Seriously people? There is no Wyper/WiperXoc pairings on here, like at all and Kamakiri doesn't even have a... what's it called?... Well he doesn't have his name in search box like where you can narrow it down to what character you want... the Character select? Idk. Either way those two really don't have enough love. I hope to make this an actual short story and not into some ungodly long thing that never gets finished.

Chapter One: Just A Dream? No, A Dream About A Memory

Wyper watched the girl standing next to God. She didn't look like anything special, besides one of them wingless freaks, but he couldn't take his eyes from her. She was a small girl. Her height couldn't be five feet. He'd bet that her head wouldn't reach the bottom of his chest. He blinked as soon and her mismatched eyes met his, then his onyx orbs glared at her. The girl just smiled and pushed a lock of her long orange hair behind her ear. Then God moved in the way and Wyper could no longer see her.

"We are going to take our land back." Wyper growled once again at God. But it did not effect the older man. Anger coursed through him and he moved to attack. Kamakiri grabbed onto Wyper's right arm while Braham grabbed his left. But they weren't strong enough and the other Shandians were too slow and missed grabbing Wyper. As Wyper flew forwards God prepared himself to take the hit, but his warriors and protectors pulled him out of the way.

And there, in Wyper's line of attack, stood the small girl. Wyper's eyes widened but it was too late to pull back now and he couldn't stop. He twisted enough so that his fist missed her face, where God's mid chest would have been, and his head hit hers. The fell together and Wyper landed on top of her. Their mouths connected and for a second they shared a kiss. But then gravity pulled them into the ground and the force of the impact split someone's lip, both people could taste the blood.

His arms wrapped around her as he forcefully landed on her and they slightly bounced. In the air again he twisted once more turning so that he would end up on the bottom and not crush her. When they landed again they skid back several feet. Wyper's head throbbed and he could hear someone yelling. "Avery!" They called. It must have been the girl's name. Using his right hand he pushed himself and the girl into a seated position for he was still holding onto her with his left arm.

Her face had turned a flaming red and she wiggled some. He looked at her face and saw that it was her lip that was bleeding. A small stream of blood flowed down her uplifted chin and dripped onto her once pristine white clothes. Her chin was uplifted, like she wanted to kiss him, or was thoroughly confused. He was about to speak when someone's knee made contact with the back of his head. On instinct he pushed her away so that this time when he flew she didn't.

And now they had a matching split lip. "No!" She screamed and her voice captured his attention. One of God's warriors were running at Wyper now. Flipping back he eyed the man warily. "Behind you!" She called out in a panic. Wyper didn't bother to look, he just dodged trusting her for some reason.

God's voice rang out then, calling his warriors back. Reprimanding them for attacking without an order to. The girl, Avery went to Wyper's side. She was asking if he was alright and trying to make sure he wasn't hurt. At that exact moment, when his head was leaned forward so she could look at the back where he'd been hit, he knew she wasn't a girl, but a woman. His face was nearly shoved into her small breasts.


Wyper jolted up in his bed. A clear sheen of sweat coated his bare body. He'd dreamed about her again. About his missing fiance. It'd been near to six years now, six years since he'd lost her. They had been betrothed by God and the Chief as a way to finally end the war. It was the day that they were supposed to be joined, through an old Shandian way, that she'd disappeared. Laki had joked that she'd gotten cold feet and was crawling her way there.

But then lightening shot from the sky and the six year long hell started in heaven. When Enel announced himself and told about his over throwing of Gan Fall; Wyper's blood had ran cold. Gan Fall showed up again as the knight of the sky but Avery didn't. She was gone. Wyper refused to believe she was dead. And until he was given solid proof like her cold lifeless body, and nothing less, would he believe it.

Standing up, Wyper and grabbed his leaf skirt. He pulled only that on and left his tipi. After dreaming about her he knew that sleep was no longer going to come. It was as he knelled in front of Calgara's statue that his waking mind wandered back to Avery again. He'd spaced out and was unaware of the silent tears that dripped down his cheeks. This wasn't the first time this has happened. And everyone has learned to act like nothing happened and never to mention it. Laki noticed him first and went about her daily chores acting like he wasn't there. Aisa came up to her.

With a quick tug on Laki's pants and her finger pointing towards Wyper Aisa got her point across. Kneeling down to the girls height Laki didn't meet Aisa's eyes but kept her sight locked onto Wyper. Laki whispered the single word that would let Aisa know why their fearless leader was breaking down. "Avery." The name was little more than a whisper from her lips but Wyper's head shot up and he blinked, coming back from wherever, no whenever, his mind had been.