
Summary: All alone, the only thing the blonde man could think of for the past 15 years, was just that 'I'm all alone'. He wanted another chance, with no miracle, he searched and researched, with trial and error, Naruto got his wish. Join Naruto as he starts his life all over, from the tender age of five as a shrewd and sarcastic, manipulated brat.

Disclaimer: Naruto © Kishimoto Masashi

Warning: Shounen-ai, perhaps yaoi (probably not… I'm not good at that)

Pairing: KakaNaru (later, I'm more of a get to know each other before we go on a date, type), One-sided everyone x Naruto

KH: This is short, because this is a prologue…


There was a blonde man sitting in the desolate marred land, known as Konohagakure; Konohagakure, the proud ninja village of fire country… or what was left of it.

After Orochimaru, after Akatsuki, after Uchiha Madara… this was all left of most of fire nation, along with other nations… a waste land, devoid of life.

For once there was an alliance with all five great ninja villages, along with the lone samurai country, but it wasn't enough, it was too late… War drove on until there was nothing left.

Only but a few people had survived, and they knew they couldn't defeat HIM, not since he had captured and extracted every Bijuu, every tailed beast.

Now this is where the blonde man sat, clothed in nothing but rags, a cloak of rags; drawing a large circle in the dirt with a broken twig. Looking from afar, it looked as though the thin man was out of his mind, but looking closely, one could see that his deep cerulean eyes had not lost its fire, that they were focused on what he creating.

He had escaped, had eluded death for over fifteen years, mastering everything he could his hands on… and now he was back and drawing a seal.

The constant thoughts that ran through the thirty year old blonde's mind were 'Can I do it? Can I change that which has already been done?'

'All alone… I don't want to be- Please let this work' finishing the seal, the man stood, his ragged cloak sway as he walked to the center of circle… He performed the proper hand signs, all two hundred and twenty three hand signs.

A minute and a half later slammed the ground with his right hand and a blinding light surrounded the area, and the man was gone.

Twenty-four years back in time…

A six year old blonde boy stood in the middle of an old apartment, it was large… but unbearably empty and furthest from other denizens of Konohagakure.

"I did it…?" he looked around his old bedroom; everything was intact, though there were a few things missing…

Looking down at his small pink hands, he could tell he had been dejected far into the past… further than he would have liked.

Looking to the calendar hanging on the wall, he found that he had traveled back to when he was five, almost six years old, not even an academy student yet.

"Well this stinks… here I am, a seal master, a man with mastery of ninjutsu of all sorts from all over the world and I'm stuck as a frail five year old brat…" the boy focused his chakra and climbed the wall of his bedroom to sit on the ceiling.

'Well at least I still have near to perfect chakra control… which means, I'll just need to increase my chakra reserves, and practice taijutsu… and gaining a strong healthy body' the boy stood and walked over to his cabinets, of course everything was upside down to him.

"As much as I love ramen… I'll need a more nutritious diet… of course, if I can recall, the villagers only sold me overpriced and spoiled goods…" the boy grabbed a cup of instant ramen and examined it with a smile. Reminiscing, he practically lived and grew up on ramen, more specifically instant ramen.

'First order of business, make my living arrangements better, much better' he thought as he looked around the room with those clear deep blue cerulean eyes 'Second is to practice strengthening my body and pay Kyuubi a visit' he patted his stomach, he did miss the furball, it was lonely those fifteen years of wandering and searching… 'And third is to fix everything with hopes of not messing up the timeline too much… Should be easy enough' the boy sniff, which only caused him to sneeze.

"Well I better get to cleaning this place… hehe, if Iruka-sensei heard me, he'd be so proud… wait, I can pay him a visit!" the boy beamed and hopped down to the floor, again dust rose "*Cough*, after I mop…" he tried to waved the dust from his face.


KH: Interested? Well the next chapter will be up soon, I don't mind if people don't review, cause I never have time to review other people's fic, unless it's really good. So, yeah, you all don't have to. I just hope you enjoy it, cause I enjoy writing for fun.