Master looks in the mirror one last time, adjusting me to fit snugly on his head before setting off. He won't stop fidgeting as he waits for Chelsea to answer the door. When she does, I can tell that she's surprised to see him.

"Do you want to go see the fireworks with me tomorrow?" Master asks nervously.

"I'd love to," she says almost immediately. "See you at six."

Master nods as she says goodbye and closes the door. He's grinning all the way back to the shop. Finally, these two love birds are together! My Master's finally grown up!

Oh my gosh, this is the last chapter! D:

I had a blast writing this and I hope you enjoyed reading it! Please leave a review :)

I asked this before but I'll ask again: Do you think I should turn theses drabbles into a longer story? If yes, should it still be in Vaughn's hat's POV? Thanks for any input.

~ E
