Sasuke felt sick to his stomach. He NEVER felt sick,but the events that had just happened seemed to disprove that theory. Sasuke looked at the girl before him. She played with her fingers avoiding any eye contact with the boys who were staring at her in awe. Well it was kind of hard not to since she was a princes...WAIT! WHAT!

Rewind *does weird video tape thingy*

"My real name is Hinata Hyuuga. A-as you all found out, I-i'm not who you t-think I am..." Ani...erm...Hinata looked down at her feet again shyly. She wasn't much of a talker was she? "Uh... W-where should I start..."

The bluenette continued her life story and all that bllah blah blah. Sasuke didn't pay attention to most of it only catching a few key parts...Okay that was a lie. He was just as curious as the rest of the guys he just didn't want to admit it.

"WAIT SO YOUR A PRINCESS FROM AN ISLAND COUNTRY AND HAS TO CROSS DRESS AS A GUY TO AVIOD GETTING KIDNAPPED BY SOME BAD GUYS! WOW, YOU ARE SO COOL,HINATA HYUUGA!" None other than Naruto ,of couse, yelled as he was then tackled by Kiba who was then being pulled back by Choji.

"Can you guys make things more obvious!" The Uchiha grumbled. He was not in a good mood.

"Ano...n-now that y-you guys know...I'm gonna have to call in my c-cousin N-neji.." Hinata squirmed uncomfortably.

Everyone soon had shut up. I mean it wasn't a big deal that her over-protective-and-kind-of-crazy- cousin is coming over to a school where 90% of the male population is a complete pervert and 50 of that 90% are idiots who wouldn't hesitate to make a move on her. Yes, someone is gonna get there ass beat before the end of the week.

All the guys mentally sweat dropped and slowly backed away. Hinata told them how protective her cousin was and if he found out that they had seen her "girls"... They all tried shaking off the thought. Oh, god, What if she tells him.

Naruto stood in the back of the room scribbing furiously on a peice of paper. Anime tears began running down his cheeks. "I never thought I'd have to start writing my will so young. My ramen cups will all go to my dear friend Konohamaru- wait scratch that- I WANT MY RAMEN CUPS TO BE BURIED WITH ME! WAAHH! *Sniffle*"

Sai patted Naruto's back. " It's okay my friend...It's okay..." He gave one of his usual creepy smiles.

Naruto jumped and pointed a finger accusingly at Sai. "We wouldn't even be in this mess if it weren't for you!"

And that's when they heard it... a giggle... all seven guys in the room looked up to see Hinata muster up a giggle which turned into a fit of giggles which turned to a weird weazing/donkey/dying whale sound coming from her mouth. Wait-that was her laugh. And here Sasuke was thinking she was kind of cute and THAT comes out of her!

Mental Note: Never make Hinata laugh.

After her laughing fit (if it should even be called that) stopped she looked around in horror at what she had just done. "Hinata! I didn't know you're laugh was that cute!" The blonde said smiling as Hinata blushed.

The dobe thought that was cute...? But then again he did have a thing for the she-beast known as Sakura. He had such weird taste women, maybe Sasuke should teach him a thing or two, but then again he didn't have a taste in women. That's right ladies, the Uchiha did not have a type. Actually he hadn't like a women in his life...

The guys soon encircled the poor girl as Sasuke slammed his face into his pillow. The room was too cramped for his liking, but he was gonna sleep anyways.

Now here he was hours later and he layed in bed still wide awake. It was now morning and since it was saturday they didn't have any classes. Naruto was snoring away while Kiba who was also sleeping had Naruto into a choke hold which seemed to have happened from there last fight that they didn't complete. It reminded him of something that would be in a girl's yaoi manga. He shuddered from thinking of that he found a little manga a fangirl made of him and Naruto.. Girls were just sick...

Sasuke could here the door open. Oh no, he thought reaching for his baseball bat he had by his room just in case the fangirls did a nightly rade. But what he saw wasn't a hormonic crazed teenage. The lavender colored eyes told him much worse.

Neji Hyuuga was finally here and Sasuke had seen his beloved little cousin's boobs...twice..

Fuck. I kind of went on vacation for over a yeah... I finally updated so read of you'd like... I've gained the inspiration to finish writing this and will update more often. Thank you so much for reading... I'm really sorry for not updating... Thank you guys so much for following and for the reviews... without them I probably would have updated ALOT Later(if not at all) so thank you!