Title: Memorial Day Marinade
Author: bana05
Rating: M+
Characters/Pairings: Samcedes/Quinn
Spoilers: Up through Glee Season 2.
Disclaimer: Glee ain't mine, unfortunately; otherwise, Mercedes would have a harem.
Summary: Memorial Day is the unofficial start of summer, and Mercedes' was about to be busy in a way it'd never been before.
Author's notes: *Taps mic and winces at feedback* So...yeah...I don't even know at this point, but I fell into Samcedes vortex and, well, *ahem*. I'm sure there are errors, so please forgive them and I hope you enjoy!

There was a glob of her daddy's marinade at the corner of Sam's full mouth, and Mercedes tongued the corner of hers as she imagined licking it off. Sam, of course, was oblivious to this action because he was all in her daddy's ribs, as was just about everyone else at the Hudson-Hummel (Hudmel) abode for Memorial Day weekend festivities, and the ribs had been the Jones Family's contribution. Well, one of them. Waiting to be cut was her grandma's famous lemon-coconut cake that Mercedes had made and the pan that used to hold her mom's baked mac and cheese was currently soaking in the Hudmel sink. Mercedes' famous cookies were hidden underneath a blanket in the SUV because, truly, she trusted no one with them, and least of all Finn, Kurt, and Sam. She'd baked a separate batch for Sam's family alone; and she'd rather have the others think there were no cookies at all than for Finn to sniff out the rest and devour them for himself.

She loved the Frankenteen, but he could be a greedy one.

"I wish you'd brought some cookies," came a whine to her right, and she looked at a pouting Stacy glaring mightily at the paper plate that still held a quarter-eaten hotdog with mustard and ketchup and a large helping of baked beans. She'd been babysitting the younger Evans children for weeks now, and she would always bring cookies when she did. It'd apparently gotten to the point that her presence precluded cookies' presence.

"How are you talking about cookies and you have a plate full of food in your lap?" she asked on a kind laugh.

Stacy just rolled her eyes and plopped her face in Mercedes' plushy upper arm, saying something that sounded something like, "I want Mercedes' cookies!"

"Same," came a deep voice, and Mercedes jumped at the unexpected, but very welcome appearance of one Sam Evans directly in front of her instead of across the yard where he'd been with Santana, Brittany, and Quinn. He was a good egg to block the sun, allowing her to stare into his eyes without needing to squint. That damn blob of marinade was still there, and the Unholy Trinity was jokey enough to let him spend the rest of the evening being decorated as such.

Especially Santana.

Stacy popped up from her anguish against Mercedes' arm, and then started giggling. "You got sauce on your mouth!"

"I do?" Sam asked, settling onto his haunches so he was eye-level with his sister. "Will you get it for me?"

Mercedes almost groaned at the fact Stacy could kiss the marinade away and it be adorable, whereas she would've been mistaken as a cannibal if she'd employed the same tack.

"Thank you, sweet Stacy," he said, gathering his sister into his lap as he remained on his haunches. "Now, what's this about Mercedes' cookies?"

"She didn't bring any and I want some," Stacy complained, the pout now back on her face even as she scooped some baked beans into her mouth.

"That's not true," Sam replied with a shake of his head. "I know for a fact she brought cookies."

"Really!" the little girl squealed, brightening. "Where?"

"You can't say anything to anyone about them, though," Sam continued, pressing a long finger to his lips and Stacy mimicked them. "But if you're good for the rest of the day, you'll get some."

"I'm always good!" Stacy declared. "Ain't I, Mercedes?"

"You're one of my most favorite people to babysit for, Miss Evans," Mercedes agreed, and Stacy preened at her brother, offering the unbitten end of her hotdog to him. He took the smallest bite from it possible but Stacy beamed wide as if proud she could share something with her big brother.

"How about you go find Stevie real quick while I go with Mercedes to find those cookies, yeah?"

Stevie was sitting with Puck, Artie, and Puck's sister Sarah across the yard. They were in a deep conversation about something that Mercedes guessed related to video games. She knew for a fact all four were about that Mario Kart life. The rest of the cookout attendees either hovered at the food table or were dancing in the cleared space to the '80s radio station Mr. Hummel was using as the party's soundtrack. Not even Rachel was complaining about hat, although much of that had to do with her mouth being occupied by Finn's more often than not.

A scowl flitted across Stacy's face before Sam's sharp look smoothed it away. "I get four cookies?"

He blinked at her in surprise. "A whole third for yourself?"

"Mama and Daddy are out of town, right? And Mercedes usually makes twelve cookies, so I get four that leaves eight; you get four; that leaves four more. Then Stevie gets four unless he's mean to me, and then you get one more, and I get one more and he just gets two for being bad."

Sam's jaw dropped while Mercedes covered her mouth against the snort at Stacy's scheming. Stacy Evans was good…at being clever and getting what she wanted!

"Hmm, deal," Sam said, and the Evans siblings shook on it. Then Stacy bounced out of Sam's lap, careful of her still-full plate, and went across the yard to keep up her end of the bargain. Sam didn't stand from his crouch, however, turning peridot eyes to her, and a corner of his mouth lifted.

"Hey," he said.

"That was some good negotiating there, Sam," Mercedes praised.

Sam shrugged and let his eyes skip along her form. "We Evanses know how to get what we want, Miz Jones."

Though they'd agreed to date after Nationals, Mercedes had wanted to keep it just between them for now so they could enjoy themselves without the nosy glee club snooping and scooping them. But if Sam kept looking at her like that, they would put themselves on serious blast.

"And what you want are some cookies," Mercedes said, hoping he couldn't hear the warble in her tone or the way her breathing had accelerated.

"And cream," he said, smirking a little.

Mercedes whimpered and licked her lips before taking a long drag of her lemonade. She ignored Sam's growing smirk, going so far as to stand and walk to the large trash bag at the far corner of the yard. The music wasn't as loud here, but that didn't stop Sam from getting all in her personal space and brush his lips against her ear as he spoke.

"We can go to your house real quick?" Sam asked, pressing his hardened crotch against her hip. "I know your folks left for Myrtle Beach already and you need to have those cookies by the time this party is over…"


"I miss you, baby," he whispered, rolling his head down to kiss the hinge of her jaw, making her squeak and sigh in the process. "I miss your mouth and your hands on me. I miss my mouth and my hands on you…"



Mercedes yelped and scrambled away from Sam, and she didn't miss his scowl aimed at her. Quinn stood there, her short bob dancing in the light breeze and the hem of her floral summer dress swishing about her toned legs. She arched a perfect honey eyebrow at them as she threw a stack of plates and cups into the trash.

"Quinn! Uh, Sam was just—"

"Being naughty and selfish," Quinn finished, crossing her arms at her chest. "I thought you two were being discreet?"

Sam rolled his eyes while Mercedes gaped, then frowned. "What?"

Quinn scoffed and grinned. "Seriously? This has been a whole school-year coming, but I knew weeks ago."

"We weren't together 'weeks' ago," Mercedes argued. "And what do you mean 'a whole school year'? Sam didn't even know I existed until Christmas!"

"I knew you existed during 'Empire State of Mind', darlin'," Sam corrected with a smirk.

Her eyes widened. "That was the beginning of the school year, Sam!"

"See," Quinn said triumphantly. "Glad you finally manned up, Sam."

"Had to," Sam replied. "What with you on the market and all."

"What?—No, never mind," Mercedes said instead, leaving the blonds arguing behind her. She grabbed her keys but didn't say her goodbyes. She was just going to her ride to get the cookies, and then she was leaving.

"If I didn't like the wiggle in your walk so much, I'd say this was very cowardly of you, Mercedes Jones."

"Tuh!" Mercedes vocalized, not even pausing her gait to continue on to the car. She was a ways down the street from the house where there was nothing but trees and road, so Sam felt more than comfortable to spin her around and press her against the back door of the car before claiming her lips in a kiss. She melted immediately, whimpered pathetically, and gasped out of the kiss when Sam's fingers slid beneath the elastic of her pants and underwear to graze her pubic hair. She wasn't wet—yet, but only a few strokes of his fingers and the continued nibble of his teeth on her upper lip would get her there.

"Move, Sam! Quit hogging!"

Mercedes had been staring at the fluffy clouds in Lima's blue skies, but Quinn's voice had jerked her attention back down to earth. Of course, Sam's solution was to sink to his knees and drag her pants and panties with him, but Quinn didn't mind the new position because she could kiss Mercedes full on the mouth now. Quinn's hands were soft and gentle as they cupped her face, but not nearly as soft as her lips upon hers. Her breath tasted like pork and Coke—two of Quinn's favorite things—and her daddy's marinade.


Sam had just slipped a finger inside of her dampening channel and curled his tongue around her throbbing nubbin. Mercedes gripped Quinn's shoulders in surprise, and the other girl's husky laugh vibrated against her jaw.

"I've missed that sound, sweetie," Quinn murmured in her ear. "Those breathy high notes of yours. We're the only people to have ever heard them, hmm?"

Mercedes groaned in the affirmative, especially when Quinn's small hands slid underneath her top and bra to palm her breasts.

"We probably would've won Nationals with your high notes…or be banned from competition for life. Either way, it would've been worth the performance, don't you think?"

"Fuck, yeah," Sam whispered against her nether lips, pulling one between his teeth and tugging. Mercedes slid against the SUV, her knees weakening against the double onslaught. She had each hand in a blond head of hair and one thigh draped over Sam's broad shoulder as he thoroughly enjoyed his cookies and cream. Quinn squeezed her breast and pinched her nipples, giving a rundown with her sex-operator voice and tender kisses and sighs against her mouth and neck. Soon sensation became too much, and Mercedes hit a note at her climax that would've made Mariah Carey equal parts proud and jealous. Quinn kissed her cheek like a pleased mother and petted her as she came down from her ascent. She still trembled, especially since Sam had taken it upon himself to clean her slick thighs with his tongue.

"Give me your keys, sweetie," Quinn murmured against the corner of her mouth. Mercedes lifted her hands, just realizing they'd been full of golden hair and no keys in sight. She looked on the ground and saw them by Sam's foot. She would've gotten them if Sam's mouth wasn't still preoccupied between her thighs. Nevertheless, Quinn bent down and retrieved them, whispering something in Sam's ear as she did. Moments later, Sam presented a middle and ring finger to Quinn that had previously been in Mercedes' pussy and the blonde girls tongued all of the moisture from it. Mercedes felt yet another spike of arousal at the sight.

"You guys take your time," Quinn murmured, standing and smacking her lips with keys in hand. "Cookies are where, Mercedes?"

"B-uh-bb-backseat underneath the blanket. Just take two tins inside," Mercedes managed, keening a little now that Sam was pressing open-mouthed kisses along her fleshy belly.

"I'll say Sam's been called to the pizza parlor and you offered to take him if you need me to," Quinn said once she'd gotten the cookie tins.

"That's okay," Sam said gruffly, standing so he loomed over Mercedes with his forearms on either side of her head. "We'll be back directly."

Quinn snorted and ducked underneath Sam's arm to give Mercedes a parting kiss. "Text me if you change your mind…"

Sam scowled at Quinn's retreating back. "Takin' liberties with my woman…"

"Well, they were freely given by the both of us, dear."

Sam turned the scowl on her and opened his mouth to argue, but Mercedes stood on tiptoes and kissed him silent, tasting herself and her daddy's marinade as she did. It was a bizarre flavor, one she didn't need to revisit anytime soon.

"I like it when you call me dear," he mumbled against her lips.

"You are," she promised, smiling at his slight blush. "Very much so."

"Mercedes?" Sam asked, pressing his body into hers as he started kissing her again.

She sighed, arching her neck for more of his mouth. "Sammy…"

"Text Quinn," he commanded, hiking both of her legs up around his waist and grinding his crotch into hers. "Looks like I gotta pull an emergency shift."