Chapter 1: Prologue


Ten Years Ago

I dared to sneak out of the Hyuuga Manor to go to the most beautiful beach in the world, The Himawari Beach of Konoha. Or some people call it the Akahana Beach. A beach known to grow sunflowers and therefore that is that beachs' names.

Many people don't go to the side of the beach where I go. It's a very quiet and a perfect spot to watch the beautiful sunset. And the water is always oddly warm.

As I took off my shoes to put my small feet into the water I was already in bliss. It's already 8:00 and it's December 24. The water is a bit colder than it usually was but, that was perfectly fine with me since I was wearing very, very, very warm clothing. Plus a handmade scarf made by my own mother.

As I sighed I could see my breath in the air. I smiled gently.


A sudden boom startled me. As I looked up at the beautiful starry sky I saw multi colored flowers bursting in the sky. I gaped at them. I awed at them.


Those beautiful fireworks bloomed into the the beautiful starry sky. I almost cried. This was too beautiful.

Today was the 'Himawari Festival' to honor those who fought in the war between the City of Konohagakure and Sunakure.

From the corner of my eye I saw a small figure. I turned around quickly to see who it was, only to see the most handsome boy I've ever seen. He had dark onyx eyes, black spiked hair, and beautiful facial structure. His hands were in his pockets and his scarf covered most of his face from the cold. I stared at him.

I couldn't help it to be honest.

He looked down out at me and our eyes met. He smirked. I swear that my face turned red like a cherry. His smirk was really cute. I thought.

I looked back at the starry sky and bit my lip to control my blushing. Then out of no where he sat next to me. He took off his shoes and socks and laid his feet in the water.

"Ah….K-Konnichiwa! I'm Hyuuga Hinata!" I blurted out. He turned and looked at me.

"Uchiha. Uchiha Sasuke!" he also blurted out as if he was making fun of me.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"Same reason why you're here. You're here to watch the fireworks right?"

"And the sky of course…" I added.
Aaah! I shouldn't have said that...

"Same here." He turned back and looked at the sky again. I kept blushing.

There was a sudden silence in the air. I laid my feet in the water again. But, I accidentally slapped my feet into the water, splashing water on the boy. I noticed what I had done. I quickly stood up and apologized with a bow. My face created a light blush.

"It's okay; you didn't do it on purpose." He replied. He told me to sit back down and I did what he said. As soon as I sat down he kicked water onto me. He quietly said, "Payback." He grinned.

I was surprised by his reaction. I laughed and kicked water at him. This time I did it on purpose. We both kicked water at each other until we got all wet.

The fireworks stopped. And once again there was silence. The sky was still beautiful even if the fireworks were gone. But, I was still a bit disspointed. The boy got up and put his shoes and socks back on.

I looked up at him. "I-Is it okay if I see you again!" I blurted out. I covered my mouth.

I should have said it more politely…I've gotten too excited. I want to meet him again. I want to know more about this boy. He could possibly be my very first friend!

He extended his hand toward me. I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up.

"I'll see you tomorrow at the same time okay?" I was ecstatic. I nodded and smiled at him and he smiled back.

Little did I know that he just transferd to my class when we got back from Winter Break. I've been seeing him for over a year after the first time we met. Then one day, he never came.

His last words were, "Gomen, Hinata...and Arigato." after that he ran off.

I expected to see him the next following day but, he never came. Every single day, after he left, I would go visit that same spot. And on it just so happened on the day he was the same day we met.

Next time on Hoshizora: Transfering Schools

A/N: I decided to revise this entire story! My writing has improved alot! And I've been hiatus on this. So, I think its time to do this. I'm sorry for those people who were already reading this. Please, please read this once more. And please reveiw!