Equestria: a Dashing Odyssey

"Sleepy Head, w-wake up, its 1:00 pm, i-it's not good to oversleep, you could get sleep de-." Said Fluttershy "1:00 PM, I'm late!" Rainbow Dash got out of bed and flew as fast as she could to the Wonderbolts tryouts discarding Fluttershy's greeting. On the way she saw something peculiar, smoke, not just a little campfire kind of smoke, it as a huge mass of smoke. She had two choices, either continue to the audition or investigate the smoke. She rushed towards the smoke and then to the horror to her eyes she saw a pony that looked just like her.

She was killing everypony she could get her hooves on. The other Rainbow Dash looked like her but also had some differences, other than the blood-soaked mane; the main difference was that she had bigger wings and stronger muscles. Rainbow Dash didn't understand so she took action and pummeled the other Dash to the ground. "Who are you and why are you doing this!" said Dash. "I think you know very well who I am, and for the other question, well, because it's my job as the leader of Equestria to harvest this world." Said the other. "What do you me-" Rainbow Dash was violently hooved off of the other Dash. "You are no threat to me Ms. Dash, I am not from your world, but from a more intellectual unflawed world, and let me be straight forward with you, I am here to harvest your world, you might think I am you, I am not you, I am Shadow Dash, I'm here to get stronger, and to do that I need souls identical to my genus makeup, now without further a do, your reckoning." She lifted a device which looked like it was used for extracting some type of energy.

"I don't think so" said Dashie in an angry tone. She wrestled off the Twin and flew as fast as she could to Canterlot to warn Princess Celestia. When she was at a high altitude she saw a huge portal with what looked like millions of Alicorns coming out. So she went even faster. When she got their, there were thousands of the Equestrian Royal Guard. Fighting wave after wave of alternate pegasi, she snuck in from the back. She made it to Princess Celestias room. "Princess, the ponies out of the portal are here to destroy all of Equestria. "I hear you concerns Rainbow Dash, things look grim but we have an advantage, have you and your friends, now go bring your friends here to be kept safe, Twilight is already on her way." Said Celestia.

Ponyville looked like not a single thing has happened. Rainbow Dash could still see the gigantic portal in the distance. Then she went into the main courtyard in the center of Ponyville. Everypony was gathered in a mob near the central stage, they were hoping the local government could save them from the inevitable death that was coming. Rainbow Dash saw Fluttershy, Pinkie, Applejack, and Rarity. "Hey you have to follow me to Canterlot, the Princess is requesting us to come to her palace." Exclaimed Dashie. "Well, what about Twilight?" asked AJ. "She is already there." Said Dash.

Then out of nowhere four portals popup in Ponyville. Out popped four versions of the mane six. One version was human ponies, another being Stallion ponies, the other were all alicorns and the last being versions that were twice as strong and wise as their counterparts of this realm... "We are here to save your world and many others, we are here to stand up against the tyrannical PRT324 Realm, who here speaks for your world" Said the human Twilight. Rainbow Dash thought to herself, this was her opportunity to save all of Equestria for once, since there was no Twilight here, she spoke up. "Since Princess Celestia isn't present nor is Twilight Sparkle present, I think I should speak for our world." said the eager Rainbow Dash. "As I thought" said a human Zecora coming out of the portal. Then many more ponies from all the universes many recognizable, yet many were ponies that Rainbow Dash had never seen before or just couldn't recognize from all the differences. Then a Police Booth appeared out of nowhere. Out walked a stallion that had an hourglass for a cutie mark. It was the Doctor, Doctor Whooves. "Hello everypony my name is Dr. Whooves, I am a time lord, in other words an alien from another world that watches over time and universal affairs, I have been notified of the possible war, so, I have come here to help this universe prepare, first order of business, where is this Rainbow Dash?" said the Doctor. "I am?" Said Dashie. "In the future you are famous for what you do in this war, you will be a vital asset to this war." Said the Doctor.

Rainbow Dash started evacuating the citizens of the cities to a Bunker in Canterlot. The Doctor started on his way to Cloudsdale knowing that's where Shadow Dash would be. When he got there Cloudsdale was in a state of ruins. There were dead bodies from both universes in the middle of all the fighting was Shadow Dash she saw The Doctor. "So is it really that time again?" Said Shadow. "Your tyranny is going to end soon; I just thought I would tell you that" Whooves said in a happy tone. The Doctor secretly put down an energy manipulative mine; it causes an energy bubble that vaporizes anything that touches it. She charged at the Doctor. She stepped on the mine and was trapped by the bubble. "My associates will just release me from this imprisonment." Screamed out Shadow. "This is just to temporarily stun you, this is your last chance to give up or you will be defeated." Said Whooves. Dr. Whooves did that to make a point get across to the other realm that the good guys are coming back for them, with a vengeance.

Meanwhile in Canterlot, the Mane Six were contemplating on what to do. Twilight suggested an assault directly on their world, while Rainbow Dash suggested a more stealthy approach by disguising as their counterparts; by putting on fake wings and what not. They eventually agreed on Dashie's plan based on the fact that Doctor Whooves said she would be the cause of winning this war. They later chose they needed a distraction to get into the portal, Trixie is going to create an illusion of her trying to get in, then the guards will go after it and then they will enter the portal.

In Shadows Homeworld…

"Is it ready?" said a mysterious time pony. "Yes, it will be shipped to the HQ tomorrow." Said a worker pony. "Good, prepare for my descent into the, world without magic." Replied the time pony.