Another 221B (221 words, finishing with a 'b' word)

Warnings: Implied sexytimes ahead.

Frothy Preparation

Part of Harry's present had been two large bars of good quality chocolate, and after days of rich Christmas pudding and mince pies, John craved something light and easy to eat. Eggs, sugar and salt were in the cupboards and it took no more than half an hour to finish the preparation, then a patient wait for a couple of hours while it set in the fridge.

Despite his usual reluctance to eat anything, Sherlock had an amazing habit of appearing whenever John had food in his hands, and so John didn't even jump when Sherlock breathed, "What's that?" in his ear as he took the finished item from the fridge.

"A roast chicken dinner, obviously," John told him straight-faced, then relented at Sherlock's indignant look. "It's chocolate mousse made without cream ... hey!" He snatched the dish away as Sherlock stuck his fingers into the dessert and scooped out a large dollop.

"I'll get you a spoon," John began but Sherlock put his fingers into his mouth and sucked on them with a blissful look on his face, then turned a predatory gaze onto John.

"Spoons are boring," he told him as he stalked slowly towards him, herding John and his dessert gently backwards towards the bedroom. "And only unimaginative people would eat something like this from a bowl ..."

The title comes from part of one dictionary definition of 'mousse'.