Disclaimer: You've probably gotten tired of this, but it is a tradition I must uphold. I don't own Harry Potter… unfortunately.

A/N: I won't bore you by gushing at how grateful I am for your continued support these long twenty chapters. Instead, I'll simply say happy reading and I hope you enjoy the last chapter of Remembering Grace.


Sirius Black sat on the pier, gazing peacefully at the placid Black Lake. Today was a momentous day indeed, his last ever at Hogwarts. Somehow, someway, he managed to pass his N.E.W.T.s and graduated. Now that all the hustle and bustle of the last few months had dissolved into teary good-byes and quiet, almost meaningful afternoons on the grounds, he found that it was calming to sit by the Lake. Usually he sat alone, for the last few months he'd been acutely aware of James, Remus and Peter clinging to him like there was no tomorrow, which he had started to find annoying. Sirius brushed it off as a need to spend time with him since school was ending.

In his opinion, it had been a lovely year. Such great memories, although sometimes he felt as though large chunks were missing, he barely knew anything of what had happened in April and May, and somewhere in his mind he felt certain that something vital was missing. However as soon as he thought such things, he immediately dismissed them as nonsense that wasn't worth his time.

He sighed and watched a large tentacle lazily surface from the water, he still found it a little hard to believe that this might be the last time he looked out onto the Black Lake and the last time he breathed in the scent that was so purely Hogwarts.

He heard footsteps on the pier and smiled as he saw Amelia Ray sit down beside him and gently nudge his arm.

She was another puzzle he couldn't seem to figure out, for some odd reason, he felt as though she and he had a very special bond, as though they had been through much together. Although many people had urged him to go out with her, for some reason he always felt that he was already in love… with someone else though. But they were still close friends and they spent many hours together.

He watched as she hugged her knees to her chest and sighed, "I thought I might find you here, it's become your haunt." She smiled softly at him before tucking a strand of blond hair behind her ear.

"I feel so unworried here," he said quietly, "I don't want to weep or jump for joy on the last day here, I just want to feel tranquil, I want to feel at ease. I want to remember this moment forever, Amelia, forever."

"Forever is a long time," she whispered.

"Exactly," he replied.

She let out a deep breath and stretched her arms lazily, "You've been so quiet for the past few weeks, what've you been thinking about?" She asked.

"Nothing much just- you know what, never mind." He shook his head; he wasn't ready to tell her yet, she wouldn't be able to handle the truth. The sunlight made her hair glow and gave her an otherworldly look. She gave him a sad smile, somewhere deep down he knew that she knew that he couldn't tell her.

"I'm going to go now, Sirius," she murmured, "come see me sometime, and maybe someday you'll be able to tell me what you were thinking." She squeezed his hand lightly before standing up and walking back to where her Ravenclaw friends stood, waiting for hugs and heartfelt goodbyes. Never once did she look back.

He sighed and his shoulders slumped as a few silvery tears leaked out of his eyes, "Nothing much," he breathed deeply, somehow finding the courage to let out what he'd been bottling inside, "just remembering Grace."


A/N: First of all I would just like to thank everyone who ever reviewed/favourited/alerted or even read one chapter of this story. For me, this moment is monumental, this is the first multi-chapter fic I've completed and the fact that you guys were the ones who were reading it makes it even more special. As for the epilogue, I decided to leave a sort of open ending and let you guys come up with what happened next. In case you didn't figure it out, James and Remus did decide to remove those memories, however, since Sirius still heard people talking about Grace and since she was so much more than a memory to him, he kind of knows who she was. But not really. Once again thank you all so much for sticking with this fic!

Signing out for the last time,
