Lemony: I hope you readers had happy holidays! Now I have a new story for you! Ok, this idea came to me when I was soaking in the tub…I was playing with my rubber ducky and this story literally came flying out of left freaking field! Enjoy!


Chapter 1: Squad 9's New Captain, Akira Riichirou!

The indigo, night sky in the Soul Society was beautifully spotted with glowing stars and a luminous full moon. The crickets were singing, and the cool air was howling. Everything became more peaceful after the bloodshed of the Winter War a year ago. Sosuke Aizen and the Arrancar had fallen, and for the first time in a long time, the Soul Society wasn't under attack.

Akira Riichirou, the new captain of Division 9, walked along the path back to Division 9's barracks. His hands were deep in his robes pockets and he was even deeper in thought. It had been nearly a whole year since the Winter War. Although, it seemed like only yesterday that the Arrancar were attacking. It took even less time for him to become Captain. It was almost too easy; he passed the Captain's Proficiency Test with flying colors.

Originally, he wanted to be Division 3's captain. However, it was revealed that Gin Ichimaru only betrayed the Soul Society under Head Captain Yammamoto's orders. His mission was to infiltrate Hueco Mundo and assassinate Sosuke Aizen. Sadly, that did not happen. Aizen knew all about Gin's deception and nearly killed the fox-faced man. Had it not been for Orihime and her ability to agate things, Gin would have died from his injuries. Fate obviously had other plans because Gin was healed and he returned to the Soul Society as a hero.

Akira didn't see it that way.

In his mind, Ichimaru was still a lying son of a bitch. Once a traitor, always a traitor.

But his opinion really didn't matter. Gin was reinstated back into his captaincy right before Akira was promoted. So now they were both pulling the same rank. Although Akira despised Gin with a white-hot passion because of his treachery, he was just glad the two of them didn't work together so closely.

Akira walked leisurely back to his barracks, his white captain's haori was bellowing behind him.

Akira Riichirou was a tall man, and considered to be extremely handsome; so handsome in fact, a lot of women said he could be an underwear model. The new captain was a platinum blonde with wavy hair that was always messy, seeing as though Akira liked the 'bed-head' look and never ran a comb or brush through his hair. His face was broad and masculine with a strong jaw, accented features, and blonde stubble grazed his chin. Although he still had a bit of a baby-face and the cutest dimples of any man in the Soul Society. Underneath a set of shapely, blonde eyebrows was a pair of striking, dark green eyes that could make emeralds jealous. Not to mention Akira had a Hollywood smile that could make women jump out of their panties.

All that, combined with his scruffy, suffer-boy appearance and the fact that he was pulling rank meant Akira could fuck half of the female population in the Soul Society.

However, the blonde captain had a reputation for being quite the gentlemen...he only indulged in carnal pleasures every once in a while. He knew he was a pretty-boy and didn't have to spend a night alone if he didn't want to. Girls were practically throwing themselves at him, for goodness sakes!

Akira was a quiet young man who rarely spoke unless he wanted to be heard. He was described by women as being the walking definition of the term "a perfect gentlemen", much to their liking. Mild-mannered yet outgoing, Akira was generally well-liked and highly respected by most in the Soul Society. Underneath that kind exterior was a man who was mysterious…even dangerous…dark…

Akira had it all; good looks, a high-ranking position, and he was born nobility. But it still felt like something was missing…

Being a blue-blooded noblemen, the blonde man didn't date much. The reason why was because the Riichirou family was very much like the Kuchiki's: Filthy, stinking rich! Akira had to watch out for gold-diggers and whatnot. Not only was he captain of Division 9, he was also the 26th head of the noble Riichirou family.

He had a perfect family, perfect looks, and the perfect job, but Akira was still looking for his perfect woman.

He walked along the quiet streets, humming to himself. Things were calm in the Soul Society. Everything was a little too calm for Akira's taste. He wished something interesting would happen. He only became a captain because he craved excitement.

Just then a sound caught his attention. The blonde captain narrowed his eyes and listened closely. Just up ahead he saw someone walking; the person was small in size…

Akira focused his eyes and adjusted them to the shadows; he saw that the person ahead of him was none other than Rukia Kuchiki. What was she doing out at night all alone? Did she know the Soul Society wasn't safe at night for a girl like her? It was then the sound of footsteps echoed into the blonde man's ears. Akira's eye shifted upwards…he could swear the footsteps were coming from roof above him along with fast movements.

Someone or something was stalking Rukia Kuchiki…

Whatever it was, it was moving quickly and hiding in the shadows. Instinctively, Akira curled his fingers around the hilt of his Zanpakto. He watched closely…

This was truly the most interesting thing he'd seen in a while. Akira wasn't going to help Rukia, he was simply staying prepared just in case whatever or whoever was following her turned on him. Honestly, Akira wanted to see how the girl would handle herself. If she truly needed assistance, he'd come rushing to her aid like a blonde knight. If she didn't need his help, he wouldn't get involved.

The shadowed figure darted from roof to roof, creeping steadily closer to the raven-haired girl. Suddenly Gin Ichimaru leapt from the roof, onto Rukia, and dragged the girl onto the ground. The two struggled for a moment, there was some screaming…and then...nothing. Akira held his ground, unsure if he should intervene. After a tense moment, he could see Gin lift Rukia up as if she weighed nothing and ream her onto a nearby wall. Akira winced at the amout of force the other captain used. The younger Kuchiki wrapped her legs around Gin's waist and sank her nails into his robes, a low moan escaped her lips.

Well now, what was this?

Akira's eyebrows rose in surprise when he heard broken but rhythmic cries coming from the raven-haired girl. Gin was fucking her up against the wall, hard. Their lovemaking seemed to last forever. After a while Akira could hear a sweet, little whine come from the girl. A few seconds later, Gin backed up and let Rukia slide down the wall onto her feet. Her robes were disheveled, her face was flushed, but her eyes were satisfied. She liked what Gin had just done to her.

Now that's interesting.

It was no secret that Gin and Rukia were lovers, and Akira knew that. But what he didn't know was that Rukia was a tough little thing. It was no freaking wonder she was with Ichimaru. To Akira, Gin seemed like the crazy, rapist type that would take his girlfriend by surprise in the dead of night and fuck her into conniptions. However, the blonde's focus lied squarely with the younger Kuchiki. Akira watched, thinking to himself, as Gin lovingly scooped Rukia up in his arms and then vanished.

She liked it rough…but how rough? Did she like being taken by surprise all the time? Did she like being dominated?

These questions and more made Akira's cock twitch in his robes. He suddenly saw Rukia Kuchiki in a new light. Finally, something worth looking into in the Soul Society, maybe even something Akira could indulge himself in…

The thought of having little Rukia all to himself made Akira lick his lips as a sudden surge of lust shot his spine.

The blonde man wanted to get to know Rukia on a more…intimate bases. It only made things more fun that she belonged to the well-known, fox-faced captain of Squad 3. The challenge made Akira even more aroused…

This should be very interesting…

Akira continued his walk back to Squad 9's barracks, deep in thought. Hmm…Rukia Kuchiki was certainly was something different. To be honest, he never really noticed the girl all that much before. He knew the roll she played in the Winter War, he knew that her older brother was the oh-so noble Byakuya Kuchiki, and this more recent snippet of knowledge being that Gin Ichimaru was her lover. He'd never actually spoken to her, be Akira did see her around. She was member of Squad 13 and he would see her racing through the Soul Society with her arms full of paperwork. To Akira, Rukia looked like she was a million miles away; she was always deep in thought or a preoccupied daze. Seriously, the blonde captain didn't think she was anything special. In terms of looks he considered Rukia to be average, although she was small and feminine which was a good thing. In terms of what was going on in her head, however, Akira's guess was just as good as the next guy's. Akira's curiosity was beginning to poke at his conscience…what harm would it do to get Rukia underneath him screaming to the high heavens? Really none in the blonde's minds…on top of that, he was curious to see how Ichimaru would respond. Akira wouldn't mind if the silver-haired captain wanted to battle, who knows, Gin just might make a worthy opponent. That was another thing the new captain of Squad 9 thought about, what on earth attracted Rukia to Gin? Akira had a pretty good answer for that question and here it is: Rukia was a deviant, wanton, little super-freak who obviously enjoyed incredibly rough sex and being taken by surprise.

Akira was always drawn to the illicit.

But Akira was no fool. He heard all about Rukia and her amazing abilities. He heard the girl could swing a Zanpakto like it was nobody's business! The girl certainly could handle herself; she wasn't weak by any means. That was another thing they had in common, Akira figured. He was a captain and she was a lieutenant…maybe he could talk into having a little sparring match with him? It would be interesting to see her in a…different kind of action.

As he moseyed through the Soul Society, Akira's thoughts turned to Gin and Rukia's relationship. What was it exactly? Was this it a "friends-with-benefits" kind of deal? We're they exclusive? Akira figured Gin had taken the girl's virginity most likely by force. Once again, he saw Gin as the crazy rapist type. Hell, the blonde captain figured Ichimaru had manipulated her into having any kind of relationship with him. Had Rukia ever been with another man besides Gin? The answer was no. The truth was Gin and Rukia began their relationship shortly after the fox-faced hero returned from Hueco Mundo. Rukia had never been with anyone besides him, especially not in an intimate setting.

Here, Akira smirked to himself.

If that were the case Rukia would have no fucking idea how to handle his advances. She'd be drawn to him, despite herself, because of the newness of the situation.

Akira smiled to himself, his devious thoughts causing the lecherous grin. He never had a problem with women in the past. Because of his stature, good-looks, and reputation Akira could charm his way into a girl's pants in record time. He knew how to break down every woman's walls and essentially break into their panties in the process. He was so good at enticing women, Akira could have them in his (or her) bed faster than you could say "Alawishes". Surely he would have no issues with making Rukia quiver with arousal! Truthfully, Akira didn't want Rukia all to himself; what he wanted was the challenge it presented. That, and Akira had dark, twisted tendiences that he wanted to inflict on Rukia's delicious little body. Once he was done with her, Ichimaru could have what was left over.

Akira's train of thought was interrupted.

"Ompf!" The blonde puffed once he smashed into his Lieutenant, Shuhei Hisagi. Akira blinked a few times and then stared down at his subordinate. When Akira first became captain he thought Hisagi was going to give him hell on a stick. It was his punk-rock appearance that lead to rushed judgement, however, Akira didn't mind Hisagi; he was calm and reliable, and surprisingly, respectful.

"Excuse me, Captain Riichirou." Hisagi said bowing at his superior,

"It's alright, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going, Hisagi." Akira replied, "May I ask where you're headed in such a hurry?"

"Division 3, Captain." The younger man answered, "I have some last-minute paperwork that I need to deliver to Captain Ichimaru."

Akira couldn't fight back a devious grin that stretched across his handsome face, his green eyes sparkled with toxic, wicked intent.

"I'll be happy to take them there for you, Hisagi," Akira purred sweetly, his words laced with false kindness. "I was actually on my way to see him…and besides, I wouldn't want you to overwork yourself."

"Are you sure, Captain?"

"Certainly," Akira hummed taking the small stack of papers out of Hisagi's arms, "What kind of Captain would I be if I can't deliever papers. You're dismissed, Hisagi."

The punk-rocker gave his captain a respectful bow and then flash-stepped from the area. Akira chuckled lowly, now it was time to see what ol' fox-face was up to.

Captain Akira Riichirou entered the Division 3 barracks and promptly made his way to Ichimaru's office. All the barracks were built the same way, just placed differently; so, Akira found Gin's office in no time at all. He knocked quietly and waited for a response.

"Come in," A sugary voice crooned, Akira frowned in disgust upon hearing him. He always hated that bastard's voice! It was annoying as hell!

The blonde cleared his throat, slid the door open, and stepped inside.

Lo and behold, Gin was sitting behind his desk; smirking as usual and leafing through todays documents. He glanced up and his aloof grin stayed in place as Akira stepped inside.

"Ahh…Captain Riichirou," Gin purred, "What can I do for you?"

Akira held up the paperwork, it took all the strength in his body to reply with a friendly tone. "Good evening Captain Ichimaru, I just stopped by to give you these."

Akira may have been smiling on the outside, but inwardly he was fuming. He couldn't believe Head Captain Yammamoto let this…this…traitor return to his captaincy! Akira didn't give two flying fucks that Gin was a spy working for the Soul Society the entire time! That was bullshit in his opinion! Pure, grade-A, bullshit!

"Thank you, Captain Riichirou," Gin teased, "I was starting to think I would never finish today's paperwork. It must be so hard getting everything in order for you, I know how being a new Captain can be…"

Akira saw right through Gin's phony friendlessness. He knew the silver-haired Captain was trying to call him incompetent. Well, two can play at that game…

"It is…" Akira breathed, "And I hope Rukia is doing well."

That sent up red flags in Gin's brain.

The fox-faced man had only known Akira for a few months, but something didn't sit right with him. Akira reminded Gin of Sosuke Aizen. The blonde came off as a mild-mannered nice guy but something about him disturbed Gin…

To put it simply, Akira made Gin's alarms go off. Something was not right about the new captain of Squad 9…

"I'm sorry," Gin purred politely, thinking that his ears had deceived him. "What did you say Captain?"

"I said I hope Rukia is doing well." Akira enunciated each word slowly as if Gin was stupid and wouldn't understand him a second time. The blonde captain could see Gin's narrowed eyes seem to narrow even more. Akira fought back a smile.

Gin simply glared at him through his serpentine eyes. Was that blonde son of a bitch trying to throw a hint?

"Oh, she's doing very well Captain Riichirou. It's so kind of you to worry about her…" Gin replied his sugary tone intertwined with a dangerous glare.

"It's nice of me to worry about her because I want to bust a new hole in your little woman…" Akira thought, instead his mouth formed these words: "It's nothing Captain. I worry about everyone."

"Well aren't you a busy-body…" Gin teased, Akira bristled but forced a smile.

"You're...funny Capatin Ichimaru. It's not wrong to care about people…"

Gin definitely did not like or trust Akira. His little statement about Rukia's well-being had unervered him. Why the fuck was he interested? Come to think of it, why did he care? Did he know something?

The tension in the room was so thicker than a smog. Both Gin and Akira glared at each other in white-knuckled silence, both of them smiling broadly. Just then Rukia slid the door open, stepped in and closed it.

"I'm sorry I'm late, Gin." She began not realizing that Captain Riichiriou was standing in the room. "I had some last minute work to do and…"

Her words stopped when she saw the tall, handsome blonde man standing across from Gin's desk. Although she was Gin's lover, they were still in the 'work' environment, that meant Rukia had to act like a good little Lieutenant. She bowed respectfully at both men.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. Please pardon my interruption." She said politely, "I…I thought Captain Ichimaru would be alone. Good evening Captain Riichirou." She smiled charmingly at him.

Riichirou gave her his million-dollar smile, and his dazzling green eyes sparkled. "Good evening, Rukia. How are you?"

Akira couldn't believe his eyes. He looked Rukia up and down closely, it was hard to believe that she'd been thoroughly ravished thirty minutes ago. Come to think of it, Akira was starting to believe that Rukia wasn't bad to look at…

"I'm fine, sir, thank you." She answered respectfully, Akira grinned.

"Captain Ukitake sure is lucky to have a subordinate as polite as you." The blonde Captain purred taking her hand gently and kissing it. Rukia turned ten shades of red.

"It's a little late Captain…" Rukia said trying desperately to change the subject. "I…I wasn't expecting to see you here."

"I was in the neighborhood…just taking a look around."

Gin looked at Akira sharply and his eyebrows drew in with suspicion…he didn't like the way the blonde had just said that...

Smirking, Akira continued. "I love walking at night. I get to see things…that I wouldn't normally see during the day…"

Now Gin knew for a fact there was a hidden meaning in Akira's words. It was then he cleared his throat. "Captain Riichirou, I believe there was some paperwork you wanted to give me."

"Oh you're right," Akira said, inwardly pleased that he'd rifled Gin's feathers so effortlessly. "Here you are Captain. It's so hard trying keep everything organized…being a new captain myself, and all."

"I'm sure you'll get the hang of it." Gin seethed through gritted teeth and his voice turning sour.

"Captain, if I may," Rukia said, "Its sounds like you need a daily schedule if you're having a hard time keeping things organized. I'd be happy to help if you like."

Akira gave the girl a crooked smile and his green eyes shifted evilly to Gin. "I would love your help Rukia. You're so sweet to offer it to me…"

Gin had heard enough. Stiffly, he stood and walked around the desk, he clutched Rukia's hand possessively. "Its late Captain, and unfortunately I have to cut our little chit-chat short. I have to walk Rukia home."

"I understand." Akira hummed, his voice was so sweet it could make someone's teeth rot. "It's dangerous for young women to walk around in the dark…"

Akira's grin then turned devious. "I'll be on my way so that you two can go."

"I'll talk to you later in the week about your schedule, Captain Riichirou." Rukia said totally unaware of the friction burning up between the two captains.

Akira slid the door open and took one step out. He turned to Rukia, and his voice fell deep and silky, "I look forward to that…"

Gin chuckled nervously and brushed past Akira, holding on tightly to Rukia's hand. He slid the door to his office closed and marched off in the opposite direction.

"Have a good night Rukia. You too Captain Ichimaru…" The silver-haired man heard the blonde purr from behind them.

Gin didn't say a word to him, but Rukia said goodbye to the other captain as she was practically dragged away by her lover.

Akira watched them go, smiling to himself. Rukia really was a friendly, respectable young woman. She was making this too easy for him! And then there was Gin; he was livid, Akira could tell! He knew Gin didn't like the idea of another man flirting with Rukia, and Akira knew for a fact Gin wasn't too thrilled about them being alone to work out this whole schedule thing, either. It was the first opportunity for Akira to have unknowing, little Rukia all to himself, and he was going to make the most of it…

"Captain Riichirou seems nice," Rukia thought aloud as she walked with Gin, hand and hand, back to Kuchiki Manor.

"A little too nice…" Gin thought angrily, but he didn't say a word. "There's something not right about him…"

"Come on," He muttered yanking Rukia slightly, "I don't want to deal with your brother if you get home late tonight."

"What's wrong with you?" Rukia asked, with her eyebrows furrowed. She caught hint of hostility in Gin's voice.

"Nothing," Gin lied through his teeth, "Nothing at all."

As they walked the silver-haired Captain's mind wandered back to Akira. That blonde bastard was up to something…

And Gin didn't like it.

To Be Continued…

Lemony: Alrightie then! That's chappy number one! This was hastily written so please ignore the mistakes. BTW, I have no flipping idea where this story is going, but I hoped you all enjoyed. I gotta stop taking showers and bubble baths, for some reason plot bunnies like to attack me when I'm naked and wet…that sounded dirty. XD…REVIEW!