings, but one seem more off than the other. Batman and Robin were working on the computer terminal trying to find the location of where the van was headed to but their efforts were in vain as they re-watched it drive off-camera.

Red Arrow was leaning against the wall closest to the Green Lantern, and was gripping his arms tightly as if to keep himself in check. The rest of Young Justice weren't informed yet of the young speedster's disappearance. The Boy Wonder quickly stood, and rammed his fists onto the terminals' wall two times in succession. Batman paused to examine his young charge, looked him over and went back to work.

Superman calmed down the Flash slightly, as he slowly released him. Green Lantern came up to the speedster's left side as his hand gripped his shoulder.

"We're going to find him," Hal murmured, "We're not going to let anything happen to Wally. Barry please calm down."

The speedster was vibrating slightly. They thought it was from anger. Batman thought it was grief. It was both... plus one more.

It was horror. The Flash is a superhero working missions with the League. Barry Allen is a forensic scientist working with the Central City Police Department.

He's seen footage of this happening before. Not once, not twice, not even three times, but five times.

Five victims. Five male victims. Three victims with an uncanny similarity to Wally.

All who have been beat, tortured, raped and murdered.

In a week. Filmed constantly throughout. But one difference remained. He knew the second man. That cocky swagger walk, and familiar offness to his character. That wasn't any killer. He's a special type of killer. The second man is the Flash's responsibility. No one else can match the Flash and the man's speed anyway.

Except Wally.

Steeling his resolve, Flash straightened up, and motioned his head towards the adults in the room to Hal. He mouthed the word 'meeting' at him and Hal gave him a thumbs up in response. Flash watched as Hal taped Superman slightly and worded meeting with his hands. Flash walked over to Batman and caught his attention, making sure to speak quietly to not get Robin involved, "We need to meet."

Batman never paused, but a couple of seconds later he addressed Red Arrow and Robin, "Go see the team. You need to discuss Kid Flash's kidnapping and measures to make sure he's found safe and as unharmed as possible."

Robin turned to Batman mouth open about to protest, but caught his mentor's expression, and looked towards Red Arrow with a huff. The red haired archer was about to protest before the Zeta Beam inside the compound rang out, "RECOGNIZED: GREEN ARROW DESIGNATION 08"

The bearded archer walked in, but stopped when he saw all the gathered heroes. The Flash grabbed him by the wrist and brought him over to the Green Lantern as the young heroes walked away further inside the mountain. Batman waited an additional couple minutes before addressing Green Arrow.

"Kid Flash is missing. We needed to meet because Flash has some information for us."

"Wait. The little speedster is missing? Oh fuck!No wonder Roy was so mad!"

Green Arrow watched the footage while Superman leaned towards the other three and said, "What exactly do you know Flash? Have you encountered them before?"

With all the attention on him, Flash finally elaborated, "In a month and a half 5 young males went missing, and turned up dead with a week."

Batman was immediately at attention, "What was his modus operandi?"

"Beat, torture and...," The Flash trailed off and his face was downcast behind the cowl. Superman encouraged the speedster to continue with a hand on his shoulder, "...and rape before he killed them after about a week."

Batman's expression turned dark as his scowl deepened, Superman clenched his fists, Hal's green aura flared, and Green Arrow's hand tightened on his bow. The Flash continued, "The difference between all the victims can be divided into two groups, the first three were young, high school kids, and they had a lanky body shape with reddish hair and green eyes, the last two were older in their 20's with wavy brown hair, tall and slender."

"But wait," Superman started, "the first three had an appearance similar to Wally? Does that mean they were after Wally the whole time?"

The rest turned to Flash at the question. Flash nodded wearily, "The killer or killers, as a last hoorah for their prey also recorded almost every beating, torture, and rape session..."

Batman has heard enough. "We need to find him and whoever else they kidnapped before it's too late."

The rest of them nodded. Flash's resolve increased even more to find his nephew, especially before the off man did harm to him.

This is the last time you mess with one of mine...Zoom